Are we to believe that two thirds of humanity are embodied demons warranting verbal exorcism?
Thanks to Tereza Coraggio’s recent post, I watched this podcast from Geopolitics & Empire featuring Terry Wolfe, taking copious notes throughout. I encourage you to read Tereza’s post and hear the podcast to fully understand my references in this post.
I have to state (from the outset), much to the surprise of Mr Wolfe no doubt, that I had never heard of him before, despite his billions "with a capital B" of claimed views on Tiktok. Mind you, I always thought Tiktok was intended for teenagers exchanging very brief videos and selfies. Obviously I was wrong about that!
At first I felt as if I was ear-wigging on a conversation between the reincarnation of the Witchfinder General and an ingratiating potential publicist, who stumbled and stuttered over his unbridled admiration for his guru.
Mr Wolfe stated "...people's wives and people's mothers and a lot of women in a lot of guys' lives are getting into the 'new age' and the guys don't even know what to do with it and so I was basically trying to help people."
Ah, I thought. According to Mr Wolfe, it is WOMEN who are promoting thoughts about 'New Age' concepts. Listening on, I began to carefully note down all the apparent perpetrators he mentioned.
There were 21 men and only 5 women.
How interesting is that? Does Mr Wolfe imagine that all 21 of the men he names are influenced by an overbearing dominatrix in their lives? Surely not, I thought. After all, Pope Francis comes from an exclusively male genre, doesn't he?
Of the 21 men named and shamed in the podcast, many stood out to me as dubious characters that have shown themselves to be attempting mind control on the public. I have disregarded most of them. For example: Alex Jones, David Icke, David Wilcox, Joe Rogan, David Avocado Wolfe, Mark Passio, Stephen Greer, H.G. Wells, Dr Mercola, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Russell Brand and Robert Sephyr.
Of the 5 women mentioned I have been alarmed by: Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey since the early 1970s. I had never heard of Marilyn Ferguson or the Youtuber called 'Mariya'. Candace Owens is a TV presenter/influencer who dishes pithy reactions most of which are immediately forgettable. Nothing worthy of burning her at the stake though!
Then I noted a distortion of the word 'SPIN' quoted from Marilyn Ferguson's book. Call me an old fogey, but spin used to mean gyration and then, when applied to the media, it meant distortion of facts. Now, apparently, it is an acronym for 'segmented, polycentric, integrated networks' which Mr Wolfe seems to find threatening in some obscure way. I was struck that all of society is comprised of such networks - isn't that also known as co-operation?
Next Mr Wolfe speedily introduced his interpretation of the Biblical book, Revelation. He swapped out the Pale Horse for a Green Horse via Greek. I don't speak Greek so do we trust that he does?
I was impressed that this Green Horse is being ridden by Death itself and found it fascinating how he managed to tie that to the awful Green New Deal which has been sponsored for decades by the British Royal Family and their subservient think tanks like the Club of Rome. Unfortunately Mr Wolfe missed his opportunity to mention those originating sponsors. However, this brief dalliance into 'green' pastures was only there as promotion for his book 'Maybe Everyone Is Wrong'.
After that my notes petered out with a reminder for me to look up some You Tube character known as Penguin Zero.
Overall I was not impressed by the conversation and was amazed to see a plethora of comments heaping praise. I was disgusted by Mr Wolfe's arrogance and sneering contempt when replying to some comments. I have often noticed that fundamental Christians take the attitude that anyone who does not agree with them must be an embodied demon warranting a verbal exorcism.
I would like to remind Mr Wolfe that only one third of the world’s population is Christian and offer him an article I wrote some time ago. It might assist him.
I also include an appropriate deep and meaningful meme:
I have a rather sinister post-script to add here.
By claiming that gnostics and other 'pagan' believers are cultists hell-bent upon destroying Christianity, Mr Wolfe spins reality to fit a very ugly totalitarian agenda.
His attack on Tereza Corragio in his comments is so barbed, so holier-than-thou that it reveals a fanatical side of him which has, in the past, led to extreme persecution of innocent people. It should also be noted that he falsely claims that Hitler was a theosophist when he was actually a devout Catholic, supported by the Pope of the time.
The Impact is an 8.5 hour long documentary which explains how our freedoms are being limited and how groups are singled out for persecution. Listen and learn how easy it is to be classified as a terrorist by over-zealous authoritarians and religious fanatics.
Thanks so much, Frances, complete with entertaining art and your powerful words set to meme. That completely encapsulates my philosophy. I will copy my comment from my thread:
Frances, this is HILARIOUS! I so hope it makes it into your posts because we all need the belly laughs. I will pin this because it's a perfect extension of my analysis, adding quotes, insight and so much flavor in descriptions like:
"At first I felt as if I was ear-wigging on a conversation between the reincarnation of the Witchfinder General and an ingratiating potential publicist, who stumbled and stuttered over his unbridled admiration for his guru."
Yes! And "fundamental Christians take the attitude that anyone who does not agree with them must be an embodied demon warranting a verbal exorcism." That's exactly what the Wolfe posing as shepherd is exhorting 'good Christians' to do--you can 'be holy' by castigating unbelievers and flaming them with your juvenile put-downs. Oooooh! "When we talk, we win." And that's why he refuses to engage.
So actually, Wolfe makes 21 straw men and 5 straw women arguments. He names people I too suspect of being sheepdogs herding the strays back to the slaughterhouse through a different route. My eventual disillusionment with Brand wasn't because of what he said but the company he was keeping, which included many of the named.
I think Wolfe sees women as gullible, not the masterminds of the 'Movement That Has No Name.' I doubt he even sees Blavatsky and Bailey as the brains, only the mouthpiece.
Excellent catch on the word SPIN. I love the idea of segmented, polycentric, integrated networks. Bring them on!
The comments heaping praise were one thing but even most of the critics were from a position of 'more fundamentalist than thou.' It's a shark-eat-shark or shepherd-eat-shepherd world out there.
Thank you so much for putting the time into this purgatory of illogic. I'm sure it will earn you absolutions in the etherworld!