Curiosity did not kill the cat! Great detective work! Me too ~ nothing makes my blood boil than injustice. Have I mentioned how much I’m thoroughly enjoying your writing/stories?!
Well! With respect to your references to city of London, this goes a long way to answering a question I’m not certain you’ve explicitly asked a reader to ask: “Ask me how I know!”
Many many years ago I was discussing geopolitics with a couple friends and though I understood a LOT less then, we came to the conclusion that you could fit all the major western puppet masters into our local banquet hall (holding maybe 800 people). Point being that it’s a tiny group of insular and humanity-stunted individuals that steer civilization. And that the real perpetrators are people we’ve never heard of.
Yep, Terry! I think my readers presume that my knowledge comes only from the internet but that has only been a part of my life since 2010ish. Previously I was the wildest of children, with the most curiosity - and it would seem, that I never grew out of it.
I filled my life with learning, any which way I could and who could under-estimate what is to be learned in the City of London? Especially if all the big-wigs disregard you, as if you appear to be an ornament behind a desk who only knows how to type and make coffee!
A shout out, at this point, to the cleaning staff of London offices.... few people know more than they do about what goes on behind the scenes. Much can be gleaned from the contents of waste paper baskets, if you get my drift..... 😉
The saving grace in Rutland is a) Rutland Water and the aquatic wild life and b) more importantly, the nearby ‘5 Elements’ Deli / Café where the owner is ‘wide awake’ and I can linger over a coffee, chat and look through interesting bookshelves …. helps keep me sane (ish) !!
We used to have a café like that in this village but it closed down due to lack of customers even before Covid struck. That was a great shame. This village is very quiet, mainly elderly or well off people who work in nearby Bournemouth. However, I did spot a new café has opened up in a sort of sun lounge at the front of a private house.... I will have to get Boodicca's Chariot Mk2 out soon and check it out!
Yep, get the chariot out just as soon as the sunshine’s again 🌞🦼
I discovered too late (as didn’t move here til after the ‘lockdowns’) that 5 Elements Café stayed open through it all (when everywhere else was closed and/or limited to takeaways)
Love that ❤️
Btw, I’ve got a photo I want to send you, but being rather a ‘techosaur’ I don’t know how to do it through this media - I tried to do email reply but it seems to go to a generic substack email address. Have you another email address you could send to or tell me how to do via substack
Yes, that story caught my attention immediately... I pray for that young lady and her distraught father. This will not end well for the globalists if this King of Thailand is anything like as astute as his wonderful father was before him. We should watch Thailand carefully.
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here -
More than awesome!!!
Curiosity did not kill the cat! Great detective work! Me too ~ nothing makes my blood boil than injustice. Have I mentioned how much I’m thoroughly enjoying your writing/stories?!
Very interesting read always well written, and impressive thank you, Frances.
Btw, I somehow became unsubscribed from your stack, fixed now.
I have been unsubscribed from some too.... Substack glitches?
Wow! Shorthand and all! Way to infiltrate the board room, Frances. :)
Another great read👍. Thank you!♥️
Well! With respect to your references to city of London, this goes a long way to answering a question I’m not certain you’ve explicitly asked a reader to ask: “Ask me how I know!”
Many many years ago I was discussing geopolitics with a couple friends and though I understood a LOT less then, we came to the conclusion that you could fit all the major western puppet masters into our local banquet hall (holding maybe 800 people). Point being that it’s a tiny group of insular and humanity-stunted individuals that steer civilization. And that the real perpetrators are people we’ve never heard of.
I can’t wait for the next installment!
Yep, Terry! I think my readers presume that my knowledge comes only from the internet but that has only been a part of my life since 2010ish. Previously I was the wildest of children, with the most curiosity - and it would seem, that I never grew out of it.
I filled my life with learning, any which way I could and who could under-estimate what is to be learned in the City of London? Especially if all the big-wigs disregard you, as if you appear to be an ornament behind a desk who only knows how to type and make coffee!
A shout out, at this point, to the cleaning staff of London offices.... few people know more than they do about what goes on behind the scenes. Much can be gleaned from the contents of waste paper baskets, if you get my drift..... 😉
Wow! ❤️
F#€king BRILLIANT, Frances 🙌 I already knew the outline of this story but not the details … and you write SO well
Thanks Jane! My love to the wilds of Rutland! xx
The saving grace in Rutland is a) Rutland Water and the aquatic wild life and b) more importantly, the nearby ‘5 Elements’ Deli / Café where the owner is ‘wide awake’ and I can linger over a coffee, chat and look through interesting bookshelves …. helps keep me sane (ish) !!
We used to have a café like that in this village but it closed down due to lack of customers even before Covid struck. That was a great shame. This village is very quiet, mainly elderly or well off people who work in nearby Bournemouth. However, I did spot a new café has opened up in a sort of sun lounge at the front of a private house.... I will have to get Boodicca's Chariot Mk2 out soon and check it out!
Yep, get the chariot out just as soon as the sunshine’s again 🌞🦼
I discovered too late (as didn’t move here til after the ‘lockdowns’) that 5 Elements Café stayed open through it all (when everywhere else was closed and/or limited to takeaways)
Love that ❤️
Btw, I’ve got a photo I want to send you, but being rather a ‘techosaur’ I don’t know how to do it through this media - I tried to do email reply but it seems to go to a generic substack email address. Have you another email address you could send to or tell me how to do via substack
My personal email is not private:
Well, I gave it a little toe punt perhaps? 😉
Yes, that story caught my attention immediately... I pray for that young lady and her distraught father. This will not end well for the globalists if this King of Thailand is anything like as astute as his wonderful father was before him. We should watch Thailand carefully.