This is Charles Eisenstein's film The Fall.

I find it remarkably similar to the pre-birth scenario that Dan described to me when he was a child, although Dan spent far more time explaining the journey and how he viewed himself and others making it:


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Really interesting story!

Thanks, Franita. And that feller Jim Shepard is Very Cool. ^_^

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Yep! I liked what he had to say very much. xx

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OOH yes.. Good Stuff Frances! I thoroughly appreciate your sharing this..Thank you..

Your son is obviously a very special older advanced soul like yourself but entirely wonderfully different. I have a similar story about my third child second daughter. From birth she radiated a wonderful, invisible, gentle glow that was perceivable to others around her. Palpable and unforced it was soothing and clearly there.. constantly.. At the age of about 7 she showed interest in metaphysics and the fundamental questions of life.. Any time I brought up a spiritual subject she wanted to understand it deeply.. As a baby I thought she was a very gentle but of only average intelligence. Boy was I wrong.. she became a clinically licensed scientist.. She made straight A's in graduate school even while working full-time with two children..

Her incarnation nonetheless has to my surprise been a difficult one.. some unfinished Karma with a husband with Aspergers.. Talk about intransigence... It's been very challenging for her entire family.. Yet the universe never gives us more than we can deal with. Even in the age of PSYop.. We may not want to deal with certain aspects contained in this incarnation but the facts are we're up for it or we would not be here.

Keep up your Exceptional Work! You got it goin Momma!

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Look into Asbergers and Autism's relationship to electro-magnetic radiation!

"Until 1912, autism had not even been discovered. It wasn’t until 1940, after humans were first exposed by wireless radiation such as the telegraph, radio, radar, and electrification of our homes, for this illness to appear in the medical literature.5

Did you know that the tech boom coincided with a vaccine boom?

Prior to 1980, only microwaves were commercially available in any significant quantity. The general public rapidly adopted other EMF technologies in laptops and cell phones after 1990. EMF use has grown exponentially every year since 1990 in the Western world. This explosive growth curve fits autism growth rates perfectly."


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Thank you Frances!! I will pass this on to my daughter! I have been warning her for years to wake up to EMFs harm.. Maybe your words will persuade her to really put her foot down with Mr Glyphosate/Aspergers? It took a decade plus to persuade her to go Organic and get Glyphosate out of their diet... It's so important that a primarily spiritual orientation to life stay grounded.. Otherwise it's possible to get lost here and become ineffective as a parent.. It's no small challenge in today's ocean of various forms of pollution but it can be done.. Thank you again!

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Dan sounds like an amazing man. I am sure you are proud of him, Frances.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv9q98QivvM its a song ,hope you like , i wouldnt be offened if you dont

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That was delightful! xx

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the man that predicted your child look like any of thesehttps://rssb.org/photographs.html

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Yes! That is the right general appearance but more jewelled. He had white hair and beard and a lovely smile!

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Frances, strange question. Does Dan have very early memories, as in ~ infant memories? I am not sure why I’m asking but a book popped into my head as I was reading this article. I’m not sure if that popping is for me to revisit this book or if there is something in the book which may lead to something for you and or Dan. That something I don’t even know. But that’s just what happens with my sense. Soooo the book is, Welcoming Consciousness by Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty . I met the author about 9-10 years ago on a retreat. She had a very calm and quiet energy. As I sat next to her in the car, I had a strong sense she was deeply connected to something profound. When I got home, I looked her up and found her book. I did not keep in touch so I’m not pushing her book or in any way affiliated. I bought the book but I must confess I didn’t finish it. Don’t know why. Maybe your article about Dan triggered this memory and I am the one meant to revisit the book. Now I have to find it and finish it! Anyway, at the risk of sounding like a weirdo ~ there you have it.

Really enjoyed reading about Dan and his “poetry”. Way over my head, I’m sure! Keep us updated on Dan, if he gives you permission. 😊

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Thanks for that name. I have early memories, practically back to birth. I believe that having such awareness and memories, speaking for myself of course, can cause a strange type of protective anxiety with an early onset. I once viewed it as a curse but came to understand how many personal disasters I sidestepped because of it. The only other person I know with this also has early memories to infancy.

Interestingly, I can’t view social media like FB without feeling that twinge leading me to a conclusion that’s becoming more known– that Facebook and others are highly manipulative and not to our benefit!

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Thank you Terri for sharing this. I have heard from two of my clients who also say they experienced early memories. I hope you find her book helpful. All the best to you.

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Frances, I think I may have mentioned it before, but others may not be aware, that the Armenian mystic, George Gurdjieff, also received a visit from an unknown mysterious turbaned gentleman. IIRC, he received several visits from him over his lifetime. I wish I could remember the details!

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Read Emmet Fox. He describes exactly what you are saying about death and our consciousness staying intact when we enter the next dimension upon death.

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He has been recommended to me before... I will have to take a look.

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I recommend The Power of Positive Thinking. The chapter of Life after Death relates to passing to another dimension after death. I can send you pdf files by email or you can find on the net

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Yes please! franleader@hotmail.co.uk Mark it READ ME.

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Has Dan written down his thoughts on metaphysics anywhere online? I'd be interested to read them.

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I believe he often puts his ideas into words among his close friends on Discord. Sometimes he reads them out to me for discussion. I will see if I can get a copy of some of his best pieces.

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Frances, I loved reading this lovely story and the commentary. I prayed over whether or not I should add the following (because I didn’t want my ego involved) but I got a Yes. So…

For whatever this is worth --as I read about Dan, my third eye started to pulse and open. When I read that Dan is a happy hermit, I saw the image of The Hermit in the tarot as the Way Shower with his lantern, lighting the way for others. I then asked his higher self if I could tune in to his energy and I got his consent. Waves of tremendous energy came through and I was given some lovely images that I’d be happy to share with you and Dan if you wanted to dm me. Of course I can’t guarantee that I’m getting the messages from Source, but that is what I feel down to my bones.

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We don't have a direct message service here and neither Dan nor I use other social media. You could email me if you wish but please mark it READ ME so that it sticks out from the millions of Substack notifications that arrive in my inbox daily.


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Loved this Frances, it's great to know that Dan is questioning everything, the nature of reality and how time and space interact or do they, looking outside of the box where not many can see. Give him a big hug and perhaps he could put his thoughts to paper this will help when having to talk about it, if not then create a virtual description of what his finding are or what he questions, this might help or not. "Who knows the secret of the black magic box"

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I could ask him to give me a copy of something he has already written. The trouble is, our Dan is always so busy coding. I don't know if you know any computer software writers, but they only speak in Vogon Poetry which is totally incomprehensible and liable to drive the listener to insanity! They also keep horrible hours and seem to argue with their equipment or "totally stupid" Microsoft in muttered series of expletives that are totally unprintable!

When he next takes a break and comes out of his man-cave to get a drink or something I will ask him. 😉

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“Vogon poetry”. LOL I haven’t read that term in a while and it’s so true for those of us outside that particular circuit!

There really is something special about the existence of the infinitely improbable, isn’t there?

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My youngest, well young to me is learning coding and it all seems confusing to me, but you have to be in it to enjoy it.

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It is like shorthand. If you haven't studied it, it looks like nonsense!

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They seem to make sense out of the nonsense, it's just a different way of looking at things.

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Seems Dan's importance has already arrived, manifested.

Lovely post Frances.

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Is Dan single? Asking for a friend 😉

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Sunny, you beat me to the question! 🤣😆🤣

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🤣😂 He is, but he has an 'online' girlfriend in Indonesia.

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This made me laugh.

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