Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023Liked by Frances Leader


That's my view also.

As we've notice they are recklessly exposing themselves to everyone and causing an awakening which was not their goal - hardy har har.

You might want to watch this short video (11 minutes) entitled >> MILITARY INSIDER: They Panicked When They Saw The Future >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoREKB5KUsw

Stand tall - Straight ahead - Stay the course.

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Saw that episode of Inspired a while back and found it to be very comforting. You are right and I echo your hardy har har.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Hello Frances Leader. Thank you for the beautiful story and for sharing, my friend. I don't view the Solution Seeking Substack as my site. I am just doing my best over there as an equal partner in a diverse group, trying to facilitate the search for real solutions, and new ideas are always welcomed.

I believe the answers are within us and we will create the better world our children and all life on the planet deserve. There may be some significant surprises in HOW, WHERE and WHEN this plays out from here. Every story about HOW is so important. It is not easy to write a story about HOW, it is often much easier to write about who, what, when, where and why.

Thank you again for taking the time and assuming the risks involved in creating a meaningful story about HOW, a story that instills hope, provides knowledge, and ignites inspiration.

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oops - https://youtu.be/b0CchWATaFM

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"They estimate that light is going to get here at some point in the next decade." No link was provided for follow up?

I found this: https://www.space.com/monster-black-hole-milky-way-shredding-mysterious-dust-cloud

"They found that the filament currently takes about 170 years to orbit around the galactic center, and calculated that in 2036, the filament will make its closest approach to the black hole. Shortly after that, the cloud will completely dissipate. "

"After the filament's demise, its material will be swallowed up by the black hole. The process, according to the scientists, may produce some "fireworks" as the dust accelerates and heats up before crossing the event horizon. "

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Yes there was a superflare at the star Leonis b about 4 years ago it faced away from earth the event took 5 to 6 years to be noticed. But this was a star superflare trigged by the galactic current sheet . The flare discribed is on the galactic level a fair bit more power but not known at this time if it will be a galactic 25 pence squib or the full galactic H bomb . Thing is there are only 2 channels on YouTube that are openly discussing it. And like MSM toning it down to stop from being deplatformed . Too many unknowns atm.

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Ooh a galactic event? When? 10 - 12 years time? Bollox! I could be a reincarnated parrot by then!

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I'm getting an eerie feeling that the cataclysm cycle is going to take it up a notch with a big push from the predatory classes . I can't put my finger on it - one big event or lots of little events that add to a big event cosmic crud incoming. Sorry for the negative vibe I'm the yiang to your yin. We must live with hope in our hearts and souls. I just tell it like it is no sugar coated bs.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Yeah. WE get covid, the WEF, the WHO, fascists, and the clot shot. THEY get some cool new light from the center of the galaxy. 😤


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That is my favourite comment on this thread! Very funny! xx

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks, I appreciate someone else with a sense of humor or irony.

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