Bouncing from one disaster to the next.... but you keep bouncing back! Inspiring. You certainly are being watched over, by guardian angels or friendly ghosts or what have you. I'm glad you're still here and sharing your tales. I'm grateful
I am very sorry to say that the compilation by Iceni (aka Spartacus) is seriously disappointing.
For some reason he seems to have completely avoided mentioning the roll out of 5G; the similarities of symptoms between electro-magnetic radiation and Covid19; and above all, the fact that work on building the infrastructure and launching satellites increased during global lockdowns.
There is only one vague clue, that could have alerted him to the oversight:
"[100] - On May 2nd, 2020, Bing Liu, a Chinese-American researcher in Pittsburgh who was on the verge of “significant findings” on COVID-19 pathology, was shot and killed in an apparent murder-suicide. Bing Liu was an expert on ferroptosis, autophagy, redox lipid programming, and cell response to radiation and radiation therapy, all of which are directly relevant to COVID-19 pathology, which involves extreme oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation reminiscent of radiation injury."
NOTE: Bing Liu was an expert on RADIATION AND RADIATION THERAPY. So close to revealing the truth, but murdered and his papers disappeared.
Allow me to give you an introduction to EMFs and their impact on the health of ALL living things:
Hi Frances, I read it an hour after you posted and understand completely. However, I also felt you could have tempered your dismay and worded your comment a bit more diplomatically And collegiately in the interests of potential future collaboration. There were a number of points where what is described by association is predicated on 5G being the infrastructure and the bars of the prison. I too found it odd that he did not explicitly acknowledge EMFs at all. These points are all relevant but He just did not join the dots. 95. 6 feet spacing, 100 as you hughlighted, 104, IOB WEF, 106 Rand IOB, 117 nanotranducers, 121 Wireless brain machine, 137 Biosevalence, 139 Brain computer interface, 141 Nanotechnology, 144 Control grid. We cannot all be all-knowing and we have all had different journeys to get to where we are now and learn what we've learned. I find it amazing that I've found substance like yours and so many others and also found new virtual online friends who like brothers and sisters I find it amazing that I've found substance like yours and so many others and also found new virtual online friends who are like brothers and sisters
Amongst the controlled opposition and limited hangouts.
Iceni did not take offence at my forthright comment. Go peek, we had quite a good chat as a result. He says he did not make the links because it is such a suppressed topic and keeps getting his stuff taken down. Good bloke. I like him.
Wow! What a coincidence! I was just reading something which referenced Jose Delgado! I had a mental note to research his work (if we can call it that!) Many thanks, Paul xx
I am fast approaching 71 years old. I haven't got a boyfriend atm but there is always hope! 🤣😂🤣😂 No, seriously..... I was always attractive to the wrong types, so I gave up on the whole idea when I was about 60. My life has been really peaceful since then! 🤣😂
You were ahead of me ! I only gave up my attraction to those bad boy dreamboats at 65 !
I've had 5 peaceful years since then haha, and don't seem to care...way too consumed with the 12 or so newsletters a day I have to get through including the excellent comment sections.
There are too many significantly serious writings about awfully problematic situations we are engulfed in right now to consider any significant other ! Besides, it will be hard enough to get my entire family to pick up and escape to parts unknown, once I find out where that might be, without having a soulmate to convince as well haha .
Messaging in from Kanada here. So you may understand why I'd be contemplating such an upheaval.
The Good Citizen is a Substack writer who is considering moving from USA and has been writing about his search for greener pastures - he has eliminated all the countries which are subservient to nasty NATO and he is narrowing down the choices by looking for somewhere without 5G. He has written about it here:
Yes, thank you Frances...I read that this morning as someone posted it along the way. Noting the Cities who are swamped in 5G was discouraging to say the least.
Also worrying about the politics of a region anywhere in the world which may be safe for the moment then turn around overnight leaves us floundering in the search.
It seems there is little we can do but fight against it as much as we can from where we are.
Yes, electrical equipment shorted or failed to function. Even an external TV receiver dish had to be repositioned to function properly. Your comment "people getting pushed, hit, shoved or displaced" happened a lot within 2 feet of the ley line. When Alan fell down the stairs, he claimed he was lifted and thrown rather than fell. I certainly didn't do it..... so we presumed our ghosts did. We were standing in the ley line when this happened.
Over the 18 years we lived in that little house, our various cats loved to sleep in the ley line.
A female visitor got freaked out on one occasion, when the cupboard under the stairs' door slowly opened behind her. She made a very hasty retreat and we could not stop laughing!
My son saw apparitions of light - like vague figures passing along the ley line which ran through the largest bedroom.
There was also a noticeable dent in the road where the ley line crossed and entered the house opposite and they had ghostly activities too. A young girl was seen floating down their stairs from time to time!
We were never unnerved by any of this. That house was always warm, a steady 19 degs centigrade no matter what was happening outside! For the most part, as you will hear in future chapters, we were very happy there, which was why we stayed so long, I suppose.
Interesting factoid...... it was number 33..... lol
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here -
Bouncing from one disaster to the next.... but you keep bouncing back! Inspiring. You certainly are being watched over, by guardian angels or friendly ghosts or what have you. I'm glad you're still here and sharing your tales. I'm grateful
Thank you!
You are very welcome, Kelly! Thank you for reading and following the story as it unfolds xx
Frances. This comment is completely irrelevant to this post but I do not have your email address so here goes....
After 3 years and thousands of articles, this is one that you must read. I am no scientist but I intuitively KNOW he is on to something Silly o clock so sleep beckons.
I am very sorry to say that the compilation by Iceni (aka Spartacus) is seriously disappointing.
For some reason he seems to have completely avoided mentioning the roll out of 5G; the similarities of symptoms between electro-magnetic radiation and Covid19; and above all, the fact that work on building the infrastructure and launching satellites increased during global lockdowns.
There is only one vague clue, that could have alerted him to the oversight:
"[100] - On May 2nd, 2020, Bing Liu, a Chinese-American researcher in Pittsburgh who was on the verge of “significant findings” on COVID-19 pathology, was shot and killed in an apparent murder-suicide. Bing Liu was an expert on ferroptosis, autophagy, redox lipid programming, and cell response to radiation and radiation therapy, all of which are directly relevant to COVID-19 pathology, which involves extreme oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation reminiscent of radiation injury."
NOTE: Bing Liu was an expert on RADIATION AND RADIATION THERAPY. So close to revealing the truth, but murdered and his papers disappeared.
Allow me to give you an introduction to EMFs and their impact on the health of ALL living things:
You will find my archive linked within. Please do not hesitate to pose questions if you have them.
Hi Frances, I read it an hour after you posted and understand completely. However, I also felt you could have tempered your dismay and worded your comment a bit more diplomatically And collegiately in the interests of potential future collaboration. There were a number of points where what is described by association is predicated on 5G being the infrastructure and the bars of the prison. I too found it odd that he did not explicitly acknowledge EMFs at all. These points are all relevant but He just did not join the dots. 95. 6 feet spacing, 100 as you hughlighted, 104, IOB WEF, 106 Rand IOB, 117 nanotranducers, 121 Wireless brain machine, 137 Biosevalence, 139 Brain computer interface, 141 Nanotechnology, 144 Control grid. We cannot all be all-knowing and we have all had different journeys to get to where we are now and learn what we've learned. I find it amazing that I've found substance like yours and so many others and also found new virtual online friends who like brothers and sisters I find it amazing that I've found substance like yours and so many others and also found new virtual online friends who are like brothers and sisters
Amongst the controlled opposition and limited hangouts.
I recommend reading this. Not watchedctge video yet. Resonates with my opening sentiments
Apologies for hijacking your wonderful Sunday series with something off topic.
Iceni did not take offence at my forthright comment. Go peek, we had quite a good chat as a result. He says he did not make the links because it is such a suppressed topic and keeps getting his stuff taken down. Good bloke. I like him.
Delighted to hear that! I do not publish anything so guess I have not developed the thick skin required to suffer the slings and arrows. Lol
Wow! What a coincidence! I was just reading something which referenced Jose Delgado! I had a mental note to research his work (if we can call it that!) Many thanks, Paul xx
This is the first episode I've read in your Memory Lane writings !
Utter chaos.
Excellent flow from one debacle to the next.
Thoroughly enjoyed it !
Went on to watch magical Freddie M.
Many thanks for the reminder.
He'd still be here if they hadn't murdered him with Tony Fauci's drugs.
But that's another story.
Meantime, here's another performance of his showing how ahead of his time he was...
i go through long phases of not listening to certain bands and queen was probably over 10 years since i heard them, long over due.
i was 9 during live aid, was an amazing day for me and fk was it hot! wheres this global warming then?
Dear Frances, thank you for sharing this in such engaging writing ❤️
Riveting as ever. Shame the men were such arses but the "plot" would not have been the same.
Those men were arses, true.... but wait, there are more to come which make the early ones look like amateurs!
Wow. Am drooling. Dallas and The Colbys got nothing on this! I been with my Mrs since 1982 aged 15. Pretenders song comes to mind but meant to be.
Good Lord, I hope you've broken your addiction to those bad boy types by now.
I would say I have, but it may just be my age and not being able to attract them anymore hahaha.
I am fast approaching 71 years old. I haven't got a boyfriend atm but there is always hope! 🤣😂🤣😂 No, seriously..... I was always attractive to the wrong types, so I gave up on the whole idea when I was about 60. My life has been really peaceful since then! 🤣😂
Good !
You were ahead of me ! I only gave up my attraction to those bad boy dreamboats at 65 !
I've had 5 peaceful years since then haha, and don't seem to care...way too consumed with the 12 or so newsletters a day I have to get through including the excellent comment sections.
There are too many significantly serious writings about awfully problematic situations we are engulfed in right now to consider any significant other ! Besides, it will be hard enough to get my entire family to pick up and escape to parts unknown, once I find out where that might be, without having a soulmate to convince as well haha .
Messaging in from Kanada here. So you may understand why I'd be contemplating such an upheaval.
The Good Citizen is a Substack writer who is considering moving from USA and has been writing about his search for greener pastures - he has eliminated all the countries which are subservient to nasty NATO and he is narrowing down the choices by looking for somewhere without 5G. He has written about it here:
Yes, thank you Frances...I read that this morning as someone posted it along the way. Noting the Cities who are swamped in 5G was discouraging to say the least.
Also worrying about the politics of a region anywhere in the world which may be safe for the moment then turn around overnight leaves us floundering in the search.
It seems there is little we can do but fight against it as much as we can from where we are.
Here is someone with the cajones to fight against the powers that be...
That would be hilarious! Appropriate though! lol
Yes, electrical equipment shorted or failed to function. Even an external TV receiver dish had to be repositioned to function properly. Your comment "people getting pushed, hit, shoved or displaced" happened a lot within 2 feet of the ley line. When Alan fell down the stairs, he claimed he was lifted and thrown rather than fell. I certainly didn't do it..... so we presumed our ghosts did. We were standing in the ley line when this happened.
Over the 18 years we lived in that little house, our various cats loved to sleep in the ley line.
A female visitor got freaked out on one occasion, when the cupboard under the stairs' door slowly opened behind her. She made a very hasty retreat and we could not stop laughing!
My son saw apparitions of light - like vague figures passing along the ley line which ran through the largest bedroom.
There was also a noticeable dent in the road where the ley line crossed and entered the house opposite and they had ghostly activities too. A young girl was seen floating down their stairs from time to time!
We were never unnerved by any of this. That house was always warm, a steady 19 degs centigrade no matter what was happening outside! For the most part, as you will hear in future chapters, we were very happy there, which was why we stayed so long, I suppose.
Interesting factoid...... it was number 33..... lol