The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a pseudoscientific system of personality categorisation. It isn't something that I have much respect for, tbh. I am the very last person that anyone would describe as INFP, the chief attribute of that category is introversion. I am extrovert and fearless as you will see if you continue to read my autobiography.
The equivalent of InFP is BCAR. And of course I was just taking a guess based off you articles. And face. A true typing would require actually knowing you and perhaps an MRI
How disgusting! Humanity has fallen to such depths of self obsession and coldness. Everything has to be labelled and examined with technology, as if it were as static as stone! I am now 72 years old. I have seen much in this lifetime and one of the saddest truths I have faced is the way in which human beings behave. Give me any other animal for companionship and I might feel less lonely.
Human condition to label. And put words to things. Knowing oneself is valuable, it is what we do the information that matters. IMHO. Full circle: need human, love human, hate human, understand human, love human, need human= being human. 😉
That is precisely why I write about my life. I want to read about everyone's lives. I want them recorded so that future generations will know who we were and what we were like. I want our kids to understand us and be proud.
Yup. Those were good days. I just turned 75 this month. I am thankful for the times I grew up in.
The downward slide gets more apparent with each passing year. My main reason for hanging around is to see if I can help break the slide for the sake of my kids, my grand kids, and all of future life on this little gem of a planet.
We had a charmed existence! Of course it was not all hearts and flowers, we had our moments of tragedy too, but overall it was a blast. The music, the fashions, the abundance of work and the good healthy environment must have played their parts in keeping us positive.
I wish that younger people could have the same opportunities that we had..... but they don't. They are not as happy as we were and I really did not expect that to happen.
I never heard the word 'depression' mentioned until the 90s.... previously it was rare and we called it the blues!
We were lucky 'back then'. Times were sure different. I remember hitchhiking all over creation and never worrying about my safety. Didn't have to, did we?
Interesting that you are a Taoist...I recently began reading Alan Watts as he was a long time friend of my 'guru', Richard Emmanuel whose motto is 'There is no hope. Get over it!' Haha!
Great stories Frarnie, Frannie, Frances! Keep them coming.
I loved hitchhiking! It was a terrific way to make friends and get to awkward places for nothing! I have many funny stories about that too! I will maybe get around to telling those tales at some point.
Yes, hitching was a blast. I have some fun memories of moments on the road. In the US, if you had a guitar and some could easily get a lift!
Same here! The last time I hitchhiked was in 2013. I packed a few bits into two supermarket carrier bags and got onto the main road. Everyone who stopped to help me on my way presumed that I was a grannie whose car had broken down somewhere! They were stunned when I said that I was off to protest against the Bilderberg group and did not wish to be traced by my vehicle or mobile phone! I got so many lectures about risking rape.... at 61 years of age I would have been grateful!! 😱
What a lovely story . The days when more people trusted others . When more people were trustworthy. But I guess there are still many nice people around
I have had more than 20 housemates in my life, maybe 25 even now...I would say only one of 2 people really did not work out, the rest was ok and some great. So its like batting about 900, real good. Its funny the way we think of danger, or threat. When you are generous, and it works out fine, you will never know how your actions actually changed the outcome. Sometimes people really need some kindness and to be trusted and it changes everything. Few are freaks.
I used to think this way, then I opened my own business 6 years ago. I have been taken advantage of more than I’d like to admit in a few short years. I’m a kind soul and always want to think the best of people; sadly, more than a few are freaks.
ive had a lot of bad experiences, i seem to attract narcissists who take advantage of kindness. its taken the edge off my openness and i dont let people in any more :(
“i seem to attract narcissists who take advantage of kindness”
100%. Me too. Then they gaslight me and others into thinking I’m the jerk. It’s fun. I finally have found someone as kind as I am to help manage this stupid store so I can be done with these jerks.
I have been ripped off plenty of times. One guy even stole £20,000 from me and all that the courts would do was jail him for 10 weeks. There was no compensation granted. I do not let the baddies colour my behaviour. That would be prejudice and I do not hold with that.
Oh dang I am sorry about that. Its been all very informal, I tend to avoid contracts. Its no wonder I never added any employees to my business, just me. What is your business? Mine is cad drafting. Best
Resale retail, so it’s 100% local (no online). We are busy and have lots of people that work for us. I’m giving, loving and caring and the people I hire take advantage of me as much as they can. It sucks. I don’t want to change my nature, but I hate being railroaded.
Thanks Som...I do love me some resale retail, especially in the smaller towns where things are a bit less busy. Wrt the employees, i can only wish you better luck, and say thanks for being part of the biggest employer in the usa, small businesses!
I truly love our business, I love what we do and what we’re about (if you’re in America, we own a Once Upon a Child store in IL). It’s exhausting though. It’s like a never ending garage sale; I’ve had 2 more kids since we opened the store and with 3 older ones and home schooling it’s just a lot. I can’t do it all and my kids need me more to avoid the Indoctrination of school. I look at my employees as kids, and they can act a fool as I said before so that’s why I’m going slightly crazy.
Absolutely! My innocent and automatic act of sharing what I had really impressed those guys and we remained the closest of friends until they died. Only one is still alive now and I believe he is fine. I have always helped other people and only regretted it a couple of times. Few are freaks, as you rightly point out.
But more than likely because my head is full of 5G and all that go's with it, I have a lamp post directly outside our bedroom and have ................wait for it ..........(.tin foil hat) a Radiator Reflector Foil as a shield over our window, which does help, I was awakened one night by indistinct voices and could not make out what was being said and asked my wife if she could hear them but she couldn't and around that time my wife was going to the hairdressers who was in some way spiritual and was told out of the blue by the lady, that I was being attacked by evil spirits/entities and I have never met her?? , there are things I don't understand but that doesn't mean they don't exist because I don't understand. “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”
I love you Sox! I believe you are, quite possibly, subversive but only to the aristocracy! The rest of humanity surely admires your wonderful enthusiasm for all things natural. xx
Episode 2 -
Episode 3 -
Episode 4 -
Ms Frances, I do believe you are a back right brained animate conceptual. INFP?
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a pseudoscientific system of personality categorisation. It isn't something that I have much respect for, tbh. I am the very last person that anyone would describe as INFP, the chief attribute of that category is introversion. I am extrovert and fearless as you will see if you continue to read my autobiography.
I actually agree, but Brain typing is scientific, MRI studies/ Jonathan Niednagels work. A bit more scientific.
The equivalent of InFP is BCAR. And of course I was just taking a guess based off you articles. And face. A true typing would require actually knowing you and perhaps an MRI
How disgusting! Humanity has fallen to such depths of self obsession and coldness. Everything has to be labelled and examined with technology, as if it were as static as stone! I am now 72 years old. I have seen much in this lifetime and one of the saddest truths I have faced is the way in which human beings behave. Give me any other animal for companionship and I might feel less lonely.
Human condition to label. And put words to things. Knowing oneself is valuable, it is what we do the information that matters. IMHO. Full circle: need human, love human, hate human, understand human, love human, need human= being human. 😉
Interesting narrative. The precondition for peace is justice; its precondition is truth, and its precondition is honor. So let us all be honorable.
lovely life, thanks frasces for sharing
Love it :)
What a great story!!! Love it. And NO WAY you could be Macron, the accent's all wrong. ;) xo
lovely memory's/ story, memory's are magical Respect & x 2 All
Love this story Fran, you are inspiring me to write about my experiences. Thanks xx
That is precisely why I write about my life. I want to read about everyone's lives. I want them recorded so that future generations will know who we were and what we were like. I want our kids to understand us and be proud.
Your globetrotting is interesting - share it! xx
Yup. Those were good days. I just turned 75 this month. I am thankful for the times I grew up in.
The downward slide gets more apparent with each passing year. My main reason for hanging around is to see if I can help break the slide for the sake of my kids, my grand kids, and all of future life on this little gem of a planet.
We had a charmed existence! Of course it was not all hearts and flowers, we had our moments of tragedy too, but overall it was a blast. The music, the fashions, the abundance of work and the good healthy environment must have played their parts in keeping us positive.
I wish that younger people could have the same opportunities that we had..... but they don't. They are not as happy as we were and I really did not expect that to happen.
I never heard the word 'depression' mentioned until the 90s.... previously it was rare and we called it the blues!
We were lucky 'back then'. Times were sure different. I remember hitchhiking all over creation and never worrying about my safety. Didn't have to, did we?
Interesting that you are a Taoist...I recently began reading Alan Watts as he was a long time friend of my 'guru', Richard Emmanuel whose motto is 'There is no hope. Get over it!' Haha!
Great stories Frarnie, Frannie, Frances! Keep them coming.
I loved hitchhiking! It was a terrific way to make friends and get to awkward places for nothing! I have many funny stories about that too! I will maybe get around to telling those tales at some point.
Yes, hitching was a blast. I have some fun memories of moments on the road. In the US, if you had a guitar and some could easily get a lift!
Same here! The last time I hitchhiked was in 2013. I packed a few bits into two supermarket carrier bags and got onto the main road. Everyone who stopped to help me on my way presumed that I was a grannie whose car had broken down somewhere! They were stunned when I said that I was off to protest against the Bilderberg group and did not wish to be traced by my vehicle or mobile phone! I got so many lectures about risking rape.... at 61 years of age I would have been grateful!! 😱
What a lovely story . The days when more people trusted others . When more people were trustworthy. But I guess there are still many nice people around
I have had more than 20 housemates in my life, maybe 25 even now...I would say only one of 2 people really did not work out, the rest was ok and some great. So its like batting about 900, real good. Its funny the way we think of danger, or threat. When you are generous, and it works out fine, you will never know how your actions actually changed the outcome. Sometimes people really need some kindness and to be trusted and it changes everything. Few are freaks.
I used to think this way, then I opened my own business 6 years ago. I have been taken advantage of more than I’d like to admit in a few short years. I’m a kind soul and always want to think the best of people; sadly, more than a few are freaks.
ive had a lot of bad experiences, i seem to attract narcissists who take advantage of kindness. its taken the edge off my openness and i dont let people in any more :(
“i seem to attract narcissists who take advantage of kindness”
100%. Me too. Then they gaslight me and others into thinking I’m the jerk. It’s fun. I finally have found someone as kind as I am to help manage this stupid store so I can be done with these jerks.
I have been ripped off plenty of times. One guy even stole £20,000 from me and all that the courts would do was jail him for 10 weeks. There was no compensation granted. I do not let the baddies colour my behaviour. That would be prejudice and I do not hold with that.
Business is different. I found that out too....
Oh dang I am sorry about that. Its been all very informal, I tend to avoid contracts. Its no wonder I never added any employees to my business, just me. What is your business? Mine is cad drafting. Best
Resale retail, so it’s 100% local (no online). We are busy and have lots of people that work for us. I’m giving, loving and caring and the people I hire take advantage of me as much as they can. It sucks. I don’t want to change my nature, but I hate being railroaded.
Thanks Som...I do love me some resale retail, especially in the smaller towns where things are a bit less busy. Wrt the employees, i can only wish you better luck, and say thanks for being part of the biggest employer in the usa, small businesses!
I truly love our business, I love what we do and what we’re about (if you’re in America, we own a Once Upon a Child store in IL). It’s exhausting though. It’s like a never ending garage sale; I’ve had 2 more kids since we opened the store and with 3 older ones and home schooling it’s just a lot. I can’t do it all and my kids need me more to avoid the Indoctrination of school. I look at my employees as kids, and they can act a fool as I said before so that’s why I’m going slightly crazy.
Goodness me! You must be so busy that you meet your own bum on the whizz round!
Absolutely! My innocent and automatic act of sharing what I had really impressed those guys and we remained the closest of friends until they died. Only one is still alive now and I believe he is fine. I have always helped other people and only regretted it a couple of times. Few are freaks, as you rightly point out.
Pardon? What do you mean by 'mis-edited conversation'?
I cant remember, how dotty is that, head full O mince comes to mind.
But more than likely because my head is full of 5G and all that go's with it, I have a lamp post directly outside our bedroom and have ................wait for it ..........(.tin foil hat) a Radiator Reflector Foil as a shield over our window, which does help, I was awakened one night by indistinct voices and could not make out what was being said and asked my wife if she could hear them but she couldn't and around that time my wife was going to the hairdressers who was in some way spiritual and was told out of the blue by the lady, that I was being attacked by evil spirits/entities and I have never met her?? , there are things I don't understand but that doesn't mean they don't exist because I don't understand. “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”
― Frank Zappa
Respect & X 2 All
I love you Sox! I believe you are, quite possibly, subversive but only to the aristocracy! The rest of humanity surely admires your wonderful enthusiasm for all things natural. xx