By coincidence I saw a recommendation for the book about Anastasia. It describes a woman living deep in the Siberian tundra and how she survives. I am finding it most enlightening so far.
Just downloaded that! Thanks. Probably more added to my archive than for immediate reading, though it looks v interesting. I needed to use Opera to get it (VPN). Either Chrome or my ISP (or both) seem not to bother servicing requests to get to the Wayback Machine any more - another reminder to keep something like a hard copy of everything.
Incidentally, backing up documents on DVD-Rs is an excellent alternative to a truly hard copy; even preferable, I'd say. Though the chance of an EMP is vanishingly slim (I don't know how you do one without knocking yourself out of the sky first and I personally don't believe nuclear weapons exist) I think they survive those. If they don't, then they certainly will do inside an old paint tin. But most importantly they are not attached to the internet and can't be moth and rusted by bad actors. (I can't tell you how many pdfs I have that don't work...)
I am reading the tome right now but my ear burned so I checked notifications to find that you had commented on this very unusual series of books. Given the content, I was not at all surprised that my ear burned! lol
I am working my way through the Ringing Cedars of Russia - it is a very long series of books but quite fascinating. Thanks for giving me the links to your related posts! xx
Oh, how funny! This is just the sort of area I've been into of late. And even more woo-woo than this. :) In fact it's almost a complete turnaround from chasing down conspiracies and working out who's on the list of baddies. LOL.
In answer to the first question, I'm dead sure our memories aren't stored in our brains. Maybe a bit of processing goes on before they get laid down but otherwise I think it acts much more as a transceiver. I think the scale of what goes on is going to be way above anything we imagine and that we probably lay down a superfine, pixel-perfect, 360 degree image of every moment of our life, along with sounds, feelings, thoughts, emotions of others, motives, emotional context and much, much more. By comparison to the complexity the Universe we're a hand-cranked machine and our horizons and processing power are incredibly limited while we're down here in this hell-hole. 1% of what's possible is going to be an over-estimate of quite how limited we are. This point of view seems to be backed up by NDE accounts - and I must have watched or listened to 400 or so by now - where people get not just a life review in incredible detail but also get to feel the reactions of those around them.
If we take that timeless realm that NDEers are in during their experience, it's not hard to think that all events are still there, and accessible. That doesn't quite take in account the creation or projection of our reality which can include changing events in the past, or at least resolving their karma, but one can imagine being able to go any event in the past (and probably future too) and see the definitive record of what happened, because it's still there! I visualise the passing of time as a series of slices of the the world all stacked in a line, like frames of a movie or flicking through cards to make your motion picture. You then just pick out the card(s) you want to look at that time.
Funnily enough, one of the things that has happened to me over the last 10 years or so is that my memories have become much less like just recalling something and more like going back there and living it again. This hit a peak about 2 years ago and at times was so trippy that I didn't feel pinned down in the normal present time. I even wondered whether I was actually there in the present time. (And, no, there were no drugs, and not even alcohol.)
The Akashic Halls seem to be very much a "place", and a place of enormous grandeur (which I guess is very fitting). Certainly the accounts of them that I can bring to mind say so. From the persective I've described above they would seem to be a second record and presumably, because of that air of them being a huge library, carefully indexed to make the information that much more directly accessible.
I love your account of being walked through, Frances, and wish I'd had an experience of something like that. I think I've only had one experience of the angelic realm and that was more than 10 years ago, in either 2011 or 2012. But from it I can vouch for all that information being freely available. As I was being taken off the Earth (which incidentally was black with evil and sorrow, with just a few bonfires of light and hope), I could hear everyone's thoughts and feelings, and could easily focus down on individuals or couples and get the entire picture, including the background. It was utterly heartbreaking to see the depth of sadness and how everyone on Earth was so completely deceived, apart from those pockets of light.
There is another place, or realm, that people have given accounts of (and I've been there once in a dream - maybe more than once but I can't be sure) which give further confirmation that this information is available - indeed all information is available. There you can ask any question you like and get the fullest possible answers given to you. Or to whatever depth you want, though that's usually pretty damn deep as there doesn't seem to be any limit to our ability to understand and everything is made incredibly simple, it seems. When I was there in my dream, I wondered if there was anything you weren't allowed to know, so I asked a question that I knew would lead to evil. The answers and understanding started coming straight back without any restriction. (I don't remember what the question was - probably something like the secrets to banking - and I didn't take it all the way, but I was satisfied that there was nothing you weren't allowed to know.
This whole thing is actually rather reassuring because it means that nothing you have learnt, come to understand, or things that you might have had a special insight into, dies with you. In this realm, which may well be changing, it helps to have it written down, but ultimately it doesn't have to be in a book or online because people will be able to pick it from the air. This is great from the perspective of us not thinking that our life is meaningless or that we haven't been recognised or achieved all that we wanted to. It is also one of the possible mechanisms by which we might defeat the controllers. Them sidling up to you offering a deal, or a new bank loan, isn't going to work if you can see their motives and the cascade of ramifications descending from accepting their offer. They are going to be completely out of business, and rightly despised. This will be true across so many areas of commerce (or law or politics or medicine...) and they'll all slide down to the starting row of their game of snakes and ladders, assuming they even dare to show their faces.
Two people who I know visit the Akashic Records regularly are the wonderful Norma Edwards and, someone who is fairly new to YouTube, Athena of Human Witness. I'd also like to mention Michael William Denny, who I've only very recently come across but in just two interviews (one with JeffMara and one with Rex Bear) and a couple of videos has helped me piece together some big parts of what the structure of this reality might be. I'm going to be devouring his videos over the next couple of weeks because he has some striking understandings that have really made me prick up my ears. his YouTube channel is called ThunderWizarddotcom. I don't really watch Rex Bear that often, though he is quite fun, but if someone wants to start on Michael Denny his interview with Rex is a good place to start and can be found here: and Rex is in good form.
Very interesting indeed , here is my 10 cents worth. Some memories are stored in the brain, upon the passing of the body from this reality , those may be lost depending upon the level of conscious development. The rest is stored in the SOUL near the heart cavity and in the electromagnetic bands surrounding the body, of which there are actually 2, popularly called the aura . Upon passing the info is spun out of the bands , and is what creates the holographic experiences of NDE or actual passing. If one follows the false light tunnel which is VERY powerful pull , it will lead to the light review of ones life, spun out of those bands. You get to relive it , but it can be very painful because you experience the feelings and emotions of all those other characters in the play of your life , and if you "done them wrong" you experience what that was like in their experience. If your heavy laden with emotion , guilt , perversions and addictions , this is stripped in the light by what is called the "lords of the light" . You only take what you really OWN as wisdom. If your consciously developed enough there is another option, ask the right questions and look for a slit to the right that leads to the void , the formless form of all potentials. This way the stripping wont occur, many other places are accessible , and much is retained for future incarnations. This stripping and feeding of emotional energy is what keeps most humans and this planet from evolving greater, because we have to start over and over with short life spans . Some have called this greatest of all conspiracies as controlled by Archons and other beings working in joint efforts to keep this planet in turmoil and chaos. hence everything reported here by our wonderful Frances. The Akashic records exist but it is all in bands of frequency. Its all accessible if we open and utilize the other 90% of our brain capacity and matching "junk "DNA. "They "know we are about to break through this very boring, redundant, and painful state hence the TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA to stop this, and keep us in this feeding frenzy and keep us slaves , with no possibility of escape. Do not comply , do not accept , ask greater questions, live greater truth. SK
What you call "Akashic" is the experience of the Psychic Memory. It is actually a natural property of the "Silent Mind." Our typical mental experience, with all the analytical things we train ourselves to do with the mind, leads us into having a very "noisy" mind and in some cases is refereed to as mental diarrhea. The more silent you are, the closer you are to experiencing true sight, true knowing. The nature of what we really are, is consciousness; we are not the body, the mind nor the emotional senses. All physical existentiality is a result of consciousness, not dead inertia such as what science proclaims. The wholeness of the cosmos vibrates at a frequency and is it's form of energy. All consciousness is One coming from Oneness. The nature of True Absolute Being. At the higher frequencies of Mind, there is only one -- the same applies to Memory. We don't really exist as separate beings, yet through our birth, we experience the self from the vantage point of the Individualized sense. In my post on Individual Sovereignty, I stated:
"The true nature of being is formless, yet it is all there ever was, or ever could be. All physical forms are caused by a formless reality that is standing behind it. Temporarily participating in this experience called “human,” each experience of Being are a focal point of infinite awareness. This makes each human being sovereign because the experience is observed from the vantage point of the Eternal Self; clothed in the ideation of Individual Hood. The Eternal “I,” True Being; that is both The Observer and The Observed, is One coming from Oneness. To stand within and observe the One in its myriad forms of Life; within the expression of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss. The fastest route to realization of this truth is Love."
The other way that I know of; the way I took was through the Silent Mind. Through this "Stillness" knowledge itself just flows through you, you are it's conduit, same applies to the eternal memory. I've had some truly wordless experiences from this.
Thanks. I definately have times of suffering from mental diarherra, I've been calling those as such too (and thought it my creation lol). Thank you for you post, it's along my way of perceiving my life.
Frances, I was going to ask you if you would do a post more along these lines and here it be.
I've been wanting to share with you that I have a massive burdock growing right near a window where I usually sit. I noticed it's leaves last year, massive and close to ground. This is my fourth year here.
There is also a large patch of milkweed, that also started last year, heavy with blooms.
I was reminded of your story about your renter and a plant growing near him that was healing of something that ailed him.
As to what you wrote and Nefahotep as well, I have had this experience of the silent mind, of channeling and oneness and love.
When I write in a particular way it seems to just flow through me. I often don't understand the layers of what I have written for awhile. I have often felt this way in creating, dancing, singing, a feeling of flow and connection to something much more vast than the confines of my physical form. And yet my form, my being, is part of it.
Burdock was originally a Japanese healing herb that is now found all over the world. It is prized in British herbal medicine as a detox for the liver. It has even been marketed as a fizzy drink in combination with Dandelion.
Milkweed is common in the Americas, not in Europe. I read that it is encouraged to grow to attract Monarch butterflies into your gardens. It is considered too toxic to be used medicinally.
Nefahotep's explanation is so carefully constructed that it is an artform! He understands what I am talking about.
Lovin’ this thread of comments … really beautiful 💓
I too had been wondering about you, Frances … missing your posts … and then you come up with this one which encourages Nefahtep’s brilliant comment … please facilitate more along these lines (if you are so minded) as it raises vibrations which is just what we need … thank you Frances for your amazing wisdom and for bringing this discussion forward 💖
I realise that I have been a bit inactive on Substack recently. I had a brief episode of illness which made me feel very muddle-headed for about 6 weeks. With fasting and distilled water I seem to have cleared it now.
I had to pin Nefahotep's comment. It is indeed brilliant!
Milkweed is also a host plant to Monarch's laying their eggs. (my eyes are crossed today)
I am letting the land here be wild. There are daylilies a couple feet from my perch. A hummingbird comes to feed. I hear it's hum in the gentle silence here.
Akashic hall of records, all new to me (A vaste collection, pristine in perfection) haven't had any experiences like this but I am currently experiencing my mother in law who has dementia, going through the nights talking to so many people, putting her hand out to them, all chaotic in nature and not a clear sentence to make head or tails of, reminds me of the TV when you lose signal with all the missed shaped images on the screen, you know there is a picture there but you can't make it out, how does this chaotic mind of dementia fit into this pristine in perfection hall of records, is this the dementia section that plays over and over again and were is the love in this suffering, if Akashic values are based around love, why does the soul then punish the body, is suffering a part of love and why?. If everything has already been scripted then can someone explain how this script plays out apart from the obvious script and how long we have to go on watching the demise of a loved soul.
That description of your mum in law's chats with the unseen is so poignant. You are so sweet about her. Few people can muster up the patience to deal with dementia.
I like to think that the soul is pristine but residing in a fragile body which suffers misadventure. There are reasons for dementia and I am convinced that insufficient research is being done because elderly people are 'expected' to suffer and die.
My father developed Alzheimer's immediately following surgery in which he was administered anaesthetics. I think that medicine uses extremely toxic substances and if those get through the blood/brain barrier they cause brain damage. Some autopsies have shown large amounts of aluminium in the brain. Aluminium is an adjuvant in vaccines and has long been suspected to cause Autism, which is also catastrophic brain damage. This is my personal opinion, of course. Undoubtedly 'the science' will employ plausible deniability in fear of a deluge of law suits.
Great song from Marc Broussard! Many thanks and much love to you and yours! xx
Memory is stored by the soul not by the brain. The nervous system is a biological antenna that connects the soul, which is mostly in the spirit realm, through a dimension doorway to the body. We are souls. During our time in this earthly realm we have bodies which we animate.
Sleep is necessary every so often to allow the soul to heal. While the pineal gland is healthy, it produces melatonin to help the body heal at the same time.
Yes, there are structures in the brain associated with memory which change as particular memories are accessed. They change in exactly the way you would expect an antenna to change.
I have been thinking about your theory. I like the way you see the nervous system as a biological antenna but would go further.....
Maybe the whole body (being electrical in nature) is an antenna? I know that my hair stands on end for certain sounds; my ears burn with incoming psychic connections; I can look at fruit or flowers through a screen or photograph and I can smell them; I shudder with horror and I shake visibly when I am in fear.... but most curiously I can feel someone looking at me from a great distance! All of these things are involuntary reactions.
Maybe electro-magnetic radiation/frequencies or pulses are messing with our antenna to such an extent that they are making us progressively very sick, as Arthur Firstenberg attests in his book The Invisible Rainbow.
Maybe they are also damaging our souls.... Maybe that is what depression is.....
It is all guesswork of course and 'the science' doesn't want us to think about any of this because we might rain on their parade.
One other point came to mind also: People who have had limbs amputated frequently report lost memories. This would suggest that memories are stored in the cells or maybe even the bones.... or even, as you suggest.... in the nervous system.
Fascinating subject, so poorly understood. Thanks for your input.
Yes. If the whole body is an antenna the loss of a limb would change how it works. Maybe the memories are still there but aren't accessible because of the missing limb. It also makes sense that the cells store information.
In fish there is a sense organ called the lateral line organ that helps fish detect predators around them. Its workings are somewhat of a mystery, but we might have something similar.
I have had the experience of staring at a car and then the driver of that car suddenly looks at me. And I have been looking elsewhere and perceived, I don't know how, someone looking my way and looked up.
I believe our souls are always connected to God in the way that acorns are connected to an oak tree. So the information about "someone is looking at me" could come through that connexion.
As for "the science" it is easy to understand. I have a meme in mind. It shows a man wearing a lab coat with a magnifying glass carefully inspecting a large wad of hundred dollar bills.
Science was long ago corrupted by Rockefeller money. Then they corrupted the govt which corrupts science even more.
I don't believe in a godhead as such, however I do perceive that all life is connected and communicates very subtly. One thing that all life has in common is water. Maybe water is the connecting factor?
I have direct personal experience of God, Jesus, Mother Mary, and Saint Gertrude, among others. I shall read your water essay. Thank you. God bless you. Amen.
I meant no disrespect, chose a poor word to express the subtlety of those perspectives. I refuse to discount you or your opinion as I clearly stated my own. It can change, through continued discourse…
That is the fun of Substack…
Also, further in the comment I expressed that the Bible VEHEMENTLY expresses itself throughout as “the truth”.
Those writings seem more subtle, IMHO.
Lastly, I concur regarding Christianity and man-directed “RELIGIONS” in general…
Including modern “science”
Am NOT a follower of nor
will I be “Baptized” into any oppressive religion that screams and beats me over the head that their way, system is the be all end all…
We see it coming from the powers at present and can predict the outcome from history…
I wanted to refute the Bible, and believed if I were to do so, then I better have an idea of what I was disputing…
That in a nutshell is what I am suggesting to readers.
Just as we have experienced “out of body” etc. we must encourage one another to explore various avenues…
Yes, I do think that dreaming and meditation are linked. I dare say a scientist would choose to explain that by observing complicated brainwave patterns.
Maybe the 'dehumanising' times are being perpetrated to prevent us from accessing our highest vibrations? The globalists do love to pursue their idea of the 'singularity' as if we don't have that already! How dumb ARE these people? 😂
While was in bed sleeping one night, I awoke suddenly and saw a white figure at the foot of my bed, shining like a holy ghost, who told me that I should launch the online company I had wrote a business plan for. The website domain was to be where people from all over the world could share their religious, spiritual, philosophical, intellectual, etc. thoughts on a public forum that would attempt to formulate a Hegalian conclusion to the mystery of the spirit world. Sort of like what Meta is now but focused on spiritual synchronicity.
Unfortunately, it never came to life because I was just on the verge of entering a dark depression that would last for years. This was in 1997 when the Internet was still in its infancy. I'm sure it would have been hacked or shut down if it ever became a reality. 😵💫
Oh wow, what a fantastic experience! It would seem that the original idea for an online company was way ahead of its time! I notice that the domain for that website could be available for purchase but the owner may want to milk you....
There is nothing to stop you creating a website with a slightly different name or even a completely different name.
It is a very interesting idea.
Further - you sinking into a protracted depression may have been a good thing.... it gave you time to ruminate upon your idea, to develop it..... BUT you had to deal with some negative influences first.
Do you think you are ready to launch the idea now?
Thank you for your reply, Frances. I had that domain name for 3 years during my period of depression but lost it because I didn't care anymore about much of anything.
To answer your question: yes, I'd be interested in launching the online version of the concept but only if I had a solid team of amazing people who could support the initiative financially and assist in the development, implementation and development of the online property.
The Original Dianetics & Scientology Auditing from 1950, was nothing else - but the hitherto most professional & scientific approach, by American all-around genius L. Ron Hubbard, into exactly THAT spiritual realm of the MIND - which has been known by the most advanced teachers of most other cultures & again BUDDHIST teachers call the "Akashic Record".
THAT is WHY the American CIA & the FBI colluded long before 1972 to destroy it by a STEALTH WAR - not unlike every other WAR of the American Empire of LIES - from the censored GENOCIDE on the American Indians to the censored global Covid-19 / SARS-Cov-2 BIO-TERROR-WAR for censored "DEPOPULATION" & last but not least the latest & ever expanding censored WAR against Russia, which is just the camouflage for World WAR III & it's SATANIC goal of absolute global domination from the OLD Testament of the ANTI-Christians with it's "sanctions" & all the other FAKE teachings of the "VICIOUS CYCLE" of never ending war . . .
Thank you Frances. First of all I want you to know that on my barefoot walking this morning you had suddenly popped in my head like, nothing from you in a long time and, hope she is well, sort of thoughts. And look, this just came to me 😊
I haven't come across Akashic Records before but have always been believer in some ethereal, cosmic realm where all thoughts, emotions and such (generated by our conscious and unconscious mind are flowing around (you know, vibrations and frequencies). Bless you dear Frances, now I can explore this further. ❤️
Given my chequered past, I would appreciate the opportunity to tidy my records up a bit.... hide some.... maybe shove a pretty pot of flowers in front of certain bits! 😂
Thank you I am not familiar with it. Perhaps that is where the word “faith” presents itself.
The folks here like Frances are posting relevant information from research, philosophy and mysticism who have helped many persons to search deeper into themselves. Many have learned to to turn away from searching for external solutions, such as man-designed “religion” or man- experienced mysticism. Learning to dig deep inside the psyche to ask “What is Truth”?
Each person must walk their own path, but for whatever reason… many Bibles can sit on a shelf collecting dust.
Yet the likes of Nostradamus, Darwin, or Mohammed can present a portion of a story, and many may devote their life to that study, while STILL attacking the one book sitting on the shelf as untrue, without ever having read through the book at least once!
In addition, Frances , has helped to guide and protect my family and many others through these past years. In NO WAY am I discounting her personal journey, we all have our own.
I am suggesting if we want “truths” there is an entire book, which screams it is TRUTH, I never realized it, yet to this day does anyone know any other document which professes this on almost every other page? 🤣
Darwin?! Are you kidding? Apart from Evolution being possibly one of the stupidest ideas mankind has ever come up with, you would be hard pushed to find anyone more firmly and obviously on the "other side". Aside from his closeness to the Huxleys "Evolution" has been one of the foundation stones of the Establishment and has led directly to the present transhumanist agenda and insane loons like Yuval Noah Harari, to whom 7/8ths of mankind is superfluous. And the remainder are only useful as slaves. No single idea has ever done as much work against God as "evolution".
I was once a committed Christian and I'm sorry to tell you that my view now is that, in spiritual terms, it's really an infants school, at best. At worst, Catholicism and the Vatican are unutterably evil and we can tell that the Anglican Church - very likely still a subordinate of Catholicism - is a secular enterprise by the fact there's an Old Etonian at its helm. Unforgiveably, it supported lockdown and helped push the vaccine death jab agenda. The idea of the Bible being the untouched and "inerrant word of God" is hopelessly naive and it most certainly not a repository of "truth". If anything it is there to keep you FROM truth, to keep you under the controlling cosh of religion, denying your own spiritual birthright. There isn't actually much wisdom to be found in the Bible, especially once you have realised that the capricious, controlling and genocidal God of the Old Testament is also Satan, the god of this world. (For an explanation of this, see Israel Anderson's excellent "Two Gardens and a Snake", which can be found here: In fact I don't think even Israel Anderson, who is infuriatingly self-regarding and dogmatic, has quite the full picture.
I still have plenty of time for Christians and Christianity (when it is not used as a cover for promoting evil) but it is only a few steps along the path. And my view of the Christian Church may even be out of date, with it doing more harm than good these days. Besides, it's packed with intelligence operatives cloaking themselves in goodness.
🙌 great analogies - “primary school at best” and “only a few steps along the path” … just what I’ve been thinking about Christianity increasingly of late (but could not have expressed so well!)
The scary part is quite how much Christianity keeps you away from true wisdom. Aside from hiding it, burning it, obscuring it in deliberate misinterpretations, there's that blanket warning against everything Pagan leading you directly to Hell and Satan. I still have a remnant of this fear to this day. It is utterly unconscionable to do this to people. Remember that if they are making it look scary, there's a reason they don't want you looking behind it.
I do sometimes worry about my talent for being rude, but thank you for appreciating it. I wonder if I have some subconscious desire to reach Christopher Hitchens levels of derision. LOL. :) To quote him speaking on the the death of the late, great Jerry Falwell, "I only wish there were a Hell for him to go to.". This is equally applicable to the misguided panoply of churches that make up Christianity, as well as their corrupt and usually kiddy-fiddling leaders.
As Elizabeth says somewhere on this thread, the solution is all inside. And that's what the church wants to keep you away from knowing. (And it's basically handing you rusks instead.)
Mmmm - that strikes a chord - something of an unconscious chord methinks - I know what you mean about that “remnant of fear to this day” about things pagan, about clairvoyance etc … and I can’t really recall where that came from, but it did sometime during my childhood! It’s only quite recently, mainly through observing my own daughter’s spiritual growth, that I’ve been seeing through this b*lls#*t indoctrination !! Late to the party and lots to learn … but very keen and willing (even at my ripe old age). Please do keep on with your talent for being rude … I’ve loved your astute observations
I know of many other 'documents' which gently offer truth.
The Prophet, Tao Te Ching, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, The Invisible Rainbow and a list of other books which silently gather dust alongside the Holy Bible on my shelves.
The Bible has been censored as ANY other book or philosophy - so BEFORE studying any book on any topic - LEARN how to identify LIES first.
JESUS from NAZARETH was teaching ETERNAL life - but in 325 AD THIS MOST VITAL PART OF CHRISTIANITY WAS CENSORED - so you do NOT find this in the Bible any more!
CENSORING THE TRUTH is as old as humanity - so the FIRST lesson in any study should be to get the UNCENSORED truth - which means you must be a forensic & medical detective, to separate what the university offers to you from the LIES within . . . !
Agree! Imho, the Bible is NOT as gentle. Those are indeed similar yet incomplete offshoots and good supplemental support for biblical philosophy... yet they do not seem to profess themselves as TRUTH as vehemently as the Bible does. ( now, I could NEVER speak of that with such confidence if I had not decided to read the darn thing! LOL ) I read it so I could speak AGAINST it, and here I am... backing the Bible up! ) Oh MY!
Frances, agree the word chosen “offshoot” was indeed inappropriate. Please accept my apology.
I too agree that Christianity is another “man-made” construct, as I was not speaking to that.
In addition, the remainder of the comment was that as opposed to the fore-mentioned philosophies, the Book of the Bible, Vehemently professes itself as irrefutable.
Which I found fascination.
I read it to dispute it...and it was an eye opener.
Debate and conversation are wonderful, enjoying the thread...
Yes, the topic of this post is indeed extremely old! It has its roots in Hinduism and Taoism, both of which are far older than the Bible.
I was familiar with the Bible long before I came across Taoism, which led me to herbal medicine and martial arts. In fact, it was astonishing to me to discover the teachings and especially the parables attributed to Jesus used in ancient China to explain the concepts of Yin, Yang and Chi.
Do let us have your thoughts and comments when you’ve explored … I’ve had a very quick glance (no time for more right now) … feels like it needs considerable time and attention to absorb all the info … very fascinating
By coincidence I saw a recommendation for the book about Anastasia. It describes a woman living deep in the Siberian tundra and how she survives. I am finding it most enlightening so far.
Here is the full pdf:
Just downloaded that! Thanks. Probably more added to my archive than for immediate reading, though it looks v interesting. I needed to use Opera to get it (VPN). Either Chrome or my ISP (or both) seem not to bother servicing requests to get to the Wayback Machine any more - another reminder to keep something like a hard copy of everything.
Incidentally, backing up documents on DVD-Rs is an excellent alternative to a truly hard copy; even preferable, I'd say. Though the chance of an EMP is vanishingly slim (I don't know how you do one without knocking yourself out of the sky first and I personally don't believe nuclear weapons exist) I think they survive those. If they don't, then they certainly will do inside an old paint tin. But most importantly they are not attached to the internet and can't be moth and rusted by bad actors. (I can't tell you how many pdfs I have that don't work...)
I am reading the tome right now but my ear burned so I checked notifications to find that you had commented on this very unusual series of books. Given the content, I was not at all surprised that my ear burned! lol
I am working my way through the Ringing Cedars of Russia - it is a very long series of books but quite fascinating. Thanks for giving me the links to your related posts! xx
Oh, how funny! This is just the sort of area I've been into of late. And even more woo-woo than this. :) In fact it's almost a complete turnaround from chasing down conspiracies and working out who's on the list of baddies. LOL.
In answer to the first question, I'm dead sure our memories aren't stored in our brains. Maybe a bit of processing goes on before they get laid down but otherwise I think it acts much more as a transceiver. I think the scale of what goes on is going to be way above anything we imagine and that we probably lay down a superfine, pixel-perfect, 360 degree image of every moment of our life, along with sounds, feelings, thoughts, emotions of others, motives, emotional context and much, much more. By comparison to the complexity the Universe we're a hand-cranked machine and our horizons and processing power are incredibly limited while we're down here in this hell-hole. 1% of what's possible is going to be an over-estimate of quite how limited we are. This point of view seems to be backed up by NDE accounts - and I must have watched or listened to 400 or so by now - where people get not just a life review in incredible detail but also get to feel the reactions of those around them.
If we take that timeless realm that NDEers are in during their experience, it's not hard to think that all events are still there, and accessible. That doesn't quite take in account the creation or projection of our reality which can include changing events in the past, or at least resolving their karma, but one can imagine being able to go any event in the past (and probably future too) and see the definitive record of what happened, because it's still there! I visualise the passing of time as a series of slices of the the world all stacked in a line, like frames of a movie or flicking through cards to make your motion picture. You then just pick out the card(s) you want to look at that time.
Funnily enough, one of the things that has happened to me over the last 10 years or so is that my memories have become much less like just recalling something and more like going back there and living it again. This hit a peak about 2 years ago and at times was so trippy that I didn't feel pinned down in the normal present time. I even wondered whether I was actually there in the present time. (And, no, there were no drugs, and not even alcohol.)
The Akashic Halls seem to be very much a "place", and a place of enormous grandeur (which I guess is very fitting). Certainly the accounts of them that I can bring to mind say so. From the persective I've described above they would seem to be a second record and presumably, because of that air of them being a huge library, carefully indexed to make the information that much more directly accessible.
I love your account of being walked through, Frances, and wish I'd had an experience of something like that. I think I've only had one experience of the angelic realm and that was more than 10 years ago, in either 2011 or 2012. But from it I can vouch for all that information being freely available. As I was being taken off the Earth (which incidentally was black with evil and sorrow, with just a few bonfires of light and hope), I could hear everyone's thoughts and feelings, and could easily focus down on individuals or couples and get the entire picture, including the background. It was utterly heartbreaking to see the depth of sadness and how everyone on Earth was so completely deceived, apart from those pockets of light.
There is another place, or realm, that people have given accounts of (and I've been there once in a dream - maybe more than once but I can't be sure) which give further confirmation that this information is available - indeed all information is available. There you can ask any question you like and get the fullest possible answers given to you. Or to whatever depth you want, though that's usually pretty damn deep as there doesn't seem to be any limit to our ability to understand and everything is made incredibly simple, it seems. When I was there in my dream, I wondered if there was anything you weren't allowed to know, so I asked a question that I knew would lead to evil. The answers and understanding started coming straight back without any restriction. (I don't remember what the question was - probably something like the secrets to banking - and I didn't take it all the way, but I was satisfied that there was nothing you weren't allowed to know.
This whole thing is actually rather reassuring because it means that nothing you have learnt, come to understand, or things that you might have had a special insight into, dies with you. In this realm, which may well be changing, it helps to have it written down, but ultimately it doesn't have to be in a book or online because people will be able to pick it from the air. This is great from the perspective of us not thinking that our life is meaningless or that we haven't been recognised or achieved all that we wanted to. It is also one of the possible mechanisms by which we might defeat the controllers. Them sidling up to you offering a deal, or a new bank loan, isn't going to work if you can see their motives and the cascade of ramifications descending from accepting their offer. They are going to be completely out of business, and rightly despised. This will be true across so many areas of commerce (or law or politics or medicine...) and they'll all slide down to the starting row of their game of snakes and ladders, assuming they even dare to show their faces.
Two people who I know visit the Akashic Records regularly are the wonderful Norma Edwards and, someone who is fairly new to YouTube, Athena of Human Witness. I'd also like to mention Michael William Denny, who I've only very recently come across but in just two interviews (one with JeffMara and one with Rex Bear) and a couple of videos has helped me piece together some big parts of what the structure of this reality might be. I'm going to be devouring his videos over the next couple of weeks because he has some striking understandings that have really made me prick up my ears. his YouTube channel is called ThunderWizarddotcom. I don't really watch Rex Bear that often, though he is quite fun, but if someone wants to start on Michael Denny his interview with Rex is a good place to start and can be found here: and Rex is in good form.
Very interesting indeed , here is my 10 cents worth. Some memories are stored in the brain, upon the passing of the body from this reality , those may be lost depending upon the level of conscious development. The rest is stored in the SOUL near the heart cavity and in the electromagnetic bands surrounding the body, of which there are actually 2, popularly called the aura . Upon passing the info is spun out of the bands , and is what creates the holographic experiences of NDE or actual passing. If one follows the false light tunnel which is VERY powerful pull , it will lead to the light review of ones life, spun out of those bands. You get to relive it , but it can be very painful because you experience the feelings and emotions of all those other characters in the play of your life , and if you "done them wrong" you experience what that was like in their experience. If your heavy laden with emotion , guilt , perversions and addictions , this is stripped in the light by what is called the "lords of the light" . You only take what you really OWN as wisdom. If your consciously developed enough there is another option, ask the right questions and look for a slit to the right that leads to the void , the formless form of all potentials. This way the stripping wont occur, many other places are accessible , and much is retained for future incarnations. This stripping and feeding of emotional energy is what keeps most humans and this planet from evolving greater, because we have to start over and over with short life spans . Some have called this greatest of all conspiracies as controlled by Archons and other beings working in joint efforts to keep this planet in turmoil and chaos. hence everything reported here by our wonderful Frances. The Akashic records exist but it is all in bands of frequency. Its all accessible if we open and utilize the other 90% of our brain capacity and matching "junk "DNA. "They "know we are about to break through this very boring, redundant, and painful state hence the TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA to stop this, and keep us in this feeding frenzy and keep us slaves , with no possibility of escape. Do not comply , do not accept , ask greater questions, live greater truth. SK
Thanks a lot for the link! Listening now!
What you call "Akashic" is the experience of the Psychic Memory. It is actually a natural property of the "Silent Mind." Our typical mental experience, with all the analytical things we train ourselves to do with the mind, leads us into having a very "noisy" mind and in some cases is refereed to as mental diarrhea. The more silent you are, the closer you are to experiencing true sight, true knowing. The nature of what we really are, is consciousness; we are not the body, the mind nor the emotional senses. All physical existentiality is a result of consciousness, not dead inertia such as what science proclaims. The wholeness of the cosmos vibrates at a frequency and is it's form of energy. All consciousness is One coming from Oneness. The nature of True Absolute Being. At the higher frequencies of Mind, there is only one -- the same applies to Memory. We don't really exist as separate beings, yet through our birth, we experience the self from the vantage point of the Individualized sense. In my post on Individual Sovereignty, I stated:
"The true nature of being is formless, yet it is all there ever was, or ever could be. All physical forms are caused by a formless reality that is standing behind it. Temporarily participating in this experience called “human,” each experience of Being are a focal point of infinite awareness. This makes each human being sovereign because the experience is observed from the vantage point of the Eternal Self; clothed in the ideation of Individual Hood. The Eternal “I,” True Being; that is both The Observer and The Observed, is One coming from Oneness. To stand within and observe the One in its myriad forms of Life; within the expression of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss. The fastest route to realization of this truth is Love."
The other way that I know of; the way I took was through the Silent Mind. Through this "Stillness" knowledge itself just flows through you, you are it's conduit, same applies to the eternal memory. I've had some truly wordless experiences from this.
Thanks. I definately have times of suffering from mental diarherra, I've been calling those as such too (and thought it my creation lol). Thank you for you post, it's along my way of perceiving my life.
You reminded me of a saying I used to use frequently:
I am just a conduit through which the love flows.
That's beautiful.
I have pinned your comment to the top of the page. I am sincerely grateful for your carefully constructed explanation. It is inspiring!
Frances, I was going to ask you if you would do a post more along these lines and here it be.
I've been wanting to share with you that I have a massive burdock growing right near a window where I usually sit. I noticed it's leaves last year, massive and close to ground. This is my fourth year here.
There is also a large patch of milkweed, that also started last year, heavy with blooms.
I was reminded of your story about your renter and a plant growing near him that was healing of something that ailed him.
As to what you wrote and Nefahotep as well, I have had this experience of the silent mind, of channeling and oneness and love.
When I write in a particular way it seems to just flow through me. I often don't understand the layers of what I have written for awhile. I have often felt this way in creating, dancing, singing, a feeling of flow and connection to something much more vast than the confines of my physical form. And yet my form, my being, is part of it.
Thank you both ❤️
Burdock was originally a Japanese healing herb that is now found all over the world. It is prized in British herbal medicine as a detox for the liver. It has even been marketed as a fizzy drink in combination with Dandelion.
Milkweed is common in the Americas, not in Europe. I read that it is encouraged to grow to attract Monarch butterflies into your gardens. It is considered too toxic to be used medicinally.
Nefahotep's explanation is so carefully constructed that it is an artform! He understands what I am talking about.
Lovin’ this thread of comments … really beautiful 💓
I too had been wondering about you, Frances … missing your posts … and then you come up with this one which encourages Nefahtep’s brilliant comment … please facilitate more along these lines (if you are so minded) as it raises vibrations which is just what we need … thank you Frances for your amazing wisdom and for bringing this discussion forward 💖
I realise that I have been a bit inactive on Substack recently. I had a brief episode of illness which made me feel very muddle-headed for about 6 weeks. With fasting and distilled water I seem to have cleared it now.
I had to pin Nefahotep's comment. It is indeed brilliant!
So glad you’ve cleared that pesky illness and are back on your ever wonderful form, Frances 🤗 Have missed you
Thanks for this!
Burdock is new to me.
Milkweed is also a host plant to Monarch's laying their eggs. (my eyes are crossed today)
I am letting the land here be wild. There are daylilies a couple feet from my perch. A hummingbird comes to feed. I hear it's hum in the gentle silence here.
Yeah Nefahotep's comment was beautiful.
Beautiful thank you ❤️
Libraries certainly have souls! 🧐
I can't wait to read this! But first- have to get flogged by 'the man'. Will check it out later.
BTW Frances- yours posts are not getting through . The last one I received was June 25. WTF?
Was relieved to see you were still 'at it'! -Bee
I am aware that my work is suppressed. It has been the story of my internet life! xx
Akashic hall of records, all new to me (A vaste collection, pristine in perfection) haven't had any experiences like this but I am currently experiencing my mother in law who has dementia, going through the nights talking to so many people, putting her hand out to them, all chaotic in nature and not a clear sentence to make head or tails of, reminds me of the TV when you lose signal with all the missed shaped images on the screen, you know there is a picture there but you can't make it out, how does this chaotic mind of dementia fit into this pristine in perfection hall of records, is this the dementia section that plays over and over again and were is the love in this suffering, if Akashic values are based around love, why does the soul then punish the body, is suffering a part of love and why?. If everything has already been scripted then can someone explain how this script plays out apart from the obvious script and how long we have to go on watching the demise of a loved soul.
Something for you Francis to relax to
That description of your mum in law's chats with the unseen is so poignant. You are so sweet about her. Few people can muster up the patience to deal with dementia.
I like to think that the soul is pristine but residing in a fragile body which suffers misadventure. There are reasons for dementia and I am convinced that insufficient research is being done because elderly people are 'expected' to suffer and die.
My father developed Alzheimer's immediately following surgery in which he was administered anaesthetics. I think that medicine uses extremely toxic substances and if those get through the blood/brain barrier they cause brain damage. Some autopsies have shown large amounts of aluminium in the brain. Aluminium is an adjuvant in vaccines and has long been suspected to cause Autism, which is also catastrophic brain damage. This is my personal opinion, of course. Undoubtedly 'the science' will employ plausible deniability in fear of a deluge of law suits.
Great song from Marc Broussard! Many thanks and much love to you and yours! xx
Memory is stored by the soul not by the brain. The nervous system is a biological antenna that connects the soul, which is mostly in the spirit realm, through a dimension doorway to the body. We are souls. During our time in this earthly realm we have bodies which we animate.
Sleep is necessary every so often to allow the soul to heal. While the pineal gland is healthy, it produces melatonin to help the body heal at the same time.
Yes, there are structures in the brain associated with memory which change as particular memories are accessed. They change in exactly the way you would expect an antenna to change.
I have been thinking about your theory. I like the way you see the nervous system as a biological antenna but would go further.....
Maybe the whole body (being electrical in nature) is an antenna? I know that my hair stands on end for certain sounds; my ears burn with incoming psychic connections; I can look at fruit or flowers through a screen or photograph and I can smell them; I shudder with horror and I shake visibly when I am in fear.... but most curiously I can feel someone looking at me from a great distance! All of these things are involuntary reactions.
Maybe electro-magnetic radiation/frequencies or pulses are messing with our antenna to such an extent that they are making us progressively very sick, as Arthur Firstenberg attests in his book The Invisible Rainbow.
Maybe they are also damaging our souls.... Maybe that is what depression is.....
It is all guesswork of course and 'the science' doesn't want us to think about any of this because we might rain on their parade.
One other point came to mind also: People who have had limbs amputated frequently report lost memories. This would suggest that memories are stored in the cells or maybe even the bones.... or even, as you suggest.... in the nervous system.
Fascinating subject, so poorly understood. Thanks for your input.
Yes. If the whole body is an antenna the loss of a limb would change how it works. Maybe the memories are still there but aren't accessible because of the missing limb. It also makes sense that the cells store information.
In fish there is a sense organ called the lateral line organ that helps fish detect predators around them. Its workings are somewhat of a mystery, but we might have something similar.
I have had the experience of staring at a car and then the driver of that car suddenly looks at me. And I have been looking elsewhere and perceived, I don't know how, someone looking my way and looked up.
I believe our souls are always connected to God in the way that acorns are connected to an oak tree. So the information about "someone is looking at me" could come through that connexion.
As for "the science" it is easy to understand. I have a meme in mind. It shows a man wearing a lab coat with a magnifying glass carefully inspecting a large wad of hundred dollar bills.
Science was long ago corrupted by Rockefeller money. Then they corrupted the govt which corrupts science even more.
I don't believe in a godhead as such, however I do perceive that all life is connected and communicates very subtly. One thing that all life has in common is water. Maybe water is the connecting factor?
I wrote about it in great detail here:
I have direct personal experience of God, Jesus, Mother Mary, and Saint Gertrude, among others. I shall read your water essay. Thank you. God bless you. Amen.
I meant no disrespect, chose a poor word to express the subtlety of those perspectives. I refuse to discount you or your opinion as I clearly stated my own. It can change, through continued discourse…
That is the fun of Substack…
Also, further in the comment I expressed that the Bible VEHEMENTLY expresses itself throughout as “the truth”.
Those writings seem more subtle, IMHO.
Lastly, I concur regarding Christianity and man-directed “RELIGIONS” in general…
Including modern “science”
Am NOT a follower of nor
will I be “Baptized” into any oppressive religion that screams and beats me over the head that their way, system is the be all end all…
We see it coming from the powers at present and can predict the outcome from history…
I wanted to refute the Bible, and believed if I were to do so, then I better have an idea of what I was disputing…
That in a nutshell is what I am suggesting to readers.
Just as we have experienced “out of body” etc. we must encourage one another to explore various avenues…
Dreams seem to cross into this realm.
Great topic Frances, and so relevant to the dehumanising times.
Yes, I do think that dreaming and meditation are linked. I dare say a scientist would choose to explain that by observing complicated brainwave patterns.
Maybe the 'dehumanising' times are being perpetrated to prevent us from accessing our highest vibrations? The globalists do love to pursue their idea of the 'singularity' as if we don't have that already! How dumb ARE these people? 😂
I believe I had an epiphany 25 years ago. Is the source of such a "Devine" occurrence originated from the Akashic?
I couldn't say! What happened?
While was in bed sleeping one night, I awoke suddenly and saw a white figure at the foot of my bed, shining like a holy ghost, who told me that I should launch the online company I had wrote a business plan for. The website domain was to be where people from all over the world could share their religious, spiritual, philosophical, intellectual, etc. thoughts on a public forum that would attempt to formulate a Hegalian conclusion to the mystery of the spirit world. Sort of like what Meta is now but focused on spiritual synchronicity.
Unfortunately, it never came to life because I was just on the verge of entering a dark depression that would last for years. This was in 1997 when the Internet was still in its infancy. I'm sure it would have been hacked or shut down if it ever became a reality. 😵💫
Oh wow, what a fantastic experience! It would seem that the original idea for an online company was way ahead of its time! I notice that the domain for that website could be available for purchase but the owner may want to milk you....
There is nothing to stop you creating a website with a slightly different name or even a completely different name.
It is a very interesting idea.
Further - you sinking into a protracted depression may have been a good thing.... it gave you time to ruminate upon your idea, to develop it..... BUT you had to deal with some negative influences first.
Do you think you are ready to launch the idea now?
Thank you for your reply, Frances. I had that domain name for 3 years during my period of depression but lost it because I didn't care anymore about much of anything.
To answer your question: yes, I'd be interested in launching the online version of the concept but only if I had a solid team of amazing people who could support the initiative financially and assist in the development, implementation and development of the online property.
The final use of the word "development" should be deployment.
Deployment always makes me think of military invasions.... but I get your meaning!
The Original Dianetics & Scientology Auditing from 1950, was nothing else - but the hitherto most professional & scientific approach, by American all-around genius L. Ron Hubbard, into exactly THAT spiritual realm of the MIND - which has been known by the most advanced teachers of most other cultures & again BUDDHIST teachers call the "Akashic Record".
THAT is WHY the American CIA & the FBI colluded long before 1972 to destroy it by a STEALTH WAR - not unlike every other WAR of the American Empire of LIES - from the censored GENOCIDE on the American Indians to the censored global Covid-19 / SARS-Cov-2 BIO-TERROR-WAR for censored "DEPOPULATION" & last but not least the latest & ever expanding censored WAR against Russia, which is just the camouflage for World WAR III & it's SATANIC goal of absolute global domination from the OLD Testament of the ANTI-Christians with it's "sanctions" & all the other FAKE teachings of the "VICIOUS CYCLE" of never ending war . . .
Thank you Frances. First of all I want you to know that on my barefoot walking this morning you had suddenly popped in my head like, nothing from you in a long time and, hope she is well, sort of thoughts. And look, this just came to me 😊
I haven't come across Akashic Records before but have always been believer in some ethereal, cosmic realm where all thoughts, emotions and such (generated by our conscious and unconscious mind are flowing around (you know, vibrations and frequencies). Bless you dear Frances, now I can explore this further. ❤️
🌼it motivates me to leave a beautiful impression in the records book 🌼
Given my chequered past, I would appreciate the opportunity to tidy my records up a bit.... hide some.... maybe shove a pretty pot of flowers in front of certain bits! 😂
Thank you I am not familiar with it. Perhaps that is where the word “faith” presents itself.
The folks here like Frances are posting relevant information from research, philosophy and mysticism who have helped many persons to search deeper into themselves. Many have learned to to turn away from searching for external solutions, such as man-designed “religion” or man- experienced mysticism. Learning to dig deep inside the psyche to ask “What is Truth”?
Each person must walk their own path, but for whatever reason… many Bibles can sit on a shelf collecting dust.
Yet the likes of Nostradamus, Darwin, or Mohammed can present a portion of a story, and many may devote their life to that study, while STILL attacking the one book sitting on the shelf as untrue, without ever having read through the book at least once!
In addition, Frances , has helped to guide and protect my family and many others through these past years. In NO WAY am I discounting her personal journey, we all have our own.
I am suggesting if we want “truths” there is an entire book, which screams it is TRUTH, I never realized it, yet to this day does anyone know any other document which professes this on almost every other page? 🤣
Darwin?! Are you kidding? Apart from Evolution being possibly one of the stupidest ideas mankind has ever come up with, you would be hard pushed to find anyone more firmly and obviously on the "other side". Aside from his closeness to the Huxleys "Evolution" has been one of the foundation stones of the Establishment and has led directly to the present transhumanist agenda and insane loons like Yuval Noah Harari, to whom 7/8ths of mankind is superfluous. And the remainder are only useful as slaves. No single idea has ever done as much work against God as "evolution".
I was once a committed Christian and I'm sorry to tell you that my view now is that, in spiritual terms, it's really an infants school, at best. At worst, Catholicism and the Vatican are unutterably evil and we can tell that the Anglican Church - very likely still a subordinate of Catholicism - is a secular enterprise by the fact there's an Old Etonian at its helm. Unforgiveably, it supported lockdown and helped push the vaccine death jab agenda. The idea of the Bible being the untouched and "inerrant word of God" is hopelessly naive and it most certainly not a repository of "truth". If anything it is there to keep you FROM truth, to keep you under the controlling cosh of religion, denying your own spiritual birthright. There isn't actually much wisdom to be found in the Bible, especially once you have realised that the capricious, controlling and genocidal God of the Old Testament is also Satan, the god of this world. (For an explanation of this, see Israel Anderson's excellent "Two Gardens and a Snake", which can be found here: In fact I don't think even Israel Anderson, who is infuriatingly self-regarding and dogmatic, has quite the full picture.
I still have plenty of time for Christians and Christianity (when it is not used as a cover for promoting evil) but it is only a few steps along the path. And my view of the Christian Church may even be out of date, with it doing more harm than good these days. Besides, it's packed with intelligence operatives cloaking themselves in goodness.
🙌 great analogies - “primary school at best” and “only a few steps along the path” … just what I’ve been thinking about Christianity increasingly of late (but could not have expressed so well!)
The scary part is quite how much Christianity keeps you away from true wisdom. Aside from hiding it, burning it, obscuring it in deliberate misinterpretations, there's that blanket warning against everything Pagan leading you directly to Hell and Satan. I still have a remnant of this fear to this day. It is utterly unconscionable to do this to people. Remember that if they are making it look scary, there's a reason they don't want you looking behind it.
I do sometimes worry about my talent for being rude, but thank you for appreciating it. I wonder if I have some subconscious desire to reach Christopher Hitchens levels of derision. LOL. :) To quote him speaking on the the death of the late, great Jerry Falwell, "I only wish there were a Hell for him to go to.". This is equally applicable to the misguided panoply of churches that make up Christianity, as well as their corrupt and usually kiddy-fiddling leaders.
As Elizabeth says somewhere on this thread, the solution is all inside. And that's what the church wants to keep you away from knowing. (And it's basically handing you rusks instead.)
Mmmm - that strikes a chord - something of an unconscious chord methinks - I know what you mean about that “remnant of fear to this day” about things pagan, about clairvoyance etc … and I can’t really recall where that came from, but it did sometime during my childhood! It’s only quite recently, mainly through observing my own daughter’s spiritual growth, that I’ve been seeing through this b*lls#*t indoctrination !! Late to the party and lots to learn … but very keen and willing (even at my ripe old age). Please do keep on with your talent for being rude … I’ve loved your astute observations
I concur with all those points. Especially the view of Christianity as hopelessly naïve. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
We can also find truth within ourselves and quietly listening. It is sweet and beautiful. It is all right there.
I know of many other 'documents' which gently offer truth.
The Prophet, Tao Te Ching, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, The Invisible Rainbow and a list of other books which silently gather dust alongside the Holy Bible on my shelves.
The Bible has been censored as ANY other book or philosophy - so BEFORE studying any book on any topic - LEARN how to identify LIES first.
JESUS from NAZARETH was teaching ETERNAL life - but in 325 AD THIS MOST VITAL PART OF CHRISTIANITY WAS CENSORED - so you do NOT find this in the Bible any more!
CENSORING THE TRUTH is as old as humanity - so the FIRST lesson in any study should be to get the UNCENSORED truth - which means you must be a forensic & medical detective, to separate what the university offers to you from the LIES within . . . !
Agree! Imho, the Bible is NOT as gentle. Those are indeed similar yet incomplete offshoots and good supplemental support for biblical philosophy... yet they do not seem to profess themselves as TRUTH as vehemently as the Bible does. ( now, I could NEVER speak of that with such confidence if I had not decided to read the darn thing! LOL ) I read it so I could speak AGAINST it, and here I am... backing the Bible up! ) Oh MY!
"incomplete offshoots"?? Are you kidding me? It is very clear that you have never read any of the books I listed.
Frances, not true… as I stressed if one opines, imho one should know the material!
I meant no disrespect.
Posting perspectives and observations.
No intention to belittle others.
This is fun and debate helps us to challenge OUR internal compass!
Calling ancient literature "incomplete offshoots" IS belittling and would suggest dismissal.
The Tao Te Ching is thousands of years older than the Bible. It is NOT an offshoot, rather it is a foundation of human reasoning.
Frances, agree the word chosen “offshoot” was indeed inappropriate. Please accept my apology.
I too agree that Christianity is another “man-made” construct, as I was not speaking to that.
In addition, the remainder of the comment was that as opposed to the fore-mentioned philosophies, the Book of the Bible, Vehemently professes itself as irrefutable.
Which I found fascination.
I read it to dispute it...and it was an eye opener.
Debate and conversation are wonderful, enjoying the thread...
Open minds= Open hearts...
Thanks for allowing the conversation.
Yes, the topic of this post is indeed extremely old! It has its roots in Hinduism and Taoism, both of which are far older than the Bible.
I was familiar with the Bible long before I came across Taoism, which led me to herbal medicine and martial arts. In fact, it was astonishing to me to discover the teachings and especially the parables attributed to Jesus used in ancient China to explain the concepts of Yin, Yang and Chi.
Fifth race, fourth round. All the way up now. ❤️
I don't know what you mean!
They're trying to keep us trapped in the material world, but they'll never succeed.
Oh goodness me! I will have to explore that site a lot! It looks very interesting! Many thanks for the link, Joao!
Do let us have your thoughts and comments when you’ve explored … I’ve had a very quick glance (no time for more right now) … feels like it needs considerable time and attention to absorb all the info … very fascinating
You're welcome Frances.
I was going to say that too.