Many homeopathic healers have been murdered over the last decade or two here in the US. Many were made to look like suicide. Greedy bastards. Big pharma and crew are now even trying to stop the sale of vitamins. My guess is they are now making the vitamins. It is better to get it from our food but even that now is said to be not any good for the gut. I try to grow my own food, but last summers sun was blocked and the rain ruined much of the garden. I am still hopeful for this summers crop! I am determined to succeed.
What an example of strength and endurance you are, Frances. In multiple ways.... emotionally, intellectually, physically....a true survivor. You sure bounce back a lot!
Oh, Frances, yet more betrayal … several loads more … all in one episode - so not fair, so hard. You needed some mega doses of TLC … hope your van led you to some 🙏🧡💚
But, I’m intrigued by what you skimmed over … HOW exactly did you cure the MS, the sight loss, the cancer ??
With herbal formulas. Each client is different and I would ignore western medical diagnosis completely. I would treat what I found in the pulse and the tongue. Each week the client would return and a new formula would be written specifically for the physical signs present at the time. In the case of MS, the lady presented with extremely weak kidney energy. I only had to nurture her kidneys back to full health, the MS disappears. In the case of the blind man, his liver energy was clogged. It was quite easy to write a formula which would clean the liver and then support it as it repaired. The neighbour who had cancer presented with very poor energy on almost every channel so I started from the bottom, detoxing and cleaning each organ one by one. He noticed significant improvements after only one week of taking the herbal teas I prepared for him so he was keen to continue treatment until he received an all clear from his specialist.
I have told you this before, Jane, but I will repeat for others to understand:
No two people are the same. TCM treats the individual, not the diagnosis.
Frances, it was Chinese Medicine for a reoccurring issue I had in my 20s which led me to faith in mind,body, soul healing. “No two people are the same” . Yes! This is why I’m fascinated by the human spirit. Yours is extraordinary Frances. Enough with the lessons! I’m worn out just reading about your life. I sure hope this is the last time you’re betrayed. Ok onto episode 33. Yikes! Speaking of 33. FreeMasons!!! 😱 😮 🤮 I did a deep rabbit dive last year as I sensed there was something I needed to learn - the connecting of the dots to this sick global agenda.
Your life story has had many ups and downs and I recall you commenting to someone a few chapters ago that there was much more to come. The Breakfast Club story is horrendous. Glad you survived. Young men, and not so young ones are easily led.
And some women are scheming minxes. I wonder if it's a natural thing or something learned from an elder that they witness growing up? Or, do they have minds like chess players, thinking and planning so many steps ahead? I never was any good at chess.
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here -
Many homeopathic healers have been murdered over the last decade or two here in the US. Many were made to look like suicide. Greedy bastards. Big pharma and crew are now even trying to stop the sale of vitamins. My guess is they are now making the vitamins. It is better to get it from our food but even that now is said to be not any good for the gut. I try to grow my own food, but last summers sun was blocked and the rain ruined much of the garden. I am still hopeful for this summers crop! I am determined to succeed.
Growing is super important Mary! You are right to keep trying! xx
Good point! Thanks for sharing your personal examples. :)
What an example of strength and endurance you are, Frances. In multiple ways.... emotionally, intellectually, physically....a true survivor. You sure bounce back a lot!
I don't see that I had much choice! When life gives us lemons it is best to suck 'em up, wince and learn from the experience! xx
Maybe my sense of humour has changed due to Covid-19.
I know I am not the same person I was before.
And it can be seen in my response to the scene when you punched him in the face several times, I found myself laughing and cheering you on!!!!!
Yet you kept giving. Kudos
Oh, Frances, yet more betrayal … several loads more … all in one episode - so not fair, so hard. You needed some mega doses of TLC … hope your van led you to some 🙏🧡💚
But, I’m intrigued by what you skimmed over … HOW exactly did you cure the MS, the sight loss, the cancer ??
With herbal formulas. Each client is different and I would ignore western medical diagnosis completely. I would treat what I found in the pulse and the tongue. Each week the client would return and a new formula would be written specifically for the physical signs present at the time. In the case of MS, the lady presented with extremely weak kidney energy. I only had to nurture her kidneys back to full health, the MS disappears. In the case of the blind man, his liver energy was clogged. It was quite easy to write a formula which would clean the liver and then support it as it repaired. The neighbour who had cancer presented with very poor energy on almost every channel so I started from the bottom, detoxing and cleaning each organ one by one. He noticed significant improvements after only one week of taking the herbal teas I prepared for him so he was keen to continue treatment until he received an all clear from his specialist.
I have told you this before, Jane, but I will repeat for others to understand:
No two people are the same. TCM treats the individual, not the diagnosis.
Frances, it was Chinese Medicine for a reoccurring issue I had in my 20s which led me to faith in mind,body, soul healing. “No two people are the same” . Yes! This is why I’m fascinated by the human spirit. Yours is extraordinary Frances. Enough with the lessons! I’m worn out just reading about your life. I sure hope this is the last time you’re betrayed. Ok onto episode 33. Yikes! Speaking of 33. FreeMasons!!! 😱 😮 🤮 I did a deep rabbit dive last year as I sensed there was something I needed to learn - the connecting of the dots to this sick global agenda.
Thank you for expanding on this … I’m absolutely fascinated by, and in awe of, your skills 🙌
Your life story has had many ups and downs and I recall you commenting to someone a few chapters ago that there was much more to come. The Breakfast Club story is horrendous. Glad you survived. Young men, and not so young ones are easily led.
And some women are scheming minxes. I wonder if it's a natural thing or something learned from an elder that they witness growing up? Or, do they have minds like chess players, thinking and planning so many steps ahead? I never was any good at chess.
sometimes as a sigma i feel a little isolated, then im reminded why i dont bother with people