Had to wait until I had time to read this installment and it was well worth the read and yet again very similar to my experience when living with my in-laws and had to do a runner from the Isle of Sky with my daughter as I had been threatened by a neighbor that If I tried to leave with her he would stop us, (ex cop, apparently there a lot of ex Glasgow cops who live there) It was highly unusual for a man to take his child , especially when it was a girl but my problem was my wife not my child and wasn't going to have the stigma of "another man leaving his child with the mother" I was far to proud for that, I managed to leave under the cover of night in my brothers van back to Edinburgh where I was put up in a homeless shelter until after a few months had a housing association flat while my wife set about making her own life, The hassle I got from social services was intolerable because I was a Man, the number of times I was asked can I change a nappy ( the toweling kind where you had to steep over night in a bucket prior to hand washing or feeding etc. just got stupid as it was clear to anyone with eyes my Daughter was well looked after but After a year or so I gave my flat to my ex so she could be a mum to our daughter, I could go on but it detracts from this lovely story that shows us we have lots in common in this experience as parents/lovers/humans and even we think we're alone this is just not the case. Thanks Frances. Respect & X 2 All

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I love reading these. Thanks for sharing your life experiences Frances. You have me on the edge of my seat now.

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Ain't family/domestic life wonderful? A fairy tale. This counter narrative or some version of it is likely quite typical. And we wonder why war, theft and murder of one kind or another is so common. We don't care in the slightest about people, all the holy water and pious murmuring notwithstanding. Why? To paraphrase, "It's the system, stupid". Getting help from government is not a right and preventative, but an after the fact indictment: you just aren't the right stuff. The right stuff has money and support, but it just produces a different version of dysfunctional people: boring, perfidious, but not so messy. They have the power, so can usually keep the seething pot from boiling over. But when it does, it's uglier than hell.

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Off topic, but very informative for peeps here:


As if it was difficult to work out anyway hey? These pyshco's are crooks+killers and should be in jail for life. But then the US Govt helped them, as did Govt's worldwide. So, Govt's are the same as these nutters too!

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Unmitigated drivel from start to finish. Well done. You have thoroughly pissed me off.

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Hi Frances, I understand why you might say that regarding your view on the whole of virology. The meaning behind sharing the info is simply to shed light on the obvious behind the scenes collusion of the likes of Gates/Fauci in orchestrating utter 'pandemic' BS and making MILLIONS from doing so. The point is; there was/is no genuine pandemic; it has ALL been orchestrated for a purpose and millions bought it and now look at the mess unfolding; complete insanity. Even if millions of people read this info, they might start to see what BS it has all been/is. I think that would be a big leap forward for most people, outside of even debating whether virus exists or not! In all subjects, we have to consider all info, even if that info 'pisses us off'!

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Maybe I ought to spell this out so there is no room for misinterpretation.

1) There are no viruses.

2) These chapters are deeply personal and true.

3) It is insulting me to hijack the post and drag it off topic.

4) The idea is to write something creative which takes the reader as far away from the present mayhem as possible.

5) Write your own substack if you want to dictate the content.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you for that Frances. I was wondering how I had missed the derailment after being so happily distracted from it. I wondered why you hadn't taken Dan but knew you'd answer that. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you .

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Hi Frances, thank you for clarifying here. My apologies if what I presented and the manner in which I did so insulted you. That was not my intent; I take full responsibility for my ignorance and obliviousness. Now I understand your intention on these posts I will respect this. I never wanted to dictate the content. Only seeking to share something of value for others and make a positive contribution. I will refrain from posting anything from hereon.

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You inappropriately shared a controlled opposition narrative which neither informs anyone nor has any value in the pursuit of truth.

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Your family provided many cracks for you to fall into!

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I manage to fall into dozens of cracks all by myself too..... future episodes will surprise you!

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Stirred memories of my own chaotic, filled-with-mixed-messages upbringing.

I always say 'I wasn't brought up, I was dragged'!

The fires within us burn brighter, in the long haul, than the madness outside.

Luckily, or not (given the deep relationship you have w Dan) I did not suffer a divorce nor did I have the weighty responsibility of a child.

Women-especially mothers- have a burning drive to survive- or die trying!

Bravo, Frances. 🙏💟

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you Frances, so enjoy reading your story ❤️

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wow Frances, I look forward to and also dread your Sunday memories. You understatedly write 'Mum and I had never had a good relationship.' and then 'she hit me in the face with a hot iron'. Geez what a life you have had. I feel like I haven't been born.

what happened to Nicki?

I am only reassured by the fact that you are here now telling the story and you survived to flourish, and not fade away in addiction cleaning or otherwise


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Because I love cats- this was in my head too. Thanks for inquiring! 😺

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

i had forgotten that my mum took full swing with a big hair brush to my face once till i read that. i wore the marks for a couple of weeks, its nice to know im not the only one with a difficult mother

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We bury the bad times, don't we? Sometimes I think that is quite a blessing and facilitates forgiveness which is so essential to our wholeness. My mum went through her own trials and I witnessed how much she suffered. My dad never really internalised how much stress he caused her and, consequently, my brother and I. When he left my mum for another woman, she was devastated and could not meet the challenge of working full time and caring for us, there was never enough money. Plus the idiot doctor who prescribed her Valium had no idea what a monster he was creating with his horrid little pills. The only remedy I could find was to leave home at 13 and somehow keep myself at school until I was ready to work myself.

My brother stayed with her until he was 14 but, eventually, it got too much for him too and he moved out to live with an aunt. He had a few sorry stories of his own but he never mentioned them. I think, like you, he chose to forget.

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I think males are more likely to 'forget'. I know my brothers have.

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Adele, the lovely friend who rented the first floor of our house, looked after Nicki and took her when she moved to her own house. I took Dylan to see her a few times so he knew where she was if he wanted to visit when he went on his independent travels around town, which he did quite often. Adele was very fond of them both and they of her.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

That's so endearing Frances. I tried to take my beloved Great Dane w me and almost succeeded. My mum told the ex where we were and he came and took him. Bad enough but he purposely or not didn't take care of my angel who had a very sad life thereafter that haunts me to this day. Mothers.

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thank you xxx

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