Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Pinned

Revealing The Shocking Mysteries of Human Energy Harvesting!


At the end of which he recommends us to watch:


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May 16Liked by Frances Leader

The first video is not available anymore. YT is pathetic for removing this video.. The second one is still there to see. Thank you Frances for this vital information. I have shared most of your information with a friend. It is super annoying to hear her complain but do nothing about it to correct her symptoms. She sleeps with WIFI next to her at night and will not shut it off because she will lose her security cameras. Her memory is pretty much toast! Oh well, I tried. And the funny thing is she knows it is causing her memory decline and does nothing to correct it. Drama queens need something to complain about. This is my guess anyway. Anyway, thanks for everything. I hope you start to feel much better and continue with your swims in the morning.

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My swims are definitely keeping me sane atm. It is not just the opportunity to use the pool, steam room and the sauna, it is the company of fellow old cronks and buff body builders all chit-chatting away while we boil our bums. We almost have a club atmosphere going on with great affection building between us. I missed Monday due to inclement weather and a dodgy tum. When I turned up on Wednesday, my friends informed me that they had worried that I had croaked it..... (cracked me up!) and that I did not miss much because the steam room had broken down, the lift wasn't working and reception's computer kept saying NO..... What a coincidence, that I should have missed the chaos! 😉

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May 16Liked by Frances Leader

It was meant to be, miss the chaos that is. I am glad to hear you are still using the pool and making new friends along the way.

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SOTT Earth Changes Summary - February 2023: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs


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May 17Liked by Frances Leader

Aaah, SOTT! That brings back fond memories! 😊 It's pretty infrequent, but I still visit it from time to time, which I don't think I can say for that many truther sites. Certainly not Before it's News or the X22 Report. Of course, huge numbers of them don't even exist any more.

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May 17·edited May 17Author

Don't you just hate the newspeak word "truther"? I do. There was a time when it was normal to speak the truth and it did not need to be labelled as such..... gawd blimey mate, I am getting so old!


That video has been removed due to copyright issues.

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The video is on Bitchute



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May 16Liked by Frances Leader

Much LOVE Frances XX Feel better ! All this information is very interesting. Thanks for your time in posting.

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May 16Liked by Frances Leader

i can relate to wild hair lol, hope you're well, enjoy your day.

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This looks very interesting. On a side note, I am wondering about vertigo symptoms in association to the electromagnetic field, G5 towers and chemtrails.

Can these things effect vertigo?

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We are all different! I would imagine that electro-magnetic variations in our environment are capable of inducing a myriad of symptoms, depending on your individual strengths and weaknesses.

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https://youtu.be/kw3gM9UyP6g Lay Lines

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Thanks Dave! Dan and I lived for 18 years in a house on a Ley Line in Essex. We loved that house! It was haunted too - great energy there!

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ee ghad I'm full of pisch and vinagar and my mind is on fire. I feel what is happening with the energies is a natural alarm call for coming trials and tribulations - be quick or be dead.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

I just got up and when i looked in the mirror, I wondered why my hair is all frizzy and curly...now I know :)

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Qi and electricity are synonymous. I hope the yin qi from the heavens was close enough to the Schumann resonance to energise and heal you. I pray that it wasn’t rogue EMF that was destructive. The moon was so huge last night that it lit the sky like it was day. I wish I could post some photos. Let’s hope that the full moon was helping crackle things up a notch, and having energised you, has made you an even more formidable opponent against the Nobs.

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Ooh! That is so weird! I have just woken again, at 3.30am - same scenario. Static hair, burning feet. However, this time I remember the dream I was having.

I was downloading into myself.... and the velocity of the download was sensed as extreme heat so it slowed down and that woke me up!

This is so strange - but I remember having that same whizzing sensation in my brain when I was a child and I told my mum about it. That used to happen during the daytime though. Nobody knew what I was talking about so I stopped telling people when it was happening. I got used to it and it stopped bothering me.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

That energy discharges through your feet into the earth, you are definitely downloading ancient light data - I had a similar inexplicable thing happen to me which I won’t go into here. So you’re one of us…or I’m one of you. We’re here specifically for now - warrior: light data/insight class. I love that you gave crackling hair and hot feet. I don’t feel so alone. I feel stronger already.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Hello Frances. Thanks for posting. I hope you are doing well in dealing with the EMF situations.

My hope is that you will explore what I write below and possibly discuss them with your son. It is great that he is available and willing to work with you on this.

There are many sources of the kinds of EMF issues you discuss. It looks like your son and you are covering the geomagnetic sources quite well, looking at the Kp index, DC magnetometers, Schumann resonances, etc.

Other sources of EMF issues are listed below. It is my opinion that they should also be considered.

1, Low frequency (60 Hz or 50 Hz depending on where you live) AC electric fields. Faulty wiring, proximity to large loads, fluctuations in wire loads, electrical equipment, etc. can cause these fields. They can contribute to body voltages that can be mitigated to an extent by grounding, but are best avoided. A tri field meter can measure them.

2. Low frequency (60 Hz or 50 Hz depending on where you live) AC MAGNETIC fields. These can be sporadic, depending on multiple complex factors. Any time the return current in house wiring does not follow the live current in the same path these fields are set up. Faulty wiring can be a cause. But, it I can be complex, a neighbor's faulty wiring creating a return current path in steel water or other pipes can cause harmful AC magnetic fields. This can be challenging to detect, as it often changes at different times of day, seasons, etc. EG. If the neighbor has a return current fault that puts current into the water pipes that are too close to your residence, and they draw a large current by turning on their electric clothes drying, a hair dryer, etc., you might experience a harmful jump in your DC magnetic fields that is very challenging to track and resolve. When we get a big rainfall at my house these fields set up due to how the water table effects the return path of the current in the neighborhood. A tri field meter can measure them.

3. Dirty electricity. This is another different type of EMF. It is created from harmonics when ever the perfect sine wave of the AC electricity is distorted. A cheap AM/FM battery operated radio can measure it. Just select AM and tune the AM to the lowest possible frequency or a frequency that does not have a radio station. Test it by going close to any active wall switch, electronics, etc. You will see how it varies with distance from the source. Some computers, monitors, etc. create dangerous amounts of this dirty electricity. Most dimming dials work by chopping off part of the sine wave and should be avoided. Any electrical device with most modern intensity dials might also create harmful dirty electricity.

4. Microwave EMFs. WIFI, cell phones, cell towers, etc. If a neighbor's concentrated beam formed 5G device happens to pass through your body, you might get a high dose even at a distance. This can also be measured with a tri field meter. Tri Field... Measures three fields. AC magnetic, AC electric, and microwave.

5. Geopathic stress. Your son and you appear to analyze this well. But, are you aware the sleeping on a steel box spring mattress will subject the victim to massive DC magnetic fields due to the interactions with the coils and the earth's magnetic fields? This is a complex and challenging topic.

6. Body voltage and grounding. You can easily measure body voltage. Your son should be able to do that with a simple volt meter connected to ground. I measured the grounding voltage achieved by plugging into the ground electric receptacle and discovered that it had harmful variances due to electric current running in the ground. It was highly variable. In my opinion, grounding should not be done using a house ground connection because variances there are highly likely even if the wiring is done properly, if the wiring is not done properly, it can be dangerous. The ground should be as far as possible from any conductive materials like steel water pipes. Wet sand on a remote beach is great. Granite stones on remote mountain hiking trails from from human EMFs are great.

7. Schumann resonators. We need the Schumann frequencies. I have a small, cheap, battery operated Schumann resonator. And I verified that it indeed transmits at 7.83 Hz. When shielding, if the shielding is powerful, I suffer if I don't have that resonator going. Now that the enemy is messing with the earth's protective fields, the Schumann frequencies are being effected in unprecedented ways. Others have also reported benefits from having a Schumann resonator, but some said it made them feel worse.

Many of these things are related. If you are getting relief, then maybe this is now worth exploring. I write this not only for you, Frances, but for others who might benefit from what I share. I myself had to explore all of these things and more to get relief. It was boring, challenging, and time consuming, but it was worth it for me.

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My son has been dealing with my electromagnetic sensitivity all his life. He certainly has checked all the matters you discuss above, several times over and again when we moved home. I have a wooden framed bed with a memory foam mattress - I would not go near a sprung mattress for the very reasons you give.

Thankfully my son was trained in electronic engineering and electrical installation for his first career, so all of the anomalies that can occur are familiar territory for him.

In UK we don't have steel plumbing, it is usually copper nowadays.

The one form of EMFs we are unable to avoid seem to be coming from the satellites and their impact has increased enormously since August 2021.

I would dearly love to be able to access damp sandy beaches and mountain hiking trails but, due to disability, that is extremely unlikely now.

Thanks for taking the trouble to let other readers know that there are solutions - even if they seem somewhat complex and difficult to implement.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks Frances. Your son and you make a great team.

One thing many miss is the AC magnetic fields. Those EMFs destroy me. They are very challenging to shield against. Unless one constantly measures with something like a tri field meter, one is only guessing. Many times I have looked at the other factors and missed this one. Some make the mistake of taking one measurement, seeing that it is ok, and then not measuring afterwards. All it takes is for something ike a neighbor to turn on their hair dryer or for rain to saturate the water table to turn an acceptable situation into something extremely damaging. Measurement is a key, and in the case of AC magnetic fields in any residence with AC wiring and neighbors, constant measurement is required. Fortunately, the meters required to take these measurements are not overly expensive. Maybe your son has built his own, I hope to try doing that sometime.

If your son reads what I have written here and finds any suggestions, corrections, etc. I would love to know. This is not my area and I am doing my best.

Warm wishes for a great day free from EMF poisoning.

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I don't think the energetic changes I have experienced over the last two nights have anything to do with manmade EMFs. This energy is natural, from our solar system if not the entire Galaxy.

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Thanks for the clarification. I wish I could learn to differentiate like you. Part of me has had similar thoughts and I have also had new and different energetic changes recently that remain unexplained. I remain skeptical of everything, especially myself. Something like this might be involved. https://www.space.com/monster-black-hole-milky-way-shredding-mysterious-dust-cloud It might be that some can sense things that our instruments cannot.

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It is easy to know the difference between natural electrical phenomena and manmade EMFs. My Electrosmog meter did not register any changes while my hair was doing the Medusa thing. It was the first thing I checked. It is showing an almost continuous red LED, day and night, since the StarLink satellites began to become a problem in August 2021. Previous to that we had a nice steady low reading by the green LED light even though my neighbours have SMART meters and wifi.

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I was awoken by a barred owl. I went outside and recorded it. I went back to bed fell asleep and in a dream I had an out of body experience that had me standing on my roof. A fun night / morning.

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I felt like the birds were singing louder this morning, and the worm moon was huuuuge. Thank you for sharing this video Frances!

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Have you spoke with your neighbors?

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Since 3.30am today? No! My immediate neighbour went out to work at 6am and her son at 7am. I don't see them again until evening! Hard working people around here!

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Where does one find a good grounding mat or shoes for that matter. I was full of static for days too-

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They are so easy to make yourself, why spend money?

I describe how my son made mine here:


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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you.

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deletedMar 7, 2023Liked by Frances Leader
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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Author

Yeah, he is very young so can be forgiven! Thanks for finding that appropriate video and thinking to pass it on to me! It is ideal and may help others to understand when their Qi goes a bit haywire! Undoubtedly the Universe is unfolding as it should (to quote the Desiderata) and it is doing its thing for a reason! Not that we fully understand the reason.... oh for a brain, the size of a planet (to quote Marvin, the android from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) !!

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Great stuff!

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