PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sunday-in-memory-lane-episode-13

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I am loving these stories of your life! Finally, something worth reading. Thank you!

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You just keep bouncing back! Thanks so much for sharing another incredible episode of your life. 🙏🤗

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Your story reminded me of what I was doing in 1996. So at the same approximate time you were heading off on your journey I was flying off on my first escape to my beloved England after 33 years in Australia... cheers !

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CHECK THIS ONE OUT EVERYONE maybe the greatest video you will ever see if comprehended , my easter gift to all SK


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Great information, shame about the anxiety-inducing narrative delivery! That would be so much more useful if told in a calmer more measured voice.

Like this from Michael Tellinger (for example) - https://youtu.be/Br5Qik1-spA

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I thought the same I guess he was excited , glad to see you have found Tellinger . SK

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Loved this episode ❤️ Roll on next Sunday 🤗

Bit late in the day, but Happy Easter

🐣 🐥 🐰 💛

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I may have asked you this already, Frances, but do you have a lot of Sagittarius in your chart?? Sure seems like it. :) I wish that I loved to drive long distances. These days, I just can't. I love driving the country roads here because it's beautiful and sometimes I never see another car. But anything over an hour is too long for me! Love your cute lil red Nissan. xo

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My understanding of astrology is almost non-existent. So I cannot confirm or deny Sagittarius in my chart! As for driving, I have been unable to drive for several years..... it is good that I satisfied my wanderlust while I was still fit enough to enjoy it!

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Astrology is so complex. My understanding of it is kindergarten level. The sun transits Sagittarius between approximately November 22 and December 21, so if your birthday falls on one of those dates, that's your sun sign. Of course, you can also have your moon or rising sign in Sag as well as in other places. Anyway, Sagittarians are all about seeking higher wisdom, and the Truth is everything to them. They're also very adventurous and optimistic. I just get the feeling that you've got some in your chart! :)

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Nah. I am Piscean. My ex, Tony, the consummate liar, was a Sagittarian!

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Well, he surely had something else going on because honesty is usually one of the traits of a Sag. Often brutally honest. That's why you can only tell so much from the sun sign.

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lol - he always had 'something else going on'!!

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Oh Frances, thank you for sharing this beautiful recounting from the stories of your life. Really wonderful! ❤️

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Thank you for sharing dear Frances, glad that you're feeling better ❤️❤️

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Yes, I seem to be over the Medusa hair + furnace feet! Whatever was THAT about? It coincided with huge sun flare (CME) activity and it knocked me out for many days. I was barely awake from the 6th March until this weekend! A whole month of RipVanWinkling! Never known anything quite like that. Needless to say, I didn't bother seeing a doctor..... what do they know?

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Absolutely! What doctor!!?!! Who would know more about your body and what was happening? Who would know better than yourself how to research it? They know very, very little indeed. I believe we in the West would be so much better off, health wise, if not for the serious meddling in our existence from the moment were born. Just thinking how much the natural, old healing methods would've progressed aided by real scientific progress makes me mad. Wishing you strength in body and spirit dear Frances, all the way from Oz. ❤️❤️❤️

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Happy Easter. Coincidences abound. Our elderly dog sitting friend Barbara has the same red Micra from 1996 and had a dog called Blue!

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Happy Easter, Frances.

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Well, it has been so far! My beloved son, Dan, bought himself a car! We haven't been able to justify the expense of a vehicle for several years, but he has had some considerable success with his business in recent months. He chose a small silver-grey Vauxhall which is remarkably easy for me to get in and out of. We may get out and about for the first time in years!

He went to visit a friend in Bournemouth (usually a very busy seaside town) and remarked to me that there was hardly any traffic on the roads. It being Easter weekend, the roads should have been quite congested, but they weren't. Are the day-trippers staying at home? Or are there really fewer people around in general? Covid has changed so much.....

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Yes, it has changed so much. I hope you do get out. I always look forward to a walk in the woods, seeing new leaves and being in awe of the floor carpeted in bluebells, with their vibrant colour and wonderful scent!

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I live surrounded by bluebell woods! There are so many that they grow naturally in all our flowerbeds. I think this hill must have been a forest before this village was built. There are some amazing old trees between the houses. From up here we can see as far as Poole Harbour and the sea. That is where I would like to go - just a paddle in the sea would be a wonderful thing!

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Apr 9, 2023
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In all the time I have spent travelling, living in vehicles, I met an endless stream of lovely people everywhere I went. Humanity is not a hostile beast as we are told by academia and Hollyweird. Humanity is gorgeous! Trust them and they invariably turn out good. Admittedly, sometimes they make terrible mistakes, usually due to panic, stress or simple selfish wrong-think. Very few are actively and intentionally evil. But that is when you really need a dog. Any breed, any age will do.... they can smell evil (or they can see auras, not quite sure which....) - I have always trusted a dog's judgement over my own.

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