PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sunday-in-memory-lane-episode-13

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Something you might like https://odysee.com/@MaajidNawaz:d/Ep40:98

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I do like Whitney but Maajid Nawaz tends to repeat her words and waste time. He also seems to treat us as if we don't already know all this stuff!

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Loved this piece, Frances. Looking forward to more. Thank you!

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Ooooo, you went to see Led Zeppelin at Knebworth!!!


You had the best part of 20th rock music.

I'm in a trance when Led Zeppelin sounds somewhere.

In that video at the beginning of this post, at 01:08:45, Jimmy Page plays his version of the Davy Graham wonderful Indian-style melody on the theme "She moves through the fair." Then they play Kashmir. I love these tunes!

I will read the whole thing later, I'm going to be ecstatic for a couple hours.


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Kashmir is my favourite track from Led Zep. I still love it more than any other! I am glad you enjoyed the gig video, Roger!

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Wow! ❤️

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