A very recent video which adds considerably more to the subject:

"The 2022 McCain Conference, "The Ethics of Military Artificial Intelligence." Dr. James Giordano, Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Georgetown University and Distinguished Fellow in Science, Technology, and Ethics for the Stockdale Center, and Dr. Nick Evans, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Lowell discuss the ethical and legal challenges associated with various technologies that connects human brains with computers, and those associated with brain science more broadly, as it continues to advance, both with allies and adversaries."


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I like this song that expresses this truth:

Your soul and mine will carry on, when this transparent world is gone.

There's nothing strange in what I say, its always meant to be this way.

Forever we go on and on, energy converters its never gone.

There's never going to be and end, a million atoms can't pretend.

While we're here let love stay with me; let me and he go running free.

Then we'll change, not disappear; all channels receiving loud and clear.

Birdman, Andy Bell 1993.

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Thank you Frances! And you're absolutely correct. Even what I share only alludes to the eternal truth. That's why it is said that self-realisation is the only way to truly 'awaken'. Once this happens in someone's life-time, the way they view the world is radically altered and their consciousness is transformed forever. So, the eternal truth as shared here then becomes a permanent knowing that an individual carries with them for good and that nothing can change. That is why the fear of death then vanishes. For, you know full-well that the physical body is simply a vessel for divine consciousness to experience through. And, when we 'die' our consciousness simply lets go of the physical body; 'ashes-to-ashes-dust-to-dust'. Our consciousness then 'returns' to where it was before our physical life began. What I tell my children is the 'Casper the ghost world'. And what happens to our ego/self identity? Well, they are a self-created illusion that we create to guide the body through life. So, our individual identity ends with our release of the physical body, whilst our eternal consciousness shifts frequency back to where it came from before 'birth' in the material world. Simple!

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Thanks for pilling on Giordano. Not enough people know about this nasty piece of work. As far as I know, my earlier piece was the first to throw light on him.


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Erm, sorry Kyle but this blatant competitive behaviour of yours has finally placed the final straw on my camel's back.

I have been aware of Giordano via other sources for several years. I have been sent videos of him via email, discussed him on other platforms and shared the concerns of friends many times before.

I don't think you are "the first to throw light on him" and am surprised at your immaturity in claiming that.

This is far from the first time that I have been askance at the way you choose to constantly use my posts as an opportunity to shine your own medals. It is beneath me to have to say this but if I do not you will continue to make a fool of yourself and I would prefer it if you did not and, instead, be a team player rather than constantly trying to claim superiority in this bizarre and embarrassing way.

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I had no idea you had experience with Giordano. I've been at this for several years and have never come across him until I stumbled across him while doing some research just before I wrote that piece.

I apologize for overstepping your boundaries. I will not do so again.

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I have been a Brit activist since 1967; involved with dozens of campaigns, protests and organisations. Every day there are people, places and things mentioned which I know nothing about! Every day I learn new stuff and that is what oils my wheels and keeps my nose to the grindstone. If there is something I have learned in all these years it is that what I know would fit on a postage stamp while what there is to know is the entire global postal service!

I am sorry that I had to be so pointed with you. I am certain you meant no harm. Clearly you have no idea who I am - why should you?

I have only been writing on Substack since January this year, but I have written thousands of articles on other platforms previously and have been on the frontlines of medical, ethical, human and animal rights events - most recently I founded Anti Fracking International.

Unfortunately, I am now a refugee of social media de-platforming due to my radical point of view. I was recommended to write on Substack when Hive blog became infested with destructive 'whales' who are determined to destroy that community. I am banned for life from Facebook, Twitter and Discord for publishing my work there. They really do not like my refusal to accept totalitarianism and my insistence upon free speech and freedom from prescribed narratives.

I have been struggling to regain the huge following I lost but, in a way, that has made me work harder than ever.... At 70, I should really be retiring and knitting for my grandchildren!

The last thing the predator/owner class (aka the Black Nobility) want is for me to reconnect with my network so they are systematically erasing access to my work, photos and videos. Now, when we Google 'Frances Leader' images, we see endless photos of Macron! S'funny really..... cos my parents never noticed that the name they had given me could be so misunderstood! Too late to change it now, so I have to lump it, I s'pose!

You did not so much overstep my boundaries. I don't really have those new fangled things in my life. It was just becoming irksome to be treated as though I know nothing, like I am a child being instructed by an 'old hand'. Perhaps now that you know a little more about me, you will realise that I may be the new kid on this block but I have been about a bit.....


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Well taken.

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What concerns me more than these freaks is their audiences. The rapt attention, the timid queries, the awe!

Christ, when are crowds going to gather and throw rotten tomatoes at this type?

Self-evident narcissists all!!

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Not everything that CAN be done, SHOULD be done; but powerful people like to do things simply because they CAN! How to deprive the psychos of the ways and means?

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See, currently, the world is all the 'wrong' way up. Why do we call these people 'leaders' 'elite' 'the top'? They are clear psycho+sociopaths; PRIMITIVE. They have NO empathy, NO compassion, NO moral compass guiding them; their brains are thus in a PRIMITIVE state of evolution. These very characteristics allow them to 'climb to the top' of the career ladder because their psychopathic presentation allows them to DO WHATEVER IS NECCESSARY TO GET WHAT THEY WANT; they have NO boundaries NO concern for ANYONE else. They are deranged and deluded. AND THESE PEOPLE ARE THE PRIMITIVES. Their brains are NOT evolved. In a truly advanced world (as we hilariously claim to be) true leaders would make decisions based on THE COLLECTIVE GOOD AND FOR THE MAJORITY OF CITIZENS without coercion or indifference or their own selfish ends. To do this EMPATHY and COMPASSION are fundamental and EVOLVED aspects of such a persons brain. Now imagine the world with leaders like this. It is said that the world is now turning the 'right' way up. Before this manifests the world in the 'wrong' way up has to dissolve. The psycho's at the likes of the WEF are now in the process of GLOBAL exposure of their own insanity. When enough people awaken to who and what they are, it is said to ALL FALL APART. Hopefully then, psycho's will not be able to impress their deranged ideas onto a global population that in reality, simply requires, FOOD, ENERGY, STABLE HOMES+FAMILIES AND A FAIR+CLEAN+SAFE SOCIETY TO LIVE IN. And, the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE is heard by their appointed 'leaders'.

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As a student of Bible prophecy this is all looking very familiar. There are only 2 religions in the world that get the ‘human nature’ bit right - Judaism and Christianity, no accident because they share the same values and worldview found in the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament. If the view of humanity presented in the Bible is correct, only one thing is required, also spelled out in the scriptures. That is the rejection of God and the replacement of Him with the godhead of Man. That would seem to be precisely what has occurred, and again the Bible tells us just how that turns out. In the end we are “given over” to our wickedness. The rest of the story is about the parsing of the wheat and the chaff, the good and the bad. God protects His own while the world spins out of control. There is a climax, and then an intervention, followed by a new world order not of man’s creation. To non-believers this is non-sense. To believers it is the story of all creation long ago told - now playing out in front of our very eyes.

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Very interesting to hear your view. My writing is not based in any religious idea/teaching. It is simply my own intuitive realisation and perception of the world. And my perception is that authenticity is everything and to truly change the world, decision making has to be rooted in what is right for the collective good and nothing else. In reality, life and the needs of humans are actually very simple. The problem is, humans have increasingly made life extremely complicated and difficult for ourselves, whilst believing we have 'made life better for ourselves'! Humans are now suffering from what I perceive as an extreme form of ego-override, to the point that many people are delusional (a strong belief held despite superior evidence to the contrary). The 'covid pandemic' is a clear example of this. We have MOUNTAINS of superior evidence that there was/is no pandemic in reality and it is all a scam. And yet billions believe otherwise, to the point that they will not even entertain any evidence that challenges the 'official narrative'. This is a clear example of the ability of the psychopaths we are speaking about, to manipulate the perceptions of so many people and in doing so create more 'wrong way up world'. And this is exactly what the psycho's want; a world that mirrors their deranged perceptions of how the world should be, without any acknowledgement of the mayhem that is actually causing. The COLLECTIVE actually have the power and choice to stop colluding with psychopaths and thereby create a new and hopefully better world; the question is, will WE do so? Collaborating is easy; remaining authentic and independent is hard.

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Your eloquence is ennobling as well as true and informative.

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Very kind of you to say so. Thank you.

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I forgot to say. There is no 'judgement' in 'the next life'. It is simply a matter of consciousness itself shifting from one type of frequency (reflective light-the material world) to another frequency we might call 'spirit' 'the divine' etc. There is no 'masculine god' keeping tabs on all of us and then seeking to 'punish us' when we 'die'. Whether we believe it or not, WE ARE IMMORTAL CONSCIOUSNESS SEEKING EXPERIENCE IN THE MATERIAL WORLD. When we 'die' our eternal consciousness simply shifts from one frequency to another one. Again, 'the eternal truth of our true nature cannot be spoken only self-realised'. So, you have to fully realise thsi truth for yourself as words will not be enough to convince you. I still share freely with you however in the hope you can let go of your fear.

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Nicely explaining something which defies description! xx

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Comes now the phrase”...if only, as in “...if only it were so”. You would have to postulate a sentiate Being as a first cause, and attribute to Him/Her benevolent intent along with both extensive power and considerable patience, so as to refrain from destroying His/Her creation. Such benevolence is called by some, “

Daddy World..,”.Is this what you, what we have been experiencing?

Further, is a lack of compassion and regard, the essence of Evil Incarnate? The coldly indifferent amongst us would say no, that all entropy runs down , that science and truth and precision preclude both the sentience we want and need, and the hope we express for “Daddy” to protect us and help us and forgive us and guide us.

And as to me, I am elderly and learned, but still believing to my very deepest core, as I have always done, that I was not called into existence randomly, nor is my existence merely a phenomenon of chance.In my many years I have created life and, sorry to say, have taken life, and I still hope and pray and beg for forgiveness for my trespasses both conscious and unconscious.And I will and do pray that those among us who are not purposefully evil but rather are not yet convinced, would soon reawaken to a world they can Love and not merely Measure.

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I take the attitude that I inherited the best of my daddy and he expects me to run with it without resorting to leaning on him in any way.

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At this time of year, Frances, I wish you a Shana Tovah , and to your family-a G’mar Chatima v’Chasima Tovah.( You did tell me you are from Kohanim descended).

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You can lean on him, Francis, because his love for you provides the possibility of continuing support on an as-needed basis. Such “leaning “ means he is still there even as you walk forth ,should you need a bit of strengthening support, or a smile, or a word of encouragement or advice, all because he still loves you. If he finds you steadying yourself on his strength, he will smile, that you still love him and trust him. And it is mutual.

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Once the nature of the collective good has been established, sure we need evolved people to administer it. But 'leaders'? Do we need leaders? Does the collective need to organise itself as a pyramid? The apex of the pyramid seems to attract the psycho + sociopaths like a light attracts moths. If we are to organise ourselves the right way, from the bottom up, we all need to become involved and to take responsibility instead of sitting at home in front of the TV, waiting for our cheque to land on the door mat. Finding solutions for this would be a far better use for modern tech than neuroweapons.

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We are being manipulated now into the "collective good" by way of these injections and all the think tanks who are making policies for education and the masses are being "nudged" along without any awareness of any brainwashing. These last two and a half years show how far they have come turning adults into children of the state waiting for permission to do things. Yes we need new systems and I don't think any will manifest until the present one collapses. Waking people up to the current engineered disasters is quite difficult as my own eyes were opened only by chance regarding the test method used being totally inappropriate then moving on and finding out more about the medical and banking system. Only recently found Frances and I'm so glad I did.

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I think I know what you mean; but what we are being manipulated into now is not the collective good. It's the narrative desired by the psychos, and there's not much about it that's good. Unfortunately, I think you're right about meaningful change requiring a catalyst of collapse. I only stumbled across Frances about ten days ago and I'm so glad I did, too. We are all burrowing tunnels of loneliness and knowing that others are doing the same is comforting!

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I was being sarcastic regarding collective good and obviously failed in my comment! Lol! It is quite easy as I have found for the written words without spoken inflection or visual facial clues also to be misunderstood. I've been guilty of both! Can easily lead to fall outs with family and friends. I'm getting tired, they know this as that's why they deliberately bombard with so much conflicting info from gov and also controlled opposition sites (new vocab to me in last 18 months or so). I try my best by handing out bits of paper with Open Vaers link and another for a video on informed consent. I have printed a few and have them in my bag. My hairdresser got one this morning. I don't want to get into heated debates, I'm pretty useless and get easily flustered, remembering key points only after! Also, any links I have sent to friends who trust gov are ignored. More is coming out but much to slowly. I know Germany has prepared army for martial law in case of riots about price hikes in engineered sanctions and maybe this is the plan to bring about mayhem and fall of govs and then announce their build back better technocrisy world?

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Ha! If there is any fault, it is just as likely to be mine as yours. Like you, I'm accustomed to trying to communicate with people who don't, or won't, get it. Far too often, it's an uphill struggle, as you know - but you are to be commended for trying. Sad to say, rightly or wrongly, I have largely given up and dropped friends and relatives who don't want to engage. As for the German government and many others, they appear to be suicidally stupid - either that or genocidally evil.

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This is what fact checkers are for>>.... ensuring that people like you, who think that ethics matter are de-platformed and banned from social media, accused of mental illness and, in some cases quietly banged up in an asylum. Truth is not welcome in the topsy-turvy world!

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'Fact checkers'? Those Trolls have never seen a true fact and even if they do see one, they call it a 'mis-information'! The source of their behaviour is brainlessness and MONEY; they are paid to do their dirty 'work'. So many are so easily bought and paid for. As for 'social media'; I have never used FB, Twitter etc. It was transparent 20 years ago that it would all lead us to no good; and now look at everything/everyone. The truth is, the 'fact checkers' and ALL those colluding with the current insanity are clearly insane. Part of being insane, is believing you are sane, and everyone else is insane! Authenticity is everything and the simple question is; what sort of world do we choose to live in? If people are happy with complete insanity and slavery, then continue on as they are, as that is exactly what is being created. Indeed, the dark hypnotic sorcery is now endemic. Fact checkers, social media etc is all part of that sorcery.

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Thank you!

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Sep 20, 2022Edited
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Were there no police/district attorney’s/ other law enforcement types available to you and the others? The Hospital was evidently guilty of misprision of a felony, as were, separately, the Physician, Administrators, etc. Did you not call attention to your plight? The rapist was free, while you were incarcerated!

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Sep 20, 2022
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In UK mental institutions there are dozens of activists who are deemed insane or have been driven insane with pharmaceuticals. The general public have no idea how heavy political abduction has been; nor are they aware of the deprivations they are subjected to even now. Unfortunately I have some stories to tell which shock people like this:


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