Some of us have known this since day one!
There is a micro-group of people on Substack who consider themselves the ‘tip of the spear’ of resistance. Their vanity is excruciating to observe but, thankfully, there are very few of them and they have been overlooked by many readers so far.
Recently some members of this micro-group have taken to gang-stalking my comments and they have inspired me to write this post.
So thanks to them I have devised a little competition!
(see the end of this post to take part!)
Central to their argument is their objection to the nasty name: COVID 19. They declare repeatedly that the World Health Organisation (WHO) named a disease which does not exist and I agree, absolutely.
Covid 19 was a name given to an unproven viral illness caused by an unproven ‘virus’ which was originally named coronavirus but was later renamed, again by the WHO, Covid 19.
Hard work by a multitude of health activists has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is no identifiable entity which could be called a ‘virus’, under the recently updated dictionary definition of the word.
Here is that new definition for clarity:
Any of various submicroscopic agents that infect living organisms, often causing disease, and that consist of a single or double strand of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.
A disease caused by a virus.
A computer program or series of commands that can replicate itself and that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other files or programs which users later transfer to other computers. Viruses usually have a harmful effect, as in erasing all the data on a disk.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.)
In December of 2020, UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) confirmed, in a series of emails between themselves and this author, that the entity or sub-microscopic agent known as SARSCov2 had been recombined by a computer program from fragments of RNA (extracted from an un-named patient) and a number of other ingredients which had been subjected to extreme starvation and treatment prior to rtPCR processing. The computer generated ‘genetic code’ had been sent to the WHO immediately by a small group of Chinese scientists. WHO passed it onto certain large pharmaceutical corporations who were anxiously waiting for it so that they could race each other to produce special tailored ‘vaccines’ for trials.
Interestingly, the definition of the word ‘vaccine’ has also recently been changed:
văk-sēn′, văk′sēn″
A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration to an individual stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection.
A preparation from the cowpox virus that protects against smallpox when administered to an individual.
A software program designed to detect and stop the progress of computer viruses.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.)
Now that we are clear about what is meant by the global WHO authority when they use the terms ‘virus’ and ‘vaccine’ we can clearly see where mistakes have occurred and we can help the WHO to recognise where they, understandably, went wrong during 2020 and, unfortunately, misled the public ever since.
We can assist the media and the general public to recover from the overwhelming fear which is attached to the name COVID 19 and we can replace it with a more accurate name for the strange debilitating illness which has claimed so many unfortunate victims since 2019.
We need to trace back to the origins of the story!
Some of you will remember that the United Nations held their annual Military Games in Wuhan, China from the 18th until the 27th of October in 2019. It was a splendid event but, unfortunately, a number of competitors became very sick and some were even hospitalised.
“everyone noticed upon arrival in Wuhan in October: the city was empty. The highways had no cars. The retail shops were closed. No one was on the streets. For a city of 11 million, this was spooky. The CCP bragged that they had cleared out the city to make life special for the athletes but it was clearly a first sign of lockdown.” ~ An article in Brownstone Institute by JEFFREY A. TUCKER - please read the rest of the article for details of who reported sick and how they were dealt with. George Webb was able to identify the first person to be hospitalised during the Games. Her name was Maatje Benassi and she was a cyclist for the US team. She collapsed, breathless during her race.
Something which the Brownstone article and George Webb fail to mention is that 5G was switched on in Wuhan just in time for the Military Games:
“WUHAN, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) — The branches of Chinese major telecom operators in central China’s Hubei Province announced Thursday the launch of commercial 5G applications in the province.
Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei, is expected to have 10,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019, said Song Qizhu, head of Hubei Provincial Communication Administration.
China Telecom has established a 5G network covering airports, railway stations and other areas in the city, which will also help boost the digital and intelligent transformation of the industries with 5G technologies, said Li Hongbo, general manager of the company’s Hubei branch.
China Mobile Hubei Branch has activated 1,580 5G base stations in the city as of mid-October, achieving the 5G coverage of universities, transportation hubs and other densely populated areas, according to the branch.” ~ published 2019-10-31 in
Now I come to the fun part of this post!
We have clearly ascertained that no authority anywhere in the world has a genuinely isolated ‘virus’ to show us.
We have clearly proven that the Covid 19 ‘vaccines’ were based upon a ‘spike protein’ which has never been shown to exist beyond recombinant genetic code produced by a computer.
We have traced the earliest victims of the illness to the middle of October 2019.
We have established that 5G was activated precisely at that time in Wuhan.
I propose that we rename the illness, hitherto known as Covid 19!
Here is how we can all contribute to a global clarification:
Please add your ideas for a new name in comments.
Then we can vote by liking the name we like the best.
We can send our suggestion to WHO to help them inform the public!
As the originator of this splendid idea, I would like to be the first to propose a new name for the disease/illness/disorder/syndrome!
Oh, I hear you informing me, there is already a very unpleasant illness named that!
Back in 2019, before the whole covid debacle began I wrote up a case study of a man who worked at UK's Heathrow Airport. At that time we named his disorder: Electro-Magnetic Stress.
"We live in an unprecedented time of increasing levels of man-made ElectroSmog from wireless technology. Unfortunately the tech we know and love has been allowed on the market ignoring a massive evidence base showing it's undermining our health. Evidence bases cited in video. The FCC is currently being sued by many advocacy groups. What you don't know can harm you. #STOP5G!
You should purchase an EMF meter these days to ascertain where to live, sleep, work, exist and to practice your wireless hygiene! In this video we explore a neighborhood around a cell tower to see what houses have the worst ElectroSmog exposure and what this looks and sounds like."
Watch this series of four videos - What's your exposure to ElectroSmog where you live?