(sorry I didn't realize I had two pieces in my writing box on another app.)
I'm thinking about what you've written here. I relate to loosing sense of place and the connectedness of it. The rightness of it.
That you were targeted in this moment of disconnection for you is extremely sad and unfortunately not uncommon. That you lost the loving beings all so quickly so heartbreaking. I honestly think humans are beastly. Lost, abused and without compass. Our present moment is only deepening this. The work to be done is out of the grasp of most. It is difficult, painful and beautiful. We can be so beautiful, so able, so healing and yet I wonder what is to become of us. Will Mother Earth win out and boot us, as we poison her and ourselves by extension.
I listened to the below recently. I hadn't listened to him in awhile but find his perspective, his work, sad and honest.
Funny how different a person's mood can be on the very same day. Altho my husband & I recently had a very sad get-together w/a friend (whose formerly super-healthy wife & our friend too, passed this spring from a virulent turbo cancer most prob C19 vaxx-induced), I'm feeling hopeful that our world is finally starting to come to grips w/ all the exposed evil UN/WEF/NWO/C19 plots & is now moving more & more against it on a public scale.
As related to the sad topic of my friend's death, & while reading articles/watching videos, I recently learned of this doctor's work with end-of-life patients in a hospice center in New York. The PBS documentary on Dr Kerr (shown this week & accessible thru PBS International) was not only awe-inspiring but also so hopeful & breath-takingly moving.
It reinforced my belief (afterlife) that this life is only a passageway to another side of love so nothing to fear at all. And not that most of us want to die today or soon, but should all reconcile to it & understand its beauty too by not only loving life but learning how to die.
Lots of other non-western, non-industrialized cultures know this so much better than we do.
Here's just one of the videos I watched > TedX 2015 - Dr. Christopher Kerr: Death Is But a Dream video + Book: Death Is But a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life's End Hardcover – February 11, 2020 by Christopher Kerr (Author), Carine Mardorossian (Author)
It amazed me how comforted I became by finding this wonderful doctor & his work - in contrast to all of the killer docs we've learned about over the past few years of C19 scam.
And maybe over our own lifetimes facing a global medical mafia's deadly intents, profits at all costs & world-wide monopoly actions??
So... trying hard to counteract the PTB control-demons today w/more positivity (seeing as how substack can just be so dam grim most days w/ predictive, apocalyptic scenarios.) Are we making the PTB's "proposed reality" come true by not focusing ourselves more on the good world - free, local, communal, democratic - that we actually want to live in instead?
On edit: After I wrote this I read another stack article on exactly this topic "doomers".
May 22, 2023 - What I'm Watching: The Black-Pilled Prophets Of Doom Are False Teachers (Drive With Dave) - David Whitehead discusses the nature of doom prophecy and how it affects mindset and manifestation - The Starfire Codes
> "Simply put: Love reintegrates us; fear tears us further apart. So if we ask ourselves which position the thought or emotion is coming from and who it benefits, we can learn to keep the dark thoughts in check, refocus, and shift our reality so that the majority of source consciousness is having a healing experience rather than a traumatic one. (And if we happen to have a traumatic one, we can refocus on transmuting the experience into wisdom that we can then catalyze into growth and change with the ultimate outcome being healing.)"
Thank you Elizabeth. This was an old friend from our youthful 20s fun times who was just a blast - always so much fun, full of life, vitality & talent. Such a big loss to all of us. I know that grief will come in waves now (as it does) so trying to get better at surfing the waves.
Sometimes I try to let my thoughts be without giving them a lot of weight.
(Although that is something else other than grief at times and I am not always successful) Someone I knew had this expression 'Trying to remember what I already know'.
Being on Rich's feed so tiresome. It seems so many who question the notion of contagion and what a virus is are dealing with paranoia. Maybe understandably given where we are. I got deeply involved with someone recently. A beautiful, bright, loving and welcoming man. Who unfortunately deals with delusional perspective at times. It's so deeply heartbreaking.
Although that any of us are sane right now is amazing and does speak to the beauty of being human.
Ew. This style of writing is highly familiar to me. Is this the NZ failed politician by any chance? Name escapes me due to the lack of interest I have for the individual.
Saw this discussion re substack at the end of the thread and thought to add my two cents. It may help clear some confusion.
In the settings you can control what shows up on your profile. So you decide whether you want to show who you read and subscribe to and what you like. For example, I only allow my notes to be seen, and only relatively recently, nothing else. I think most users don't know this and leave the default settings. When I go to a new platform I always check the settings and set my preferences, which is driven by privacy.
Okay -:yulia: - I'll go have a look at your explanation on the setting choices. I did look at the settings a couple of years ago when I signed up for substack & don't remember that decision.
I do echo Frances though as I wonder why folks want to be so mysterious here re: everything - like who they follow. I don't use my last name, but that's a choice I made & is the only thing I really keep private here. (But I have no illusions & know that there is really no privacy on social media as Frances says, & we are all surveilled & followed all over the internet after all).
I am so sorry for all the trouble this coward gave you by lying and cheating you out of your money. I hope he gets his in the end. I am also very saddened by the news of your beloved pets, and I too had to put down three in one year. Losing a fur baby is the hardest thing I have ever been through. I am crying as I type this to you, Frances, and I hope you are able to relive the wonderful memories of all of them. You gave them a great life, and I know they gave you one too.
Can’t begin to imagine losing 3 fur babies in one year. My heart broke for you. I’m sickened by the person who believed Rasta was being neglected and the vet who insisted on that medication. I think I could have physically harmed those two!
I’d like to believe you have all your beloved fur babies near and watching over you. I lost my Prince Finkle 6 mo ago. (17 year old cat). It was unbearable to watch his soulmate of 17 years mourn him. I did not work for 10 days. We were inconsolable.
It presaged a complete change of direction for me. It was the end of an era and a tremendously lonely feeling until I woke up one morning and I could feel them around me on the bed. That was when I knew I hadn't lost them at all, really.
Physically they were all worn out. They had worked and played so hard all their lives and they deserved to escape the rigours of possessing a limited body. Rasta was 15 years old when he went and apparently that is 3 years longer than his breed is expected to live.
15 years..... such a short time! But man, did he pack in the action during that time!
I understand very well what you say. You gave them such a rich and wonderfully free life. That’s the visual I had. They were all at the foot of your bed. Sweetness
As a side note Frances I was looking for your substack which automatically loaded with google search results instead. I discovered that Frances Leader substack in google search results is pretty useless. There is a linkedin page from you, a substack result page with other things, then a lot of nonsensical articles about Macron in France. I think your name and work on here is being suppressed on google. I'm starting to wonder how many others have similar problems?
When I was campaigning against fracking Google would access thousands of my articles, written on Facebook, Steemit and Hive.blog. There would be endless links to tweets and, of course, a huge number of photographs of me at various protests and events.
All of this was scrubbed when I began writing about 5G and how it is responsible for C19.
At first I was shadow-banned, but when this was not stemming the flow of attention I was receiving, my accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Discord were suspended and finally permanently removed.
I am now only using Substack and Gettr where I am also shadow-banned to some extent.
I like Gab also. I was shadow banned in 2021 my books could not make any traction. Bu t now search results for me are fine, except oddly they have the Secret Marriage listed as my top result, even though it never sold and contains erotic content. It seems like an odd choice.
I didn't realize that it had gotten that bad for you.
I said "as if he committed suicide" - as if..... a common phrase which conveys doubt.
I thought it was obvious that this post is Episode 40 in my autobiography so the history of Ben is available in the previous posts. He was a companion and a working dog.
Why would I need a private investigator when the police had charged Bryan and taken him to court? Once he was in prison, how was I likely to recoup my losses? He was already bankrupt and homeless.
It is very strange and sad that the people most concerned about animal cruelty often have the power to compell you to do things that actually cause your pet to suffer. I for one have never believed in euthanasia for my pets as I'd seen our one elderly almost 20 year old dog rebound a few times from not eating/drinking. Ultimately she lived 1-2 years longer than she would have had I taken her to a vet to put her out of her misery. When she finally died, suffering no doubt in her last few days but lashing out if you tried to move her or help her, I took solace that it had been her time. Oddly I was castigated by a few dog rescue/animal welfare types for my cruelty! There is something very slippery slope about normalizing death as something that should be urged or compelled along. Who gets to decide?
Frances, it broke my heart to read that you lost Ben, Pearlie and Rasta in a short time period. I live with three senior dogs and I dread the day when my canine friends' time to leave will come.
Thank you, Lyn! Try not to focus on their demise if you can. I swear they read our thoughts and get depressed if we do. That is what seemed to happen to us. Mind you, whatever way we go about parting with them, the end is no less painful.
Even though sad at times, I believe that my people & animals are with me always & have even re-appeared in my life in different human forms & my pets as new, different pets.
So this also ties in with the theory of morphic resonance or "continuity of biological forms" that Dr Rupert Sheldrake also explores in his research around morphogensis, etc.
If one believe, as I do, that our souls & energies live on (since we're told or science shows that matter is never created or destroyed but simply transformed within the universe, thereby demolishing the nihilistic "big bang theory" of life from nothingness, then our human & animal energies go on & on into eternity, even if in alternate forms or beings,
So many other experiences from the other side in my lifetime. The Great Spirit teases us.
I recently learned in 2023, for example, that my namesake "Lucinda M..." my great-great-grandmother, was born in 1853 - or exactly 100 years before I was born -such beautiful synchronicity. I knew from my great-grandpa Jackson Wilson (who died at 92 when I was 16) that she died in childbirth with him, but found out her Irish maiden name, her resting place & gravestone thru the Find a Grave website this past year.
And, altho I'm mostly Irish, Scottish & English (& some other ethnicities too) thru both sides of all my known ancestors, finally finding out that Lucinda's maiden name was Irish was confirming & comforting evidence of what I believed before I knew for sure as my own name is an Irish surname too. Planning a trip now to actually see her TN grave site.
Yes, I believe deeply in reincarnation, as I've followed the astonishing research of Dr Ian Stevenson's investigations (& others) into past lives. The book "Old Souls" by Tom Shroder ( a journalist) regarding Dr Stevenson's research is an extraordinary examination of Stevenson's research on children's documented, scientifically explored/investigated past lives which continues today in the Division of Perceptual Studiesl/Psychiatry Division area of the School of Medicine Stevenson founded at the Univ of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA.
Summary: Can anyone speak a language he or she has not learned normally, in childhood or later? Claims to have accomplished this are made from time to time, but only rarely do they receive support when carefully examined. In this volume, Dr. Stevenson presents detailed reports of two cases that seem authentic.
Authentic instances of speaking a language that has not been learned normally (responsive xenoglossy) suggest that another personality (perhaps one of a previous life) had learned the langauge. Cases of responsive xenoglossy thus add to the evidence concerning the survival of human personality after death.
> Old Souls: Compelling Evidence from Children Who Remember Past Lives - by Tom Shroder - First published January 1, 1999
> For thirty-seven years, Dr. Ian Stevenson has traveled the world from Lebanon to suburban Virginia investigating and documenting more than two thousand of these past life memory cases. Now, his essentially unknown work is being brought to the mainstream by Tom Shroder, the first journalist to have the privilege of accompanying Dr. Stevenson in his fieldwork. Shroder follows Stevenson into the lives of children and families touched by this phenomenon, changing from skeptic to believer as he comes face-to-face with concrete evidence he cannot discount in this spellbinding and true story.
Summary article on Dr Stevenson's research/work on children & remembered past lives.
> Children Who Claim to Remember Previous Lives: Past, Present, and Future Research... Jim B. Tucker, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2007
Abstract-Ian Stevenson began researching cases of young children who ... Keywords: reincarnation cases Introduction Ian Stevenson came to the University of Virginia to be the chairman of the Department of Psychiatry in 1957. He had published extensively in medical and psychiatric journals by that time, primarily in the area of psychosomatic medicine, but he also harbored an interest in parapsychology.
Love your life-stories, Frances as they are so vivid & truthful & their immediacy (even so many years later) simply jumps off the page & into our imaginations & hearts. Thank you for sharing them here & can't wait when they are all in book form eventually (if that's the plan as I don't remember if it is?). <3
And they're a nice counterpoint - even when sad - to the grim & disorientingly evil NWO plot/reality we're facing. But we have our love, community & humanity for each other always to help arm us for the fights ahead as we keep our hearts open & full of the Great Spirit force for good in the universe.
Our life stories all show this & the way we need to be with each other.
Feeling such a kumbaya mood today w/all our whistleblower, investigative, medical-freedom-fighters' continuing to expose the evil demon-crooks out there & throwing up roadblocks against their plans. Fully believe that not only our actions but also our thoughts influence our future so we best stay alert & focused, while also planning for the good times coming. It is the coming of the Age of Aquarius... :-)
Keep on singing folks. "Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats." - Voltaire
Oh Frances, words fail me - what an immensely wretched time … my heart is hurting for you 💔 Sending you blessings 💫✨🌟 and grateful thanks for your writing … as always, such a fascinating insight into the life of one truly amazing human person … Onwards ❤️🩹💖💝
Paul - So agree with this. Thinking of our shared lives with our animals immediately conjures up warm & loving thoughts, happy memories & also brings heartache & sad memories too.
My husband & I got our first dog together in college (in the fall of 1973) - a medium black & white Wire-haired Parson Terrier mutt we named Caro - & finally had to say goodbye to his long life when he was a frail 19 1/2 years old in 1992. Such a great little guy, he moved with us from OK to Boston to Rhode Island to Brooklyn to upstate NY & charmed everyone he met.
Such a funny, goofy, sweet & incredible lovely doggie & best friends with all of our various cats who kept him company during our work days away. One of my favorite memories of him was Caro's helping "parent" Chloe's, kittens (our adopted brown & white tabby cat's 4 little kittens (they often slept w/him on his bed when their mom was out & he very carefully cuddled & nuzzled them as they curled into him).
And then, just when it seemed that our hearts were broken for good when we said good-bye to Caro, we took in my Grandma's beautiful little Bichon mix, Pepe, (who lived to be 17+ years) when she passed in 1994.
Loving our two dogs & our 5 cats over 40+ years together is one of the best things that J & I have ever done, including raising our lovely, talented, artist daughter w/each other too. <3
Hope you don't mind my rambling here but your simple statements to Frances' incredible stories here about her animal friends & travels brought up such strong feelings in me today.
Loved reading your ramblings, Lucinda! I don't doubt that anyone who has had to part with pets knows that particular brand of pain well.
I still dream that I am with my beloved animal friends and recently dreamed that I was wondering what they had been eating because they looked so fit and well yet I could not remember feeding them for some time! When I woke up I burst out laughing! Silly me!
Forgot to mention that I love all your dog's names too, Frances. And your dream story is so great. I haven't dreamed of our animals as far as I can remember, but maybe I can try to do that (like planned lucid dreaming?) as it seems so comforting.
Just out of curiosity, wonder if you've read Rupert Sheldrake's incredible writings on morphic resonance related to animal (including humans) species? Such a fascinating scientist & so love all his writings but esp on animals' telepathy w/their humans.
> Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home - And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (2011) - Fully Updated and Revised By Rupert Sheldrake
"After five years of extensive research involving thousands of people who have pets and work with animals, Dr. Sheldrake proves conclusively what many pet owners already know: there is a strong connection between humans and animals that defies present-day scientific understanding."
" Sheldrake compellingly demonstrates that we and our pets are social animals linked together by invisible bonds connecting animals to each other, to their owners, and to their homes in powerful ways. His provocative ideas about these social, or morphic, fields explain the uncanny behavior often observed in pets and help provide an explanation for amazing animal behavior in the wild, such as migration and homing."
Anyway, will let you know if I can conjure up a lucid dream or 2 about my pet lovies.
Sheldrake: "My research on telepathy in animals, summarized in my book "Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home" and published in detail in a series of papers (listed below), led me to see telepathy as a normal, rather than a paranormal phenomenon, an aspect of communication between members of animal social groups.
I see psychic phenomena as an extension of biology, which is why I, as a biologist, am interested in them. The same principles apply to human telepathy, and I have investigated little explored aspects of human telepathy, such as telepathy between mothers and babies, telephone telepathy (thinking of someone who soon afterwards calls) and email telepathy. I have designed several automated telepathy tests, some of which can be carried out through this website."
Watch Sheldrake's "The Evolution of Telepathy: The Perrott-Warrick lecture at Trinity College, Cambridge University" (linked in the website page above) directly here >
> Rupert Sheldrake on The Evolution of Telepathy -
The Perrott-Warrick Lecture by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (February 9th. 2011), in which were described phenomena indicative of the existence of telepathy in both animals and human beings.
"Field observations have suggested that wolves and other wild animals may communicate telepathically over many miles" - I have absolutely no doubts that this is true. I have seen it repeatedly. When Pearlie fell in the river at full spate, Rasta raced along the river bank until he found her. He had NOT seen her fall in. How did he know? So many incidents like that - I could write for a year on this topic alone!
Yes, I agree. We all sense these explanations from our own experiences, right?
Have to say that I esp love Rupert's soulful spirit & sense of humor w/his open curiosity & willingness to question arrogant scientific dogma & wrong beliefs.
Over the years, I've also listened to his explorations of how great music/choirs & religious experiences also speak to our human needs for cultural community, connection & transcendence too. So, he exposes both scientific & religious dogmatics on their prevarications re: our "insignificance in the natural world".
Absolutely agree w/his major research point that it's not proper scientific inquiry if one rules out something before investigating it. Such a commonsense truth that speaks volumes to exactly who are truthfully "real scientists" today.
And, oh, Frances, of course this telepathic/morphogenisis topic also goes to all the work you & others are doing to help us expose & stop the real dangers of EMFs/5G/WiFi/SmartMeters etc transmission towers that are destroying our magnetic bodies & correspondingly our telepathic/ESP/inter-communications abilities too. We see this in the natural world w/EMFs' etc interference w/bees, insects, birds & animals abilities to live, travel, migrate & communicate, right?
The PTB's deadly technocratic hubris is literally, devastatingly mind-blowing (pun intended).
Lucinda, I read Dr. Sheldrake’s book a few years back. Fascinating. I had a friend whose dog was not allowed on his couch. I told him about that book. He set up a camera and sure enough as soon as he left, the dog would get up on the couch and just a few minutes before coming home, he would jump off the couch and lay on the floor. When his dog passed, he would often see the indentation on his couch when he came home.
Sheldrake is really fascinating & love his banned 2013 TedTalk on scientific dogma & the theory of morphic resonance etc. He really set science on fire. ;-)
As to pet stories, our cats were free-range (cat doors) so they would usually be on our porch to greet us when we came home from work. And our dogs & cats could also communicate with us vis-a-vis paw signals & their different verbal sounds. Pet-owners prob realize this intuitively without understanding it at all.
Speaking of couches & beds, none of our pets ever slept with us on our bed, but only in their beds cause of my allergies, but we knew they would sneak into our bedroom if we ever left the bedroom door open to them so we didn't.
Or dog Caro would jump off our bed too (whenever he managed to get the bedroom door open if it wasn't latched tight) either when he knew we were coming home - at different times too - or maybe heard us coming up the stairs. He'd yawn at us & lounge nonchalantly on his bed when we walked into our house as if he'd been there all along. But a warm spot on the bed always gave him away & the open bedroom door as he didn't know how to close the door.
Our cats would sleep on the top of our comfy sofa cushions on their very own special kitty towels (to keep the shedding down as I'm allergic to their dander. Sure that they prob fooled us too but never when we were at home with them.
p.s. Audrey - This is your email contact from the notification email to me today > Sun, Feb 4 at 1:43 AM
Now back to being friends! Thank you for the link Lucinda. I am revisiting Dr. Sheldrake content on YouTube since you reminded me of him. I have saved a few of his lectures and will listen on my next lengthy drive. He seems like a such gentle spirit, doesn’t he?
Enjoyed reading about your sneaky fur babies. They are just like humans but cuter, acting all innocent and nonchalant!
OMGosh! Just reading you Lucinda and Frances comments. I am a real person. I subscribe (pay) to 4-5 substackers including just recently Frances. I do keep things private and I must admit I am not savvy with substack, just read posts. I do have followers, however don’t know why since I don’t post/write articles That is not my email. I am not Sage!! Now I’m alarmed. Should I be concerned? I didn’t even know emails were seen ?? I would never post my private email.
Sage Hana HATES me... has given me a lot of nasty comments over the years. I think he is jealous. It is very curious that his pseudonym should crop up connected to Audrey!
Audrey has no posts, no notes, no likes and follows only one Substack writer and that is me..... wtf?
I keep coming across this author and his work on different feeds. Charles Eisenstein did a podcast with a woman about animals and the human animal communicating. Really fascinating. I talked to a woman about how she communicated with horses.
Elizabeth - TY for mentioning this. Found it > JUN 30, 2021 - The Podcast: A New & Ancient Story with Charles Eisenstein - Anna Breytenbach: Interspecies Communication (E57) - 1 hr 52 min
Podcast summary: Anna Breytenbach is one of the world's best known interspecies communicators, subject of the film The Animal Communicator ( https://youtu.be/gvwHHMEDdT0 ). In this conversation we touch on a couple of her stories before zooming out larger themes such as: the living planet and humanity's role on it, the relationship between humans and the rest of life, and how to access the kind of abilities Anna has developed.
About Anna:
Anna Breytenbach is a professional interspecies communicator practicing for 20 years on several continents and featured in the documentary "The Animal Communicator".
Native to South Africa, she holds a degree in Psychology and studied telepathic animal communication with the Assisi Institute in California as well as tracking and mentoring at the Wilderness Awareness School in Seattle.
As an experienced master facilitator she focuses on mentoring in a practical manner that reminds us humans of the ways of indigenous nature awareness. Her consultation work is exclusively with wildlife and peaceful interventions globally via remote work. This includes predator research, wilderness protection, anti-poaching assistance, biodynamic and reforestation initiatives, wildlife management and rehabilitation and numerous public appearances as an inspirational speaker.
Anna’s communication and conservation work guides people to deepen their connection with all species in an honouring manner. She's inspired by being a voice for wild beings and natural environments.
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sunday-in-memory-lane-episode-13
(sorry I didn't realize I had two pieces in my writing box on another app.)
I'm thinking about what you've written here. I relate to loosing sense of place and the connectedness of it. The rightness of it.
That you were targeted in this moment of disconnection for you is extremely sad and unfortunately not uncommon. That you lost the loving beings all so quickly so heartbreaking. I honestly think humans are beastly. Lost, abused and without compass. Our present moment is only deepening this. The work to be done is out of the grasp of most. It is difficult, painful and beautiful. We can be so beautiful, so able, so healing and yet I wonder what is to become of us. Will Mother Earth win out and boot us, as we poison her and ourselves by extension.
I listened to the below recently. I hadn't listened to him in awhile but find his perspective, his work, sad and honest.
Maybe someone will knock him down. Maybe he is knockdownable, it seems to be what many are most focused on right now is taking others down.
Funny how different a person's mood can be on the very same day. Altho my husband & I recently had a very sad get-together w/a friend (whose formerly super-healthy wife & our friend too, passed this spring from a virulent turbo cancer most prob C19 vaxx-induced), I'm feeling hopeful that our world is finally starting to come to grips w/ all the exposed evil UN/WEF/NWO/C19 plots & is now moving more & more against it on a public scale.
As related to the sad topic of my friend's death, & while reading articles/watching videos, I recently learned of this doctor's work with end-of-life patients in a hospice center in New York. The PBS documentary on Dr Kerr (shown this week & accessible thru PBS International) was not only awe-inspiring but also so hopeful & breath-takingly moving.
It reinforced my belief (afterlife) that this life is only a passageway to another side of love so nothing to fear at all. And not that most of us want to die today or soon, but should all reconcile to it & understand its beauty too by not only loving life but learning how to die.
Lots of other non-western, non-industrialized cultures know this so much better than we do.
Here's just one of the videos I watched > TedX 2015 - Dr. Christopher Kerr: Death Is But a Dream video + Book: Death Is But a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life's End Hardcover – February 11, 2020 by Christopher Kerr (Author), Carine Mardorossian (Author)
TedX 2015 -Video: Dr. Christopher Kerr: Death Is But a Dream
I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo
It amazed me how comforted I became by finding this wonderful doctor & his work - in contrast to all of the killer docs we've learned about over the past few years of C19 scam.
And maybe over our own lifetimes facing a global medical mafia's deadly intents, profits at all costs & world-wide monopoly actions??
So... trying hard to counteract the PTB control-demons today w/more positivity (seeing as how substack can just be so dam grim most days w/ predictive, apocalyptic scenarios.) Are we making the PTB's "proposed reality" come true by not focusing ourselves more on the good world - free, local, communal, democratic - that we actually want to live in instead?
On edit: After I wrote this I read another stack article on exactly this topic "doomers".
May 22, 2023 - What I'm Watching: The Black-Pilled Prophets Of Doom Are False Teachers (Drive With Dave) - David Whitehead discusses the nature of doom prophecy and how it affects mindset and manifestation - The Starfire Codes
> "Simply put: Love reintegrates us; fear tears us further apart. So if we ask ourselves which position the thought or emotion is coming from and who it benefits, we can learn to keep the dark thoughts in check, refocus, and shift our reality so that the majority of source consciousness is having a healing experience rather than a traumatic one. (And if we happen to have a traumatic one, we can refocus on transmuting the experience into wisdom that we can then catalyze into growth and change with the ultimate outcome being healing.)"
I'm sorry about your friends. There is much grief to walk with now.
To last part, I agree. There are messages of fear coming at us from all sides and I don't thinking living there 24/7 is healthy or constructive.
Thank you for the links. I think I would be happy to be released from human consciousness. Just to join in something larger without human form.
Thank you Elizabeth. This was an old friend from our youthful 20s fun times who was just a blast - always so much fun, full of life, vitality & talent. Such a big loss to all of us. I know that grief will come in waves now (as it does) so trying to get better at surfing the waves.
Oh so sorry.
It really is like surfing waves isn't it.
Sometimes I try to let my thoughts be without giving them a lot of weight.
(Although that is something else other than grief at times and I am not always successful) Someone I knew had this expression 'Trying to remember what I already know'.
My thoughts are with you ❤️
Dr Zach Bush is always worth the time... thanks for that link!
I'm glad you think so!
Being on Rich's feed so tiresome. It seems so many who question the notion of contagion and what a virus is are dealing with paranoia. Maybe understandably given where we are. I got deeply involved with someone recently. A beautiful, bright, loving and welcoming man. Who unfortunately deals with delusional perspective at times. It's so deeply heartbreaking.
Although that any of us are sane right now is amazing and does speak to the beauty of being human.
Ew. This style of writing is highly familiar to me. Is this the NZ failed politician by any chance? Name escapes me due to the lack of interest I have for the individual.
So so sorry, Frances.
Saw this discussion re substack at the end of the thread and thought to add my two cents. It may help clear some confusion.
In the settings you can control what shows up on your profile. So you decide whether you want to show who you read and subscribe to and what you like. For example, I only allow my notes to be seen, and only relatively recently, nothing else. I think most users don't know this and leave the default settings. When I go to a new platform I always check the settings and set my preferences, which is driven by privacy.
Okay -:yulia: - I'll go have a look at your explanation on the setting choices. I did look at the settings a couple of years ago when I signed up for substack & don't remember that decision.
I do echo Frances though as I wonder why folks want to be so mysterious here re: everything - like who they follow. I don't use my last name, but that's a choice I made & is the only thing I really keep private here. (But I have no illusions & know that there is really no privacy on social media as Frances says, & we are all surveilled & followed all over the internet after all).
I am so sorry for all the trouble this coward gave you by lying and cheating you out of your money. I hope he gets his in the end. I am also very saddened by the news of your beloved pets, and I too had to put down three in one year. Losing a fur baby is the hardest thing I have ever been through. I am crying as I type this to you, Frances, and I hope you are able to relive the wonderful memories of all of them. You gave them a great life, and I know they gave you one too.
Can’t begin to imagine losing 3 fur babies in one year. My heart broke for you. I’m sickened by the person who believed Rasta was being neglected and the vet who insisted on that medication. I think I could have physically harmed those two!
I’d like to believe you have all your beloved fur babies near and watching over you. I lost my Prince Finkle 6 mo ago. (17 year old cat). It was unbearable to watch his soulmate of 17 years mourn him. I did not work for 10 days. We were inconsolable.
It presaged a complete change of direction for me. It was the end of an era and a tremendously lonely feeling until I woke up one morning and I could feel them around me on the bed. That was when I knew I hadn't lost them at all, really.
Physically they were all worn out. They had worked and played so hard all their lives and they deserved to escape the rigours of possessing a limited body. Rasta was 15 years old when he went and apparently that is 3 years longer than his breed is expected to live.
15 years..... such a short time! But man, did he pack in the action during that time!
I understand very well what you say. You gave them such a rich and wonderfully free life. That’s the visual I had. They were all at the foot of your bed. Sweetness
Oh Francis, I'm with you...xxx
This post reminded me of the emotional reaction I had when I read "Where The Red Fern Grows" as a child. Oof.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
In 2014 I lost my beautiful baby Yorkie. I still cry just thinking of her.
Such heartbreak 😔. You are a survivor of numerous challenges, Frances. Thank you for sharing them, as always. You are an inspiration to me. 🙏🤗
As a side note Frances I was looking for your substack which automatically loaded with google search results instead. I discovered that Frances Leader substack in google search results is pretty useless. There is a linkedin page from you, a substack result page with other things, then a lot of nonsensical articles about Macron in France. I think your name and work on here is being suppressed on google. I'm starting to wonder how many others have similar problems?
When I was campaigning against fracking Google would access thousands of my articles, written on Facebook, Steemit and Hive.blog. There would be endless links to tweets and, of course, a huge number of photographs of me at various protests and events.
All of this was scrubbed when I began writing about 5G and how it is responsible for C19.
At first I was shadow-banned, but when this was not stemming the flow of attention I was receiving, my accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Discord were suspended and finally permanently removed.
I am now only using Substack and Gettr where I am also shadow-banned to some extent.
I like Gab also. I was shadow banned in 2021 my books could not make any traction. Bu t now search results for me are fine, except oddly they have the Secret Marriage listed as my top result, even though it never sold and contains erotic content. It seems like an odd choice.
I didn't realize that it had gotten that bad for you.
I said "as if he committed suicide" - as if..... a common phrase which conveys doubt.
I thought it was obvious that this post is Episode 40 in my autobiography so the history of Ben is available in the previous posts. He was a companion and a working dog.
Why would I need a private investigator when the police had charged Bryan and taken him to court? Once he was in prison, how was I likely to recoup my losses? He was already bankrupt and homeless.
It is very strange and sad that the people most concerned about animal cruelty often have the power to compell you to do things that actually cause your pet to suffer. I for one have never believed in euthanasia for my pets as I'd seen our one elderly almost 20 year old dog rebound a few times from not eating/drinking. Ultimately she lived 1-2 years longer than she would have had I taken her to a vet to put her out of her misery. When she finally died, suffering no doubt in her last few days but lashing out if you tried to move her or help her, I took solace that it had been her time. Oddly I was castigated by a few dog rescue/animal welfare types for my cruelty! There is something very slippery slope about normalizing death as something that should be urged or compelled along. Who gets to decide?
Frances, it broke my heart to read that you lost Ben, Pearlie and Rasta in a short time period. I live with three senior dogs and I dread the day when my canine friends' time to leave will come.
Much love and solace to you.
Thank you, Lyn! Try not to focus on their demise if you can. I swear they read our thoughts and get depressed if we do. That is what seemed to happen to us. Mind you, whatever way we go about parting with them, the end is no less painful.
Even though sad at times, I believe that my people & animals are with me always & have even re-appeared in my life in different human forms & my pets as new, different pets.
So this also ties in with the theory of morphic resonance or "continuity of biological forms" that Dr Rupert Sheldrake also explores in his research around morphogensis, etc.
If one believe, as I do, that our souls & energies live on (since we're told or science shows that matter is never created or destroyed but simply transformed within the universe, thereby demolishing the nihilistic "big bang theory" of life from nothingness, then our human & animal energies go on & on into eternity, even if in alternate forms or beings,
So many other experiences from the other side in my lifetime. The Great Spirit teases us.
I recently learned in 2023, for example, that my namesake "Lucinda M..." my great-great-grandmother, was born in 1853 - or exactly 100 years before I was born -such beautiful synchronicity. I knew from my great-grandpa Jackson Wilson (who died at 92 when I was 16) that she died in childbirth with him, but found out her Irish maiden name, her resting place & gravestone thru the Find a Grave website this past year.
And, altho I'm mostly Irish, Scottish & English (& some other ethnicities too) thru both sides of all my known ancestors, finally finding out that Lucinda's maiden name was Irish was confirming & comforting evidence of what I believed before I knew for sure as my own name is an Irish surname too. Planning a trip now to actually see her TN grave site.
Yes, I believe deeply in reincarnation, as I've followed the astonishing research of Dr Ian Stevenson's investigations (& others) into past lives. The book "Old Souls" by Tom Shroder ( a journalist) regarding Dr Stevenson's research is an extraordinary examination of Stevenson's research on children's documented, scientifically explored/investigated past lives which continues today in the Division of Perceptual Studiesl/Psychiatry Division area of the School of Medicine Stevenson founded at the Univ of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA.
> Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation - Dr Ian Stevenson (First published January 1, 1966) - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/205259.Twenty_Cases_Suggestive_of_Reincarnation
Summary: Can anyone speak a language he or she has not learned normally, in childhood or later? Claims to have accomplished this are made from time to time, but only rarely do they receive support when carefully examined. In this volume, Dr. Stevenson presents detailed reports of two cases that seem authentic.
Authentic instances of speaking a language that has not been learned normally (responsive xenoglossy) suggest that another personality (perhaps one of a previous life) had learned the langauge. Cases of responsive xenoglossy thus add to the evidence concerning the survival of human personality after death.
> Old Souls: Compelling Evidence from Children Who Remember Past Lives - by Tom Shroder - First published January 1, 1999
> For thirty-seven years, Dr. Ian Stevenson has traveled the world from Lebanon to suburban Virginia investigating and documenting more than two thousand of these past life memory cases. Now, his essentially unknown work is being brought to the mainstream by Tom Shroder, the first journalist to have the privilege of accompanying Dr. Stevenson in his fieldwork. Shroder follows Stevenson into the lives of children and families touched by this phenomenon, changing from skeptic to believer as he comes face-to-face with concrete evidence he cannot discount in this spellbinding and true story.
Summary article on Dr Stevenson's research/work on children & remembered past lives.
> Children Who Claim to Remember Previous Lives: Past, Present, and Future Research... Jim B. Tucker, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2007
Abstract-Ian Stevenson began researching cases of young children who ... Keywords: reincarnation cases Introduction Ian Stevenson came to the University of Virginia to be the chairman of the Department of Psychiatry in 1957. He had published extensively in medical and psychiatric journals by that time, primarily in the area of psychosomatic medicine, but he also harbored an interest in parapsychology.
Love your life-stories, Frances as they are so vivid & truthful & their immediacy (even so many years later) simply jumps off the page & into our imaginations & hearts. Thank you for sharing them here & can't wait when they are all in book form eventually (if that's the plan as I don't remember if it is?). <3
And they're a nice counterpoint - even when sad - to the grim & disorientingly evil NWO plot/reality we're facing. But we have our love, community & humanity for each other always to help arm us for the fights ahead as we keep our hearts open & full of the Great Spirit force for good in the universe.
Our life stories all show this & the way we need to be with each other.
Feeling such a kumbaya mood today w/all our whistleblower, investigative, medical-freedom-fighters' continuing to expose the evil demon-crooks out there & throwing up roadblocks against their plans. Fully believe that not only our actions but also our thoughts influence our future so we best stay alert & focused, while also planning for the good times coming. It is the coming of the Age of Aquarius... :-)
Keep on singing folks. "Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats." - Voltaire
Oh Frances, words fail me - what an immensely wretched time … my heart is hurting for you 💔 Sending you blessings 💫✨🌟 and grateful thanks for your writing … as always, such a fascinating insight into the life of one truly amazing human person … Onwards ❤️🩹💖💝
Oh Francis. What a wretched time you've been through. The human, your side, was bas enough. But the demise & end of your dogs was dreadful.
Painful though this was, sharing your story. I do hope it can also be cathartic & healing. 1Love!
Heart breaking. You capture what it means to truly love a dog and be loved by one. We outlive them all but they stay with us forever.
Paul - So agree with this. Thinking of our shared lives with our animals immediately conjures up warm & loving thoughts, happy memories & also brings heartache & sad memories too.
My husband & I got our first dog together in college (in the fall of 1973) - a medium black & white Wire-haired Parson Terrier mutt we named Caro - & finally had to say goodbye to his long life when he was a frail 19 1/2 years old in 1992. Such a great little guy, he moved with us from OK to Boston to Rhode Island to Brooklyn to upstate NY & charmed everyone he met.
Such a funny, goofy, sweet & incredible lovely doggie & best friends with all of our various cats who kept him company during our work days away. One of my favorite memories of him was Caro's helping "parent" Chloe's, kittens (our adopted brown & white tabby cat's 4 little kittens (they often slept w/him on his bed when their mom was out & he very carefully cuddled & nuzzled them as they curled into him).
And then, just when it seemed that our hearts were broken for good when we said good-bye to Caro, we took in my Grandma's beautiful little Bichon mix, Pepe, (who lived to be 17+ years) when she passed in 1994.
Loving our two dogs & our 5 cats over 40+ years together is one of the best things that J & I have ever done, including raising our lovely, talented, artist daughter w/each other too. <3
Hope you don't mind my rambling here but your simple statements to Frances' incredible stories here about her animal friends & travels brought up such strong feelings in me today.
Lovely - thank you for sharing that
Loved reading your ramblings, Lucinda! I don't doubt that anyone who has had to part with pets knows that particular brand of pain well.
I still dream that I am with my beloved animal friends and recently dreamed that I was wondering what they had been eating because they looked so fit and well yet I could not remember feeding them for some time! When I woke up I burst out laughing! Silly me!
Forgot to mention that I love all your dog's names too, Frances. And your dream story is so great. I haven't dreamed of our animals as far as I can remember, but maybe I can try to do that (like planned lucid dreaming?) as it seems so comforting.
Just out of curiosity, wonder if you've read Rupert Sheldrake's incredible writings on morphic resonance related to animal (including humans) species? Such a fascinating scientist & so love all his writings but esp on animals' telepathy w/their humans.
> Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home - And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (2011) - Fully Updated and Revised By Rupert Sheldrake
"After five years of extensive research involving thousands of people who have pets and work with animals, Dr. Sheldrake proves conclusively what many pet owners already know: there is a strong connection between humans and animals that defies present-day scientific understanding."
" Sheldrake compellingly demonstrates that we and our pets are social animals linked together by invisible bonds connecting animals to each other, to their owners, and to their homes in powerful ways. His provocative ideas about these social, or morphic, fields explain the uncanny behavior often observed in pets and help provide an explanation for amazing animal behavior in the wild, such as migration and homing."
Anyway, will let you know if I can conjure up a lucid dream or 2 about my pet lovies.
Came back to post more here about Sheldrake's animal telepathy studies. just fyi
(Doesn't Sheldrake have such an imaginative JK Rowling's "Harry Potter" name?)
> Telepathy - Rupert Sheldrake
Sheldrake: "My research on telepathy in animals, summarized in my book "Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home" and published in detail in a series of papers (listed below), led me to see telepathy as a normal, rather than a paranormal phenomenon, an aspect of communication between members of animal social groups.
I see psychic phenomena as an extension of biology, which is why I, as a biologist, am interested in them. The same principles apply to human telepathy, and I have investigated little explored aspects of human telepathy, such as telepathy between mothers and babies, telephone telepathy (thinking of someone who soon afterwards calls) and email telepathy. I have designed several automated telepathy tests, some of which can be carried out through this website."
Watch Sheldrake's "The Evolution of Telepathy: The Perrott-Warrick lecture at Trinity College, Cambridge University" (linked in the website page above) directly here >
> Rupert Sheldrake on The Evolution of Telepathy -
- https://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/1097239
The Perrott-Warrick Lecture by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (February 9th. 2011), in which were described phenomena indicative of the existence of telepathy in both animals and human beings.
"Field observations have suggested that wolves and other wild animals may communicate telepathically over many miles" - I have absolutely no doubts that this is true. I have seen it repeatedly. When Pearlie fell in the river at full spate, Rasta raced along the river bank until he found her. He had NOT seen her fall in. How did he know? So many incidents like that - I could write for a year on this topic alone!
Thanks Lucinda, Rupert Sheldrake is right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Sheldrake
Yes, I agree. We all sense these explanations from our own experiences, right?
Have to say that I esp love Rupert's soulful spirit & sense of humor w/his open curiosity & willingness to question arrogant scientific dogma & wrong beliefs.
Over the years, I've also listened to his explorations of how great music/choirs & religious experiences also speak to our human needs for cultural community, connection & transcendence too. So, he exposes both scientific & religious dogmatics on their prevarications re: our "insignificance in the natural world".
Absolutely agree w/his major research point that it's not proper scientific inquiry if one rules out something before investigating it. Such a commonsense truth that speaks volumes to exactly who are truthfully "real scientists" today.
And, oh, Frances, of course this telepathic/morphogenisis topic also goes to all the work you & others are doing to help us expose & stop the real dangers of EMFs/5G/WiFi/SmartMeters etc transmission towers that are destroying our magnetic bodies & correspondingly our telepathic/ESP/inter-communications abilities too. We see this in the natural world w/EMFs' etc interference w/bees, insects, birds & animals abilities to live, travel, migrate & communicate, right?
The PTB's deadly technocratic hubris is literally, devastatingly mind-blowing (pun intended).
Lucinda, I read Dr. Sheldrake’s book a few years back. Fascinating. I had a friend whose dog was not allowed on his couch. I told him about that book. He set up a camera and sure enough as soon as he left, the dog would get up on the couch and just a few minutes before coming home, he would jump off the couch and lay on the floor. When his dog passed, he would often see the indentation on his couch when he came home.
Sheldrake is really fascinating & love his banned 2013 TedTalk on scientific dogma & the theory of morphic resonance etc. He really set science on fire. ;-)
> Exposing Scientific Dogmas - Banned (2013) TED Talk - Rupert Sheldrake
1.5M views - YouTube (published 1yr ago) (mirrored many other places too)
As to pet stories, our cats were free-range (cat doors) so they would usually be on our porch to greet us when we came home from work. And our dogs & cats could also communicate with us vis-a-vis paw signals & their different verbal sounds. Pet-owners prob realize this intuitively without understanding it at all.
Speaking of couches & beds, none of our pets ever slept with us on our bed, but only in their beds cause of my allergies, but we knew they would sneak into our bedroom if we ever left the bedroom door open to them so we didn't.
Or dog Caro would jump off our bed too (whenever he managed to get the bedroom door open if it wasn't latched tight) either when he knew we were coming home - at different times too - or maybe heard us coming up the stairs. He'd yawn at us & lounge nonchalantly on his bed when we walked into our house as if he'd been there all along. But a warm spot on the bed always gave him away & the open bedroom door as he didn't know how to close the door.
Our cats would sleep on the top of our comfy sofa cushions on their very own special kitty towels (to keep the shedding down as I'm allergic to their dander. Sure that they prob fooled us too but never when we were at home with them.
p.s. Audrey - This is your email contact from the notification email to me today > Sun, Feb 4 at 1:43 AM
Sage Hana
Edit contact
Either you are Sage Hana, or Frances is or substack AI has a real sense of humor.
HAH Go figure. Go fish.
Now back to being friends! Thank you for the link Lucinda. I am revisiting Dr. Sheldrake content on YouTube since you reminded me of him. I have saved a few of his lectures and will listen on my next lengthy drive. He seems like a such gentle spirit, doesn’t he?
Enjoyed reading about your sneaky fur babies. They are just like humans but cuter, acting all innocent and nonchalant!
OMGosh! Just reading you Lucinda and Frances comments. I am a real person. I subscribe (pay) to 4-5 substackers including just recently Frances. I do keep things private and I must admit I am not savvy with substack, just read posts. I do have followers, however don’t know why since I don’t post/write articles That is not my email. I am not Sage!! Now I’m alarmed. Should I be concerned? I didn’t even know emails were seen ?? I would never post my private email.
Sage Hana HATES me... has given me a lot of nasty comments over the years. I think he is jealous. It is very curious that his pseudonym should crop up connected to Audrey!
Audrey has no posts, no notes, no likes and follows only one Substack writer and that is me..... wtf?
I keep coming across this author and his work on different feeds. Charles Eisenstein did a podcast with a woman about animals and the human animal communicating. Really fascinating. I talked to a woman about how she communicated with horses.
Elizabeth - TY for mentioning this. Found it > JUN 30, 2021 - The Podcast: A New & Ancient Story with Charles Eisenstein - Anna Breytenbach: Interspecies Communication (E57) - 1 hr 52 min
Podcast summary: Anna Breytenbach is one of the world's best known interspecies communicators, subject of the film The Animal Communicator ( https://youtu.be/gvwHHMEDdT0 ). In this conversation we touch on a couple of her stories before zooming out larger themes such as: the living planet and humanity's role on it, the relationship between humans and the rest of life, and how to access the kind of abilities Anna has developed.
About Anna:
Anna Breytenbach is a professional interspecies communicator practicing for 20 years on several continents and featured in the documentary "The Animal Communicator".
Native to South Africa, she holds a degree in Psychology and studied telepathic animal communication with the Assisi Institute in California as well as tracking and mentoring at the Wilderness Awareness School in Seattle.
As an experienced master facilitator she focuses on mentoring in a practical manner that reminds us humans of the ways of indigenous nature awareness. Her consultation work is exclusively with wildlife and peaceful interventions globally via remote work. This includes predator research, wilderness protection, anti-poaching assistance, biodynamic and reforestation initiatives, wildlife management and rehabilitation and numerous public appearances as an inspirational speaker.
Anna’s communication and conservation work guides people to deepen their connection with all species in an honouring manner. She's inspired by being a voice for wild beings and natural environments.
www.animalspirit.org www.youtube.com/c/AnimalSpirit