I am now certain that excess EMFs are making the whole world sick.
My dear friend, David Reed, emailed to apologise for not being online much and missing lots of my Substack articles recently. It is spring and he has been busy prepping outdoors. He warned me that preppers are concerned about the EMFs (electro-magnetic frequencies or fields) and a possible EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) either from the sun or other cosmic entity or from a terrestrial/satellite weapon. Unusually strong earthquakes could be triggered by such a thing….. just saying, as we are hearing about Turkey/Syria and now Romania too.
Anyway, I wrote back to him as follows:
“As for the EMFs - man, I am saturated with the effin things! I don't need my electrosmog meter to tell me - I can feel them: pressure in the ears, swollen burny feet, breathlessness. All the usual symptoms!
I am getting a lot of argument from Christine Massey atm and I am beginning to think she has been tasked with taking me down. She is literally stalking my comments where I am saying: "There is no virus but there is electro-magnetic radiation since 5G was switched on and that is making people very unwell all over the world.”
Then I drew Dave’s attention to this particular post of mine which provides some interesting studies as evidence:
I find it really odd that I have somehow gotten into a spat with Christine Massey. I thought we had an understanding since she had added my email exchange with MHRA to her FOIA website. I thought she was conversant with my EMF work but she tells me that she NEVER reads my articles about that! She believes that EMFs & 5G are a separate issue from Covid19! I was shocked. I make a point of following her and reading everything she puts on Substack. I was amazed that she did not afford me the same respect.
This is one of Christine Massey’s typical responses to me: "As I've explained to you over and over again, Fran, convid is not a novel illness, it's just a fraudulent label based on fraudulent tests that do not detect any symptom of any sort. Where is your evidence that "everyone got sick"? Useless convid data is not evidence of sickness. Some sick people were HIGHLIGHTED and lots of scary images were put in front of us to drum up fear and control people. If you actually have evidence that "everyone got sick" then you should share it." This was in response to a comment I made on a video in which the usual faces were controlling the opposition.
I had heard one of them slip up at the end of the Q&A session in this video: https://rumble.com/v28u59s-q-and-a-after-katherine-watt-presentation.html#comment-195839984
A member of the forum in that video (don't know which one) claimed that he had been in Wuhan and it was deserted during the UN Military Games Oct 2019. Wuhan is a big city to be 'deserted'! Obviously, Christine Massey did not actually listen to the conversation during the Q&A all the way to the end... BUT I DID. A eye witness in Wuhan? Brilliant!
I am certain that EMFs are making the whole world sick.
100% certain now.
An EMP on top of that would be devastating.
Furthermore, I heard recently that unvaxxed people are being found by embalmers to have those white fibrous long clots in their veins and arteries. This would suggest that the source of those blockages is not necessarily the vaccines.... maybe chemtrails? Maybe in food? Anyway, there is a strong possibility that we are all developing these white clots clogging up our bloodstreams.
I saw an analysis of them done by the Health Ranger recently. One thing that jumped out at me from his findings is the extremely high phosphorus content.
I was poisoned with that by freemason wives in 1997 and I only recovered because I took a strong mix of GOLD, FRANKINCENSE & MYRRH. It is an ancient healing formula from the Middle East which alleviates all kinds of poisoning. I learned about it from my studies into Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine. It saved my life..... so I figure that if these 'clots' are mostly phosphorus then that healing formula should clear them out of the blood.
Thankfully, I have some in store here! If you want to know how to prepare the formula let me know and I will add it as a pinned comment.
Meanwhile, I am waiting for more confirmation of the chemical breakdown of the clots. I have waited a month..... crickets. You would think that SOMEONE might have taken some samples from the embalmers or the coroners and found out what they are..... by now!
Thanks to John O’Looney for raising the issue and continuing to fight the good fight! I listened to this, his most recent interview, last night. He is his usual lovable self!
What else can I say but….
First find medicinal quality Frankincense and Myrrh natural resin to buy. You won't need much, so buy a small quantity. I have seen it available on Ebay. Next you will need a high Carat gold ring or other small piece like an earring or broach.
Put enough of each resin to fit easily in the well of your palm and then smash them to powder in a strong mortar and pestle.
In a small glass or enamelled saucepan (NOT BARE METAL) place the gold ring, the powder. Add about a pint of water and bring it to the boil. Turn down the heat so that the mixture simmers and reduces the fluid to about a shot glass full. Retrieve the gold item and strain the liquid into a small cup. You can add a little honey to try to disguise the taste.
I warn you - it is the vilest taste you have ever experienced!
Swig it back in one go! You might need to rinse your mouth and gargle with water quickly.
I recommend that we take this formula only twice with at least 3 days between doses.
To access a list of all my Substack posts correlating Electro-magnetic Frequencies with Covid 19 please see this post:
I continue to add links to the articles I write on the subject as comments. There are now an additional 72 articles beneath the original post.