PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sunday-in-memory-lane-episode-13

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A very special boy, Dan. The maharajah was so so right. And Mrs Snell had the dignity to apologise and make it right. As for Lorraine,she had it coming and, boy, did you deliver! It is quite something what we are capable of when pushed too far : |

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I was wondering when you were going to beat up Lorraine! I was gasping, clutching and cheering you on. Never underestimate a hippie! I’ll never hear the Rocky song in the same way ever again. Yo Frances 😉

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I love that you finally got Lorraine. She deserved it Frances.

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Good one Fran,,, hehe. x

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Ok, so I DID NOT expect to go from that adorable Dan story to the brawl! 🤭

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Classic story of my life, in a nutshell.... whenever things seem like calm waters you can bet a storm is about to break! lol

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Indeed! The line was crossed. No messing with you or your son! What strength. 💪 😊

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Well done Rocky! ❤

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I am a coward at heart so it gives me tremendous vicarious pleasure to read about women who stand up for themselves even if that means using every ounce of testosterone hiding in their bodies to pummel someone who deserves it! Thank you for making my day!

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Woman and the half, that's what's you are Frances and, still seeing red...

Bless you and your ferocious spirit! ❤️

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I agree with everything you said about Francis!❤

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What a fighter you are Frances. Couldn't help but see a parallel here with what's going on in the world. You're a fighter with a cause and well trained through various life experiences. I love your sincere ferocity! Thanks for writing. Blessings for 2023 and beyond. 🤗

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I was nervous about writing this episode. I thought that it might disgust people as much as it disgusted me at the time. I was so shocked at myself - where did all that aggression come from so suddenly? I could only think that it was caused by the indirect threat to my son. I was a very protective parent, that much was obvious!

Maybe, given the parallels you point out, this is what should be motivating us now that our offspring are being threatened so severely? We ought to be thinking, not only of our kids, but of all future generations to come.....

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Jan 1, 2023
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I cannot drink more than one glass of anything alcoholic. If I do my stomach rebels and gives me projectile vomiting which is the most unladylike thing imaginable! I was never able to drink, but everyone around me did. It was a barrier between me and my friends, sometimes. I was always cleaning up after them...... used to drive me nuts.

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I'm the same. And I hate feeling nauseous more than anything so I guess it was a good thing. I don't even drink wine anymore. A blessing in disguise.

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Jan 1, 2023
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If we don't survive 2023 then we will be back like Arnie.... this ain't over until the fat lady sings!

Happy New Year to you J.R. Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin this year. Onwards! xx

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