"The precautionary principle should be applied to public exposures to RF radiation. So say four senior academic scientists —including the former director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP)— in a strongly worded appeal, published today.
Writing in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Research, Paul Ben Ishai, Linda Birnbaum, Devra Davis and Hugh Taylor point to a “plethora of both experimental and epidemiological evidence establishing a causal relationship between EMF and cancer and other adverse health effects.”
However, they go on, the picture that has emerged in public discourse has been distorted by some “fundamentally flawed, yet widely publicized reports purporting to show no health risk.” They point out that much of this disinformation comes from “industry-affiliated scientists.”
“It is imperative to insist on a complete picture of the evidence and not the whitewashed or distorted version currently promoted,” they say."
Is the government informing the public of risks associated with 5G roll out?
This update is from our barrister, Philip Rule, written for his chambers’ website:
On 6 and 7 February 2023 the Administrative Court heard the judicial review of the Secretary of State’s alleged failure to address the evidence of risks to human health posed by 5G technology.
No5’s Philip Rule acts for the claimants, led by Michael Mansfield KC, and instructed by Lorna Hackett of Hackett & Dabbs LLP. The case is brought by Action Against 5G and with the support of the public through Crowd Justice.
At the hearing the government argued that there is no duty to inform the public of any risks at all, because it essentially denies that there are any risks from the increased exposures or new form of radiation frequency to be used in 5G rollout. This is in keeping with its publications that have sought to reassure the public that there – categorically and conclusively – is no chance of harm arising from exposure to 5G and radiofrequency radiation (“RFR”).
The claimants’ case was outlined to the Court identifying that such a position taken by the government is not based upon the scientific report that the government itself has advanced as being the most up-to-date piece of international research. That is the “ICNIRP” (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection) March 2020 guidelines. These however are far from finding that there are no risks at all.
Indeed, far from providing any proof of an absence of risk, the ICNIRP guidelines in fact evidence the existence of risks, and notes that several are yet to be fully understood or proven by repetition of study or by anthropological study directly on people who are ‘guinea pigs’ for ubiquitous RFR or 5G in the real-world.
ICNIRP summarises that it concludes, (based on its very limited approach discussed above) that there are already three substantiated effects caused by exposure to radiofrequency EMFs: (i) nerve stimulation, (ii) changes in the permeability of cell membranes, and (iii) effects due to temperature elevation. For many other recorded matters, it essentially notes the jury is still out, but did not find that as yet the harm to human health has already been proven. In particular there are not yet any significant number of studies into 5G technology (which uses high frequency waves, and targeted beams and pulsation in a way earlier generations did not).
For those with disability treated by medical implant the consideration of safety given by ICNIRP, in its revised 2020 guidelines expressly do not cater for their safety. As well as those genetically or environmentally susceptible to suffer cancer or EHS in the future from the exposure to RFR, there are also existing vulnerable groups who ought to be considered and who deserve to be given information to assist them (but have not been), including:
i. Those with disabilities that require medical implants with electrical currents or conductivity, including pace-makers in the heart for example. (This important issue has simply not been addressed at all by ICNIRP);
ii. Those with disability/injury that required the implant of metal to their body;
iii. Children–for instance, children’s brains absorb greater quantity of RFR, and bone marrow exposure is greater; as well as their lifespan exposure being of longer duration;
iv. Those who presently suffer disability arising from existing cancer;
v. Those presently suffering pre-cancerous conditions;
vi. Those exposed habitually to radiation in the workplace, of particular levels or longevity;
vii. Those with immunosuppressant conditions;
viii. Those suffering from ME;
ix. Those suffering from EHS.
The Court was shown, for example, that the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified both ELF magnetic fields and RF EMFs as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Exposure to non-ionising radiation including radiofrequency is notably a recorded disease or illness recognised by the WHO, since 2005, in the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10 (even if the precise cause is not yet understood or known). A responsible body of scientific study has raised concerns about risks that remain under study. Many studies ICNIRP identifies have identified certain effects that might prove harmful and their substantiation by further study is awaited – but a position where the jury is out is not the same as a concluded final position established by study that finds a radiation is safe, or safe for all people. Limitations on current knowledge are relevant when assurances are sought to be given by the government. The public has the right to be informed and not misled about how much is known or can be stated with certainty, and what risks remain to be investigated or conclusively determined one way or the other.
The Court of Appeal previously granted permission for the case to proceed on the grounds that challenge:
1. The failure to provide adequate or effective information to the public about the risks and how, if it be possible, it might be possible for individuals to avoid or minimise the risks;
2. (a) The failure to provide adequate and sufficient reasons for not establishing a process to investigate and establish the adverse health effects and risks of adverse health effects from 5G technology and/or for discounting the risks presented by the evidence available; and/or (b) failure to meet the requirements of transparency and openness required of a public body.
These grounds advance a breach of the Human Rights Act 1998 by omissions and failings in violation of the positive obligations to protect human life, health and dignity, required to be met by Articles 2, 3 and/or 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Judgment is awaited from the Administrative Court in due course.
If you feel you may have been affected by the implementation of 5G masts and devices in your environment (or just wish to read more about the studies and scientific research in this field) you may wish to visit https://actionagainst5g.org/ for more information”.
Action Against 5G notes as follows:
In 2020, ICNIRP also noted that biological effects are not easily discernible from adverse health effects, and that their guidelines:
“are not intended to protect against biological effects as such (when compensatory mechanisms are overwhelmed or exhausted), unless there is also an associated adverse health effect. However, it is not always easy to draw a clear distinction between biological and adverse health effects, and indeed this can vary depending on individual susceptibility to specific situations.
An example is sensory effects from nonionizing radiation exposures under certain circumstances, such as a tingling sensation resulting from peripheral nerve stimulation by electric or magnetic fields; magnetophosphenes (light flickering sensations in the periphery of the visual field) resulting from stimulation of the retina by electric fields induced by exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields; and microwave hearing resulting from thermoelastic waves due to expansion of soft tissues in the head which travel via bone conduction to the inner ear. Such perceptions may sometimes lead to discomfort and annoyance.
ICNIRP does not consider discomfort and annoyance to be adverse health effects by themselves, but, in some cases, annoyance may lead to adverse health effects by compromising well-being. The exposure circumstances under which discomfort and annoyance occur vary between individuals.”
Thus there are many identified potential outcomes.
Philip notes above “Many studies ICNIRP identifies have identified certain effects” and we add also that many responsible bodies of scientific study (for example the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health, Austrian Medical Chambers, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, European Academy for Environmental Medicine, International Society of Doctors for the Environment, Environmental Health Trust, BioInitiative Working Group, French National Assembly) have identified verified risks and that courts have ruled in favour of the science presented by some of these bodies contrary to ICNIRP’s assessment of the same science regarding these risks.
[PLEASE NOTE that the AA5G team does not have the resources to advise on or support mast objections and other local actions. We refer you to the excellent material on www.rfinfo.co.uk.]
EMF clothing or hats can cause hotspots, especially in high EMF areas like buildings with lots of phone usage that's why I didn't use one on the plane it can be more damaging to your body unless earthed.
There are other EMF protective materials and even clothing available a bit more comfortable than aluminum foil, hahaha and you could make a canopy cover over where you sleep because thats the most important time for your dreaming and body repair.
Exactly, I've had a runny nose for about a year and the loss of teeth, ache neck and shoulder's , headaches, hair loss every morning, there's more & more on the brush, (this is the case with a lot of people I know) tinnitus since 5G, trouble sleeping and waking up full of dread for no apparent reason, If they can cure depression via electrodes to the brain using certain frequency's then they can send those same frequency's at a different level via 5g to change your mood from good to bad and put indistinct voices in there, also destroying you at cellular level and cause dis-ease But stay happy and raise your frequency, lets face it we are all gonna leave here some time so be silly happy and loving & tolerant to those around you, Peas to all & feed the world Lol. Respect & X 2 All
Same here. Wake up at 3 am every morning past year. No matter when I get to sleep. I wake up panicky at first and then as long as I get up.. It subsides.
I have to say, it never actually occurred to me to line a hat with tin foil to see if it works. I have a sun hat that might serve that purpose!
I have done few other things though, that have worked to some degree for some symptoms that may or may not be EMF damage. I am currently presuming that all my health issues are related to the autonomic nervous system (including the vagus nerve) and that the most likely agent causing ongoing damage to that system is some level of EMF exposure, ramped up by orders of magnitude by 5G. I think the exercise below fixed my vagus nerve issues related to the head and neck area.
A foil hat is a form of Faraday cage, keeps EMF on the outside.
I actually have a commercially produced foil lined hat. Thin insulating foam with a foil dot pattern printed on the inside, tight enough spacing to block up to just short of millimeter wave (microwave, 5g) radiation. The foil is meant to reflect lost heat back to the head but serves the extra unadvertised purpose of a Faraday cage.
The tighter the weave or spacing of the metal, the higher frequencies it can help mitigate.
All of this is extremely useful, eye-opening and reassuring in a twisted sort of way. It's true then that misery likes company! I say this with a big dose of irony.
I am very aware of all these issues and struggles as I share all of your concerns. My 'big' thing is tinnitus from which I suffer 'round the clock. Mine is the non-stop hissing type. Sometimes louder than others but always present. Is often covered up in noisy environments.
I live in a complex where just about everyone has 5g cable entering their apartments. No doubt comes thru walls, outlets, windows, etc. There are @50 wifi antennae within 3 miles of where I live and something like 10 cell towers- many emitting 5g.
I recently purchased EMF harmonizers- one each for laptop and 2 tablets and one for cellphone. Additionally a bracelet. My headaches have abated mostly but the tinnitus has not.
I turn everything off at night and never bring any devices into the bedroom. If I am reading from my Kindle I shut it down before going to sleep and take it into the living room.
Unfortunately at my job I have very little control and as I work at Town Hall I am fairly sure we are wired to the max.
I too worry about our natural environment, Fran. All plants, animals, invertebrates, trees are innocent victims. People ask NO questions when hundreds of birds drop out of the sky or thousands of fish and sea creatures wash ashore dead. "Must be climate change!", they say. Idiots!
As the cartoon character Pogo said: 'We have seen the enemy and he is us.'
For those folks in the US curious about their exposure to antennae and cell towers, check out: www.antennasearch.com
Thanks for your testimony, Bonnie! It is horrendous! You are absolutely saturated with electrosmog 24/7, how awful. We have to raise this issue with our governments. See the pinned post which tells about the Judicial Review underway in the UK. Maybe something similar needs to happen in USA?
I shield, avoid, and measure. As described in this article. For me, it was worth it to dig more deeply into the actual science. For me, buying a good measurement meter and investing in high quality shielding paid off. Details are provided here. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quiet
Measurement showed me that tin foil hats I made, here in the US, only attenuate to a 10 dB (90%) cut in radiation. That might sound like a lot but, for me, it was not enough. I found that more wrinkles in the foil reduced its shielding and I found it was impossible to create anything to shield my head without wrinkling the foil. Dr. Pall here shows that the allowable maximum EMF levels are at least 7.2 million times too high to be safe. Page 4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1chsere3Mt2ayWqRq-0yw_DNUgP8GErJF/view
"The extraordinary sensitivity of the VGCC voltage sensor
to the forces of the EMFs tells us that the current safety guidelines allow us to be
exposed to EMF levels that are something like 7.2 million times too high. That sensitivity
is predicted by the physics. Therefore, the physics and the biology are each pointing to
the same mechanism of action of non-thermal EMFs." Experience showed me that, for me, a meter is required to assess how protected I am.
This is a very complex topic. It effects on people are highly variable. Tin foil hats did not help me. The more expensive silver fabrics helped me. Maybe tin foil is good enough for you? Each person is different. But maybe those who are aware are the lucky ones? The article shows that EVERYBODY is being harmed, whether they realize it or not. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quiet
Our enemy has provided some humor in its pre conditioning of the masses to look down on EMF shielding. https://youtu.be/KcSnu3qxDy0?t=94 I am alone and don't care what people think of me, I protect myself. I do not watch TV, I don't use Netflix, and somebody else told me about this, or I would never have known. It is helpful for me to have a giggle or two at myself.
My ex acupuncturist informed me of that Youtube link. "Larry, this is how people see you." The majority are also mean-spirited, stupid, and perfectly capable of performing the evil acts the enemy brainwashes them into doing without much thought. This is war and the majority are assets. Either the enemy uses them or we use them. You can bet that the enemy has war gamed and simulated many possible ways about how to use divide and conquer to get humans to destroy each other. HOW can we get the majority to act on what they already know, that Warren Buffet's wealthy class and above (along with the power puppets they have installed almost everywhere world wide) are the real root cause enemy that needs to be eliminated, and soon? I try this in every conversation I have with anybody, and, if done respectfully from as much of the world view of the other possible, it usually works no matter what. EG. Grocery checkout. Hello Sir, how are you today. Great, and you? Great. Boy, the prices are sure going up and there are fewer choices? Yes, and since COVID hit that trend has only got worse. It is reassuring to know that our billionaire friends are doing great while the rest of us continue to suffer? Then look at the reaction. I care not whether jabbed or unjabbed, left or right, what religion, what gender, etc. The majority KNOWS. They have been brainwashed to divert this knowledge into other things. We can and must try to get them to act on what they know. They do not need to wake up. The enemy is providing fertile ground so that, as things worsen, they will not be able to ignore it or deny it anymore. Avoid conflicts and attempt to get them to realize the root cause and consider what actions THEY might take to correct the situation. Most will do nothing until it gets much worse, and by then it might be too late. No problem Einstein tackled was more challenging or important than what some of us are attempting here. To eliminate our root cause enemy's ability to harm humanity and all life on the planet, and soon.
Excellent , everyone should listen to this man , he knows what he is talking about and has dedicated himself to actions and solutions , which is where we MUST go now .
I am a lifelong activist and I agree that a lot of my old compadres have been thin on the ground over EMFs. They have been sucked into the Climate Change umbrella by orgs such as Extinction Rebellion. They get very angry with me for writing negatively about their pet issues and for pursuing radiation (of all types) since 2013.
Tis a lonely road now.... Also, I do have to report that very many of the old timer activists have now died - mostly of cancer.
@Frances Leader I just played the part "what does wifi sound like" to see - my dog that has been having physical problems, including lesions on her body, just came running in from the other room barking!! I'm totally convinced that all of this is not coincidence!
Has anyone looked into mineral drain from EMFs ? Seems like hair loss muscles skin etc all indicates loss of minerals. I too have had much ringing off and on depending where I travel for work. I keep minerals on me at all times. Baking soda Epsom salts boron calcium lactate. Eating bananas for potassium. Soaking in these minerals does help me.
I've been drinking silica-rich water - I put in some food grade diatomaceous earth that I got from the gardening store, about a teaspoon to a pint of water. Silica helps remove the aluminum which makes our body an antenna.
Horsetail herb and bamboo leaves , great sources of silica , yes VERY IMPORTANT protection. It was here when dinosaurs were so it is a model that works.
Thanks Thomas for the suggestion on horsetail! I have some of it growing along the trail here, so will have to make some tea. Do you brew a tea of this and/or bamboo leaves?
Yes we dry it and make a tea ,, AND pick extra and compost it to add to garden soils, they break down very quickly and add these nutrients to soils so anything you grow there
We use Diatomaceous earth for many things on our homestead. you have to be careful dusting pets with it though , gets in their lungs and causes trouble .
I use bicarbonate of soda regularly to alkalise my gut. I also have a foot massager/bath which gives some relief. I do add Epsom salts to the water and soak my feet for an hour at a time. The heat from my feet is so high that I can start with stone cold water and it is warm by the time I finish!
I tend to overheat regularly, especially just walking from the bathroom back to bed (not more than 20 feet) at night. My heart is racing and it takes 15 minutes to get my temperature back under control. - horrible sweating. I just this week began to think about it in regard to the wifi after I turned it off. I still have some, but they come back into balance a bit quicker.
"The precautionary principle should be applied to public exposures to RF radiation. So say four senior academic scientists —including the former director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP)— in a strongly worded appeal, published today.
Writing in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Research, Paul Ben Ishai, Linda Birnbaum, Devra Davis and Hugh Taylor point to a “plethora of both experimental and epidemiological evidence establishing a causal relationship between EMF and cancer and other adverse health effects.”
However, they go on, the picture that has emerged in public discourse has been distorted by some “fundamentally flawed, yet widely publicized reports purporting to show no health risk.” They point out that much of this disinformation comes from “industry-affiliated scientists.”
“It is imperative to insist on a complete picture of the evidence and not the whitewashed or distorted version currently promoted,” they say."
Judicial Review Heard
Is the government informing the public of risks associated with 5G roll out?
This update is from our barrister, Philip Rule, written for his chambers’ website:
On 6 and 7 February 2023 the Administrative Court heard the judicial review of the Secretary of State’s alleged failure to address the evidence of risks to human health posed by 5G technology.
No5’s Philip Rule acts for the claimants, led by Michael Mansfield KC, and instructed by Lorna Hackett of Hackett & Dabbs LLP. The case is brought by Action Against 5G and with the support of the public through Crowd Justice.
At the hearing the government argued that there is no duty to inform the public of any risks at all, because it essentially denies that there are any risks from the increased exposures or new form of radiation frequency to be used in 5G rollout. This is in keeping with its publications that have sought to reassure the public that there – categorically and conclusively – is no chance of harm arising from exposure to 5G and radiofrequency radiation (“RFR”).
The claimants’ case was outlined to the Court identifying that such a position taken by the government is not based upon the scientific report that the government itself has advanced as being the most up-to-date piece of international research. That is the “ICNIRP” (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection) March 2020 guidelines. These however are far from finding that there are no risks at all.
Indeed, far from providing any proof of an absence of risk, the ICNIRP guidelines in fact evidence the existence of risks, and notes that several are yet to be fully understood or proven by repetition of study or by anthropological study directly on people who are ‘guinea pigs’ for ubiquitous RFR or 5G in the real-world.
ICNIRP summarises that it concludes, (based on its very limited approach discussed above) that there are already three substantiated effects caused by exposure to radiofrequency EMFs: (i) nerve stimulation, (ii) changes in the permeability of cell membranes, and (iii) effects due to temperature elevation. For many other recorded matters, it essentially notes the jury is still out, but did not find that as yet the harm to human health has already been proven. In particular there are not yet any significant number of studies into 5G technology (which uses high frequency waves, and targeted beams and pulsation in a way earlier generations did not).
For those with disability treated by medical implant the consideration of safety given by ICNIRP, in its revised 2020 guidelines expressly do not cater for their safety. As well as those genetically or environmentally susceptible to suffer cancer or EHS in the future from the exposure to RFR, there are also existing vulnerable groups who ought to be considered and who deserve to be given information to assist them (but have not been), including:
i. Those with disabilities that require medical implants with electrical currents or conductivity, including pace-makers in the heart for example. (This important issue has simply not been addressed at all by ICNIRP);
ii. Those with disability/injury that required the implant of metal to their body;
iii. Children–for instance, children’s brains absorb greater quantity of RFR, and bone marrow exposure is greater; as well as their lifespan exposure being of longer duration;
iv. Those who presently suffer disability arising from existing cancer;
v. Those presently suffering pre-cancerous conditions;
vi. Those exposed habitually to radiation in the workplace, of particular levels or longevity;
vii. Those with immunosuppressant conditions;
viii. Those suffering from ME;
ix. Those suffering from EHS.
The Court was shown, for example, that the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified both ELF magnetic fields and RF EMFs as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Exposure to non-ionising radiation including radiofrequency is notably a recorded disease or illness recognised by the WHO, since 2005, in the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10 (even if the precise cause is not yet understood or known). A responsible body of scientific study has raised concerns about risks that remain under study. Many studies ICNIRP identifies have identified certain effects that might prove harmful and their substantiation by further study is awaited – but a position where the jury is out is not the same as a concluded final position established by study that finds a radiation is safe, or safe for all people. Limitations on current knowledge are relevant when assurances are sought to be given by the government. The public has the right to be informed and not misled about how much is known or can be stated with certainty, and what risks remain to be investigated or conclusively determined one way or the other.
The Court of Appeal previously granted permission for the case to proceed on the grounds that challenge:
1. The failure to provide adequate or effective information to the public about the risks and how, if it be possible, it might be possible for individuals to avoid or minimise the risks;
2. (a) The failure to provide adequate and sufficient reasons for not establishing a process to investigate and establish the adverse health effects and risks of adverse health effects from 5G technology and/or for discounting the risks presented by the evidence available; and/or (b) failure to meet the requirements of transparency and openness required of a public body.
These grounds advance a breach of the Human Rights Act 1998 by omissions and failings in violation of the positive obligations to protect human life, health and dignity, required to be met by Articles 2, 3 and/or 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Judgment is awaited from the Administrative Court in due course.
If you would like to support the work being done please visit https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/legalactionagainst5g/
[Philip kindly goes on to note …]
If you feel you may have been affected by the implementation of 5G masts and devices in your environment (or just wish to read more about the studies and scientific research in this field) you may wish to visit https://actionagainst5g.org/ for more information”.
Action Against 5G notes as follows:
In 2020, ICNIRP also noted that biological effects are not easily discernible from adverse health effects, and that their guidelines:
“are not intended to protect against biological effects as such (when compensatory mechanisms are overwhelmed or exhausted), unless there is also an associated adverse health effect. However, it is not always easy to draw a clear distinction between biological and adverse health effects, and indeed this can vary depending on individual susceptibility to specific situations.
An example is sensory effects from nonionizing radiation exposures under certain circumstances, such as a tingling sensation resulting from peripheral nerve stimulation by electric or magnetic fields; magnetophosphenes (light flickering sensations in the periphery of the visual field) resulting from stimulation of the retina by electric fields induced by exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields; and microwave hearing resulting from thermoelastic waves due to expansion of soft tissues in the head which travel via bone conduction to the inner ear. Such perceptions may sometimes lead to discomfort and annoyance.
ICNIRP does not consider discomfort and annoyance to be adverse health effects by themselves, but, in some cases, annoyance may lead to adverse health effects by compromising well-being. The exposure circumstances under which discomfort and annoyance occur vary between individuals.”
Thus there are many identified potential outcomes.
Philip notes above “Many studies ICNIRP identifies have identified certain effects” and we add also that many responsible bodies of scientific study (for example the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health, Austrian Medical Chambers, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, European Academy for Environmental Medicine, International Society of Doctors for the Environment, Environmental Health Trust, BioInitiative Working Group, French National Assembly) have identified verified risks and that courts have ruled in favour of the science presented by some of these bodies contrary to ICNIRP’s assessment of the same science regarding these risks.
[PLEASE NOTE that the AA5G team does not have the resources to advise on or support mast objections and other local actions. We refer you to the excellent material on www.rfinfo.co.uk.]
See also: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/lone-skumsmokemirrorsnarratrivia
and: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/full-steam-ahead-for-5g-and-lets-not-even-think-about-the-damage-to-health/
I've summed up ICNIRP's "safety" standards here:
Thanks so much for sharing all of these resources, and bringing us together Frances.
The video in that link is very good. We will get there, Roman! xx
Yes it was short and sweet, yet informative. Thanks for watching Frances!
EMF clothing or hats can cause hotspots, especially in high EMF areas like buildings with lots of phone usage that's why I didn't use one on the plane it can be more damaging to your body unless earthed.
Same with my eyes within the last year. I use silver solution and DMSO which helps. Eye washes. I never eexperienced this before.
https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/reveh-2023-0023/html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Found this Frances....
🤍🙏🏻 Bless you Frances. I
use a grounding mat at my computer and grounding on my bedding
There are other EMF protective materials and even clothing available a bit more comfortable than aluminum foil, hahaha and you could make a canopy cover over where you sleep because thats the most important time for your dreaming and body repair.
Got my hat at Lambs and it works great.
Exactly, I've had a runny nose for about a year and the loss of teeth, ache neck and shoulder's , headaches, hair loss every morning, there's more & more on the brush, (this is the case with a lot of people I know) tinnitus since 5G, trouble sleeping and waking up full of dread for no apparent reason, If they can cure depression via electrodes to the brain using certain frequency's then they can send those same frequency's at a different level via 5g to change your mood from good to bad and put indistinct voices in there, also destroying you at cellular level and cause dis-ease But stay happy and raise your frequency, lets face it we are all gonna leave here some time so be silly happy and loving & tolerant to those around you, Peas to all & feed the world Lol. Respect & X 2 All
Same here. Wake up at 3 am every morning past year. No matter when I get to sleep. I wake up panicky at first and then as long as I get up.. It subsides.
I have to say, it never actually occurred to me to line a hat with tin foil to see if it works. I have a sun hat that might serve that purpose!
I have done few other things though, that have worked to some degree for some symptoms that may or may not be EMF damage. I am currently presuming that all my health issues are related to the autonomic nervous system (including the vagus nerve) and that the most likely agent causing ongoing damage to that system is some level of EMF exposure, ramped up by orders of magnitude by 5G. I think the exercise below fixed my vagus nerve issues related to the head and neck area.
A foil hat is a form of Faraday cage, keeps EMF on the outside.
I actually have a commercially produced foil lined hat. Thin insulating foam with a foil dot pattern printed on the inside, tight enough spacing to block up to just short of millimeter wave (microwave, 5g) radiation. The foil is meant to reflect lost heat back to the head but serves the extra unadvertised purpose of a Faraday cage.
The tighter the weave or spacing of the metal, the higher frequencies it can help mitigate.
All of this is extremely useful, eye-opening and reassuring in a twisted sort of way. It's true then that misery likes company! I say this with a big dose of irony.
I am very aware of all these issues and struggles as I share all of your concerns. My 'big' thing is tinnitus from which I suffer 'round the clock. Mine is the non-stop hissing type. Sometimes louder than others but always present. Is often covered up in noisy environments.
I live in a complex where just about everyone has 5g cable entering their apartments. No doubt comes thru walls, outlets, windows, etc. There are @50 wifi antennae within 3 miles of where I live and something like 10 cell towers- many emitting 5g.
I recently purchased EMF harmonizers- one each for laptop and 2 tablets and one for cellphone. Additionally a bracelet. My headaches have abated mostly but the tinnitus has not.
I turn everything off at night and never bring any devices into the bedroom. If I am reading from my Kindle I shut it down before going to sleep and take it into the living room.
Unfortunately at my job I have very little control and as I work at Town Hall I am fairly sure we are wired to the max.
I too worry about our natural environment, Fran. All plants, animals, invertebrates, trees are innocent victims. People ask NO questions when hundreds of birds drop out of the sky or thousands of fish and sea creatures wash ashore dead. "Must be climate change!", they say. Idiots!
As the cartoon character Pogo said: 'We have seen the enemy and he is us.'
For those folks in the US curious about their exposure to antennae and cell towers, check out: www.antennasearch.com
Thanks everyone! ✌️
Thanks for your testimony, Bonnie! It is horrendous! You are absolutely saturated with electrosmog 24/7, how awful. We have to raise this issue with our governments. See the pinned post which tells about the Judicial Review underway in the UK. Maybe something similar needs to happen in USA?
Great article. Thanks.
I shield, avoid, and measure. As described in this article. For me, it was worth it to dig more deeply into the actual science. For me, buying a good measurement meter and investing in high quality shielding paid off. Details are provided here. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quiet
This is one version of the tin foil hat. No longer available apparently. It doesn't look nearly as good on me as it does on her. It shields much better than tin foil. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832686407213.html?spm=2114.12010615.8148356.67.805d6684uXJgjT&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt&_randl_shipto=US
Measurement showed me that tin foil hats I made, here in the US, only attenuate to a 10 dB (90%) cut in radiation. That might sound like a lot but, for me, it was not enough. I found that more wrinkles in the foil reduced its shielding and I found it was impossible to create anything to shield my head without wrinkling the foil. Dr. Pall here shows that the allowable maximum EMF levels are at least 7.2 million times too high to be safe. Page 4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1chsere3Mt2ayWqRq-0yw_DNUgP8GErJF/view
"The extraordinary sensitivity of the VGCC voltage sensor
to the forces of the EMFs tells us that the current safety guidelines allow us to be
exposed to EMF levels that are something like 7.2 million times too high. That sensitivity
is predicted by the physics. Therefore, the physics and the biology are each pointing to
the same mechanism of action of non-thermal EMFs." Experience showed me that, for me, a meter is required to assess how protected I am.
dB is a log scale. 10 dB is 90% protection. 40 dB is 99.99% protection. https://www.shieldyourbody.com/emf-decibel/
This is a very complex topic. It effects on people are highly variable. Tin foil hats did not help me. The more expensive silver fabrics helped me. Maybe tin foil is good enough for you? Each person is different. But maybe those who are aware are the lucky ones? The article shows that EVERYBODY is being harmed, whether they realize it or not. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quiet
Our enemy has provided some humor in its pre conditioning of the masses to look down on EMF shielding. https://youtu.be/KcSnu3qxDy0?t=94 I am alone and don't care what people think of me, I protect myself. I do not watch TV, I don't use Netflix, and somebody else told me about this, or I would never have known. It is helpful for me to have a giggle or two at myself.
Thanks again.
The YouTube link is so mean-spirited! The enemy is stupid, it leaves evidence of its evil all over the place!
My ex acupuncturist informed me of that Youtube link. "Larry, this is how people see you." The majority are also mean-spirited, stupid, and perfectly capable of performing the evil acts the enemy brainwashes them into doing without much thought. This is war and the majority are assets. Either the enemy uses them or we use them. You can bet that the enemy has war gamed and simulated many possible ways about how to use divide and conquer to get humans to destroy each other. HOW can we get the majority to act on what they already know, that Warren Buffet's wealthy class and above (along with the power puppets they have installed almost everywhere world wide) are the real root cause enemy that needs to be eliminated, and soon? I try this in every conversation I have with anybody, and, if done respectfully from as much of the world view of the other possible, it usually works no matter what. EG. Grocery checkout. Hello Sir, how are you today. Great, and you? Great. Boy, the prices are sure going up and there are fewer choices? Yes, and since COVID hit that trend has only got worse. It is reassuring to know that our billionaire friends are doing great while the rest of us continue to suffer? Then look at the reaction. I care not whether jabbed or unjabbed, left or right, what religion, what gender, etc. The majority KNOWS. They have been brainwashed to divert this knowledge into other things. We can and must try to get them to act on what they know. They do not need to wake up. The enemy is providing fertile ground so that, as things worsen, they will not be able to ignore it or deny it anymore. Avoid conflicts and attempt to get them to realize the root cause and consider what actions THEY might take to correct the situation. Most will do nothing until it gets much worse, and by then it might be too late. No problem Einstein tackled was more challenging or important than what some of us are attempting here. To eliminate our root cause enemy's ability to harm humanity and all life on the planet, and soon.
Excellent , everyone should listen to this man , he knows what he is talking about and has dedicated himself to actions and solutions , which is where we MUST go now .
Here are some good resources and support for the electrosensitive:
in UK: https://www.es-uk.info/about-us/
in Canada: https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com/
See pinned comment for latest UK Judicial Review.
My question is why do "they" get to do all of this to our planet? Where are the activists?
The 'activists' are in 'their' thrall. All of them. A mash-up of Mass Formation Psychosis and Stockholm Syndrome methinks!
I am a lifelong activist and I agree that a lot of my old compadres have been thin on the ground over EMFs. They have been sucked into the Climate Change umbrella by orgs such as Extinction Rebellion. They get very angry with me for writing negatively about their pet issues and for pursuing radiation (of all types) since 2013.
Tis a lonely road now.... Also, I do have to report that very many of the old timer activists have now died - mostly of cancer.
It's almost like they have no deductive reasoning.
Sheeple - they are there for the "higher ups" to feast upon. I just don't feel like being part of the buffet.
@Frances Leader I just played the part "what does wifi sound like" to see - my dog that has been having physical problems, including lesions on her body, just came running in from the other room barking!! I'm totally convinced that all of this is not coincidence!
Has anyone looked into mineral drain from EMFs ? Seems like hair loss muscles skin etc all indicates loss of minerals. I too have had much ringing off and on depending where I travel for work. I keep minerals on me at all times. Baking soda Epsom salts boron calcium lactate. Eating bananas for potassium. Soaking in these minerals does help me.
I've been drinking silica-rich water - I put in some food grade diatomaceous earth that I got from the gardening store, about a teaspoon to a pint of water. Silica helps remove the aluminum which makes our body an antenna.
Horsetail herb and bamboo leaves , great sources of silica , yes VERY IMPORTANT protection. It was here when dinosaurs were so it is a model that works.
Thanks Thomas for the suggestion on horsetail! I have some of it growing along the trail here, so will have to make some tea. Do you brew a tea of this and/or bamboo leaves?
Yes we dry it and make a tea ,, AND pick extra and compost it to add to garden soils, they break down very quickly and add these nutrients to soils so anything you grow there
Good to know..thanks so much Thomas for sharing.
Ooh I might try that! I will have to buy it online. Found food grade Peruvian diatomaceous earth available by the kilo (£7.45p) on Ebay! Thanks Roman!
We use Diatomaceous earth for many things on our homestead. you have to be careful dusting pets with it though , gets in their lungs and causes trouble .
Good point on the mineral depletion. I like to add himalayan salt to my water daily for this reason as well.
I use bicarbonate of soda regularly to alkalise my gut. I also have a foot massager/bath which gives some relief. I do add Epsom salts to the water and soak my feet for an hour at a time. The heat from my feet is so high that I can start with stone cold water and it is warm by the time I finish!
I tend to overheat regularly, especially just walking from the bathroom back to bed (not more than 20 feet) at night. My heart is racing and it takes 15 minutes to get my temperature back under control. - horrible sweating. I just this week began to think about it in regard to the wifi after I turned it off. I still have some, but they come back into balance a bit quicker.