Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

Given that Evo Morales was farming coco for the drug lords, I think further analysis is needed here. In the early 1980s Morales became active in the regional coca-growers union, and in 1985 he was elected the group’s general secretary. Three years later he was elected executive secretary of a federation of various coca-growers unions. In the mid-1990s, when the Bolivian government was suppressing coca production with assistance from the United States, Morales helped found a national political party—the leftist Movement Toward Socialism (Spanish: Movimiento al Socialismo; MAS)—at the same time serving as titular leader of the federation representing coca growers.

So, not such a good guy. I have to wonder why he doesn't like the world's strongest military alliance. Does it interfere with his customers' abilities to move product?

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022Author

Why do you focus on the negative aspects of growing coca? Are you not aware of legitimate uses for the drug?

Thanks to cocaine I had some pretty difficult dentistry done during my childhood.


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Don't assume I'm not fully aware of the medicinal use of coco. I'm just pointing out that Bolivia wasn't selling coco to just pharma. And he did try to make Bolivia socialist. Socialism is called "Creeping Communism" because it always devolves into communism with a totalitarian government. The last claim of socialism is individual liberties. The Live and Let Live mantra.

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You are talking to a Brit who remembers socialist years with fondness.

They were not "creeping communism" as you say!

They were the years of the founding of the NHS (which your country lacks), the years of state ownership of utilities, which functioned well and cheaply, the 1960s with full employment and leading the world in fashion, music and "Buy British" enterprise.

After Thatcher the Milk Snatcher Tory/Conservative the next "socialist" was a fan of hers masquerading as a Labour Leader, Tony Blair (aka Miranda who got caught with his pants down in a public toilet) - he took the country down the tubes with Bush's unwarranted Gulf Wars and endless propaganda.

We had a genuine socialist, Jeremy Corbyn at the opposition box for a while but the MSM destroyed him on orders from the Crown, no doubt.

Now we have a Knight of the Realm, Sir Kier Starmer, failing to convince anyone that he is a socialist and even in opposition to his chum Boris.

The present UK government has destroyed individual liberties and you don't get more "right wing" that Eton/Cambridge buffoon Boris Johnson.

Your fear of communism is ruining your understanding of the fundamental differences between socialism and communism. The former does not deteriorate into the latter. Look at Sweden....

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

We'll have to agree to disagree on this point. I am a cowboy American after all. We truly believe in a bottom up system of government, wherein our government is there to govern its function, which is to serve the people, not corporations and themselves. Being a Brit, means to also still accept a royalty, which is said to be of better blood than anyone and everyone else. We don't accept such concepts here in America.

As for Sweden, I've been there, it is not what they portray to the world. Not bad by any means, but just as GB's murder numbers only include murders with a conviction, and not all murders, the Swiss also greatly fudge their numbers. Massive chunks of Swedes live in abject poverty. But few travel to those areas, see what's real, and talk to the folks there. Tourist area look amazing, and pristine. Get out of the tourist areas and you'll find there are two different Swedens. Ask about "Qualifying" for life saving medical treatment, and you'll hear things Sweden does not tell the world about. Ask a mother about a child she had to "Give Up" because they said the child was unviable.

Had Stephen Hawking not been born into a family of physicians, he too as an infant may of have slated to the fate of many "Unviable" babies. I realize you don't believe that happens in the UK, but it does occur. If you actually start searching, you will find parents who will talk about it, because it happened to their child.

Again, that's why Barack Obama said, "Don't pay attention to what they do across the pond, when British Nationals, now living here in the US, exposed this ugly truth. British nationals, who find out, prenatal, that there child may very likely have downs syndrome, or other birth defects, leave the UK, and move to America, if they have the means to do so.

Strange that the percentage of birth defects in most other nations is as much as 3% and up to 6%, yet England only reports to have 50.8 per 10,000 and after 20 weeks of gestation as low at 17.1 per 10,000 births. Were the 30.7 per 10,000 healed, cured by 20 weeks, or were the parents left no choice but to terminate? Damn fair question to ask.

When the medial systems and govenrment agencies of the rest of the world report 3%-6% defects, ranging from the most minor, to life threatening, and England only claims a rate of 0.5%, pre 20 weeks, and down to 0.17% at birth, something is fishy. And just try to find the Birth Defect rate in Sweden. You'd think it doesn't happen. Yet HOLY MOLY Sweden has the highest abortion rate of all Nordic nations. It could be the Swedes are perfectly fine being told they need to abort a pregnancy because there is something wrong with the child. Or maybe they don't really have that choice? Another damn fair question.

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You can believe in a bottom up system (and so do Brits btw) but none of us have it. The only real bottom up democracy was bombed into oblivion in Libya. You should read the first 6 pages of Gadaffi's Green Book where he clearly points out the flaws in western "demockery" and then read on to discover why he was considered such an enemy by western nations.

We have been fooled, monarchs or not..... the aristocracy rule the world -

even in the USA!


As for our NHS, yes, there is considerable pressure to abort deformed or Down's syndrome babies but it is not obligatory. Many do grow up here. As for the poverty in Sweden, that is the case in every European nation! I have seen skinny starving kids begging outside supermarkets in Portugal and whole villages in France and Spain where the poverty is apparent. Certain parts of Britain are extremely deprived too!

Of course no nation grandstands their poor, neither does the USA but that doesn't mean the whole country lives like Hollywood stars, does it?

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

You're on point there. Our original constitutional republic didn't last long. Gadhafi was taken out because he exposed the globalist plan to release a virus, and force the cure.

Days later is when the first missile hit his bomb shelter of a house. They missed him. They spent the next couple years creating a crisis to justify going after him. Oddly, it was very quickly after he renounced nuclear weapons.

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Catherine Austin Fitts has made this video available to the public because it is very important to us all right now.


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“The U.S. always provokes wars to sell its weapons, interventions, military bases, to take over natural resources.... It is not only looking for Ukraine’s resources, but also to encircle Russia militarily,” he said.

There ya go. The best analysis I've seen lately. And he oughta know.

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quel surprise, this Russia-alligned anti-west ethno-socialist ranting on Sputnik of all places against NATO and predictably blames its "'interventionist' policies .. [as] ... the cause of the Russia-Ukraine crisis": of cz Putin's invasion into Ukraine is not to blame on ... well, Putin's invasion into Ukraine! It's never the fault of the all too easy provoked aggressor ... just like it's neither the fault of the beating husband that always gets triggered by his ever provoking wife! NATO as a western military alliance shall be dissolved - but any none- or better anti-western military alliances shall rule, I guess!

Maybe we should start treating those indigenous ppl their own way: wonder how the Incas would have treated his tribe if they had NATO capabilites ....

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Have you been watching US MSM? Because it sounds like you have. When people ASK for help fending off murderous Nazis, I wouldn't call the subsequent assistance an "invasion." Are you aware that after a vote about whether Ukraine should re-join Russia, 96% voted YES, and it was simply dismissed. You can get a lot of information about the situation from Oliver Stone's documentary "Ukraine On Fire," which was made long before this current attack by (US/NATO) the Neo Nazis (unabashedly) killing civilians and creating mayhem...

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No, I am MSM allergic, that means against ANY MSM ... and don't think I sound like US MSM (and definitely not Russian MSM ^^ .. like so many uncritical others here): still haven't called Putin Hitler or rants like that ... but C'mon: in ANY conflict u will find ppl asking 4 help, there were even quite a few iraqis welcoming US tanks! Sry, but I've gotten totally numb when it comes to alleged "Nazis", sure quite some Nationalists there, and some occasional Swastikas: still don't seem too antisemtic against their own president - or are we already within Hitler-the-Jewish-puppet-territory? OK, let's save the buzzwords or we might have to "fend off" any "murderous" commies with hammer and sickle also, esp. on Russian tanks. So, there is a strong anti-Russian nationalism within Ukraine .. and IF that's really such a one-sided aggression against the Russian minority (which I always find hard to believe with big Russia next door, but maybe true indeed ...), then I might have even been ok w/ Putin just "PEACE-keeping" east Ukraine (even though other means were possible or at least tryable first). But a russophobe Ukraine wouldn't vote 96% to rejoin Russia - meaning just a tiny <4% Ukrainian mob is running amok against Russians in Ukraine and the other 96% let them do it and are not welcoming Russian tanks!!? What & WHEN was that "vote"!? I assume Oliver Stone's doc will answer?

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If you want an "alternative" news guy that is a freakin EXCELLENT journalist who knows what he's talking about, James Corbett is almost always en pointe. Brilliant fellow.

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Hey, I think everyone has their right to believe what they believe, and I think the First Amendment is for everyone, and censorship is wrong. That said, you seem like an intelligent person... have you SEEN "Ukraine on Fire"? You might find it interesting. I don't see what he would have to gain by spending his money making a BS documentary... He's one of those guys who does that for the sake of history, or education, or something along those lines. I could be wrong, of course. I'm not thinking Putin is an angel or something, but I DON'T think having US bases all over his border is appreciated, nor all the gain-of-function research labs (manufacturing bioweapons that are TARGETED to take out ethnic Russians!! YES, they can do that now, apparently!! Pretty evil, in my view!) all over the border, too, with NATO and the US Empire chomping at the bit and doing their usual CIA death/mayhem/destruction/absorption dance on yet another country... It's such a routine now, it's almost a JOKE, except that it's a deadly one, and civilians are paying the price... again. US Empire needs to be shut down, one way or another, and I just wonder if we Americans are going to pay the karmic price for our oligarchy/govt/empire's vile behavior... Just sayin.'

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Banging comment! xx

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"just a tiny <4% Ukrainian mob is running amok against Russians in Ukraine" - that would be about accurate.... they have Zalensky by the balls, threatening his life if he does not do as they say. These people are not the only influencers either. Think international hitmen funded by the CIA & yes, watch Oliver Stone's documentary to clarify all the facts you apparently lack.

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I don't call 8 years of cruel war on Donbass civilians an easy provocation. Putin has not invaded and this is not a war. Russia has gone into Ukraine to secure the dangerous biolabs and disarm an aggressive government which is murdering a certain section of its own people. You should appreciate the restraint used and take your nose out of the propaganda rags of the MSM..... try throwing your tell-lie-vision away.... do yourself a favour.

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Actually, I'm not consuming any MSM - just alternative media, that of cz might just lie as much. But maybe u should do urself such a favor, since u pretty much seem 2 re-iterate Russian MSM propaganda - as u also make sure to call Putins invasion "not a war", since that is now a fineable crime in Russia! So I feel lucky, u can't fine me! ^^

Anyhow, I still have read most of Putin's announcements and hardly can remember him citing any biolabs as reason for his invasion, but maybe I just missed it: but retroactively re-framing his invasion as secure WMD mission 4 "dangerous biolabs" wouldn't really make it look more legitimate, nor his other, therefore supposedly insufficient reasons. But I assume, u'd b OK w/ "none"-invading China to secure Wuhan lab (hey, it was US funded!) and stop their alleged murdering of, what was it, the Uyghurs or Falong or what have u ....

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022Author

1) "hardly can remember him citing any biolabs as reason for his invasion" - oh ffs! To announce that intention would have alerted the guilty parties! Please think before knee-jerking nonsense at me, you waste my IQ!!

2) Russia had proof of the biolabs in Ukraine since 2018 see this: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/us-wmd-labs-in-ukraine?s=w

3) There is no evidence, just speculation about the Wuhan Lab Leak. In fact the "virus" may not exist at all, see this: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-virology-deception?s=w

4) The stories about Uyghurs and Falong Gong are also hotly disputed by the Chinese sources I see. The genesis of the claims stem from a June 2020 report by German Christian fundamentalist researcher Adrian Zenz. This same Adrian Zenz has stated he is “led by God” to accuse the Chinese government. Zenz was recently sued by several Chinese firms, who allege his defamatory research caused compensable harm to their industries and led directly to US sanctions.

Also as reported by Moon of Alabama, many Uyghur “eyewitnesses” are groomed through organizations connected to the US State Department and the CIA such as Radio Free Asia, the World Uyghur Congress, and the Uyghur Human Rights Project.

Indeed, the CIA is rumoured to have recruited and trained Uyghur Muslims for clandestine operations throughout the Middle East. Journalist Eric Margolis told Scott Horton in both November 2008 and April 2009 interviews that he witnessed Uyghur Muslims being trained in Afghanistan by Osama bin Laden and the Pakistani ISI with the knowledge and support of the CIA for the purpose of destabilizing China.

Col. Laurence Wilkerson claimed in a 2018 speech that up to 20,000 Chinese Uyghurs had fought on the side of Al Qaeda in Idlib, Syria. Several Chinese authorities believe these Uyghur forces were invited there by Turkey, a NATO ally. The 12-13 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang already dislike the Han Chinese. The CIA could stoke the existing ethnic tension to destabilize the region from within.

In 1999 Falun Gong ran afoul of the Chinese government. Hongzhi and many of his followers fled to New York City. They now reside in a secretive 400 acre compound in upstate New York.

Soon after arriving in the United States, Hongzhi and his practitioners launched a campaign to expose the Chinese Government’s persecution of Falun Gong. In 2000 John Tang, one of Hongzhi’s followers, founded the Epoch Times. After founding the Epoch Times, Tang and other Falun Gong practitioners created New Tang Dynasty, a nonprofit broadcasting outlet.

In 2009, after the Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty (NTD) TV had grown from small start-ups to sustainable outlets, their “Master” Hongzhi personally addressed them in a combined staff event. In his address, Houghzhi reiterated the outlets’ mission, to “become regular media” and expose the evil of the Chinese government.

Despite its protestations to the contrary, China Uncensored is a subsidiary of NTD. It even uses the NTD studio to film its content. Its cast are practitioners of Falun Gong. See this: https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/independent-media-parrots-questionable-uyghur-genocide-claims/

You are truly full of unsubstantiated, unresearched fear porn, aren't you?

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C'MON, I'm the ONLY one here trying 2 lower the temperature of ur fear porn of mass-murdered Russians in Ukraine and the like ... maybe u should take a step back too?

1) Just shows u how stupid George W-MD Bush was, I guess .... @least in ur IQ book!

2&3) Still quite some dangerous research going on in Wuhan - as there is potential outbreak risk in most biolabs.

4) Well, I got no problem w/ China taking care of some Uyghur threat - but I'm just as reluctant against "fear porn" when it comes to Ukraine's Russians! Of cz, if I want 2, I can hear different stories from Turkey, Tajikistan etc. ... just as always it's a matter of whome to believe: I try to remain sceptical to all sides, but u seem to have taken sides, Mr. "Chinese/Russian sources/authorities/proof"! Don't wanna even imagine ur outrage if I'd cite (pro-)US sources/authorites ...^^

"The CIA could stoke the existing ethnic tension to destabilize the region from within." - yepp, they definitely "could" (as any other interested party) and maybe will! But Russia would never ever do that, stoking ethnic tensions, right!? Definitely not in Ukraine!?

Do u have any idea how let's say the Baltics feel about what's going on in Ukraine!? Russian minorities - check, and probably biolabs w/ some sort of US/western funding too, sure, Baltics won't have the funds. They might not deserve their own state neither ...

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FIRST please look at the photo of me here! I am a lady of 70 years young. Try to be respectful - I am Ms Chinese/Russian sources/authorities to you.

2ndly, "ur fear porn of mass-murdered Russians in Ukraine" - pardon? Where have I made such a claim? I have yet to mention the 13,000+ Russian SPEAKING Ukrainians who have been slaughtered since 2014 by the Ukraine military constantly bombarding civilians but claiming to be fighting Russian troops who were NEVER THERE!

Your final paragraph is confusing. The Baltic states have nothing to fear from Russia. Putin is not trying to annex land. He is protecting the rights of the people of Donbas who declared their independence from Ukraine.

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

1) Sry 4 "misgendering" u, no intend - I could even claim, it was a typo .. @least according 2 Russian Sources! ;)

2) Probably misread ur "8 years of cruel war on Donbass civilians" & "murdering a certain section of its own people". Accuracy aside, I'd think ur "slaughtered" (aka: killed) Russian Speakers might also qualify as "fear porn" that u claim I'm full off ... just sayin' ! I mean, we are witnessing a full scale invasion (or call it whatever ur Russian censors allow - but we @least agree on Russian troops now actually "there"!?) of a far superior military power into a way smaller country (no matter how "naughty" u might think) with bombs and tanks and stuff and not ONCE did I emphasize the sufferings of all those Ukrainian victims RIGHT NOW whilst endlessly digesting ur Donbass whining (I'm sure ur "Russian sources" will grade those current victims far beneath "13000", right?) But I(!) am fear-porning!?

Regarding "never there" Russian troops , I hope ur indigo-socialist Pocahombre acknowledges the fact that there were never US troops fighting in, let's say, Nicaragua alongside the Donbas Contras against "aggressive government" ...

3) ur word in the Baltics ears: let's hope Putin will never feel the need 2 "protect" ppl there! But IF, I'm sure, he'll have "good" reasons ...

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deletedMar 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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Well said.

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