Absolutely wonderful!!!

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great read, love it. Respect & X 2 All

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Great read - the courage, strength and ingenuity of ordinary women as divorced mothers is not explored nearly enough. And this sort of account says a lot about what we reflexively accept as an example of a civilized and progressive country.

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What an adventurous life! Thanks for writing about it Frances🤗.

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My God, Frances, you've been through quite a few dark nights of the soul, but what a strong Spirit you have. I'm loving Dylan and that photo is precious!

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Dark nights? You haven't heard a tenth of it yet! 😉

Dylan was an amusing chap!

I have loads of funny stories about his antics. I watched him wait (at a distance) for several male dogs to start fighting over a female on heat once.... as soon as they were distracted he nipped across the road and got over the willing female in a flash. He was done and gone on his way before any of them noticed! Another time, when he was attacked by a much bigger, more powerful dog, he did the most impressive fake "die" I have ever seen. As soon as the aggressive dog wandered away, he got up and legged it! So funny!

A policeman stopped me in the street once to ask if Dylan was mine and I was expecting some trouble (as you do!)..... he said that Dylan had been picked up several times and was famous at the police station for escaping their efforts to keep him! They nicknamed him Houdini! 🤣😂

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Uh oh... Thx for the warning, Frances! :) Houdini!! Dogs are THE BEST! Much love to you for sharing your stories. 💗

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uh-oh 🙀


was a favorite of my mom’s:


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Thank you Frances, have been waiting for it. Love it!

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love it, thank you xx the friendship of women 🌸☺️

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also uh oh recreational drugs! you are mistress of the cliff hanger x

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Cue Eastenders end of episode music:


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Hee hee x

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my mum loved tea for the tillerman, i know it well. Dylan sounded like a great dog

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Oct 30, 2022
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Don't you find that the losing hands taught us more than when we won? If it were not for the dodgy bits, the good bits would never have felt so sweet. Leastways, that is how I view them now, looking so far back in time.

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Oct 30, 2022
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Happy birthday Dave! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

I wish you would let us into your world.... I guess it has been very interesting!

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