May 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Hi Frances was hoping Elon would have fired up ur old Twitter Warship account after Max Igan's reappeared but no chance it seems;), what's the best article showing Ireland and UK are ultimately run by the same people? Head's annoyed after NI elections here

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Twitter requires me to have a mobile phone which I will not do, so I cannot return there, sorry! I don't trust Elon anyway!

I state repeatedly in many of my articles that nations are so last century!

The drive is now entirely globalist since WEF teamed up with the UN in June 2019.

Anyone thinking that nations have power should look at the proposals by the WHO for digital passports. We are to become Global Citizens, with social credit scores, compulsory medical intervention and totalitarian surveillance.

Stop voting. It is nothing but a test of compliance with a system that has already created the Prison Planet we have been warning about for decades.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Pity that, miss the troll exchanges;) See John Bowe getting nearly 1000 retweets of your MHRA exchange Hive article 4 days ago so your're still on it in that sense.

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Ah! That explains it turning up several times on GETTR unexpectedly. You should point him to my Substack version which is the 4th update. He shared the original from 2020.


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May 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Had a chance to read (still digesting _ being a High Contemplator type) _ the Rockwell, not to mention watching video on The Great Mannade River (destroyed by the Nobel Peace Prizer, O-bomb-a.)

Scamdemic covers 5G, ruinous economic lockdowns (unless you’re in the mega-verse of health (?), Essentials, and useless, poisonous untested jabs, or politics.) War covers money printing runaway inflation, and the purposeful sabotage of food. Gates buys US farmland, while Blackrock buys real estate.

Austin, Millis, et al talk trash and carry feather dusters. EU, Ireland, UK just keep on passing illegitimate mandates. Borders are fascist. Mis speak, Tweet, post, THINK and they’re blacklistng and/or coming to get you. It’s Hell in a Handbasket.

Be sure to tune in for the Grand Finale of “As The World Turns” or is it “Burns”?


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Love the little poem! xx

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

My God. The profound crime committed against Libya by NATO and the west is so unthinkable that no one in the west ever internalizes it no matter how “fair” they think they are. I was aware of the achievements under Gadaffi but your direct experiences really are such a valuable addition to understanding what was and what was destroyed. HRC’s cackling laughter over it galvanized my opinion that pure evil had solidified over DC.

I think of the fate of native Americans in North America and that is unthinkable too, but it blips past the synapses of practically everyone. My conservative cohort never considers any of the above at all. BUT my liberal cohort is truly F’d in the head. They go full indignant over the fate of indigenous peoples and American slaves but not when it comes to the depredations of the present empire. They’re beyond redemption because “their people” were the headliners in the crimes of the 21st century. They vomit up the fiction of the R2P propaganda op regarding Libya and it doesn’t take long for them to condescend against crazies who won’t get the “vaxx” and it’s a short hop skip and a jump to promoting the Snow White innocence of a NATO/Ukraine (and not incidentally nazi) state and the full demonization and nothing short of a genocidal hatred of Russia Russia Russia. One would see the blood dripping from their fangs were it not for their covidian masks. In these self identified “good” people I visage the same entity that produced thousands of buffalo carcasses in the American plains it deemed necessary (and enjoyable apparently) to eradicate the indigenous peoples, self righteousness notwithstanding. Any attempt at nudging the dialogue that direction has given me a sense of what a nuclear detonation looks like up close!

That a centuries long ultimate plan for the Russian land mass is a seamless continuation of the above is unthinkable to me. But there it is. Somehow the unthinkable is only thinkable after the unthinkable has happened. And western modern left is no better than anybody who won’t speak out against it let alone support it.

Being aware of crimes of the past is of no value if it doesn’t make one aware of and denounce the crimes in progress. I’ve said this to several who I thought were reachable to no avail. Among family, friends, and acquaintances I have just a few I can discuss such things with. For that I am grateful.

Thank you for this remarkable article.

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In continuation of my post on your "Challenge, part 4" publication:

Is it possible to achieve anything "real" at all? If the justice system, legal system, all governments are a total sham and inherently corrupt, can anything be done to change that?

I think those governments (and their "owners") want people to believe that activism could change things, but could any real change be achieved? Or those who have taken over the world, enslaving people and animals, exploiting the planet, stealing natural resources, etc. will continue doing so, as they have been for hundreds of years?

I think so. (https://1dissident.substack.com/p/in-bed-with-government-is-there-a?s=w)

I have come to the realization that it is foolish to believe that anything could be changed. I am so tired of being that fool that screams into the void whereas energy conversion efficiency remains invariably the same - 0%. (https://1dissident.substack.com/p/the-fifth-circuit-assists-in-crime?s=w)

The longer one plays that game, the longer she allows the fetid scumbags to play her false.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I just have to reply!

My father worked in Libya for +20 years. I lived there as a teenager every summer and Christmas vacation. We started there in ‘85 left in ‘99.

My father even met Gaddafi.

It was BEAUTIFUL. The people were gracious and I made many friends there. I am sure half of them are now dead or enslaved.

Thank you for writing this Frances, you are GOLDEN.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks for highlighting Libya/Gaddafi; what q wonderful, successful maturation of leadership; a man who said what he meant and meant what he said; he was not the first to try to exit The Reserve system. But their successes led to war, Color Revolution, false flag assassinations...

I haven't linked yet to any of the comment videos, but I have seen some with Gaddafi rolling through crowded neighborhoods, standing in an open convertible, waving, smiling, encouraging. Contrast that to heavy fencing around DC, motorcades of bulletproof Escalades and an ambulance, screaming through blockaded barren streets

One picky point: money is NOT printed from "thin air" as many of us, myself included, are apt to say. It must be quite expensive to set up a printing press; then there's paper, ink, imbedded markings, storage, guards, distribution, and bookkeeping. Maybe $1 per $100; don't know, could be $1 per $1,000,000 once you're rolling. Remember Joe B whispering "And it's not going to cost you a thing_not one penny." Of course, he does not take into account my soul, life, or pursuits.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Khillary Clinton on Gaddafi: "We came, we saw, we KILLED, he died"

Mike Pompeo: 'We lied, we cheated, we stole, we Murdered'

Clinton admitted officially that Obama killed Gaddafi because he wanted to drop the USD for oil sales.

The same is true for Saddam Hussein who wanted to drop the USD for oil sales.

What the majority of the population doesn't know is the existence of the PetroDollar. After the Gold standard was discontinued by Nixon in 1971 ($ unpegged from gold), the US agreed with Saudi Arabia to always sell its oil in USD and convinced other oil producing countries to do the same. From there on, the US only had to print fiat money out of thin air to buy whatever it needed - including military adventures financing. By so doing, those who accept the $ accepts the US inflation exports and are giving physical goods and services in exchange for empty papers - the US national debt is now $30Trillion vs a GDP of $22Trillion. Does that mean bankruptcy? up to the reader to decide.

Anyway, the wars in Iraq, Libya and Ukraine are all related. The Globalistan mafia wants to destroy Russia because they are planning (with China) a new monetary system based of gold and commodities.

The funny thing is that the war in Ukraine has accelerated the process instead of delaying it.

By confiscating Russian assets in Europe and US, the Ruble is now pegged to gold and all energy sales to the EU are in Ruble. If you don't pay in Ruble, we cut the gas supplies.

If you check the Euro/RUB and USD/RUB exchange rates you'll be surprised....

The end of another empire is written on the wall.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

The hundred trillion dollar question is whether Russia-China are actually working with the globalists to establish a New World Order (by wrecking the dollar) or if they're truly opposed to the NWO. Unfortunately, it's probably the former.


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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

This is part of the BRICS project that is detailed on their website. It's not a hidden agenda. You'll notice that India, Brazil, South Africa and China have resisted the US pressure to condemn Russia.


(the site has been hanging for 1 week now - I don't know who's hacking it).

Even today, Lula (running again for president) in Brazil was calling for a new monetary system not related to the $.

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deletedMay 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

You missed HC's exclamation point: the diabolical cackle while nearly falling out of the upholstered chair!

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Good catch, I always type Killary Clinton but I just copied the text from the web without modifying it.

If you've ever read the Clintons body count report, there is no way you can call that woman by a human name. She's the reincarnation of a dung beetle.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I need good news so bad, I misread your title as the Immortality of the Free World....ah, well....

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Some good news below:


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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

thanks N...mocking is effective in many cases, but not quite effective enough if you ask me. But it is an important first step. I hesitate to send it to the folks in my life who most need to see it; why? Bec kill the messenger is still the response. But I will send it.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I suggest you send one of the below links first to test the waters before sending the real one.

Tru South and Martin Pk – Not For Sale


Truth and solidarity amidst the scamdemic and abuse


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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

thanks also N...I am such a pagan, its hard to hear lots of Jesus references for me...funny too, for that vid, to say 'NOT FOR SALE' but not to explain that the answer wont be on your cellphone....that the inculcation starts there ...these days.....Trozzi rules....best

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There's no reason to believe that Jesus wouldn't have been chummy with pagans... I like Jesus, but I'm not a follower of the religion named after him... They utterly dumped all the Feminine out of it... You've maybe heard about "The Word" (Jesus)-- The Word was Wisdom, and the name of Wisdom was not Jesus, but SOPHIA... the Feminine. There's all kinds of little jigs and jags when it comes to religion, so I just keep it simple and worship the Holy, and I don't try to define it. That's just me, though... We all find our own way to think about that which cannot be defined... xo

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

When they say God I say Dog!.....haven't figured out what to sub for the Jesus...!

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

What about the second one? I don't recall he says anything about religion...

BTW: I have no religion, my interest is in the message and I can't guess who's religious or who's not. They've used this message in South Africa to force their government to send 10million doses of clot shots to the dumpsters - that's what is important.

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

thanks for that....seems news travels fast, what with people who's relatives live all over the globe....and phones, surveilled but flowing

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May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

that one is a tear jerker, for me...sorry i didnt mention that...thanks....

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If they have been jabbed they are beyond our help.

They were beyond our help 2 years ago when they agreed that we should be silenced and censored.

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deletedMay 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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This was soooo evil!!!! And they called the bomb something... what was it, I've forgotten now, but it was an insult to severe injury... so typical of the pathologically cruel US MIC... How that's covered up, too! Good show bringing that in.

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deletedMay 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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May 10, 2022·edited May 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

geez... parallels to California... depriving us of abundant clean water aquifer, but instead of military action, attacks against the citizenry are via legislation & lawsuits.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022Author

I am in the UK. All 3 of the bitchute links you have provided are restricted in my country. This shows you how much the truth is hidden from us Brits. Using a VPN I have by-passed the censorship.

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deletedMay 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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I read an article about the water works and the African Monetary Fund a few years back... Not sure where I have it, but I saved it, I think. I definitely think what you're saying is the case. And yes, he was murdered... When I saw Killary talking about how "We came, we saw, he died," I was shocked at her apparent glee... Then I remember watching her and Obama and some others, watching Bin Laden be murdered, watching it on a video... and the look on her face... That was when I knew for sure she was a psychopath. Damn.

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