"Putin’s ‘final completion’ likely will not credibly be achieved through some itinerant peace broker. In his Foreign Ministry address, Putin dismisses devices such as ‘ceasefires’ or ‘freezes’. He is seeking something permanent: An arrangement that has ‘solid legs’; one that has durability.

Such a solution – as Putin before has hinted – requires a new world security architecture to come into being; and were that to happen, then a complete solution for Ukraine would flow as an implicit part to a new world order. That is to say, with the microcosm of a Ukraine solution flowing implicitly from the macrocosm agreement between the U.S. and the ‘Heartland’ powers – settling the borders to their respective security interests.

This clearly is impossible now, with the U.S. in its psychological mindset stuck in the Cold War era of the 1970s and 1980s. The end to that war – the seeming U.S. victory – set the foundation to the 1992 Wolfowitz Doctrine which underscored American supremacy at all costs in a post-Soviet world, together with “stamping out rivals, wherever they may emerge”."


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Fuckin' Deep Stake... I poop on their cowardice and ignorance. Huh. They awl stinkbugs.

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Thank You, Frances. It is hard to keep up. Alex Krainer has more about the City of London interests trying again to get Americans to do dirty work so they can obtail the spoils, which they desperately need as collateral. The London financial Empire is on the verge of collapse again. If it is starved and not allowed WW-3, that might happen.

I'm worried about death throes...


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"The affair appears to be a deceitful ploy contrived by the British ruling establishment to lure Donald Trump into providing security for Ukraine and ultimately to go to war against Russia. However, this could prove to be the British Empire’s fatal mistake that will probably accelerate its final collapse." Listen to Alex Krainer's analysis in his video here:


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I'm so sick of these greedy fuckin murderous rat bastard assholes.

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That’s what they desire from you, ( for you to get angery with them) and because you believe that you can not do anything about it, they win.

Re- incarnate the fuckers

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Yeah but.... if they re-incarnate they carry their twisted souls into the future. That is no good is it? They have to be re-aligned, LOVED first. This is the only way that they can rejoin the singularity.

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That's how they sickly set you up, so you go looking for a vaccine to cure you.

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I haven’t had a vaccine in like, 40 years.

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Right! ....NO SOUP FOR YOU!

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When I was a kid, we used to make “grass soup” in our little camp in the backyard. Yeah, water with grass it, cooked over a tiny campfire… ack. ;)

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Dilettante! ...Yá zspose'd tá roll it in tallyhos and smoke the shit

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Oh shit! ...I've outed meself as a Jewish sitcom watcher.

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imho that's a right-good take on it--NATO fits the NAZI paradigm quite well! NATO is aquisitive, bi-assed 'n prone ta bein' FINE-ANTs'd by non-neutral pahrties (sum' mockery've noo-trail-itty), oft-deranged (!), at times occult-influenced, an' deep down would like Israel erased like all good Nazis do (plan wuz fer the Mufti ta take in all da joos an' then Hitler promised ta rid the Middle East of 'em all later AND frankly I don't care if y'all like/hate Israel but the NAY-TOE globalist agenda is ta ERASE all sovereign nay-shuns includin' Israel AND in fact the USA too! an' now that our be-diapered "PotUs" is gone an' his Masonic-Messianic replaceMINT "Mafia DON" is takin' over) ain't too happy about any nay-shuns not wantin' ta bend ovuh...

NATO's arm-ee(s), funded in pahrt by the good ol' USA... stand ready ta crush us all (an' they don't care whom ya hate... in fact they're good at divide/conquer so go on wishin' fer the dee-struct-shun of any naytions ye like). Ain't no fan've the neoCONS. Happy ta larn of this Kyle Orton (noo ta me --like hiz fresh takes on Russian Rev an' the Middle East). Of course I ain't gonna cheer on the huge CORE-US of joo hate in the comments 'n such tho' I've heard that tune before.... b/c imho that's a distraction from the coterie of rotten rulers & yup, the nobs that ain't marked by any faith or loyalty other than ta themselfs so by blamin' da joos exclusively yer helpin' the big guys git off Scott Free! (tho' fer those that so desire an' derive true joy from it--by all means keep on blamin' "da joo" fer everythang wrong in the world down ta ingrown toenailz, I ain't gonna ge-schtop-ya's-- but I DO fink that feeds inta what "zey" wish ya ta do!) Anywhoo don't take it or any wooden nickels from da crackpot here--Notta Nazi, 100% Ashkenazi ;-) an' notta rich banker either! oh my oh my no...

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Their all after control of earths natural star gates, all the rest is just a game to head fuck the people

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Ties in nicely with DJT Supreme Court Document in March 2024 https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-939/303384/20240319133828340_AFPI%20Amici%20Brief%203.19.24.pdf

"In addition, Executive Order 12333

prohibits any person employed by the U.S.

government from engaging in, or conspiring to engage

in, assassination." Biggest sting operation ever.

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How is that document the 'biggest sting operation ever'? I did read the document but do not understand your conclusion.

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In my attempts to post a reply comment, Substack put it in the wrong place!! It was destined for a response to "Mo" post regarding General Flynn accusing Victoria Nuland of organising an assassination on DJT. Thanks for reading it, anyway :)

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They're the old Nazis, too!

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Someone's got to say it, so it might as well be me...

For Bolsheviks, substitute Jews.

For Nazis, substitute Jews.

For Christians, substitute Jews

For Europe...Jews.

For Britian ..Jews

For America..Jews


For IMF..Jews

For drugs..Jews

For Porn..Jews

For Russia ..Jews

Macron ..Jew.

For Trump..Jews

For Australian Ministers ..Shtick Club Jews

For Architectural, Menorah indicators at the ruins of 911 cruelty..Jews

For Covert-19 ..Jews

For Palestinian Genocide...Jews

For Antisemitism..Jews

For Jurys..Jews

For Judges..Jews

For a brainwashed public..Jews

For all ridiculous shit on a stick..Jews

For my angsty rants against Jews ..Jews

Please add your contributions for Jews here....


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Yep, them of all people, you would think, would remember the old saying, what you sow, is what you reap

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The Chosen Ones would consider your poetry as "anti-Semitic" ... 🤣🤣🤣

The odd thing is, that the ONLY REAL Semitic DNA is to be found in Palestinian bodies ...

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~Between Homeland and a Hard Place~


Ishmael ain't got no Israel

And INRI ain't got no Israel'

Schickelgruber ain't got no Israel

And Gentlemen ain't got no Israel

But oh! what a kick in the dick Yitzhak

Ibrí ain't got no bleeding Israel:


Am I antisemitic

Is this an Ásemitic

Or is such stuff just Greek guff to the Jew

Because according to Theo.

You can't do that to Shem

But by George he can do it to you:

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Never letting reality and truth get in the way of a convenient lie…Jews

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But isn't it that all Zionists are Jews (or rabid, fundamental Christians), whereas not all Jews are Zionists ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

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Yes ..Circular logic that makes you disappear up your own eductions ..Jews.

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For my persecution...Jews. :-)

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Did you spot Richard Branson playing the part of a General in that video? Apparently he stiffed XTC for their royalties and even budget-cut the video, filming it in his own London house!

I spose you are gonna say that was the Jews too?

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Yeah. Noticed Dicky there years ago..He used to hang around a bit didn't he?

Remember his private sectary mate topped himself around the time Branson got married?

Haven't seen much of him lately.

Did you see the Menorah clue at the wreck of The Rockefeller Buildings.

As for blaming Jews...The Jury is still out.

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Thanks again. "Yeoman's work."

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It's the old You become what you fight routine. Again.

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With the truth seeing light and understanding!, can the deplorable s not be divided and focus on the real enemies?

You and Nickson are off the charts spot on!!

Can’t say enuf. Always worth two reads.

Complex(usually the history and background) but very simple - kill the right bastards and bitches of money evil.,.

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So you mean nowadays that's the plan for Ukraine I guess. I agree. That's why those puppets of the Jews in England and France want the Slavs in Ukraine down to the last teenager. Clear the land of anyone who might fight back as the takeover becomes obvious. Putin must know this too. And he's not Chabad, even though I've read two intelligent writes say he is lately. Solari Report and Tony Hall. Sad. I think Lavrov might be jewish. Not sure. I read a very interesting account of the situation leading up to the first WW between the three cousins. The book - Light for the New Millennium is a record of the Chief of the Military in Germany's correspondance with his wife during the fraught days before the mobilization, but it goes a few years before too. The problem that all three of these royal figures had, was their ministers. The ministers were running the show - and ignoring the wishes of the monarch. In all three cases. And there were Jews inside the government of Germany - that were the troublemakers. In England its not so clear as the Milner Group was what was running the show there. Lord Earl Grey is not Jewish, although I'm not sure about Alfred Milner...and Lord Grey was a puppet too, as Rudolf Steiner has pointed out many times. Anyway, its a great book by Thomas Meyer, Light for the New Millennnium. Its got alot of Rudolf Steiner's work in it too - as a heads up. If you're not interested in the spiritual side of things, don't get the book.

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Putin is equally as controlled as any other leader. What did he do during COVID? Have you heard any truths from Russia about CO2 driven climate nonsense, carnivore diet? Possibly this war is about getting drones and AI battle hardened so that they can be used against populations who rebel against 15 minute cities, cbdcs etc. not sure which Jew butt hurt you, but I don't think you need to worry about them any more than any other clique which favours its own members at the expense of outsiders. I found Jim condit jnr interesting regarding German Jews https://youtu.be/F2GUC-qv4Y0?si=7cKUaS-tQ0BgGNOC

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Zelensky himself said: "...want Ukraine to become a new Israel ..."

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yes, and I read two days ago that there are Israelis - Jews - pouring into Ukraine. And I heard that there are now villages in Ukraine - being built that are ' Jews only '

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BINGO !!!👍👍👍

Same "thing" happening in Iraq since the toppling of Saddam ...

What a strange coincidence ...🤔🤔🤔

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I didn't know it was happening in Iraq. Its certainly happening in Syria. What a nightmare. Its hell on earth

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I always keep in mind that not all Zionists/Khazarians/whatever are "Jews," in either a birth or "religious" sense. In fact, the term appears to be losing a concrete meaning, or is somehow a fraud, the way the term "anti-Semite" is a fraud, and has been since it was "invented."

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yes, Howard we all have heard this a billion times. https://www.bitchute.com/video/XVxiP3UkdJ6r/ If you prefer you can just read zionists. but anti-zionism isn't outlawed now to the point of deportation - its antisemitism... and ashke-nazis aren't even semites.

no need to tiptoe. its what they call themselves. Jews.

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Sound a bit patronizing. All Zionists CLAIM all Jews are Zionists. All "Jews" don't claim or "practice" Zionism. Agree on the Askke-nazis. Sorry to bore you

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its not that its boring. Its that its fearful. Even the jews that don't participate in genocide are defensive and until they own up to the fact that either their religion has been hijacked or that some of their tribe are psychos...they're all in it together.

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Good read Frances, linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Ties in nicely with DJT Supreme Court Document in March 2024 https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-939/303384/20240319133828340_AFPI%20Amici%20Brief%203.19.24.pdf

"In addition, Executive Order 12333

prohibits any person employed by the U.S.

government from engaging in, or conspiring to engage

in, assassination." Biggest sting operation ever.

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The idea that Trump is really on our side is difficult for me to swallow.

I hope it's true, but if it is, he will surely be taken "out." And his little doge, too.

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Here's what I posted today on another website: And who owns Israel? The "London" Bankers !

Recipe: The new NATO fights Russia; "Israel" fights the Arabs. If the British empire is successfully served then it's full blown global time and Trumpers will be dazed and confused, wonderin', what the hell were we thinking?

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The "London" Bankers? As in, the "Black Nobility"? THOSE effers own damn near everything. People think it's the Rothschilds and people like that, that we know the NAMES of... The so-called "Black Nobility," -- and they named themselves that because they're bloated with their own "value" -- own that 90-some-odd percentage of the wealth of the entire PLANET. THOSE people RUN the filthy rich as we know them... They own Everybody. These are the people who OWN the "Globalists." THESE people want the Human population culled down to themselves (maaaaybe a few thousand of them? At most!) and SLAVES to run their estates. This is really "out there," and few people know about it, tho our numbers are growing... They are inbred psychopaths who want to re-start the Earth with THEMSELVES AS GODS.


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Oh, thanks!! I have SO LITTLE TO READ, lololol

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NATO are largely Zionists, not Nazis. The world is largely run by jewish internationalists. Nazism is ultra-nationalism for Germans. I hate boomer conspiracies.

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That doesn't mean they won't USE Nazis, if they're able...

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This prick shared my post with this headline: "I hate this sort of stuff. Boomer-tier conspiritardism" and is now trying to claim that I am attacking HIM.

I think he is an antisemite and he is very poorly informed about history.

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There's always gotta be some fools, some idiots, and a few evil types, "out there." Don't let it get to ya. xo

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Sure, but that doesn’t mean that they ARE nazis, you see that right? Using your enemy is something all strategists would understand.

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You must be new here, lol. ^_^

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Nazis were financed by the Zionists and they have been so successful that they have young fools like you defending them.

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Is the word "Nazi," which I don't believe originated with the National Socialists, a Zionist word? I ask. There is a linguistic overlap, i.e., AshkeNAZI.

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Finally, a relevant response!

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There are MANY words that end in "--azi"

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....VaraNazi ??? ...

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Bang on hey! Metaphorically speaking!

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Thank you for all this material Frances. The story of Ukraine is long and complex indeed going back many centuries, including the old Khazar empire which we all know was the origin of the Ashkenazi Jews. So it also is tied into the tragic modern history of Israel which was created by Russian Ashkenazis sent to Palestine by Stalin after WWII armed with weapons from the Czech factories and manned by terrorists conscripted from the East European refugee camps.

Hitler wanted Ukraine for its grains and minerals so invaded the Soviet Union via that route in 1941. The Ukrainians under Bandera et. al. joined in on the side of Hitler and helped carry out genocide against both Russians and Jews. But the Germans refused to allow Bandera to set up his own nation but it still left Ukraine a hotbed of Nazism after the Soviets drove the Germans out. But after WWII, MI6 and the CIA still tried to create an underground anti-Soviet movement that morphed over time into the Zelensky monstrosity of today courtesy US Neocons like Nuland whose husband Kagan had Ukrainian ancestry. I cover much of this in my book "Our Country, Then and Now." https://www.amazon.com/Our-Country-Then-Richard-Cook/dp/1949762858

Of course it's been the height of insanity for the British and the US to poke around in this hornets' nest in Russia's backyard. To start WWIII over Ukraine shows the fundamental dementia of British/US imperialism.

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lol - yep! British and American dementia is caused by Venetian Empire clandestine invasion of the City of London and Washington DC. It would be great if we all knew this more clearly and chucked the international crime syndicate under the bus.

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...bus... ???

Vibrating steam roller !!!


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🤣😂 spat my apple juice all down meself! 🤣😂

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I'am so sorry ...😌😌😌

THAT was not my intention ...🌹🌹🌹🔥🔥🔥

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