PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sunday-in-memory-lane-episode-13

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Thank you Frances, what a lovely read ❤️ What a beautiful life!!!

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Rich beyond measure!!! Your writing makes every inch palpable 😍🥴🙄❤️🔥💦🌹🌞

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I am loving these stories, Frances. Thank you!

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Oh, what a wonderful installment... I soooo wish I could live this way, Nature and doggie/cat/horse friends and such views...


I yearn for this.

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Me too. Sighhhh

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You sure know how to live life! Everything in its time. I can just see and hear it with your writing and photos. I was itching all over with the Ticks! Sounds like a great essential oil recipe BTW. Also, there’s a lot to be said for non-authoritarian authorities who are lax in all the right places 😁

Thanks for writing this continuing series!

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fabulous fabulous what a great life you are living . Rural Spain sounds wonderful, traveled through but never lived there.

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Sigh. Always a delight

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Dear Frances, I would love to have had half the adventures that you have had! Wonderful human being, much love and respect 🕉️❣️

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I love the way you care for the animals in your life, especially Rasta. What a lovely dog..

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It was a great privilege to know them all. They kept me grounded and living a real life in touch with nature. It was a priceless experience. Rasta was ridiculously loyal - UNLESS he got wind of a female on heat! But that is another story..... I have so many! 😉

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Thanks FL! A treat to have such a look into your own world. Highly appreciated.

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What an adventurous life you lead. I am amazed at your journey. You are one smart person too! Thanks for sharing your stories.

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Oh what a beautiful small journey you took me on! I was smelling, tasting feeling and sweating our shared humanity and love for it all. It was my first travel here. Thank you Frances, I love you

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Beautifully said Sabre23. Felt the same! Another delicious adventure.

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May 15, 2023
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Certainly the happiest by far!

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