Such a beautiful setting, but cold. In exchange for convenience people have forgotten how much effort goes in to an off-grid life, not least gathering wood.
How kind of you to invite Danny Hemstock, having been enabled by the wonderful Pedro.
Your relationship with your young English students/Spanish teachers stands out. Especially when you said "Oh dear" 😅🤣🤣 From what you describe those classes were a delight and highly effective, given your 'unorthodox' approach 👏👏
And how interesting to discover the pre-1976 cultural setup under Franco. I can only imagine the women's curiosity, then amazement and laughter in your responses to their questions!
It was so hard to say goodbye and I have missed my fruit farm every day ever since. Isn’t it strange the way that external forces can combine to change our lives? Nothing is ever permanent.
The fruit farm was given to you and you made it and the community - including your animals - flourish, as did you within it. Yes external forces (good name for them) wrent you from it. My heart goes out to you for the loss, the lack of that permanency.
Ohhhhh I’m so sad to read you leave this beautiful place and animals. I’m so sorryyyy. But I have faith the next episodes will bring joy. Oh how I hope so!
Frances, this is very difficult to read– and I’m sure what’s not lost on you is the role of Wall Street and City of London (et al) in the 2008 chain of events.
In the USA certain media outlets blamed poor people (dog whistle to mean people of color) who ran out and got home loans they couldn’t afford and crashed the system. Material omissions from that line of reasoning include the creation of subprime mortgages, repeal of banking regulations to prevent just this, the repackaging of these subprime into AAA securities for all the pension funds and retirement investors to hold their life savings, fraud, robo signing of loans– all with malice aforethought by the lords of finance capitalism.
Your story brings home a point I don’t usually consider: this act of disaster capitalism hit much farther from my home and the USA than I ever realized.
My city of Cleveland, Ohio USA had a brilliant law director at time, that drafted an ordinance essentially outlawing subprime mortgage lenders because he knew what was going to happen and the devastation it would wreak on the people and the city. The ordinance passed well before the collapse but the Ohio statehouse instantly dropped all its pressing affairs and ruled against it. Municipalities, being creatures of the state government, couldn’t interfere in legal activity in that way, and Ohio Supreme Court upheld the state’s position. We had no defense just like everybody else in the world from the predator class. Many many people never recovered from that and the trillion$ bailout of Wall Street solidified the billionaires’ gains while creating a “jobless” recovery and an explosive rise in the stock market.
Any resemblance to events of the last 3 years is purely [NOT] coincidental!
The human cost is so difficult to consider but it seems no one wants to hear about it even if they were a victim to it, present company excluded I think.
I look forward to the next installment to see how you adapted while simultaneously bracing myself for more of the unexpected!
Yes, the impact of criminal activities within the financial institutions definitely had a global effect and I do see the glaring similarities between 2008 and 2020.
The predator class is distinguishable from humanity in one major way which helps us to identify them clearly. They consistently profit from our losses.
In my humble opinion, anyone who profits from harming others reaps a hollow, materialistic victory which, though invisible to the eye, hangs from their neck like an Albatross and reveals a blackened heart.
Whilst I eagerly and avidly gobble up all your writings and links, I’ve been too shy to comment.
However it’s crucial you know what a forceful influence you’ve created on my life.
I’ve spent months and months learning about electromagnetic radiation. I used all your resources and links as a platform to begin. I wrote a presentation which I’ve given to anyone that will listen, on the harms of manmade electromagnetic radiation to all biology. I’ve got dialogue and official requests being assessed by our local council, attempting to hold the Telecoms to account to the meagre regulations in place. I’m honing in on the relevant officials and Mayor to present to. Our tiny town in the North Island of New Zealand has zero need for the 5G already pumping out it’s toxicity.
Your efforts are the stimulus behind my paltry offerings. Your steadfast , morally decent, kind and and generous humanity, crackling with intelligence and jolly hard work has been and will forever be my yardstick.
New Zealand is severely censored from non government approved news. And heavily propagandised with the evil corrupters’ messaging. My family and friends are all engineers, bankers, lawyers and doctors. All. Despite a variety of methods to awaken them, I remain the crazy, vilified one. Your head held high has stiffened my neck. I hold my head high as do you Frances, knowing we fight the good fight. Your “ onwards” refrain often echoes in my thoughts.
I send you via the aether the warm purring of my cat who lies on my shoulder as I write this, and my dog snuffling in his dreams of stick chasing, and my indebted thanks and gratitude to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Elizabeth, your comment brought tears. Truly beautiful sentiments. I too have been inspired by Frances. Now I’m inspired by you! I have been bingeing this autobiography for the past 3 days! Haven’t watched TV in 4+ years. The mere sight and sound of the news/so called “journalists” makes me ill. I’ve taken action too when I’m up and about, sneaking info on pieces of paper and taping to bathroom stalls, in magazines in waiting rooms, under canned goods in grocery stores and inside menus in restaurants. Anywhere that strikes me. I live in the US and I’m really losing hope. Never thought I’d say that. No one wants to hear or believe these horrors. I’m “crazy” too. My sweet 17 year old cat is sending you a purring hello.
Oh wow! Thanks for overcoming your usual silence and letting me know your opinion. You give me the impetus to keep going, even though the odds are so stacked against us.
Elizabeth, it is with great joy I share with you my research and an extra heartfelt battle cry -
Wonderful tribute to Frances … you very eloquently put into words the feelings that, I for one and I’m sure many others, share with you, Elizabeth R. 🙌❤️
(Hey Marta, I can't access the posting box to comment, so I'll jump in here.)
Oh Frances thank you so much. There was a piece you spoke to that made me laugh out loud. (I won't mention it though!!!)
Oh anxiety/panic attacks, I've had to come up with some good hacks for myself!
Sorry you lost your beautiful place. What a wonderful place to live and such a heart wrenching end to it. Damn wonderful there were buyers waiting!
I had beautiful luck like that as well, around the selling of my last home where I raised my kids.
Ah life!!!! Geeez!!! What a rollercoaster ride. So beautiful and so shredding. And here we are now in this upside down insanity. Geeez again. Unbearable and here we are bearing it, such a testament to the tenacity and beauty of being human.
Thanks for understanding! I struggled over writing this episode because even now, 15 years later, it is still a raw place for me to linger.
All the ups and downs have value. They help me to empathise with others who may be experiencing similar gains and losses. We all make mistakes and we all suffer, but we pick ourselves up again and go on. It is a testimony of being human, as you rightly say.
Thanks Elizabeth, for finding a way to comment on my autobiography. Your insights are always important to me.
Yeah I can imagine loosing that beautiful life is a raw place to go.
It's so challenging when your body is telling you something feels off or wrong and somehow knowing how to make it right feels out of reach or not quite within our understanding or maybe capability in the moment. 💔
There is always a silver lining or positive benefit to every disaster or disruption in life. Yes, you lost your slice of heaven nestled in the mountains of Spain but now you have such wonderful memories that are shared in stories that others can find pleasure in, as I do.
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here -
Such a beautiful setting, but cold. In exchange for convenience people have forgotten how much effort goes in to an off-grid life, not least gathering wood.
How kind of you to invite Danny Hemstock, having been enabled by the wonderful Pedro.
Your relationship with your young English students/Spanish teachers stands out. Especially when you said "Oh dear" 😅🤣🤣 From what you describe those classes were a delight and highly effective, given your 'unorthodox' approach 👏👏
And how interesting to discover the pre-1976 cultural setup under Franco. I can only imagine the women's curiosity, then amazement and laughter in your responses to their questions!
The pre-Roman artefacts - beautiful.
2008. Not a good year. So sorry.
It was so hard to say goodbye and I have missed my fruit farm every day ever since. Isn’t it strange the way that external forces can combine to change our lives? Nothing is ever permanent.
The fruit farm was given to you and you made it and the community - including your animals - flourish, as did you within it. Yes external forces (good name for them) wrent you from it. My heart goes out to you for the loss, the lack of that permanency.
Just watched the video. It’s beyond beautiful there. Gosh, it must have been very difficult to leave 😢
Ohhhhh I’m so sad to read you leave this beautiful place and animals. I’m so sorryyyy. But I have faith the next episodes will bring joy. Oh how I hope so!
I so empathise with you giving up that place and everything else, it's almost too much xx
Frances, this is very difficult to read– and I’m sure what’s not lost on you is the role of Wall Street and City of London (et al) in the 2008 chain of events.
In the USA certain media outlets blamed poor people (dog whistle to mean people of color) who ran out and got home loans they couldn’t afford and crashed the system. Material omissions from that line of reasoning include the creation of subprime mortgages, repeal of banking regulations to prevent just this, the repackaging of these subprime into AAA securities for all the pension funds and retirement investors to hold their life savings, fraud, robo signing of loans– all with malice aforethought by the lords of finance capitalism.
Your story brings home a point I don’t usually consider: this act of disaster capitalism hit much farther from my home and the USA than I ever realized.
My city of Cleveland, Ohio USA had a brilliant law director at time, that drafted an ordinance essentially outlawing subprime mortgage lenders because he knew what was going to happen and the devastation it would wreak on the people and the city. The ordinance passed well before the collapse but the Ohio statehouse instantly dropped all its pressing affairs and ruled against it. Municipalities, being creatures of the state government, couldn’t interfere in legal activity in that way, and Ohio Supreme Court upheld the state’s position. We had no defense just like everybody else in the world from the predator class. Many many people never recovered from that and the trillion$ bailout of Wall Street solidified the billionaires’ gains while creating a “jobless” recovery and an explosive rise in the stock market.
Any resemblance to events of the last 3 years is purely [NOT] coincidental!
The human cost is so difficult to consider but it seems no one wants to hear about it even if they were a victim to it, present company excluded I think.
I look forward to the next installment to see how you adapted while simultaneously bracing myself for more of the unexpected!
Yes, the impact of criminal activities within the financial institutions definitely had a global effect and I do see the glaring similarities between 2008 and 2020.
The predator class is distinguishable from humanity in one major way which helps us to identify them clearly. They consistently profit from our losses.
In my humble opinion, anyone who profits from harming others reaps a hollow, materialistic victory which, though invisible to the eye, hangs from their neck like an Albatross and reveals a blackened heart.
Dear and dearest Frances,
Whilst I eagerly and avidly gobble up all your writings and links, I’ve been too shy to comment.
However it’s crucial you know what a forceful influence you’ve created on my life.
I’ve spent months and months learning about electromagnetic radiation. I used all your resources and links as a platform to begin. I wrote a presentation which I’ve given to anyone that will listen, on the harms of manmade electromagnetic radiation to all biology. I’ve got dialogue and official requests being assessed by our local council, attempting to hold the Telecoms to account to the meagre regulations in place. I’m honing in on the relevant officials and Mayor to present to. Our tiny town in the North Island of New Zealand has zero need for the 5G already pumping out it’s toxicity.
Your efforts are the stimulus behind my paltry offerings. Your steadfast , morally decent, kind and and generous humanity, crackling with intelligence and jolly hard work has been and will forever be my yardstick.
New Zealand is severely censored from non government approved news. And heavily propagandised with the evil corrupters’ messaging. My family and friends are all engineers, bankers, lawyers and doctors. All. Despite a variety of methods to awaken them, I remain the crazy, vilified one. Your head held high has stiffened my neck. I hold my head high as do you Frances, knowing we fight the good fight. Your “ onwards” refrain often echoes in my thoughts.
I send you via the aether the warm purring of my cat who lies on my shoulder as I write this, and my dog snuffling in his dreams of stick chasing, and my indebted thanks and gratitude to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Elizabeth, your comment brought tears. Truly beautiful sentiments. I too have been inspired by Frances. Now I’m inspired by you! I have been bingeing this autobiography for the past 3 days! Haven’t watched TV in 4+ years. The mere sight and sound of the news/so called “journalists” makes me ill. I’ve taken action too when I’m up and about, sneaking info on pieces of paper and taping to bathroom stalls, in magazines in waiting rooms, under canned goods in grocery stores and inside menus in restaurants. Anywhere that strikes me. I live in the US and I’m really losing hope. Never thought I’d say that. No one wants to hear or believe these horrors. I’m “crazy” too. My sweet 17 year old cat is sending you a purring hello.
Oh wow! Thanks for overcoming your usual silence and letting me know your opinion. You give me the impetus to keep going, even though the odds are so stacked against us.
Elizabeth, it is with great joy I share with you my research and an extra heartfelt battle cry -
ONWARDS! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Wonderful tribute to Frances … you very eloquently put into words the feelings that, I for one and I’m sure many others, share with you, Elizabeth R. 🙌❤️
Lovely episode, Frances! I'm going to share it with someone dear to me who married a man from Madrid. :) xo
What an emotional rollercoaster. Thank you for sharing this. You certainly invoke some beautiful images of your paradise haven. Thank you! 🙏🤗
You have great courage, Frances.
It must have been very difficult uprooting yourself from your rural paradise.
No one can ever deprive you of your wonderful memories of life in rural Spain though.
Thanks for sharing your memories with all of us!
Thank you Frances for this fascinating glimpse into your life.
Too sad your dream in Spain didn't work out.
Dreams do come true sometimes. So do please dream ON! 1Love!
Bless you Frances ❤️❤️❤️
(Hey Marta, I can't access the posting box to comment, so I'll jump in here.)
Oh Frances thank you so much. There was a piece you spoke to that made me laugh out loud. (I won't mention it though!!!)
Oh anxiety/panic attacks, I've had to come up with some good hacks for myself!
Sorry you lost your beautiful place. What a wonderful place to live and such a heart wrenching end to it. Damn wonderful there were buyers waiting!
I had beautiful luck like that as well, around the selling of my last home where I raised my kids.
Ah life!!!! Geeez!!! What a rollercoaster ride. So beautiful and so shredding. And here we are now in this upside down insanity. Geeez again. Unbearable and here we are bearing it, such a testament to the tenacity and beauty of being human.
Thanks so much for sharing all of this! ❤️
So much love to you!!!
Thanks for understanding! I struggled over writing this episode because even now, 15 years later, it is still a raw place for me to linger.
All the ups and downs have value. They help me to empathise with others who may be experiencing similar gains and losses. We all make mistakes and we all suffer, but we pick ourselves up again and go on. It is a testimony of being human, as you rightly say.
Thanks Elizabeth, for finding a way to comment on my autobiography. Your insights are always important to me.
Oh thank you Frances, that means so much to me.
Yeah I can imagine loosing that beautiful life is a raw place to go.
It's so challenging when your body is telling you something feels off or wrong and somehow knowing how to make it right feels out of reach or not quite within our understanding or maybe capability in the moment. 💔
There is always a silver lining or positive benefit to every disaster or disruption in life. Yes, you lost your slice of heaven nestled in the mountains of Spain but now you have such wonderful memories that are shared in stories that others can find pleasure in, as I do.
This chapter is very depressing. I feel your pain Frances.
Yep. It was a serious downer to write about too. I was not looking forward to it at all.
I've just viewed the beautiful video which has lifted me a little. :-)