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Here is Peter Frampton playing the same guitar and the same song live at Wind Creek on 15th July 2023. He is now 73.


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yes and its wonderful he is still doing it because it seemed a year so ago an illness was to make him retire , he was very influential to me way back then on that album as a young guitarist, and I know the story of the remarkable recovery of THAT GUITAR.

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Peter Frampton's album "Peter Frampton Comes Alive" was the most popular live album when I graduated from high school. Everybody I know had that album. They don't make music like that anymore. We were blessed with the best music ever growing up. 😎

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Yes some of us still do and there ARE some great young ones following in the footsteps check out Marcus King or Chris Buck

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That song was good respite from 3hrs pre-dawn reading of blood and politics.

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It would seem that we have this enormous spiritual/moral/mind problem that all these brilliant people keep working for those with evil control intentions and agendas , until that is changed , we are are forever chasing the tiger by the tail in defensive efforts to survive .

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Wonderful as always , I would say some memories are stored in the brain electro-chemically, fluidly AND in the electromagnetic field around each cell and the entire body as well hence the memories of others when their organs are put into other people [ not really the best idea anyway] , because the body tries forever to eliminate this unruly invader LOL. Yes music frequencies and aroma frequencies do seem remarkably to take us back dont they.

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yes to muscle memory - that's why if you want to learn a song you need to "get in your fingers."

then there are the akashic records which are a whole other story

and for those who want to go down the "memory hole" - amazing stuff from MWD


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That is a superb article! Really fascinating! Thanks a lot for adding it here xx

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Beautiful! It’s fun when past life (or whatever) memories come up at random moments and makes it feel like we’re actually there, or were there in “this life”. Then to remember that everything-everywhere-all at once is the reality and we can go explore that river or street or neighbourhood if we want...

Ooh dimension hopping! What a great pasttime.

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Its the God information in our DNA

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Our family friend lost his arm, yes it is a real thing, for sticking it out the car window crossing a bridge. Just like Moms warn will happen. So anyway they buried the arm but his phantom pain was relentless so they dug it up and medicated and bandaged it and then reburied it and he was relieved of the pain.

Also, yes there are epigenetic studies of people having memories their ancestors had. Link below. It is in the dna. (THat's why to me this jabs are so dangerous with monkey dna and all sorts of aborted baby dna...who may be crying and horrified...like the kidney transplant person who woke up from the operation screaming, "I'm not supposed to be here"!!! The kidney was trafficked from a young boy! ) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24029109/

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well Frances, I love everything in this post, sounds totally accurate. and the bonus is hooking us up with someone who can fill us in on what's going on in China! just subscribed to James Filbird ...

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James is obviously a very busy man but I do hope he makes Substack posts about his experiences. We really need to know more about modern China with a positive edge rather than all the awful racist hatred we see in the media. We desperately need inside voices from Russia and Ukraine too. I always want to hear from people who live in these places.... correction.... ALL places! I am just a glutton for stories!

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Yeah me too! have you seen this substack about Russia? I saw Tessa Lena and Riley Waggaman ( the below referenced Edward ) interviewed together on ... maybe rounding the Earth or something?? memory how could you fail me at this moment?!


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Tessa is a Russian expat living in the US, Riley is an American expat living in Russia 🤪☕🌍


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I have read some of their posts but they are all political. I want to hear about the lifestyle, the interests, the culture and the fun that Russians enjoy. I want to know how all those different cultures preserve their identities and yet keep Russia whole.

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i think tessa's "soul and philosophy" section will resonate


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Thanks for that link! I read the first on the list and resonated with her. https://tessa.substack.com/p/totalitarianism

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Great story, Frances. Most of my memories come to me during meditation, dreams and listening to music. At my age, those memories have more meaning attached to them than ever before. I recount my life and wished I would have done things differently but I know I can't so sometimes sadness comes to me. Life passes us by so quickly that we forget how important and valuable time is to us. Time, good health, spiritual growth and meaningful purpose for my life are all that matter to me at this point in my life.

You seem to have a fondness of the Chinese culture and history. Have you ever been to China? I've been to most every major city in China and have traveled to many remote villages too, all by plane, hi-speed train, locomotive, boat, car, bus, bicycle and on foot.

It's an amazing country with a diverse group of tribes living all throughout the country. 52 different versions of the Chinese language spoken here. I have learned and grown so much in the last 21 years since first stepping foot in Beijing in 2002. I have experienced and witnessed phenomenal economic growth in this country since then that has never been seen before in recorded history and most likely will not ever be seen again for a very long time.

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Aaah - Memories …. I went to China in 2000 … but only for a week or so on a sponsored charity trek … had an amazing time … we trekked up to parts of the Great Wall that just can’t be accessed by normal tourists … totally not renovated (as the tourist sections are) …. just rocks and rubble following the contours up and down … hard work rock climbing at times. One day we saw an old lady with bound feet - what an awful cultural practice that was. A few years before I’d read the bestseller ‘Wild Swans’ (a brilliant book about 3 generations of women during the twentieth century). The Cultural Revolution horrified me (but seems that something similar is now being imposed in ‘the West’ with increasing censorship all over the place!) There’s so much to more for me to learn about ancient China … I must apply myself to study.

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You wouldn't recognize China now. The whole country has had a major face-lift and puts all other countries to shame in terms of growth, infrastructure development, cleanliness, prosperity and so on. Really amazing what's happened here over the past 30 years.

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Yes, I think it all off soon after I was there … I remember being at Beijing airport when it was announced that Beijing would be hosting the Olympics in 2008 and the start of massive developments in infrastructure seemed to correlate with that date and the Olympics preparation period.

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Beijing has a new airport that's one of the best in the world. It's called DaXin. There's nothing even close to it found in any western nation. It's a architectural masterpiece.

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I have never been to China and I am so happy you love it as much as you do. Would you write a sort of travelog about your adventures? I would love to read that!

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I suppose I could publish a SS with pictures and descriptions of each photo to show my life here in China.

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That is what I meant - it would be very useful to convey a more positive view of China than we see from our biased war hungry media!

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OK, I'll do that. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Looking forward to this 👍

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That would take me weeks and months to write a travelogue of my adventures in China. So many wonderful memories made on this part of the planet. I'm quite popular here in China as a movie star and social media influencer. I have over one million fans following me in China and will grow to three million in the next six months because of a couple big movies being released this year that I'm starring in and I now have a Tier One social media and actor agency supporting my popularity. This is my focus for now because I can monetize my social media platform traffic to earn big money. Too bad you can't follow me because the apps I'm on aren't available in America. One of the platforms I'm popular on is Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok.

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Wow James! That is terrific news! Congratulations! I am in the UK but just as unable to access Chinese platforms. When the films come out, will they be available with subtitles? I have watched a few historical Chinese films on YouTube and loved them all. It would be great to see what you are up to.... I guess you must speak and understand the lingo really well by now!

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I've starred in the two biggest movies in China film history, $1.7B total box office receipts thus far. The name of the movies are: The Battle at Lake Changjin and Watergate Bridge. I played the lead supporting role as General Douglas MacArthur in both movies.

My next movie is due for release next month. It's called Eastern Wall Street. In it, I play a business partner of Andy Lau who is the biggest superstar in China and HK.

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In the Water Gate Bridge movie, I'm at 17:00 and 1:51 minute marks.

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Cool. You'll only need to watch the first 30 minutes of the movie to see all my scenes. I'm in one of the final scenes of the movie but no speaking part. Half of my scenes were cut from the movie because the government propagandist production team wanted MacArthur to only be seen as an arrogant bad guy with no personality. In 2025, a director's cut version of the movie will be released with all of my scenes most likely. The scenes are based on actual historical events that took place during the Korean War conflict.

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