From Trivial Pursuit to Pinstripe Spy
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here -
I don’t know how you survived Frances. Actually, yes I do. Angels .
Rapists are the worst animals on the planet. Mine was in a wheelchair last I heard. I should have never told my story to boyfriend number three. Oops
Enthralled but horrified. Rapist should have been imprisoned or killed. I await future episodes with baited breath.
All these adventures. What a survivor. Thanks again for sharing. 🤗
such an enjoyable read.
thank you.
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here -
I don’t know how you survived Frances. Actually, yes I do. Angels .
Rapists are the worst animals on the planet. Mine was in a wheelchair last I heard. I should have never told my story to boyfriend number three. Oops
Enthralled but horrified. Rapist should have been imprisoned or killed. I await future episodes with baited breath.
All these adventures. What a survivor. Thanks again for sharing. 🤗
such an enjoyable read.
thank you.