(right now I can only post as a reply, I don't have access to the posting box)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story of yours, really beautiful!
I'm so fascinated by the way humans can communicate with four legged animals, and visa (?) versa. It came up on another feed recently (totally separate from what the post was about) I also heard an interesting podcast Charles Eisenstein did awhile back with a woman who spoke to some work about this communication. I then had an interesting conversation with a woman who spoke with horses.
For awhile a beautiful muscular white cat would come here and hang out and also hunt. It would come near my open window and let me talk to it gently. (most of my life I've had a serious asthmatic allergy to cats and dogs, which has possibly shifted since I've moved here)
Thank you again for this ❤️
It does put a curious light on that commenters comment, that that was her take away after all you wrote. A bit odd.
I have a thought. Why don't you just delete the comments you find offensive. That way you're not engaging, which can also color the tone of your feed. Possibly making people uncomfortable. Just a thought, it is your feed.
I think people are so traumatized by this world of ours. (a normal reaction indeed) And so many have too much on their plate already, in the 'department of trauma'. What a time to be alive, argh. What a world to negotiate.
I don't have access to writing publicly anymore. But my writing is so personal having anyone weigh in in any way is alot (yeah I'm officially making a contraction there) for me to negotiate.
I'll miss you! I did love your story today.
But do what you need to do!❤️
You could put up the sign "Out Of My Mind, be back in....."
I have already stopped researching and posting about EMFs, Covid, WEF and globalism. I have said all I needed to say on those topics. All I do now is collect salient memes to post on Saturdays and write the next chapter on my auto-biography for Sundays.
If I see anything worth attention I cross-post occasionally.
Otherwise I am disinterested in providing fodder for the sneering know-it-alls to tear apart.
Too many alphabettis guarding their repugnant narratives and using our hard work to gauge how much we have seen through their crap. I keep feeling as if I am an old cow being milked for the last drips of sustenance I can muster.
My intellect is insulted by this echo-chamber cancellation corner 'kindly' provided by Big Tech. Fuck 'em.
I am tired of banging my head against their virtual wall of censorship and hatred. I am resentful of the Big Bucks being raked in by the Big Stackers who write to order of the Hidden Hands, yet financially supported by their Big Lists of Paying Braying MSM-sucking Subscribers.
I am enraged by the transparently manipulative constant stream of non-events that we are encouraged to waste our time reading about.
I am disgusted that, since Notes was initiated I have become uncomfortably exposed to complete nutters, religious freaks, political extremists, anti-Semites and xenophobes who must have always been lurking, but who were previously focused only upon their chosen few purple ticked favourites.
Substack is SUB STANDARD now, imo. 😒
Maybe that was the intention all along? To corral the dissenters into one small internet corner and then infiltrate with verbal snipers to demoralise us into giving up?
Frances, I have not read any of your other content. Only your autobiography. Just discovered you few days ago. I can’t stop reading! This episode broke and filled my heart. I can’t bear to see animals suffering. You seem to always manage to be exactly where you are needed the most. 🙏🙏🙏
I’ve been doing a deep dive on the above topics you mentioned for the past 4+ years, along with MK-Ultra and Freemasons. It has consumed me. It has not been good. Only couple of people in my life I can speak to about it. Most around me have no clue. I am dumbfounded when people tell me they have never heard of WEF. WTF!! Lost most friends and small business location as I did not get the poison shots. Back in July of 2019, I sensed something catastrophic was going to happen. I started telling clients to create a space in their house with all their creature comforts. I didn’t know why. Then on New Year’s Day I drew a circle with lungs inside. Anyway, I’m deeply grateful to have found you ~ and finally give the dark topics a rest for a while. Apologies for the long comment again. Please keep writing! Ok on to the next episode.
That need to avoid the darkness was what prompted me to write my autobiography. I needed to immerse my mind in a time when we did not have the likes of WEF looming over us, calling us useless eaters and proposing that we will own nothing but be happy. The whole Covid nightmare was horrific and I wanted no part in it.
Once I had studied the matter, concluded it was all a load of lies to cover up the impacts from 5G I had to focus on something else or I would have gone nuts.
It wasn't all plain sailing because my life has been up and down with some amazingly unexpected events but I would rather dwell on that than be controlled by orchestrated fear porn any day!
“corral the dissenters into one small internet corner” I’ve worried about that. In the euphoria over substack I worried about that instead but figured I’d learn from great writers here while we have this exchange. Could be worse, could have not happened at all, and I’d have been all the worse for it. I wouldn’t be here reading your amazing biographical sketches, for instance.
I have days of optimism, other times I have to remind myself of that HL Menken quote “the pessimist is the person who, when smelling beautiful flowers, looks around for the casket”
Not that anyone here is pessimistic but a little demoralization can sure creep in from time to time. Creep in. And cast the creep(s) out!
I had been missing your frequent posts - always so informative and interesting and I really valued every one - over recent weeks/months I’ve been increasingly missing them but also increasingly looking forward to Sundays.
I hadn’t realised, until now, the reason for not ‘seeing you around’ on substack more often. I do
really, really hope you continue to write and communicate with your true fans in some format or the other. Your words of great wisdom
are truly a great gift to me, and, I’m sure, to many others 🌸💕🌷
Heart breaking and heart warming! We need animals in our lives, so long as we care for them -preferably on all the levels you show, Frances. Rasta was a really special boy eh. Seems he was meant for you from that litter. And his mum appreciated you and him so much. Talk about quality of life!
Very sad about Matty 😢😢. He should have taken note when Rasta and then you warned him 🥴.
Excellent that you found a job where you and Rasta could work as a team!
In my imaginings I see bare foot vets, along with bare foot doctors 😁🤩🙏
Some years back I had a passion for learning palmistry. Prior to that When I lived in Finchely (in my first flat) I had a reading from a very skilled palmist. He told me that I would leave my then relationship, among other things that came about. At the time I could not believe it as I was so much in love. Roll on another 30 years I travelled across country to Norfolk for a reading from an acclaimed palmist. He studied my hand and I was wondering when he was going to start speaking as it seemed a fair while until he did. The first thing he said was that if I had been born in medieval times I would have been burned as a witch 😱🤣!! That made sense because I was reading about the witch hunts in my early teens, plus I never knew why I was so different from everyone I knew. Then he said (this is embarrassing) that I am almost a genius and offered to teach me palmistry because they needed people like me. For one reason or another I have not fulfilled this role as I have spent my time learning other needed lessons.
Please excuse this lengthy burst. And many thanks, Frances, not only for this/your story but for being you! ❤️
Loved reading of your helpful critter adventures. Made me think of our companion black kitty Venus, who found our yard one day. We took her in as she was abandoned, unclaimed, untagged, declawed, spayed, frightened, hungry, in need.....We had her with us quite a few years before she passed last year. She must have been about 16 years old then. Miss her. :(. She was the only other female in this house, and I think she realized she and I had that similarity. Thanks for waking up those treasured times Frances.
Wow 🤩 Another fab episode with more jaw dropping revelations … didn’t know about your palm reading abilities … but I shouldn’t really be surprised at all … it makes complete sense … goes with all the very special ‘Frances territory’, doesn’t it? Wondering where / from whom you learnt this skill … and did it take time to become an accomplished reader ?? Roll on next Sunday 🙌
I learned to read cards and palms from my grandmother who looked after me while my mum worked. She taught me to knit, sew, darn, crochet, cook and make cordial from rose hips. All before I was five years old!
Would love to know more about your grandmother … more detail about what she taught you, her heritage and background etc. A separate episode at some point, maybe? Meanwhile, many thanks for your Sundays down memory lane … beautifully written and always intriguing 💗
I will be including some more details about my paternal grandmother in coming episodes. Her stories sparked part of my plans to see Spain but I don't want to give too much away at this point! 🙂
Thank you Frances for another sparklingly told life experience, all of which I find moving, even if I don't comment much (please forgive). The one where you were targeted and poisoned had me feeling devastated! So thank you and appreciation for your beautiful work
Normally, Tomcats are prone to killing kittens for the same reason male gorillas who've just fought and won leadership of a gorilla family and inherited a harem kill all the young offspring of their predecessor. They want their "women" fit and ready to breed again...with them. As long as the mothers are nursing their young they simply are not going to breed again. So, I held my breath when I read you allowed the daddy to come in and see his offspring and thought you were either prone to risk taking or incredibly stupid. I was in wonder learning nothing violent or ugly transpired but, wanted to warn you in case you ever have the urge to pull such things off in the future.
My, my aren't you a little too touchy? What I stated is a fact. I just wanted to warn you of the danger thinking a highly educated truth seeker and truth teller would appreciate knowing of it. But, no! Instead you act like a far left spoiled brat who can't tolerate any comment or information that doesn't suit you. Or, maybe you just have an overly sensitive ego. Whatever the case may be I am thoroughly disappointed.
I think it's possible if you had left these words out "or incredibly stupid", the author might have received your information differently.
Then to jump to this because she didn't respond well:
"But, no! Instead you act like a far left spoiled brat who can't tolerate any comment or information that doesn't suit you."
I despair.
What is this freedom 'we' are fighting for? People are so amped up and around and around we go. The right, the left, up down... 'I know more than you do...' geez...
One of my least favorite words. Although I did come across an interesting definition of it recently that unfortunately I don't remember. (maybe I can track it down)
You need a mud splat emoji!!
Or maybe just the words.... "Yeah Well....!!" would do.
Maybe the fist emoji would do?
I guess if it makes you feel better... who am I to weigh in. It's pretty exhausting to engender understanding. I mean really really exhausting. Argh...
"Not the insult kind of stupid, but the stupor sort, the blank contented stare stupid. Stupefied, like when something is so big and confusing and sudden that you can’t respond."
"Stupid was stupere in Latin, meaning stunned, confused, and amazed. Wild vistas of startling beauty make you stupid."
This from a larger article. I won't give the author credit because I don't want to confuse the matter.
Don't imagine that I did not know about the risks from another Tom cat..... but, as I said, you are incredibly stupid if you think the father was likely to kill his own progeny! Also, he would not have got through the door unless Pearlie wanted him there. She would have half murdered him!
I just listened to John Beloved. Thankyou for this guidance through your guide/s. Very relevant assurance. No getting around pain but there is fruit in the facing. 🙏❤️
A couple of years before the handover of Hong Kong me and my family were ex pats. One day, me and now ex husband had our palms read by a local. I'd be about 40. He said my life line showed an end and when pressed, he said 62. Well, it was a bit of a shock and I put it to the back of my mind until I got to 60 and then it surfaced. My 61st year I was imagining car accidents, cancer, heart attack, stoke, you know? Well, I got through a few more years, now 68, and I no longer worry about that. I think it's not useful to know unless it is because of some lifestyle choice, mountaineer, TT bike racer, which can be stopped. Your love of animals, especially dogs, shines through and I enjoy reading your stories.
(My older brother told me I was going to die when I was seventy one, based on our mother dying at that age. My older the genius! He is very bright though...)
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sunday-in-memory-lane-episode-13
Hey Frances,
(right now I can only post as a reply, I don't have access to the posting box)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story of yours, really beautiful!
I'm so fascinated by the way humans can communicate with four legged animals, and visa (?) versa. It came up on another feed recently (totally separate from what the post was about) I also heard an interesting podcast Charles Eisenstein did awhile back with a woman who spoke to some work about this communication. I then had an interesting conversation with a woman who spoke with horses.
For awhile a beautiful muscular white cat would come here and hang out and also hunt. It would come near my open window and let me talk to it gently. (most of my life I've had a serious asthmatic allergy to cats and dogs, which has possibly shifted since I've moved here)
Thank you again for this ❤️
It does put a curious light on that commenters comment, that that was her take away after all you wrote. A bit odd.
I have almost stopped posting at all on Substack because snidey bitchcrafty comments are appearing more and more.
I have observed a dismal drop in circulation and readership.
I think I am as shadow banned here as I ever was on Farcebook and Twatter.
I have been writing on social media for ten years now..... time to do something else, I think.
I have a thought. Why don't you just delete the comments you find offensive. That way you're not engaging, which can also color the tone of your feed. Possibly making people uncomfortable. Just a thought, it is your feed.
I truly hope you don't stop - unless you want to, of course
I truly hope you don't stop - unless you want to, of course
Yeah it's hard.
I think people are so traumatized by this world of ours. (a normal reaction indeed) And so many have too much on their plate already, in the 'department of trauma'. What a time to be alive, argh. What a world to negotiate.
I don't have access to writing publicly anymore. But my writing is so personal having anyone weigh in in any way is alot (yeah I'm officially making a contraction there) for me to negotiate.
I'll miss you! I did love your story today.
But do what you need to do!❤️
You could put up the sign "Out Of My Mind, be back in....."
But that's more for me, my sense of humor.
I have already stopped researching and posting about EMFs, Covid, WEF and globalism. I have said all I needed to say on those topics. All I do now is collect salient memes to post on Saturdays and write the next chapter on my auto-biography for Sundays.
If I see anything worth attention I cross-post occasionally.
Otherwise I am disinterested in providing fodder for the sneering know-it-alls to tear apart.
Too many alphabettis guarding their repugnant narratives and using our hard work to gauge how much we have seen through their crap. I keep feeling as if I am an old cow being milked for the last drips of sustenance I can muster.
My intellect is insulted by this echo-chamber cancellation corner 'kindly' provided by Big Tech. Fuck 'em.
I am tired of banging my head against their virtual wall of censorship and hatred. I am resentful of the Big Bucks being raked in by the Big Stackers who write to order of the Hidden Hands, yet financially supported by their Big Lists of Paying Braying MSM-sucking Subscribers.
I am enraged by the transparently manipulative constant stream of non-events that we are encouraged to waste our time reading about.
I am disgusted that, since Notes was initiated I have become uncomfortably exposed to complete nutters, religious freaks, political extremists, anti-Semites and xenophobes who must have always been lurking, but who were previously focused only upon their chosen few purple ticked favourites.
Substack is SUB STANDARD now, imo. 😒
Maybe that was the intention all along? To corral the dissenters into one small internet corner and then infiltrate with verbal snipers to demoralise us into giving up?
Frances, I have not read any of your other content. Only your autobiography. Just discovered you few days ago. I can’t stop reading! This episode broke and filled my heart. I can’t bear to see animals suffering. You seem to always manage to be exactly where you are needed the most. 🙏🙏🙏
I’ve been doing a deep dive on the above topics you mentioned for the past 4+ years, along with MK-Ultra and Freemasons. It has consumed me. It has not been good. Only couple of people in my life I can speak to about it. Most around me have no clue. I am dumbfounded when people tell me they have never heard of WEF. WTF!! Lost most friends and small business location as I did not get the poison shots. Back in July of 2019, I sensed something catastrophic was going to happen. I started telling clients to create a space in their house with all their creature comforts. I didn’t know why. Then on New Year’s Day I drew a circle with lungs inside. Anyway, I’m deeply grateful to have found you ~ and finally give the dark topics a rest for a while. Apologies for the long comment again. Please keep writing! Ok on to the next episode.
That need to avoid the darkness was what prompted me to write my autobiography. I needed to immerse my mind in a time when we did not have the likes of WEF looming over us, calling us useless eaters and proposing that we will own nothing but be happy. The whole Covid nightmare was horrific and I wanted no part in it.
Once I had studied the matter, concluded it was all a load of lies to cover up the impacts from 5G I had to focus on something else or I would have gone nuts.
It wasn't all plain sailing because my life has been up and down with some amazingly unexpected events but I would rather dwell on that than be controlled by orchestrated fear porn any day!
So glad you are sticking with me, Audrey!
“corral the dissenters into one small internet corner” I’ve worried about that. In the euphoria over substack I worried about that instead but figured I’d learn from great writers here while we have this exchange. Could be worse, could have not happened at all, and I’d have been all the worse for it. I wouldn’t be here reading your amazing biographical sketches, for instance.
I have days of optimism, other times I have to remind myself of that HL Menken quote “the pessimist is the person who, when smelling beautiful flowers, looks around for the casket”
Not that anyone here is pessimistic but a little demoralization can sure creep in from time to time. Creep in. And cast the creep(s) out!
I had been missing your frequent posts - always so informative and interesting and I really valued every one - over recent weeks/months I’ve been increasingly missing them but also increasingly looking forward to Sundays.
I hadn’t realised, until now, the reason for not ‘seeing you around’ on substack more often. I do
really, really hope you continue to write and communicate with your true fans in some format or the other. Your words of great wisdom
are truly a great gift to me, and, I’m sure, to many others 🌸💕🌷
Let's hope it is just a temporary sulk. Maybe my mojo needs some R&R?
Yeah, I'm enjoying it too.
You could just ignore the nasties or delete them instantaneously without a word.
I should do that....
Heart breaking and heart warming! We need animals in our lives, so long as we care for them -preferably on all the levels you show, Frances. Rasta was a really special boy eh. Seems he was meant for you from that litter. And his mum appreciated you and him so much. Talk about quality of life!
Very sad about Matty 😢😢. He should have taken note when Rasta and then you warned him 🥴.
Excellent that you found a job where you and Rasta could work as a team!
In my imaginings I see bare foot vets, along with bare foot doctors 😁🤩🙏
Some years back I had a passion for learning palmistry. Prior to that When I lived in Finchely (in my first flat) I had a reading from a very skilled palmist. He told me that I would leave my then relationship, among other things that came about. At the time I could not believe it as I was so much in love. Roll on another 30 years I travelled across country to Norfolk for a reading from an acclaimed palmist. He studied my hand and I was wondering when he was going to start speaking as it seemed a fair while until he did. The first thing he said was that if I had been born in medieval times I would have been burned as a witch 😱🤣!! That made sense because I was reading about the witch hunts in my early teens, plus I never knew why I was so different from everyone I knew. Then he said (this is embarrassing) that I am almost a genius and offered to teach me palmistry because they needed people like me. For one reason or another I have not fulfilled this role as I have spent my time learning other needed lessons.
Please excuse this lengthy burst. And many thanks, Frances, not only for this/your story but for being you! ❤️
I am really enjoying these stories of your life. So much fun to read!
❤️❤️❤️ Thanks Frances.
Loved reading of your helpful critter adventures. Made me think of our companion black kitty Venus, who found our yard one day. We took her in as she was abandoned, unclaimed, untagged, declawed, spayed, frightened, hungry, in need.....We had her with us quite a few years before she passed last year. She must have been about 16 years old then. Miss her. :(. She was the only other female in this house, and I think she realized she and I had that similarity. Thanks for waking up those treasured times Frances.
“He jumped in shock, with all four feet off the ground simultaneously, when the toilet was flushed”
I literally laughed out loud at the visual you painted!
PS a feisty feline certainly adds spice beyond his or her size! In her own orbit about your dynamic duo of Rasta & Ben 😹
Me too........LOL..She is by far the best writer! I could read her stories all day, but my eyes get so tired.
Wow 🤩 Another fab episode with more jaw dropping revelations … didn’t know about your palm reading abilities … but I shouldn’t really be surprised at all … it makes complete sense … goes with all the very special ‘Frances territory’, doesn’t it? Wondering where / from whom you learnt this skill … and did it take time to become an accomplished reader ?? Roll on next Sunday 🙌
I learned to read cards and palms from my grandmother who looked after me while my mum worked. She taught me to knit, sew, darn, crochet, cook and make cordial from rose hips. All before I was five years old!
Would love to know more about your grandmother … more detail about what she taught you, her heritage and background etc. A separate episode at some point, maybe? Meanwhile, many thanks for your Sundays down memory lane … beautifully written and always intriguing 💗
I will be including some more details about my paternal grandmother in coming episodes. Her stories sparked part of my plans to see Spain but I don't want to give too much away at this point! 🙂
Thank you Frances for another sparklingly told life experience, all of which I find moving, even if I don't comment much (please forgive). The one where you were targeted and poisoned had me feeling devastated! So thank you and appreciation for your beautiful work
Beautiful story and adventures - animals are so amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Normally, Tomcats are prone to killing kittens for the same reason male gorillas who've just fought and won leadership of a gorilla family and inherited a harem kill all the young offspring of their predecessor. They want their "women" fit and ready to breed again...with them. As long as the mothers are nursing their young they simply are not going to breed again. So, I held my breath when I read you allowed the daddy to come in and see his offspring and thought you were either prone to risk taking or incredibly stupid. I was in wonder learning nothing violent or ugly transpired but, wanted to warn you in case you ever have the urge to pull such things off in the future.
There was no risk and I am not incredibly stupid. YOU ARE.
My, my aren't you a little too touchy? What I stated is a fact. I just wanted to warn you of the danger thinking a highly educated truth seeker and truth teller would appreciate knowing of it. But, no! Instead you act like a far left spoiled brat who can't tolerate any comment or information that doesn't suit you. Or, maybe you just have an overly sensitive ego. Whatever the case may be I am thoroughly disappointed.
I think it's possible if you had left these words out "or incredibly stupid", the author might have received your information differently.
Then to jump to this because she didn't respond well:
"But, no! Instead you act like a far left spoiled brat who can't tolerate any comment or information that doesn't suit you."
I despair.
What is this freedom 'we' are fighting for? People are so amped up and around and around we go. The right, the left, up down... 'I know more than you do...' geez...
She can't help it..... she is, after all, incredibly stupid.
Oi vey!
One of my least favorite words. Although I did come across an interesting definition of it recently that unfortunately I don't remember. (maybe I can track it down)
You need a mud splat emoji!!
Or maybe just the words.... "Yeah Well....!!" would do.
Maybe the fist emoji would do?
I guess if it makes you feel better... who am I to weigh in. It's pretty exhausting to engender understanding. I mean really really exhausting. Argh...
"Not the insult kind of stupid, but the stupor sort, the blank contented stare stupid. Stupefied, like when something is so big and confusing and sudden that you can’t respond."
"Stupid was stupere in Latin, meaning stunned, confused, and amazed. Wild vistas of startling beauty make you stupid."
This from a larger article. I won't give the author credit because I don't want to confuse the matter.
Don't imagine that I did not know about the risks from another Tom cat..... but, as I said, you are incredibly stupid if you think the father was likely to kill his own progeny! Also, he would not have got through the door unless Pearlie wanted him there. She would have half murdered him!
So yeah. You are incredibly stupid as suspected.
I just listened to John Beloved. Thankyou for this guidance through your guide/s. Very relevant assurance. No getting around pain but there is fruit in the facing. 🙏❤️
Is this comment in the wrong place?
Yes apologies Frances. 🙏❤️
I was curious what you were speaking to!
A couple of years before the handover of Hong Kong me and my family were ex pats. One day, me and now ex husband had our palms read by a local. I'd be about 40. He said my life line showed an end and when pressed, he said 62. Well, it was a bit of a shock and I put it to the back of my mind until I got to 60 and then it surfaced. My 61st year I was imagining car accidents, cancer, heart attack, stoke, you know? Well, I got through a few more years, now 68, and I no longer worry about that. I think it's not useful to know unless it is because of some lifestyle choice, mountaineer, TT bike racer, which can be stopped. Your love of animals, especially dogs, shines through and I enjoy reading your stories.
You may have made a change in your life which altered the outcome. Palm lines change over time, depending on the decisions we make.
Oh that's interesting, I was wondering that too.
(My older brother told me I was going to die when I was seventy one, based on our mother dying at that age. My older the genius! He is very bright though...)
Yup, I got divorced, that marriage was killing me!
This made me laugh. I've been there too!!! Cost me too much, but hey...
Ah.... I did figure that out from your reference to an "ex". You obviously made the right decision by ending that marriage!
So lovely ❤️