Harald talks of Spider Beings, which are not living but spiritual.

This brought up a memory for me:

In the 80s my female friends were getting into a Wiccan Coven and they invited me to join with them. They passed me a hand-written book to read and I began looking at it immediately. I said I would take it home and let them know how I felt about it later. They said it was a secret document and not to show it to anyone.

I was very uneasy, so I meditated on the book. It was a dark night, the moon was not shining in the sky. I passed easily into a deep meditation and asked my question: "Should I learn and keep secrets like these?"...... I was speeding upwards and towards a vast black spider. I was sucked into the mouth and chewed up until I became a stream of blood. The spider spat me at the planet earth with a tremendous force so that I splattered over the entire surface evenly. Not a part was uncovered.

A deep vibrating voice boomed "THIS is what we do with knowledge" and I returned to my body with a jolt.

I took the book back to my friends and explained what had happened. I declined being involved with Wiccan secrets. I felt sure that was the right decision.

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In Native American mythology spider woman is a powerful entity of undefined leanings. She is said to sometimes visit those who are on a vision quest, be it induce by drumming, fasting, hallucinogenic plants or animals, or by ceremonies like the tortuous Sioux vision quest. She once came to me on an epic journey induced by fasting for 2 days then eating mushrooms. I'll just say, it was not a pleasant encounter.

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Very scary!!! I have just finished reading "He Came To Set The Captives Free" by Rebecca Brown...honestly scared the s**t out of me! It's about a former satanist turned Christian - she gives detailed workings of satanism and witchcraft...very scary stuff indeed!!!

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Well, I observed considerable changes in my friends after they proceeded to join the Wiccan coven. Firstly, they scorned me. Actively laughing about me, in front of me! Then they proceeded to tell lies about me, trap me into strange conversations and commune with my enemies. I lost those friends with much confusion on my part. I tried repeatedly to continue positively towards them but things were never the same between us and this is the oddest bit..... two of them died of drug/drink overdoses and the third was crushed from the waist down in a car crash. She never walked or danced again, which was particularly distressing as dancing was her favourite thing in life.

I waited for the hammer to fall on me too..... it did not. I left UK shortly after and established a new life in Spain as an organic fruit farmer off-grid and ALONE.

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Demon possession I would say? I have been doing quite a bit of research into demonology and it is hair raising to say the least. The scary part is that our young, impressionable, society is not sufficiently warned about the dangers of the dark world that surrounds us. Movies and TV series even portray dabbling in such as "hip" and teenagers are especially curious. The dark forces are very real and extremely dangerous!!!

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Hmm.... Harry Potter springs to mind!

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Spiders, snakes, dragons...black goo...

Get it? creepy and nasty stuff...

True God in Heaven promotes Positivity, Healthy living, Proper Foods from earth not GMO, for best survival..

including separate plates to dine during periods of time where little to no refrigeration or storage was easy. Fungis, Bacteria...all corrupt the closed system...which include:

sexual safety (one partner, less spread of disease, opposite sex partner for cleanliness of the community, etc.

Most of Old Testament rules and Jesus' teaching are for safe living, positive peaceable interactions with others who have differing beliefs etc. all promote a POSITIVE upbeat existence. Designed to protect our Host Body system.

Bible also specifies to ingest NO BLOOD....as it explains this is indeed a life force...as the Dr. specified...it never dies!

Very interesting solution: mentally protect yourself.

What he describes is what is prescribed in the New and Old Testament...right down to when praying or studying the forces of Good and God, it is beneficial that two persons...study and pray to God/Positive forces!

Our mind controls our body and we are in a spiritual fight to keep control over our minds by cleansing our minds/body /heart from Evil infection!

This is described in bible as "Transforming yourself from forces of evil to Good" it is an Active mental exercise!

The images drawn by the Morgellan victims are extremely similar to granite stone carvings all over the world from Ancient cultures depicting f these spiritual beings (spiritual demonic Parasites?)

The current powers that be... promote DNA corruption through NEGATIVE forces which will bring you

back DOWN to Negative black goo....

A walking shell of a zombie...controlled by demonic spiritual forces as explained in the Bible!

On another note, as a retired Special Needs Teacher:

I often noticed that the more I worked with my Autistic students, I began to develop the appreciation and an understanding that perhaps the actual human "spirit" was stuck inside these individuals begging to escape through communication. Thus the development of my personal search for a higher power. The human body seemed too well designed for such corruption from my little point of view...

I was working with mentally challenged and Autistic children just prior to the development of cell phones and communication pads. We were amazed that one of our students utilized a communication board and was able to SPELL out words and communicate with us completely. This was a game changer for her and my understanding or search into Spirituality.

For me to understand this potential resolution that her body may have been hijacked by the morgellan system, yet her mind not yet corrupted possibly due to her age since she was young...is fascinating. Many of our Autistic and mentally challenged students also improved dramatically with intense positive loving family/social interactions and the ingestion of all organic natural food sources!

Does this mean that the 'blood clots' are the actual shedded white silicon material of these beings after they leave the host body?

Or does that host body retain the fungi?

I apologize for inaccurate spelling...

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This guy's fantastic, thanks for telling us about him.

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During the Gail of Gaia interview he clearly demonstrates thinking and communicating from the heart vs from the head, I've never seen that before, can't remember whereabouts in the vid, but amazing.

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I like him! However, I don't always understand everything he discusses!

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I think I've listened to all of his work over the years, and even reached out to him in email.. He responded and answered some of my questions. So, Frances, I've slowly been going through your posts.... and thrilled that I can relate to much of the work you do, as I've been researching and looking at these same topics for over 30 years... I remember reading one where you suggested that you welcomed emails and left a hotmail account... but today I can't find it... I prepared an email with information about some of the authors I mentioned in another post. and introduced myself... Is it still possible to communicate through email with you? Thanks. Kara

I think you can see mine as a subscriber.

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My email is franleader@hotmail.co.uk but please be sure to mark your message with the words: READ ME and hopefully it will stick out from the 500 or so emails I receive every day. Substack notifications tend to completely swamp my email address and I find that very offensive but when I tried to switch them off Substack assumed that I did not wish to hear from any accounts to which I was previously subscribed!

I had to find people and re-subscribe! Tedious!

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ok sent... from Karafree...

yea, I bet, about swamped by substack... as they notify for every communication even just "likes" It means tho,how much people like your work and want to respond and share!!!

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ok thank you so much will do.

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Thanks, I watched him a few years ago and haven't seen much about him since. I will watch these later . Micheal Feeley says it's a negative alien agenda that we are fighting too. But we will win .

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This guy?


New to me!

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Have you read any of Caroline Coram's arsine gas theory on substack ? Sebastian Powell too, quite interesting and Seb shows how lots of animals have died and got sick.

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No, I have seen neither of them. I am looking them up now. Thanks for alerting me, Andrea! xx

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This is intriguing, and I'll watch later when I have more time. However, while I find this stuff very interesting myself, I'm not really sure that it makes any difference to anything. There is without doubt a force for evil and the force for good that work opposing each other in this world. I guess it has to come from somewhere.

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Without doubt? hmm..... I have huge doubts about the assumption that ideas come from 'somewhere' other than the minds of humanity.

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The minds of humanity is certainly where they materialise. Evil is just a lure away from the soul towards the ego. I'm really not sure how it works.

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Ah, I see what you mean. Then, in terms of mind energy (qi), we are talking about the different motivations from different organs, perhaps?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine we associate each organ with an emotion which can harm it, like this:

Brain - self or ego

Lungs - sadness and depression

Heart - joy or soul

Spleen (gut) - worry and stress

Liver - anger

Kidney - fear

So if the ego is dominant in a person there would be selfishness and evil.

And if the soul is dominant there would be goodness and contentment.

Ideally, there is harmony between all 6 of the organs which are each dominant over a pair of meridians in the body.

If perfect health & harmony is achieved and no organ or emotion dominates all the others, the governing meridian pair which runs from the crown to the crutch and back up to the crown in a loop, is activated and strong.

This is the state of enlightenment and is referred to as the 7th meridian (connected to Heavenly or Universal Qi) - or the attribute of Wisdom.

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This sounds a bit like Clif High who claims he encountered a "Bug" (alien insect mind) in HyperSpace.

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TOP! Think Frances.

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Thanks for being brave enough to look into this Frances. It's a bridge too far for many.

So... I saw this video about a year ago. I think I had been following some graphine oxide information down a rabbit hole.

Then in November of 2021 I interviewed Elan Freeland. She doesn't dispute HKV directly, but she disputes some of his information.

Then I interviewed Sharin Borslien who has a another take, but with similarities(?).

Some time later I wrote the third link, which is kind of where I was at the time.

Do I think there is something to it? Possibly. I also think it might be more seeds of confusion being planted by those who want to divide and conquer. Then I question who those people are and what their agenda really is. I now question everyone's sources, including my own.




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"I now question everyone's sources, including my own."

Same here, Kyle. Since the interview, I have refined my perspectives and perceptions. It can be difficult to take the scalpel to what we surmise, but I find it best to keep honing. So, while some people say they know the definitive "truth" about such difficult topics, I approach information with questions like, "Who stands to benefit from sharing this perspective?" That makes it easier to determine whether the information is fear-inducing or truth-based, since truth is always expansive of love, joy, and creativity. It's like with "covid," all of it is fear-based to *capture* hearts and minds for nefarious purposes.

I'm glad you added your comments to Frances's post.

P.S. I was traveling for 45 days until the end of August, and I'm slowly getting back to writing, reading, and commenting. I've put a bunch of new irons in the fire, too, so just know that I *am* around, haha.

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Thanks for the links. I do not believe in archons. I like Elana Freeland's tenacity and ability to explain. I am not familiar with Sharine Borslien so I will listen closely to her interview and get back here when I have heard her.

20 mins in.... you are discussing what was the original sin. ie., the temptation of Adam & Eve. I imagine that the original sin was the idea that nature could/should be dominated by humanity. That does seem to be the moment of stepping off the path of righteousness. Just my opinion you understand.

I don't believe in creator gods or rejected 'fallen angels'. I am influenced by Taoism and Tibetan Buddhism but cannot claim to be either a Taoist or Buddhist because there are aspects of both which do not gel with me.

Sharine attributes 'planning' to the minds of the survivors of cataclysms. Reality would suggest a much more basic mindset. Pure survival would have been the drive. I mean, imagine this planet gets crashed off its course or reverses polarity tomorrow.... as luck would have it I am deep in a pot-hole at that moment and emerge to a completely devastated & changed world. What would I be thinking about? Fresh water, food and shelter obviously. Then, if I am young enough to be fertile, I would be seeking a mate purely because the impetus to procreate is so strong. I would not be motivated by some sort of planning to dominate the future! (still listening so back in a mo....)

36th min - Sharine says "mankind shall have dominion over the earth" - there it is, the vanity and the original sin I mentioned.

I refer you to a chat between Ramola D and myself which may help to illustrate my understanding of healthy living and thinking.



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Frances, thank you for your comments on what I said in my interview with Kyle. I appreciate your perspectives, and as you so clearly state, one's spiritual learning-from-the-masters can color our lenses.

To clarify, my current comprehension is that it *was* indeed an Artificial Intelligence (that is, *not* of the Divine) that made its way to Earth and corrupted human consciousness via deception and their death-cult ways. We became enslaved by these inorganic entities. Yes, a few humans chose to enslave *other* humans for fun and profit, as continues today. But we were forced into slavery, to "have dominion over the Earth," and therefore the notion that "God" told us to act thusly is a lie. It is all for the benefit of the black magicians and their AI masters that we mine, pollute, engage in devastating large-scale agriculture and CAFOs, etc., and worship their "artificial elevation" of selected individuals as "experts" and "authorities" in government, sports, "entertainment," religion, education, and the pharma-med-tech cartel. A Divine Architect would not deceive and enslave his creations! But an inverted, perverted, anti-life entity (or archon) would definitely do so.

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Did you listen to my interview with Ramola D? Especially the latter half? That is where I explain my position. I do not believe in external pernicious influences corrupting us. I believe that the claim of the right to rule was a human mistake which began with Nimrod and was adopted by the Roman Empire. Please read this article:


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Thanks, Frances. I have a limited amount of time each day for researching, since I work and also spend *a lot* of time in the kitchen and in the music studio/gigging. So I can't view many of the probably great videos that are referred to me.

However, I did scroll through your article that you linked. I recall reading most of it earlier this year, and I am aware of most of the information included within.

My questions are: How could we be truly Divine by Design but "make mistakes" like claiming the right to rule over others? Isn't that an oxymoron? If "Natural Law" is built into our DNA and our original silicate matrix bodies, it seems to me that an outside force would have to be responsible for damaging us. And when I say outside "force," I literally mean that a non-Divine entity would be responsible because it doesn't follow Natural Law and our Creator-given unalienable rights. Your conclusion might be that we were flawed from the get-go, and I disagree with that perspective.

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The premise that we are divine by design is a fallacy to me.

I do not recognise a Creator or any unalienable rights.

I think of this Universe as if it were a baby, learning and growing. It makes mistakes and adjusts accordingly. But I don't want to waste any more of your precious time so perhaps we should discontinue this discussion.

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I do appreciate your efforts to share your perspectives, Frances.

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The guardians are on vacation for the past 2000 years.

Just wait two more weeks and trust the plan...

Noone will save you but yourself.

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What plan is that?

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The Q plan, most likely.

Long story if you're completely unfamiliar with it.

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🤣😂 I wish I was unfamiliar with it.... 🤣😂 I would like to find a Qanon who actually has a clue what the 'plan' actually is....

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It's the plan of Lord Jesus, the white hats, Q and Q+ and the agents of Light.

Deus Ex Machina.

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And what is that plan, please?

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If you wish to have a laugh about the plan go here https://greatawakening.win/ but be prepared with an incontinece pad just in case .

You will not be able to hold it.

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That humanity will be saved by eating Popcorn and trusting the above.

This is literally the plan.

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Wow! Pretty far out. I'm intrigued.

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