PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sunday-in-memory-lane-episode-13

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I never liked coke either. It sounds more like a black beauty, which I tried one time with a friend from high school given to us by her much older sister while we babysat her young daughter. One pill and I was up for two days. They gave these to people who were trying to lose weight at the time. They were taken off the market a few years later. I am loving these stories Frances, and it brings back much of my life history too. We have so much in common. I am enjoying reading about your life. Thanks for sharing.

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Did you get a chance to try Blues? They were quite tiny pills which we used for slimming! A German Hells Angel used to give me a big bagful for letting him crash at my house when he was delivering 'goods' in the area. He was a really lovely guy who eventually married one of my friends and settled down in Colchester with her.

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I remember them back in the late 70"s , but I never tried them. I was nervous enough to add that to the booze I drank almost nightly. The nick name given to me by boyfriend number 2 was Shaky. That name says it all. LOL Today even, If I drink a strong cup of coffee , I get all nervous and jittery. I miss the old days and having crazy fun! I am surprised I am alive.

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Drinking was never on my agenda because I would always become very nauseous. I found the Blues stopped me from sleeping so I gave them away to anyone who wanted to lose a few pounds. Eventually I asked my German guest to pay me with cannabis resin. He turned up with Himalayan Temple Ball - coated in opium! Blew me and my friends into hallucinations! That guy seemed to be able to access just about anything but we were lightweights and found his stuff too much! lol

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I could never handle cannabis. I tried smoking and eating it several times over the years, but it made me paranoid. I love growing it though and making medicinal products for family and friends . It is a miracle herb for sure.

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Catching up a bit now! :) good stuff!

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love it, thank you Fran :)

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i had decent coke but once in my life, it was from a lorry driver just arrived from holland, it blew my socks off and spent the following 6 weekends thinking of nothing but getting some more. it was most addictive dangerous drug i ever tried and vowed never to do it again.

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Yeah, exactly! I confess that I did try cocaine once more, several years later and it was nothing like as strong as that stuff from LA. Mind you, it did have an embarrassing effect on me. Shall I confess? Oh why not, we are all dummies sometimes!

I came up on the line (administered by the same naughty roadie friend btw!) and we all went out for the evening. When we got back to my place I treated my friends to a display of me making love to a door knob.

What can I say? 🤣😂

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Almost lost for words. As I have just read the last few episodes I now feel I should start at the beginning. You are triggering all sorts of past memories! I can relate to much of your life story. Many similarities! I feel so many of my past struggles have helped me deal with the shit show we are living in. Thanks for sharing x

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I agree.... if we had not experienced difficulties and surmounted them we would be shocked into inertia since 2020. Maybe many people have been incapacitated like that? Who knows...

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