This story reminds me of my second boyfriend (cheater), and third, and forth, and..........It seems they cheat less when they get older though. Alcohol is the major culprit!

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I’m not really Elvis, I’m a woman who’s new husband didn’t get his narcissism fed quite enough after the baby was born. Well, fed by me, anyway. I LOVE your story and can’t wait for the next episode!!

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Oh no! And here was me, thrilled to have Elvis as a subscriber! 🤣😂

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Oh, Frances, those rose colored glasses!! I've worn them too.....Know that you were / are not alone. Eventually we can look back and re-imagine those (tragic) priceless experiences, with compassion, pathos, and mirth toward our innocent younger self. Wisdom comes at a cost, but it does come :). Imagine my reaction when receiving a phone call at work, 1st day back from the honeymoon, Him: "Guess what? I've been fired!" Me: What happened? Him: I don't know. Clue: When he circulated a memo at his small office, announcing our marriage to come that summer, his bosses written comment addressed to ME, was "A. see me 1st!"......(Stupidly I took it as a joke and never followed up with said boss.) Of course the story I'd been told by new husband was to expect his promotion, upon return to work after the honeymoon. It took me 10 years to wise up and exit.....the ironic but unmistakable message from the universe, was that the divorce was official on April Fools Day!

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My rose coloured glasses were almost indestructible! It took 12 years for me to give up trying - but that is Episode 22 and we are only on Episode 6. We have 16 more episodes of my abject stupidity to go yet! 🙄

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The Portuguese Man o War bit had me biting my fingernails! You are a badass!

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It certainly was a very close call....

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Paradise lost...a familiar story, sadly.

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You're a pretty talented creative writer.

Why, I never knew! gonna go back to Episode 1 now :-)

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One of the best, if not the best.

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It is easy, even relaxing, to write about my life. Researching and reporting on geo-politics is far, far more difficult! Thank you very much for the compliment! xx

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That's how I feel about, UN Agenda2030, plandemic & covid related stuff now, so I wrote something more arty & local. Bless!


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Wow. How sad. I feel so sorry for anyone pulled into that sort of thing.

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i never understood cheating :(

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Hold onto yourself then Ray. It gets a lot worse.....

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Interesting but disturbing read, I have had many similar experiences with alcohol and it has always left a dark cloud over memory's, so I understand why you would be upset and it has become obvious to me by way of your writing and interviews that you are a sensitive and empathic soul but also a determined toughie, I look forward to next installment with a brighter side. Respect & X 2 All

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I’m glad she’s catching on .

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Oct 2, 2022
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Yeah, it is a horrible feeling, isn't it?

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Oct 2, 2022
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At the age of 21, as I was then, I didn't know anything about the PTB! All I cared about was my own little life and that was rapidly revealed to be a fraud. The story gets much worse as it goes on. Episode 7 is a tough one and I will publish it next Sunday.

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