THE YOGIS OF TIBET - Rare Documentary Film


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Gosh, I came back to look for these links, having come across them earlier this evening, and there they are right at the top. Did you pin these today or at the time? I saw someone was looking for them/it and you'd said you'd find them. I'm back here because someone mentioned that the TBotD had got something definitely right. (I won't recommend the person to you because he's so inarticulate, stuttering and repetitive that it's infuriating to listen to.)

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I pinned them at the time! They are too precious to leave hidden in the body of the comments! Watching them is therapeutic to me.... enjoy! xx

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This has blown my mind, Frances. To be accurate, it has blown my heart! Reading this I got a powerful, visceral, memory of being in my late teens (early 70s) ready to commit suicide (long story, good reasons). During the mental torture I had a vision (like a dream but clear as day). A woman (wait a min, my heart's doing it again...), with the most kindly, deep and knowing eyes, whose face filled my sight. She was looking directly at me, calm as all eternity. She said not to do this. I can't recall her exact words but was left not only stunned, but in peace. I cannot thank her enough, nor you, Frances. xx

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This is really interesting. My only question is if we reincarnate, what happens to our consciousness? Does it fast forward all the way to the end of however many lives are left? Or is our death our conscious end?

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Does a drop of water remember everything it has done since the beginning of time? Does it combine its experiences with all the other drops when it helps to form a vast ocean? Will there ever be an end to water?

I think consciousness is like water. It may even BE water. Capable of being the finest mist particle, a babbling brook, a massive tsunami, a rock busting glacier and a devastating thunderstorm. I think of my consciousness like that. Ultimately, this means that it is not ‘mine’ as such…. but I know one thing for sure: It is eternal.

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Well said. Thank you for that!

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Great post, and right on target, imho!

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Bodhisattvas, compassionate beings who have postponed their own enlightenment to remain in this realm and help other sentient beings, are also described in texts and depicted in art as male, although the most revered of these, Avalokiteshvara sometimes assumes female form.

Maybe this has some relevance for your current incarnation? His female counterpart, the bodhisattva Tara may also be important as well as the role of the daikini of Padmasambhava.


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This is, apparently my first ever incarnation as a woman and I must say, I have enjoyed it.... for the most part. I think I might like to do it again! 😉

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I love that Bill hicks speech. It is SO OOOOO true. Here is one that you might like


As for your mission? I see no harm in it at all. I don't see any reality in it from my perspective, but then again, I've never been hypnotized so that I could find out what my past lives may have been. And sometimes I think we think things are the way they are because as we read them our mind does a loop making us think that we have been through the same thing again. Like where you write about reading the Book of the Dead and BELIEVING that you already knew what was in it.

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I don't know how I missed reading this comment when you posted it! However, I see it now and am sad that you have no experience of hypnosis to call upon. Perhaps you should give it a try and find out, like I did, that there is far more to you than you know.

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This story makes sense.

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I hav read somewhere before about this being a stage and we are merely players (actors) on it...

Fabulous Substack Frances! Just love reading your stuff!!!

I am reminded of the book, “Illusions”, by Richard Bach where Don Shimoda takes Richard to see a movie and uses it to explain to Richard that his life is just like that movie he is watching, not real but an “Illusion” and that we can choose what type of life we want to live before we get here on earth like watching a certain type of movie...

Just popped in my head...

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I remember when Bill Hicks appeared with this one concert appearance on Channel 4 in 1990 (?). I thought he was the funniest thing I'd ever come across. Needless to say, back then, this little excerpt went completely over my head. LOL.

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My daughter and I were discussing this this morning...the material world, the mission. etc...thanks for the confirmation...timing is everything!

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Life is just a ride. Thanks 🙏 for posting the Book of the Dead- have looked online but wary of sources

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Very interesting indeed , for me as well Incarnation/Reincarnation are LIVING truths , not philosophies from other religions. or new age woof woof . I understood this from a very young age and have had many , many experiences to support this. Later in life I would study and train to really understand , see and work with this . All the gnostic sects and practices understood this BEFORE the corrupted formal religions removed them. And even physics and quantum physics agrees energy cannot be destroyed it only changes form, and perhaps location. WE ARE WAY MORE THAN OUR BODIES. I wrote that in a song as well . SK

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I will change JR's comment (way at the bottom) to you are Spacial...as in dwelling in many levels, plains, domains, lives,.

I can just imagine you listening to your bosses tape and thinking "how interesting and wild is this...this door opening into a much larger room", then someone pulled the lever, the floor dropped out and you were deposited in Shambala. Quite the universal surprise gift.

It truly is all connected and interwoven.

Great comments below. I like SY's, positing that if sacred cows are coming back everyday as Llamas or Buddhas, things don't seem to be on the up-tic, as you would expect. It shows our collective narrow view of understanding, where enlightenment or improvement is concerned (no offense intended SY).

I don't think it follows a set equation..."let's see now...Fran comes back 10 times, enlightens 100 souls each time, who then do the same...so if they do that and a train leaves Paddington Station at 5pm, how much marmalade will the corner shoppe sell, by the end of the week...oh yea...solve for X". 😋

You may only help one, a hundred or none...each life...since their acceptance of teachings is not dependent or obligatory, on each re-incarnation.

I've only ever had two vaguely "similar" experiences.

I was still in the military and had made a side trip to Bavaria, on my way back from a deployment. I was stationed in Germany twice and Bavaria and Austria were my favorite places to go. I went to Das Kehlsteinhaus (Hitler's Eagle's Nest).


It is a beautiful location, in the mountains, witha hiking loop behind it. You can go off and climb down to a crag, hang your legs over a sheer drop and be alone. It was here, after eating brotchen and kasse (bread and cheese) and drinking in the beauty, that I settled in and did my rudimentary meditation...such as it was. Can't really explain how I got there, but I became aware of everything around me...not as in, I could sense critters around me...but more like I was connected to everything...but the mountain in particular. I'd never had that feeling before, it made sense (strange way to describe it).

The other thing that happened...not in dramatic fashion...was that I realized, that I was seeing everything at once. Let me explain that...it was like I was zoomed in on my little spot on the mountain...and then my perspective and view zoomed out to where I could see the earth.

Again, it was less WOW and more like, this feels normal and makes sense...even though it's never happened before.

I had that same experience when hiking/climbing (non technical) in the Rockies, except without the earth orbiter view.

Both times were gifts...as I saw them...from God. Allowing me to understand, that His creations are all connected and more vast than we can imagine, from our singular perspectives.

As the bard said “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

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Mountains have featured in my most profound moments too.

I once went on a fast/meditation for a week and ended it by climbing Cadair Idris in Wales. On the summit I had that sensation of being able to see the whole earth. It was so high that oxygen was thin, a mind altering thing in itself. Then, on the way down I stopped at a spring, loaded with moss and drank some water. When I continued on I was accompanied by a swarm of flies, buzzing closely around my head. After an unusually long time (in the life of a fly) I said to the swarm, "Thank you! Off you go now!" and they went away instantly!

Also -

In Spain, I lived on a mountain called Almanzor, which means Big Soul. I meditated a lot when I was there, because my off-grid fruit farm was remote and nobody came up that way to disturb me. I asked God, the Universe and Everything, why He/She/It does not accept the negative aspect of itself to return to be part of the whole. There was a sudden silence among all the birds in the trees, something which does happen from time to time.

It was as if Life itself had stopped to think.....

I remained still, waiting for several minutes. Then the chatter slowly resumed and I had the sensation that a profound connection was rekindled. I laughed at my ignorant question.

The idea that some part of the Universe or Life itself might be estranged from the whole was a man-made mind construct and had no existence in reality. The negative aspects of life are as much a part of the whole as even the purest chunk of carbon! A log of decaying wood is just as precious as a diamond because the seed or potential of the one was present in the other.

I danced around on the top of a huge multi-million year old white granite boulder, which had been scraped from Britain and dumped there in central Spain by a receding glacier during the last ice age, and I felt such a blood buzzing joy! I had the feeling that time and the Universe, were still very young and "undoubtedly the Universe is unfolding as it should" - to quote the Desiderata.

The south face of Almanzor was a Celtic city, 2,000 years ago, the evidence is easy to see in the hand built terraces and rocky tumble-down cottages which festoon the valleys around the 42 rivers pouring down to the Spanish plains below. A mere click of the fingers in earth's timeless journey and here was I, a privileged soft and naïve carbon-based lifeform, benefiting from living upon a fertile extinct volcano which had continuously maintained an amazing micro-climate that nurtured and protected a teaming array of life from the north winds and the blazing heat of the summer sun.

I was richer than Solomon, older than Methuselah and younger than a freshly made blood cell - all at the same exhilarating moment.

That great love and vision of life on its epic journey has never left me since.

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How very wonderful , I too have enjoyed Spain and had many experiences there , what a heavy history though , so much seems to still be trapped there from the traumas history has wrought upon this place , perhaps you did indeed release some of this with this experience.

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Mmmmm, thank you for that Frances!! It's a wonderful blanket of consciousness, you have swaddled me in. Very grateful!

I have times where I stop and think of how momentary we (humans) are, in comparison to all other things...especially the planets , stars and empty space, which we are made of.

Less deep of a thought, but always on my mind is...if I were given the chance to go on a deep space mission, with no return...we need you to report all you see, until your O2 runs out...I would jump at the chance with nary a second thought. To me it would be going home.

Ha...so now you know my spiritual depth...I long to be space trash...😂😂🤣🤣🤣🛸🛰

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You’re out of your everloving mind to believe such nonsense! The Devil has deceived you… big time! So I’m sure…nothing I say here will even make a dent….so I’ll stop with that….and save my breath! God help you to keep searching!

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"your everloving mind" being the only true thing you stated, I am rather glad you will be saving your breath. I do not believe in your imaginary friends or enemies so thank you for not inflicting such nonsense on me any more than you have already.


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Ill ditto your response here, some people have become so closed and programmed.

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Many many years ago doing couples therapy, trying to save my marriage, the therapist asked if I wanted to do some past life regression. I jumped at the opportunity. I asked what about my wife? He said, although she “might” be able to do it, it would take lots and lots of sessions, because one has to have the ability to let go of control. If you have the need to be in control all the time you’re not a good candidate do to the therapy. I have confirmed that with another friend who is a control freak, and he tried to do some P.L.R and he could never let go enough to make it happen.

So I did one session with him, and I have to say. Changed my life. He took me back to the mid 1800’s in the Wild West of California. I could hear me walking on the wooden sidewalks, it was a bustling town, the gold rush was in full swing. When I cam back, I asked why did I find the smells so intense? I could smell the horse manure, and the alcohol from the bars as I walked by. I could smell woman’s perfume. He said smell is the sense that travels best between lives.

After reading this I’m definitely going to pursue doing more PLR. Thank you for sharing this.

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My goodness! I think pursuing it could be even more life changing because the more we believe we can do a thing, the more it happens for us. Remembering previous lives is a mind-muscle that has atrophied due to lack of use. It just needs some exercise! xx

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i just read this piece again and sent it off to my step daughter because she's very interested in doing some P.L.R. work, and the more i read the comments i have always thought even from a young age, that perhaps we aren't here to learn anything, but we're here to remember. i have a feeling that we have all been here thousands of times, and that the lessons we have already learned, not it's time to remember so don't have to keep repeating the same lessons over and over again.

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And also it requires knowledge , without knowledge we dont have the neuro nets in our brains to SEE and KNOW advancing things, that is why so many are stuck in untested dogmatic beliefs. Our brains SEE , our eyes are just the lens/windows, otherwise the world would be upside down and backwards.

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That’s why bodybuilders use the term, “use your muscles memory, or don’t forget muscle has memory.”

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