Jul 22, 2023Liked by Frances Leader


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May 25, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Have to agree with caveat that not all invisible weaponry is invisible for those with eyes to see: multiple simultaneous TV’s, in various rooms “Just want to see what the weather is going to be/how traffic is going to be/how the Titans are going to do …” Is this really ‘Good Morning XYZ’ or gotcha again before there’s time for any connection with life; an insidious addiction, with the goal eradication of connection with life. From personal experience this addiction is one of simpler to break.

Also, the inaudible: alone I drive in silence these days; no news, talk radio, music. Something is quite intriguing: I can monitor the car, the engine, brakes, like sailing with a mechanical twist. And think(!) maybe, continuing to try to drive with the least possible abrupt changes in momentum, saves fuel and brakes.

Also learned from the Scam ; a magician doing tricks in public must distract.

This you can sign up for 26 May: the intro promo says much:


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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

It's back! I am so relieved. I was really worried about Frances and utterly disappointed in the entire situation of that truly barbaric censorship.

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May 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Demoralization: not simply a state of heart/mind, but a shift in morals:

Destabilization: lack of decent food, rest/sleep, economy, family, purpose, propagation:

Chaos: crime, riots, gender dysphoria, addiction, tearing down history, war, governmental sabotage:

Synthesis: The Great Reset!

Fine post: now to find health, peace, universal wellbeing.

(Aside: did transplant the thorny weed while one neighbor was line trimming and on the other mowing. The whatever it is seems to be thriving so far.)

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Yay for you! I stopped reading The Good Citizen after he so viciously attacked women. I agree with everything you said! And until enough of us are ready to respond to this incredible genocidal and anthropo-bombinating attack on the entire globe, we will suffer, and many will die. This is not okay with me. People are, in huge numbers, utterly lost, spiritually, psychologically, sometimes physically... Because of the evils of just a few. I think perhaps we with some semblance of spiritual awareness, connectedness, maybe ought to have our own "think tanks," and GET SOME WORK DONE...

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

It's funny, I actually unsubscribed after reading his last essay. I was not opening any for a while but that last one I opened was the last drop.

I am puzzled - why is it - the worse substack is, the more worshippers it gets? (And I do not refer to that particular author, I think there are much worse - and more popular)).

Seems that people like to be misled and lied to, so that even the so-called "progressives" buy what is being "cleverly" marketed to them.

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I've seen this study being promoted around Twitter today. Can only guess who sponsored it!?


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May 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

If we survive this intellectual holocaust, the day will come when germ theory and snake oil (sales) are recognized as cloned lies. (Toss US State Dept pursuit of global freedom and democracy on that pile, too)

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Thanks for the comment and deeper analysis of the depopulation agenda and the consequences of our further distancing from the natural world. The focus was on other topics, so I only brushed on the agenda in passing. It's all better suited for another more serious essay with less irreverence (hence the joviality of comments) perhaps than "bloated gassy cows" and the denial of reality and agency. I trust you're better suited to craft that more serious essay and would be happy to repost on my sub. Best. TGC

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deletedMay 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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