Nov 5, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

"... cannabis/marijuana/weed is a natural healing herb and was always used as such for thousands of years. So much so that we have cannabinoid receptors in our bodies."

So very true! Industrial Hemp is great too.

Cannabis is the most green plant known to humankind and is so beneficial to the natural world, animals, humans and the environment. Cannabis grows in multiple types of soil, is useful in building comfortable energy efficient homes that rodents won't eat, termites won't destroy, and fires won't burn. If only it wasn't illegal. If only, the green movement included hemp in their plans for the world. If only.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

sorry, forgot what i was going to say here

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I’ve been pro healthy homegrown organic cannabis for over 30 years. In my experience it has enhanced my life and I have had positive spiritual experiences with it. Used with moderation I think cannabis is a much better life enhancer than alcohol could ever be.

I agree that the super strong street weed is probably toxic. In fact I don’t even like the medicinal bud, it’s way too strong. Mellow home grown all the way.

Of course our government does not want happy relaxed people. Of course they want to substitute something toxic for something healing.

I’ve always thought it was ridiculously fascist that a healing plant has been made illegal.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I have gone full circle on this. My current understanding is that what is currently available is much more active than it used to be, this is dangerous. It would also be a way for the government to further enable descent into inaction and dependency (which is where the WEF want us to be). I support medical use. Would you allow someone who had been smoking to drive your car? Carry out a medical procedure on you?

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I agree that strains of weed which are available on the streets, known as skunk or bud, are toxic in the extreme. I have tried them. They smell slightly wrong, are not the right colour and the effect is soporific rather than gentle and lifting of the mood. They appeared in the 80s from Amsterdam sources at first. It became harder and harder to purchase real natural green weed and impossible to buy good quality resin. The prices soared until these skunk varieties were all that was on offer. I did not like the way they knocked me either dumb or even unconscious! This was not how smoking weed used to be in the 60s and 70s.

That is when I grew my own from original seeds that I had stored since the 70s. The effects were mild and encouraged creativity and a fun lifestyle.

In 2004 I went to live in Spain where people grow their own on terraces in the mountains. That was real natural and original weed, dirt cheap and never soporific.

I advocate growing our own from reputable original seeds. The product, the soil, air and water can be personally controlled that way.

The fact that this product has been illegal has created a market which is contaminated and exploited by unscrupulous profit-hungry, dodgy dealers.

If it becomes legal to grow your own, the dealers would be out of business.

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I think you have to be wary when dealing with Shaun Atwood.

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OK. I think you ought to explain why you believe that.

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Sonya Poulton was not happy in her dealings with Shaun. You should look at what she said about him. Personally to me he never seemed genuine. I’m not saying he’s shady but not to take him in face value is advised.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022Author

Where would I find Sonia's comments? Remember that I am banned from Facebook and Twitter and have lost touch with Sonia since the start of 2022..... I have emailed her to phone me.... we go back a long way. She helped us to publicise the horrors of Fracking.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Anyone who believes that a chemically created drug made in a lab will give you better health that a God created natural herb, needs some serious mental help.

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