Gabor Mate explains how he sees the Palestine Israël conflict:


I commented on the video: "My friend went to a Kibbutz to work during the 70s. She came back telling me that Israel occupied an empty land with just a few Bedouin passing through occasionally! That is the nonsense she was taught and she would not hear otherwise. I showed her films, photos, coins, passports, documents and argued over and over but she was so brainwashed that she could not budge on this issue. All generations of Israeli children have been told the same lies and then trained to oppress or even kill Palestinians. If the land was empty I asked her, who planted the orange and olive groves with 100 year old trees? I never gave up trying to defend Palestine but she never gave up defending and visiting her precious Israel."

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Excellent YouTube interview with Gabor Mate. Watched both Peterson and Brand interviews. Must say when you see both in juxtaposition you start to see the truth more clearly…I am seeing it now.

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There is a video, hastily created due to the urgency of the message:


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Very touching video...And, it makes NO DIFFERENCE.

From the moment the Treasonous, Dementia-Ridden Pedophile was fraudulently installed into the Oval Office for The City of London's purposes enacted through OBastard; sitting in his basement having Hot Dog parties with little boys; from the very moment of the FRAUDULENT ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FRAUD/CHEAT VICTORY...We all knew the world was to be set ablaze as it was with OBastard and the Clinton Crime Family in office. There's not a doubt the openly corrupt was installed to HUMILIATE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...To demoralize them so they wouldn't stand and fight.

We knew the City of London's 'False Flag War for Profit' was to begin when the OBastards announced 'Fed. Aid' LAUNDERED FROM U.S. TAXPAYERS to be sent to Gaza. This was followed-up mere weeks ago with the order to the OBastards to unfreeze $6 Billion to Iran; what some wish the population to view incompetence was KNOWN TO BE ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION.

VIRTUALLY EVERYBODY KNEW A WAR WAS TO FOLLOW SOON as there is NOT one single time any money transferred to Iran to NOT have immediately followed by another 'False Flag War For Profit'...NOT ONE.

This Israel/Gaza War is NOT about Israel/Gaza...IT'S ALL ORDERED BY THE COMMITTEE OF 300 ran by the Rothschilds; Jews. Not that that matters as 'The House of Windsor', The Italian Orsini Crime Family, The Bush Crime Family, Rockefeller Crime Family, 'The Muslim House of Saud' from Saudi Arabia is also a part of the group...And, ethnicity/religion does NOT MATTER IN THE LEAST. All mattering to these Demons Wearing Human Being Suits are the sins of greed and power; ADDICTION TO WEALTH AND THE DELUSION OF SELVES BEING GOD.

The people of the world must wake-up to the actual ENEMIES/CRIMINALS AGAINST HUMANITY and pursue, indict, try and remove all stolen blood money as wealth before execution of these heinous Demons playing upon blood, limbs and lives of the world's people.

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Dr John Coleman's lecture from 1994. Here it is in full - https://www.bitchute.com/video/EKS9TWqP12Yq/

and here is a pdf of the book he refers to:


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Well said.

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Did you hear Netanyahu praising his heritage but failing to mention the name changes?

Netanyahu's grandfather:


Netanyahu's father:


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Like all namechanger nothing new, you can look around the tribe loves namechanging, like chameleons to adapt to their new enviroment, or better say parasites, thats what Eustance Mullins called them. Netanyahu is no single case, near everyone of their kind changed names.

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Oct 20, 2023
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Brilliant video there! I am pinning this comment with big thanks!

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Oct 20, 2023
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I am subscribed but you know what YouTube is like.... it mysteriously removes the request for notifications! So transparently biased.

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Conflict? Seriously? A fucking 'conflict'? The word conflict denotes a disagreement, a stalemate, an impasse...this is no mere conflict...this, since Day One has been wholesale, premeditated mass murder. And, here it is 106 days into the (latest 'final solution' (?) perhaps...and all the bedwetters, postulators, 'thinkers', pundits and analysts are useless freaks secretly enjoying the show. May all the power that ever was or ever will be bring down Israel and its blood-drenched history and its many supporters, funders, co-conspirators. The real victors here will always be the Palestinians- and more specifically Gazawi- because they teach life.

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and breathe.... well said Bonnie! 😉

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Many thanks for the opportunity to fully express my frustration, anger and grief! This is one subject that tears me up. It is an enormous example of just how failed the human experiment really is. God help us!

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Don't worry for the pure soul particles which are Gazans. They will be back in a jiffy. See my note: https://substack.com/profile/1964227-frances-leader/note/c-47638742

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Not sure if I saw this back in January- but seeing it now thanks to a comment made on my comment! May all the power that ever was or ever will be...

God bless, Frances...amiga mia, Espero que estés viviendo una vida pacífica.


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Claro que si! xx

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Listen people, if Jew bashing could end this horrific war,I'd be the first one out there swinging my baseball bat.

Unfortunately, this war has absolutely nothing to do with the Palestinian refugees or anything we Westerners can wrap our heads around.

Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood; a world wide terror organization whose motto is: "First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday". First we exterminate the Jews and then we come for the Christians!

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Criticising Zionist Israel is not 'Jew-bashing', Paula! After reading ALL of the material Frances has put forth here...you can still defend Zionism? Because that is what we are looking at. Jews and Judaism have essentially been used as human shields for Zionism for a century anyway. Read the material.

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I am surprised that you have returned to this post, yet again, to make such a strange comment.

I have not seen anybody 'Jew bashing' in the comments.

The events in Gaza are NOT a war. Israel is committing outrageous acts of wholesale murder against an unarmed population. That is NOT a war. It is revenge.

We 'Westerners' can easily 'wrap our heads around' what is happening. We can all do our own research and form our own opinions.

Finally, and this is most important, I have researched your claim about the Muslim Brotherhood having such a cryptic motto. I can find not one shred of evidence.

On the other hand, I can find PLENTY of evidence that Mossad has a nasty motto which reads "By deception we do war".....

May that be an end to any doubts you may have.

Can we please move on from this post now?

The ceasefire has ended.

The genocide continues, regardless of what any of us thinks.

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Frances, you're right. It's not a war... Hamas entered Israel and committed wholesale GENOCIDE. That is what they're about. Hamas is a death cult. The Palestinians mean nothing to them. Do your homework.

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I 'hate' to say this, Paula...but I am going to...you are delusional and refusing to see the facts set before you. Hamas entered Israel...prior to that one event on October 7, 2023- Israel had stolen about 3/4 of the land of Palestine. This 'invasion' was set up at the barrier. Who orchestrates a festival next to a hot spot...and then doesn't protect their people? The most powerful military in the ME...indeed. Do YOUR homework!

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We are now clear that the forces which slaughtered the Kibbutzim and the festival attendees were in fact the IDF under orders.

Hamas do not have aircraft or parachutists.

Hamas are accused of actions which were undertaken by Israeli forces.

Hamas has ALWAYS been Israeli foxes guarding the hen house, placed inside Gaza to deplete their resources and report on activism among the Palestinians.


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Hamas works for the Black Nobility, Paula! Always has done. I do hope you don't live anywhere near Israel. It is being set up for annihilation. Don't you think that is obvious?

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From Wikipedia "Mottos -

The Brotherhood's "most frequently used slogan" (according to the BBC) is "Islam is the Solution" (الإسلام هو الحل).[341] According to academic Khalil Yusuf, its motto "was traditionally" "Believers are but Brothers."[342]

Hasan Al-Banna presented the reform programme of the Muslim Brothers as one that sought to encompass every sphere of life; defining the movement as:

a Salafiyya message, a Sunni way, a Sufi truth, a political organization, an athletic group, a cultural-educational union, an economic company, and a social idea[343]"

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Oy vey Fran... every one of those politicians is a tool of the British "Zionists" and / or a card carrying

Freemason. They do not represent the Jewish People who happen to live in Israel.

We had the extreme misfortune of getting on a few of those maniac's radar - and it wasn't pretty.

What do you expect from politicians? Are the power brokers in the UK much better? Or the United States ( don't get me started...).

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Hopeless psychopaths seem to get a lot of media attention, regardless of their religion or national origins. Us ordinary folk are seldom seen or heard! We are not dramatic enough Paula! Life is an oversized exaggerated soap opera (without ad breaks) - if you are just trying to pursue happiness and bring up a normal family, you are just not newsworthy - even if you do stick your head up and shout "Oy! Not in my name, thank you!" all that will happen is you will be struck down or simply ignored.

Maddening.... all of it.

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Sure is!

But we simple folk have the most powerful doomsday weapon of all .

Question: What is the only thing that makes a narcissistic psychopath go batshit?

Answer: The sound of crickets.

The more we ignore the narcissists the less attention they receive.

Don't forget, all politicians are by nature, drama queens and attention junkies.

A tyrant's worst nightmare is waking up one day and nobody gives a rat's tuchas about what they say or do . THAT thought makes them break out in a cold sweat late at night!

So let's put them out of their misery already . IGNORE them...because they ARE irrelevant.

If WE truly believe that only GOD matters , all that crazy Satanic crap and hoogla boogla goes "poof!".

Pretty stunning thought, isn't it?

I could bring you some cool proofs how this works from the Torah but that will have to wait for another time. Meanwhile...

Stay strong and don't drink the Kool aid!

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I strongly disagree. Here in the UK, silence equals compliance.

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President Bill Clinton spoke at the National Restaurant Association meeting in Chicago a few years ago. In response to a question, President Clinton said, "Listen to what a politician says they will do when they are elected, because that is what they will try to do." Your quotes seem to bear this out.

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"If it talks like a Nazi and genocides like a Nazi, then it's a freaking Nazi."--Me

"Nazis are good only for killing."--My cousin, US Third Army, member of first platoon to reach Dachau

Add the systematic slaughter of thousands of women and children, and the apartheid state of Israel is doomed because the days of unconditional American support are now numbered.

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Palestinians want to kill all Jews. You say Jews want to kill all Palestinians. So I guess we should just let them have at it, and see who wins.

I spent 8 days in Israel, had dinner with a wonderful family. Talked to many people. I never heard a single mention, not one, about oppressing or killing Palestinians.

Are you sure you are not being lied to also?

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Erm.... where to start?

The quotations in my post here are not from me or any 'wonderful families in Israel' are they? No, they are from the politicians of Israel and its founding Zionists.

Equally, the quotations you may have heard (but do not substantiate) are reported to come from leaders of Hamas rather than Palestinian families who have been most hospitable to visiting guests too. Max Igan crawled through tunnels to discover this truth.

Upshot of this is obvious. The PEOPLE are not enemies.

Those who GOVERN are manipulative and in control of the media.

Who do you think governs in Palestine or (as you probably prefer to call it) Israel?

Well, it isn't Netanyahu or Hamas, is it?

No, it is the Black Nobility and their bankster Khazarian minions who have been laying the foundations for Armageddon for at least a century.


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I don't know the Max Igan story, but did he present himself as a Jew?

There are mosques in Israel. Are there any synagogues in Gaza? There are Palestinians living well in Israel. Are there any Jews living in Gaza?

You're a smart woman, but you don't know everything and are as subject to manipulation by propaganda as anyone else.

But since we are all doomed, and are all pawns of the Zionists, Black Nobility, and Khazarian minions, what does it matter?

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See the recent video by Max Igan which is in the pinned comments above.

I know that you will argue and argue all day and night but the reason there are no Jewish synagogues in Gaza is because it is a Palestinian concentration camp. The fact that you would even raise that issue shows the contempt you actually have for truth.

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Fact - Gaza is ruled by Hamas.

Fact - Hamas was elected by the residents of Gaza.

Fact - Israel has no presence in Gaza since about 2007, except for now after the terrorist attack.

Fact - the Egyptian side of the Gaza border is as closed as the Israeli side.

Fact - other mideast nations could help Gazans, but don't.

Fact - the guards of the concentration camp are Hamas.

Fact - Gaza is a kleptocracy run by very, very wealth individuals who don't even live there.

The truth is an elephant, and you are a blind person holding the tail and thinking you have a broom. And if you can't see why I raise that issue, then you are blinded by hate - and you have lots of it.

May you someday find peace, inshallah.

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Hamas is a Mossad construct.

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half right - Hamas was initially funded by Israel as a counter to the PLO. But Hamas is now an entity unto itself. Oh, right...the Jews control EVERYTHING so I'm wrong...

When you read something that you believe, it's THE TRUTH. When I read something you disagree with but I believe it, it's contempt for the truth.

Back in the mid 80's, Israel had the PLO cornered and could have easily wiped them out. That would have created the opening needed for develop some form of peace in the mid-east. But they gave into political pressure and let them off the hook. The world would be a better place right now had Israel ignored political pressure.

And I left an opportunity for sanctimony from you, but you missed it.

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So much hate from the people of Jesus. What a bunch of deranged maniacs. They say Hitler was bad.

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Can we legitimately refute the 3500 year ancestral lands of the Jewish people? Is this completely untrue? I’m just asking as my own view of history might be skewed. Were there Jewish people in these lands 3500 years ago and we’re they conquered by Arabs? Is Bibi lying?

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If any truth of this exists, then we “Americans” should be concerned that the Native Americans could learn from the Jewish intestinal fortitude and reclaim their ancestral lands. I must give the Jewish people credit for their perseverance in the face of such travesty over the past 3500 years. I realize everything is politicized and militarized in today’s state of Israel; I simply want to understand if any of the land they claim is rightfully their original ancestral homeland.

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The only opinion on the right side of history, in your entire thread

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Wow, what a compilation of revelatory quotes! Thank you for putting these together 🙏🏾

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