PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sunday-in-memory-lane-episode-13

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The spirits finding clever ways of guiding you is utterly utterly... That and the knowledge that you have led many, not easy, lives explains so much. Wow!!!

Oh Dylan ❤️‍🔥❤️❤️‍🔥

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How else could she have described him? She must have seen him! I was jealous of that moment.... I would give anything to see him again! xx

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Dylan… 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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I know. Beyond awful, huh?

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Hi Fran, sorry I sometimes wish I had your direct email or direct phone number because I get like a fam boy very excited and want to share. I don't know if you are familiar with the work of Miri AF, But for me it seems like you are both soul sisters or kindred spirits you might even be her auntie. I posted a comment on her latest post. Love your work as I have said before. I intuitively feel you should check out Frances Leader on Substack. Catch up on Sunday Memories serial too for a measure of this extrarodinary woman. Might inspire your own origins story which I would be equally fascinated by. You may be soul sisters... maybe cousins? Eill share similar on her stack about you. https://miriaf.co.uk/do-i-want-to-divide-the-movement-absolutely/https://miriaf.co.uk/do-i-want-to-divide-the-movement-absolutely/https://miriaf.co.uk/do-i-want-to-divide-the-movement-absolutely/

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Thanks for the link! Very interesting honest attitude from MiriAF. I enjoyed reading that very much! xx

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Dylan...OMG. That broke my heart. Thanks for sharing, Frances.

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Mine too. 😿

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At first, Tony and Peter lied to me.... they said Dylan had died of cancer of the throat, caused by always breathing petrol fumes at the garage. Years later Tony finally decided to tell me the truth that Dylan had been shot by some random enemy of Pete's. But I cannot be sure that, even then, I was given the full story.... they were not trustworthy in any way and so I tended to take everything they said with a pinch of salt.

Manipulating my feelings was Tony's lifelong habit. I don't think he ever told anyone the plain unvarnished truth.

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Either way, whatever the true story is, it's sad. I love dogs so much, and it is painful when one leaves your life. I hope you're feeling better, Frances. I feel like the energies in March have been extremely challenging. Sending you Love from across the Pond. xoxo

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The truth is that I am no better. I still have excess static and furnace feet. This has been most distracting and I find I am unable to concentrate on research and writing atm. I hope that this settles down soon. It is wearing me to a frazzle.

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So sorry. I understand completely.

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That's just awful. So weird about the static. Well, the furnace feet, too. Hoping you feel better soon. Your research/writing can wait. We'll all be here when you feel better. xo

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I’m dismayed at Dylan’s murder. There really are some terrible forces out there. That had to be difficult. I’m guessing that helped build further distance between you and that side of the family.

BTW, not shocked that there could be petty and venal people working in City of London, haha.

So. It’s not surprising you are better connected to the spirit world but now I’m totally intrigued that your mother sought your help. I imagined these things the other way around, the earthbound wanting help from the less physically “attached.” This should be interesting.

On a personal note I have trouble picking up on presences but accept the actions of the cat to be telling. In these difficult recent weeks I asked my (deceased) parents if they knew what was going on (as if they could explain in detail haha) but what I was really getting at was wondering if they’ve left me now. In particular my mother who I connected with better with on supernatural subjects and the relative recency of her passing (that and I was long term caregiver). I asked out loud if they were near and how much I missed them. Not an hour later the new cat I’m baby-sitting here at home starts looking up at the ceiling and corners, eyes dancing and fully alert– jumping on the back of the chairs reaching for something I couldn’t see with the naked eye. I’ve had this happen several other times with other cats under circumstances where one or another of my parents were the subject of fond and intense reminiscence. The cat’s reaction is distinct and unique to this.

So I believed the cat! It was also hard to ignore the notable sense of warmth and peace that washed over me.

Sorry for the tangent but I just wonder how your experience differs since you saw a medium knowing you had a gift for the spiritual but perhaps don’t need an intermediary anymore for a sure sign.

Interesting journey!

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The message I was given alerted me to contact my mother and my grandmother. Neither of them were dead at that time.

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Duh! My past/present is inverted!

I catch on eventually 😜

And what a relief!

Nonetheless a cliffhanger

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Well Frances, you sure brought me down memory lane today . . .

My late partner Mark (1965-2018) was a master grower - cannabis plants would grow at heights of 22-25 ft with trunks as thick as my forearm - Since it was illegal we never took photos. But I remember fondly how he would go dance with the plants in his boxer as they gently swayed in the wind . . . his girls, the "hollies".

Unfortunately, he passed away before it was legalized. So in memory of that time, this one is for Mark and his girls >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7duPNQCp-w4

Be well in heart and mind.


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I so enjoy your story. Thanks

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Wow, Frances. Bob Dylan was once quoted as saying 'Nostalgia is dangerous.' (I know I don't have his words quite right, but something like that).

I struggle with checking into my past fairly frequently and silently admonish myself for it! Although, compared to you, my journey has been pretty dull.

As someone with the spiritual depth you possess, I wonder if you have thoughts about this inability to 'let go'. And should I? Should we all?

Is the past really prologue?

Your Sunday memories are always thought-provoking. Thanks! ✌️

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I am not sure what 'letting go' means..... If it means forgiving, then that is a good idea. If it means forgetting, then that would be counterproductive. We go through situations to learn important lessons, so it is best not to forget those!

I used to cringe with embarrassment at some minor moments of my past but I don't nowadays. Every moment had its place, taught me something and therefore had value.

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Haha, fantastic! Of course you're right. I hadn't considered 'regret' as an angle. We are the same age and lived through similar times, albeit in different ways and in different places.

The fact is- we've survived and are still 'in the game'.

And yeah to the 'cringing' but even then I can now giggle at some of the absurdities!

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Thank you Frances ❤️

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