Dear @ZelenskyyUa, you know that you can count on our loyal support for the cause of freedom of Ukrainian people. Stay strong and keep your faith steadfast!


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Don't we all want freedom for Ukraine? They certainly don't have freedom under Zelensky! Sometimes you have to read EXACTLY what is being said.....

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Meloni was responding to an Ukraine government official congratulating her and her party for winning the elections and also saying "we appreciate Italy's continued support for Ukraine in the fight against the Russian aggression."


We shouldn't nourish unrealistic expectations about Meloni and her party "Fratelli d'Italia". Elections is the favourite device of the Globalists and let's remember that Italy, like the U.S, is a Masonic republic. Most great 'heroes' of the Italian Unification were Freemasons (e.g. Mazzini, Garibaldi). Early last year, Meloni joined the Aspen Institute, whose membership already included some true specimens of Italian democrats like Romano Prodi and Mario Monti.

The self-designated ‘father of the vaccine’ has also made some beautiful anti-globalist speeches and, like him, Meloni is also a Zionist enthusiast:


Her ally of the "Lega" party, Salvini, is also a great friend of Israel:


The other star of her coalition, Berlusconi, is a real "brother", but of the Masonic type, with a taste for "bunga bunga" parties with very young girls.

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Geez.... look at your sources! Zelensky, Israel and the Washington Times! Propaganda City! Please - don't darken my door with the prescribed negative narratives. They spit nothing but hatred and fear.

I will keep an open mind about Giorgia Meloni on the grounds that the Italians voted for her; I like her speeches; she approves of Hungary's Viktor Orbán; she wants out of the evil EU.

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I take her at her word.

"Italy will look to limit China's economic expansion and continue to support Ukraine militarily if a rightist alliance wins next month's election, nationalist leader Giorgia Meloni told Reuters."


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And you trust Reuters? Don't make me laugh.

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There is an old adage in the military: No plan ever survived contact with the enemy.

These bastard globalists have now got their hands full. Not full enough, mind you, but what was a 20 hour a week job for roughly 70 years is now getting a lot more hectic. I hope they like working 70 hours a week going forward. They aren’t getting any more troops, and the other side is. Bravissimo Italianos!

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

There are 3 ways to solve a problem.

First you must identify the problem; otherwise how do you fight it?

Once you identify it:

1) You can try to change, resist and deny the problem https://thegreatreject.substack.com/p/quo-vadis?r=1342fs&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web (not recommended)

2) You can try reversing the problem by reversing the steps that led to it one at a time https://thegreatreject.substack.com/p/the-solution-to-all-your-problems?r=1342fs&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web (temporary solution and will take as long as what it took to reach this stage)

3) You can try erasing the problem - the Gordian knot approach

Now if we were in an abusive relationship what would the good ol' psychoanalyst suggest we do?

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Basically another puppet installed to round up the local dissidents.

Every time discontent rises.

The DJT psyop repeated.

I am not watching another Hollywood movie rerun. Sorry...

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Author

The woman has not taken up her position yet. Give her a chance before you cast aspersions! She is not Chairman Mao with his hundred flowers deception; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Flowers_Campaign

She could be genuine - a difficult thing to be in politics but it has been done albeit rarely.

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This is not about this woman.

I am talking in principles having an eagle's eye view.

Let's start thinking bigger and leave the little details to the PTB.

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When she announces the Italian exit from the United Nations we will know she is not another globalist puppet.

For everything else there is MasterCard.

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Unfortunately, Italy has been in the thrall of globalists (especially from the US) more than any other European nation - since WW2. Militarily and economically the bond is further gripped by the enormous influx of poor Italians from the mezzogiorno. From the late 19th century to the 20th century through the so-called Great Depression of the late 1920s, millions immigrated to l'Ameriga.

The attachment is unbreakable. I'm not sure this new government can hold.

This is a country which has had nearly 70 different forms of government since the 2nd world war.

As a first generation Italian- American on my father's side, and 2nd on my mother's I can tell you Italians will fight you to the death over which pasta to use with which sauce- while not giving a rat's ass about who's running the country!

They've heard and seen it all!

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Fascinating insight, Bonnie! It reminded me of the attitude of Spaniards. They, for the most part, have suffered under oppressive regimes (Rome, Royalty & Franco's brand of Catholic Fascism).... they love their families, their land and their culture. They do not care for authority at all and it is traditional in Madrid to spend Saturdays protesting (about anything they can think of) and Sundays at the Market or with their families at the cemeteries having picnics with their ancestors!

The government in Spain seems to provide all the infrastructure on a shoe string budget and the people still expect more! Arguing is a national hobby, as important as football.....

The politicians and police are ignored, especially the EU. I cracked up when the no smoking in bars laws were demanded by the EU.... every bar simply exempted themselves with a sign in the bar windows!

Nothing annoys the Spanish more than being told what to do.

Hating Britain is a national historical obligation but they do not allow that to colour their behaviour towards British individuals. Just don't mention Gibraltar or the Armada..... 😏

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Ah yes, the Armada! While in Spain, my mother bought a cute set of 3 nesting tables. Depicted on the tops were various sea battles with British ships sunk or sinking and the Spanish flag proudly waving on the masts of the armada's sturdy ships with 'nary a torn sail!

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How does a reformer affect change by stomping off in a sulk?

That is a ridiculous idea!

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UN formation was the final nail in the coffin of national sovereignity.

Following that it was game over for the peoples.

We are just looking at the final chess moves now.

Only way forward. Dismantle the U.N.

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Granted. I call for that myself (since writing my petition in 2016) but one nation departing the institution would be catastrophically damaging for that country. No leader would choose to do such a thing alone.


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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

You are a brave warrior for starting this back in 2016.

If no leader does so (disengage from the UN) then the people are led to their permanent imprisonment.

Short gain

Long suffer

Choices, choices, always choices.

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There is always another way to skin the cat.

The Belt and Road Initiative and the associated organisations springing from it, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and BRICS are quietly gaining ground. The SCO represents more than 40% of human beings alive today and therefore could feasibly duplicate the United Nations or even replace it. The philosophy there seems to be multipolar rather than unipolar like the UN.

The major difference is economic agenda. The UN seeks to limit growth and is controlled by NATO countries. SCO seeks to expand growth to relieve extreme poverty in Africa and South/Central America and has invested heavily in that endeavour.

Which will succeed? The destroyer of wealth or the builder of wealth?

I know which one I would bet on.

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Frances, wasn't the WEF that "predicted" that by 2030 the US dollar will not be the dominant currency (in the infamous 2016 "You will own nothing" video)?

Sounds like BRICS are following the script to the T.

More global actors in a Hollywood show.

Putin being a YGL graduate.

There are no good or bad guys. There are just the puppetmaster and the puppets.

There is no good vaccine or bad vaccine, bad pharma or suppressed good pharma. There just isn't a virus.

There is no blue or red pill. There is only a black pill. And it's hard to swallow it.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I LOVED her speech! I’ve been to Italy twice. I adore the Italian people! I truly hope Italy can be saved from the evil enveloping the World! “Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done.”

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Amen and Amen.

My (deservedly) cynical son responded to my obvious excitement, "Agreed, but if she was anti-pfizer she probably would have been murdered already. Human desire to hero worship is one of the main weaknesses the New world order globalists have been using against us.

At this point I'm still assuming anybody who gets airtime on television is a satanic vampire. So far I have not seen any exceptions to that assumption."

Renee Marie, you and I know "Thy will WILL be done and Thy Kingdom Will come". Somehow.

I always pray 2 Lord's Prayers. First, "Our Father who art in heaven......... " whole prayer. And then I pray a second whole Lord's Prayer starting "Our Mother who art the earth..........."

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Your son and mine must come from the same cosmic root, Jill. Mine objected to tell-lie-vision when he was just a toddler! He is 50 now and still maintains the same disgust and cynicism about it. I do, however, think that they are overly generalising because, although I do not have a tell-lie-vision I do know that there have been a few human beings that have appeared on its black mirror screen who merit our respect and praise.

Off the top of my head I would name some Brits: David Bellamy (challenged Climate Change), The entire Monty Python team (poked fun at establishment), Rick Mayall (died after starring in One by One, a film describing the advent of a totalitarian society in Britain), The Sex Pistols (God Save the Queen, a fascist regime), Anthony Sutton (revisionist historian) - I am sure I could remember many more who influenced me to dig deeper beneath the surface of prescribed narratives, but you get my drift, I am sure.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I'm still in shock that both our sons lost their children in roughly the same manner at roughly the same time in such a life shattering fashion. Yes, Frances, I think they probably share other things besides their obvious and basically correct mistrust of television. But isn't it funny that they're both IT gurus - I think you said your son is a tech technician - because as we know, it can be even more soul sucking and deceptive than tv which is pretty obvious.

We have not had television since 1995.

My firstborn will be 46 on Christmas day, has always been a musician, but was also born able to program computers. And they'd barely been invented! And me, being the luddite I am, detested them for the longest time. Plus, I never took typing(!)

Thanks for reminding me of some good people that showed up on the tube so I can remind #1 son. He certainly won't argue with your list. I think both he and I know all those names and would agree. I'll send him your reply.

For myself, I'm curious about Mark Steyn and Neil Oliver. They say things that are verboten here, and I thought them both rather decent. Who do they answer to - or who are they owned by?


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I like Neil Oliver a lot but I am biased towards the Scots. My husband was from Glasgow. I can't say that I am familiar with Mark Steyn, I see he is a Canadian writer. I will have to check him out.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

For some reason I thought Mark Steyn was in charge of the program Oliver is on. Maybe he's just an anchor there?

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I dunno! I don't trust GB News at all so I only watch Neil Oliver when he uploads a video on You Tube.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Well this is what I wrote BEFORE reading the comments below......

OMG! This Woman! Italy! Let's Go!

This is the best thing I've heard since Ottawa happened!

She says it all perfectly in 2 minutes!!!!!

Do we need to move to Italy quick - now that SHE IS THE PRIME MINISTER?!

Compare her to Biden, Trump or Hillary. Or Macron, or whoever the douche is in Germany, or Turdeau. They all make me sick to my stomach.

Hallelujah for miracles such as her........

But now I have to look up the Aspen Institute. Or not. Sigh.

Thank you so much for this post Frances, as well as the post about f****ing fuellmich. His awful demeanor is exactly like an old Executive Director we'd hired at the conservation organization I helped run. He talked the big talk, then after 2 years when the money seemed to be missing he went on the attack calling US names. Shyster is the polite term for such immature damaged thieving egos.

We certainly are seeing the rise (and rapid fall I think) of this age of megalomaniacs!

It would be awful to think any woman or man who just spoke the words in the clip above was one too.......

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Ursula von der Nazi is threatening the new Italian premier before the woman even takes up office! "We have tools...." she said. Yeah? We all know what your 'tools' are Ursula! Sanctions, fines, hatefests, lies, propaganda and false flag attacks.

We see you EU! I am so glad we voted for Brexit. That was such a good move.

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deletedSep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

i was a leaver, but it doesnt seem to matter, its all wef run.

we have no opposition in the uk

the best thing italy can do now is leave the eu, that might fk up ursula von nazis plans

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S'OK Stephen. It was a tough call in 2016. Very close too. Thankfully, we can now see that the EU has shown its true colours. We still have to deal with it though, so we aren't fully free from being affected by its policies. I am hoping that Hungary, Poland, Italy, France, Netherlands and finally Germany realise that they are being crushed by the totalitarians, but I doubt if I will live to see the EU buildings in Brussels and Strasbourg up for sale.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Not in your lifetime? I think people will be shocked by how much will change and how quickly if/when the G7 currencies hyper-inflate. This event would seem to be starting now and may be over before next spring. The key to it is the physical silver bullion market and the major battle in the silver market has also already begun:


Is this the Cabal being taken down, or is this the Cabal's problem-reaction-solution strategy finally to enslave us all completely in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)? I wish I knew!

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I bought some silver 4 years ago and it is worth less now than I paid for it. I am pleased to hear that something positive may happen soon. I was disappointed that the investment I made was such a flop!

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I feel your pain! But keeping the prices of gold and silver suppressed in order to flatter the dollar has been top priority. The silver market is a small fraction of the size of the gold market and is therefore relatively easy to manipulate. The markets are completely fake and the prices quoted bear zero relation to supply and demand or any other real-world factor.

There was recently a big prosecution of senior figures at JP Morgan in NYC for doing this, which is another reason for suspecting that the manipulation may be coming to an end. JP Morgan have been the ringleaders on behalf of The Fed. In a similar prosecution in 2019, the US prosecutor described JP Morgan as "a criminal enterprise," which it undoubtedly is. This would imply that flattering the value of the dollar may also be coming to an end, which could also point to a planned collapse/hyper-inflation.



The good news is that everyone has been given the opportunity by the manipulation over many years to accumulate bullion and exit fiat/paper at artificially low prices.

The silver canary in the coal mine is definitely one to watch closely in the coming weeks.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Is this what comes next?:


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Here in Brazil legacy media is also demonizing her, as they misleadingly do with Bolsonaro. Elections ahead next Sunday.

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Or as Alex Christoforou of TheDuran.com likes to call [it, Von Der Crazy]!!

I agree with him as well, IMO!!!

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

We see the words "crazy" and "insane" used a lot these days. They seem to have changed their meanings recently. In any event, unfortunately, there is nothing irrational about current events. They are all part of a carefully calculated, darkly evil, anti-human plan to subvert Western civilization. People need to see through the crazy before it is too late. Time is short.

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Sorry, but I have a different take on “insanity”. To me it is separation from “the divine”. What is “the divine”? It is truth.

John 8:44 spells it out and it perfectly defines what is going on today and it shows you exactly what has been going on since the beginning of time.

Lies based on lies, based on lies, based on lies, etc, etc, etc…

The thieves/liars/demons/psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists and their enablers/robots have been in control, trying to establish their insanity to rule everyone.

People have outsourced everything to the insane and are paying with their lives.

It is all coming down as it deservedly should. Let every lie destroy the one below it until there is nothing left.

This is a spiritual battle, whether you want to admit it or not.

Take it or leave it as always!!!

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Hmmm, when using language to communicate, both parties need to understand the intended meaning. Unless the words mean the same to both parties, miscommunication and confusion will result. "Insanity" does mean separation from the divine in any dictionary I can find 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

That's my kind of language... no wonder Von Der Crazy is scared

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Sure, but they are running thin on horses, that's why USA got Biden, UK got Truss, for example.

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And Canada got Turdeau..... and New Zealand got the horses teeth with a small suspicious lump in its groin. 🤣😂

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Dammmn. FANTASTICO ! She's A Badass. I got chills ! Clap,clap,clap : )

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She joined the Aspen Institute in 2021 and is likely pushing a US agenda to weaken Europe.

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"Europe" is an American invention. The EU was a project started by the NAZIs/Cabal to allow Germany to dominate the European economy and was implemented by the Paperclip NAZIs in the CIA after WWII.

Europe, like Japan, has been a militarily-occupied vassal of the US since 1945. The US/Cabal does not need people like Meloni to control, manipulate and harvest Europe.

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I am sorry to correct you but Europe is definitely not an American or Nazi invention!

The Black Nobility of Venice included a very shady character called Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and his book, 'Pan-Europa', was published in 1923. It contained a membership form for the Pan-Europa movement, which held its first Congress in 1926 in Vienna.


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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I am happy to stand corrected, Frances. I was thinking of the Weltraumkartel document created on behalf of I G Farben and the Reichs Finanz Vervaltung in 1942. Perhaps the lawyers who drafted it were linked with, or inspired by 'Pan-Europa'? I don't know.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Author

Unlikely. The Nazis were opposed to Pan European Coudenhove-Kalergi's plan.

From Wikipedia's article which I shared above:

Hitler's view of Coudenhove-Kalergi was that the "rootless, cosmopolitan, and elitist half-breed" was going to repeat the historical mistakes of Coudenhove ancestors who had served the House of Habsburg. In 1928, Hitler wrote about his political opponent in his Zweites Buch, describing him as "Aller welts bastarden (commonplace bastard) Coudenhove". Hitler was deeply opposed to the Black Nobility who were (and still are) robbing his country into poverty. The Nazis did not want a cooperation of European nations. They wanted to occupy it.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Interesting - thank you. The more I scratch my head about the way the war in Ukraine is being portrayed in the West, the more I wonder about how past wars have also been portrayed. As you know, it is well documented (FBI/CIA) that Hitler survived the war and went to Argentina. To butcher a couple of my favourite quotes, history is a set of lies written by the winners!



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I am old enough to remember Churchill and the way he was adored by Brits. People did not know that he was a Black Nobility puppet who was horribly racist and cold hearted.

Both World Wars have been romanticised to cover up the fact that they were human culls which provided huge profits for the European aristocracy who were financing both sides. Most Brits did not know, for example, that they would be repaying the USA for every soldier, ship, aircraft and bullet until the 1980s..... we, the people, have been robbed of wealth, lives, health, culture, respect as well as our dignity.

I am really glad my grandparents did not live to learn how royally they were fucked over. 😔

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Why do you believe that is worrisome? I am an Albert Schweitzer aficionado, so am confused by your misgivings.



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Part of the same US Empire/globalist agenda. Funded by Bill Gates, want digital IDs etc etc. Probably a move to weaken Europe and strengthen the US.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Really . . . darn, now I feel tricked. Oh well, still like what she said and how she said it. Thanks for the insider info though. Noted.

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Don't feel tricked. She knows the US globalists are enemies of the Italian people. She's no dummy. And it's not just her, it's Lega and Forza as a coalition. She's not perfect, nobody is, but that trifecta is a damn good start for a prominent western EU nation.

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Non siamo perfetti schiavi consumatori! Grazie Frances.

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Siamo combattenti per la libertà, Spartacus! 😏

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