Great story and life experiences Frances. Your dog and my dog Riley looked so much alike. I miss her so much, as I do all of my past dogs. Looking forward to reading more this afternoon.
GERM THEORY OPPONENTS. Hi. Please excuse my interruption. I just wrote a post called LET'S SETTLE THE VIRUS DEBATE And Ban Mandates at I invite expert germ theory opponents to agree to debate and help decide when and where to do it. Feel free to comment under my post or under my comment here. I think I'll be notified of any replies. My post has some ideas for getting started, so commenting there may help.
Yup, pint of Yorkshire tea and the joy of catching up with your memoirs. Got to be a film or a series in there somewhere. Who would you like to play you Fran? In fact, your cast member ideas would be fascinating!
I don't have a tell-lie-vision and know very little about Hollywood actresses these days! We would need 3 or 4 actresses: a child, a teenager, a young woman and an older lady to cover all the series.
They would need to have cockney accents, long dark hair, a fondness for smoking cannabis and drinking a lot of coffee!
People told me that Catherine Zeta Jones looked a lot like me when she was young, but now she is in fabulous condition for her age and I am a worn out wreck! lol
Lol. Know what you mean! You are allowed to pick any actors or actresses from whenever! Imagine Ollie Reed as one of the Scottish lads, maybe Billy Liar era Julie Christie as you... have fun with it Fran.
OMG, I am rolling with laughter at Lion of Judah Rastafari. Being of Jamaican descent, I find that to be hysterically hilarious. Anyway, what a great story. You made my Sunday. Many blessings to you and your loved ones. Thank you!
Mike, my lodger at that time, was Jamaican too! Some people warned me that genuine Rastafarians would be offended that I named my dog Rasta, but that was never the case! In fact, Rasta was once invited to a wild Jamaican party in Bristol (with me as his significant 'other') purely because of his name! We had a lovely time and Rasta loved all the fuss and attention he received!
It is Sunday night here and as always I've been waiting to hear more about your life journey. There was a bonus for me tonight: I've been growing my own plantains for over a year now. I just munch on leaves lol, but from my childhood I remembered its uses (all alone I guess I'm growing them "just in case" LOL).
What a beautiful dog, in more ways than one, Rasta is. Frances, thank you so much for the pleasure! Warmest greetings, stay safe, stay blessed M ❤️
Crikey. Thanks for the heads up. I agree with your conclusions too..... they have to prevent the general public from even suspecting that the symptoms being experienced are resulting from the massive changes in electro-magnetic radiation. They are running this 'plandemic' precisely as they did when radio caused the Spanish Flu. Obviously, they are hoping to increase the death toll to exceed their previous diabolical scams.
We are electric beings, living in an electric universe and these predators are aware that they are screwing with the works!
That Redfield guy has the self congratulatory downward smirk on his face when he is introduced in glowing terms. That was creepy enough, but get a load of his dead eyes! Have you ever seen anyone so cold spirited? I haven't.
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here -
A video about the importance of Plantain:
Great story and life experiences Frances. Your dog and my dog Riley looked so much alike. I miss her so much, as I do all of my past dogs. Looking forward to reading more this afternoon.
GERM THEORY OPPONENTS. Hi. Please excuse my interruption. I just wrote a post called LET'S SETTLE THE VIRUS DEBATE And Ban Mandates at I invite expert germ theory opponents to agree to debate and help decide when and where to do it. Feel free to comment under my post or under my comment here. I think I'll be notified of any replies. My post has some ideas for getting started, so commenting there may help.
(Support RFK Jr 4 Pres. here & Ban Mandates!)
Just wanted to add that I very much enjoy reading your memoirs!
Keep it up.
I love dog stories!!!
Yup, pint of Yorkshire tea and the joy of catching up with your memoirs. Got to be a film or a series in there somewhere. Who would you like to play you Fran? In fact, your cast member ideas would be fascinating!
I don't have a tell-lie-vision and know very little about Hollywood actresses these days! We would need 3 or 4 actresses: a child, a teenager, a young woman and an older lady to cover all the series.
They would need to have cockney accents, long dark hair, a fondness for smoking cannabis and drinking a lot of coffee!
People told me that Catherine Zeta Jones looked a lot like me when she was young, but now she is in fabulous condition for her age and I am a worn out wreck! lol
Lol. Know what you mean! You are allowed to pick any actors or actresses from whenever! Imagine Ollie Reed as one of the Scottish lads, maybe Billy Liar era Julie Christie as you... have fun with it Fran.
OMG, I am rolling with laughter at Lion of Judah Rastafari. Being of Jamaican descent, I find that to be hysterically hilarious. Anyway, what a great story. You made my Sunday. Many blessings to you and your loved ones. Thank you!
Mike, my lodger at that time, was Jamaican too! Some people warned me that genuine Rastafarians would be offended that I named my dog Rasta, but that was never the case! In fact, Rasta was once invited to a wild Jamaican party in Bristol (with me as his significant 'other') purely because of his name! We had a lovely time and Rasta loved all the fuss and attention he received!
It is Sunday night here and as always I've been waiting to hear more about your life journey. There was a bonus for me tonight: I've been growing my own plantains for over a year now. I just munch on leaves lol, but from my childhood I remembered its uses (all alone I guess I'm growing them "just in case" LOL).
What a beautiful dog, in more ways than one, Rasta is. Frances, thank you so much for the pleasure! Warmest greetings, stay safe, stay blessed M ❤️
First thing I do on Sunday mornings is make a cup of Yorkshire tea then read your latest chapter!
That is nice to know! It makes all the effort worthwhile! Thank you! xx
Oh ffs.... ADL would find a black chinese spider's web anti-semitic.
Crikey. Thanks for the heads up. I agree with your conclusions too..... they have to prevent the general public from even suspecting that the symptoms being experienced are resulting from the massive changes in electro-magnetic radiation. They are running this 'plandemic' precisely as they did when radio caused the Spanish Flu. Obviously, they are hoping to increase the death toll to exceed their previous diabolical scams.
We are electric beings, living in an electric universe and these predators are aware that they are screwing with the works!
That Redfield guy has the self congratulatory downward smirk on his face when he is introduced in glowing terms. That was creepy enough, but get a load of his dead eyes! Have you ever seen anyone so cold spirited? I haven't.