Nov 21, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Aristaeus.club is an attempt to solve the problem. Join if you want to.

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I published the solution in 2010: convert all debt to electronic credit money (which captures wealth); deduct a flat 1% per month as a non-avoidable "infrastructure maintenance fee"; use the proceeds to fund all levels of govt on an equal per capita basis and to compensate all adult legal residents with $500 of no strings attached credits every week for the government's taking of their right to free access to land sufficient to support their right to life. Expand to whole world asap. Will require the creation of a CONSENSUS PARTY to get around current bought and paid for political parties. Any questions?

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rconstitution.us seeks to be just such a consensus party

The Constitution Needs A Good Party by James Anthony

Good Government Comes From Good Boundaries

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Absolutely not. You're suggesting a digital currency and MORE GOVERNMENT. Thats NOT a solution. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. There is no "good politician" or "good government". The solution revolves around SELF RESPONSIBILITY. Those who want to continue voting for their own enslavement can keep participating in the current system, but I want NO part of that.

I REFUSE to give away authority over myself to someone else.... im an adult.

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People like to talk about "government" without defining the term. Here's one that seems indisputable and infinitely scales: "one or more persons who claim natural resources, are willing and able to defend those resources, and make and enforce decisions regarding the allocation of those resources". If WE aren't the government, then we are a resource, subject to being put on a reservation or put in an internment camp or shot down like a Palestinian. We can be the bat or we can be the ball; the idea that you can can run and hide under a table and not be involved...is childish.

I'm not talking about more of what got us here: public money rather than private, CONSENSUS rather than easily manipulated "simple majority", sortition in lieu of consensus, rescission of laws EVER lacking consensus support. Actually quite libertarian except when it comes to THE MONEY. Fix the money, fix the world. To be continued...

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

The Silver Dollar, as defined in the Coinage Act of 1792, is also a resource from the earth and is in fact one of the most useful, durable, divisible, portable and scarce commodities that maintain value over time. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation and should be abolished. The control of the currency would be better off in a National Bank with elected officials held accountable to The People through complete transparency.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

The first task is to defeat the master/slave narrative economics. Public opinion is controlled by interest rates.

New York Chamber of Commerce “Special Currency Committee” – Report 1906,

“By the control of its rate of interest and of its issues of notes it would be able to exert great influence upon the money market and upon public opinion. Such power is not possessed by any institution in the United States.”

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https://youtu.be/oFFCaKtDzuA call me when y'all READY

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Anarchy is not going to fix anything. Look around. We live in anarchy. People have mostly lived in the money changer's anarchical system (with the exception of a few years in America under constitutional law), since before Jesus was crowned with thorns. King Charles III is a prime example of an anarchist. Laws do not apply to him.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Yeah, you absolutely have the wrong definition & understanding of anarchy. Like the word "conspiracy", the government has corrupted the meaning to mean essentially the opposite. Anarchy means no masters have authority over the masses.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Then how is that achieved? Just tell King Charles III to quit ruling?

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True anarchy has only ever been achieved once in the world. It was in Spain in 1936. I met some elderly people in Spain who remembered the era with great fondness but they paid for their happiness with years in prison when Franco conducted his military coup. Franco was defending the Black Nobility, as do all militaries worldwide. So no, telling King Charles III to get lost would not be quite adequate. The entire infrastructure of military and police would have to be completely disempowered.

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Yes, true anarchy is only possible in a world of angels and saints.

The Western American frontier 1760s - 1865 was virtual anarchy until the British bankers supporting the master/slave system of the South waged war on free people and took control of America with the 14th Amendment. The American State protected free people until then.

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I feel you have the wrong concept of anarchy - not without natural rule of law or laws just no masters or slaves or authority other than ones self.

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Tell that to King Charles III and Henry Kissinger. If they agree with you then I will too.

The State (Constitutional Laws of Land) is the only way to stop them just like the founding fathers stopped King George from ruling America.

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your missing the basic premsis of the youtube video you can vote protest etc does sweet fa just slot them. It is that simple work in the past will work now. Just now peeps are too f**king WOKE

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Except they didn't stop the monarchy from ruling over America! Some bits of paper can be so deceptive!


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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you for this. I don't believe that people should expect anything more from government than this nearly 50 years after ratification.

Alexis de Tocqueville's Introduction to Democracy in America -1835

“AMONG the novel objects that attracted my attention during my stay in the United States, nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of condition among the people."

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It would be nice if that observation were still true today, wouldn't it?

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Yes, I can solve it. The free market is a wild and beautiful thing, unfortunately she is chained up and growling in the corner of a cage.

Subsidies (which always end up favouring the rich), lobbying, nationalised industry, hoax pandemics and emergencies, health and environmental policies, mandates, cronyism, unaccountability and the richest companies not having to obey the same tax rules as the rest of us are the chains.

Party politics and monarchy are pure soap opera to numb our brains and the purpose of national government is to take our money in taxes and give it to the rich. Get rid of them.

Free the caged tiger!


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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Go deeper. Natural law does not require you to pay taxes. It is immoral, unethical, and unconstitutional (if you still believe in the constitution). Ive met many people who have opted out of the system successfully. Its just not easy, and even just finding accurate info that explains how to do so is difficult these days with all the censorship.

But there are ways to discontinue participating - the FORCE, COERCION, AND ROBBERY that takes place with the current system., without our consent. I did not vote for the President. I did not vote for anyone. I did not grant my authority to someone else, ever. Everything is a contract. You just need to be strategic in how you respond and navigate through the system. Just by having a birth certificate & SS# makes you a participant. But you can reverse all of it....

think deeper.

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I used to think building a self-sustaining off grid community, i.e. an “intentional community”, was the answer. Now I realize the totalitarianism reaches every corner of the earth and there is no escaping until we bring the whole enchilada down. I’m not holding my breath...

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Lots of 'things' to do . . . find the one you have most gravity for, whether starting a garden or running for office or loving a child. If can't find 'thing' to do, be self-involved in raising one's vibe enough to help raise other vibes . . . serve TRUTH and BEAUTY in slums or stores, and most importantly in SELF. Our realm is full of truth and beauty--must filter out falsity and have courage to express truth and beauty. . . . aka . .RAISE THE VIBRATION . . . like changing the pH, it creates a different environment and different things will flourish. Anyone sitting at home or in bed can strive for this.

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First this pyramid scheme has to crumble which it is doing as light is shining in all the dark corners, then inspiration and humane beings will rise up and show a new way. We have been through this and hopefully have learned a huge lesson. The autonomy of each of us and the diversity is beautiful and needs respect and understanding. Control and totalitarianism only arise out of weak beings who are afraid which they then pass on to others. Don't buy it, don't recognize it or give them energy, they and what they do will pass.

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Follow the links in this article to other articles by Tereza such as Reversing the Reset, Build a New Model and her book How to Dismantle an Empire.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

At a macro level I am a big fan of LaRouche. Living in West London there is no community and most old friends and wider family drank the Kool Aid. We are trapped in the matrix but have investigated the legal steps around reclaiming straw man, council tax obligation challenge, installing own meters etc, solver, bitcoin etc too but it requires a lot of time and effort alongside keeping the hamster wheel whirring. I take solace in having awoken and my nearest and dearest too and having made new connections in social media. Need to get protonmail and ditch the globalist platforms. We have probably left it too late to downsize and be mortgage free so have to tough it out. Got a 91 year old father in law to consider too. Communes and awake communities are out there but again, upheaval and effort for what in the short term? Key point is at the age of 56 I am calmer and more intuitive than ever before, unafraid of death, ready for whatever hits us next. More worried about getting my kids to better understanding and self-sufficiency. Ideally if we can escape our current situation, we find a place we can all be together and pool our resources amongst like minded people.

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A parallel universe? You can't build something you can't conceive of, so you always have to start with what exists. As I see it, the system in principle should work because it allows for change. The problem is the few who don't want change, have a death grip on the system's throat, and don't want to discuss it. It's the libertarian mentality that claims to believe we can all operate without laws and without a system -it'll all come together by a mystic force. No. Billionaires are unnecessary and an abscess on the system. Those who claim to be self-made millionaires are liars: the system helped them at the cost of the majority. The system needs all its members to function at max, so all must be provided for. And if it is a human system with the human values we claim, then it must be compassionate, caring, sharing with all contributing according to their talents and abilities, and receiving according to their need. By golly, that's Marx, isn't it?

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👆 THIS!!!

"Every system can be brought down. Every system is vulnerable. If you can spot the weak point in the system, you can exploit it."

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Web page is not available.

However, I spent a lot of time thinking about dismantling the current system & bringing it down. I said for years "throw the whole government away and start over". But recently, my perspective has shifted. In my humble opinion, I think it is wasted time & energy trying to bring down such a massive empire... good luck with that. Anything perceived as "the narrative" or "the system" crumbling, is done so intentionally - smoke & mirrors. Its FAR from crumbling.

Instead, time & energy are better spent creating your own solutions.... parallel societies. I wish more people would realize this. And for the love of God, i wish people would stop supporting & voting for politicians.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

One by one all of us doing just one thing (and then other things as we get good at doing that one thing) differently is part of the solution. I think we are too caught up in "we need a leader or government or something" to change it for us, when the true power lay within ourselves. I always say, doing something as simple as growing a tomato plant in a container on your porch is doing something. We have to commit to turning our backs on the system that has been destroying us and making us dependent and find our independence again by doing anything we can to say no. If only one of us is growing a tomato plant that's really easy to stop. If *all* of us are growing a tomato plant it's impossible to stop. I know it's much more complex than my simple "solution", but as long as we just keep asking "what can we do?" instead of actually doing *something,* doing *anything* that bucks the system there is no hope. We all have the power within us to make just one change that gets us off of the beast system. Every single one of us. We have to live our liberty and independence and be willing to be outcasts, hated or even arrested because of it. We have to stop looking for this magical solution to appear and start coming up with those solutions in our own lives, families and communities and *implementing* them. It's not that hard. Where there's a will there is *always* a way. IMHO.

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I love the enthusiasm but it’s hard to be motivated when we know if they meet their evil goals we will own nothing. I built a raised bed in my backyard. I am trying to grow now for winter/spring harvesting. 24’ x 4’. I’ll use it as long as possible.

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Vaclav Havel popularized this concept in Czechoslovakia which helped bring down the Soviet regime. He has since written extensively about it.

In earlier articles the example I've often cited, one that is currently being used widely in the Western world, are farmers markets. Local farmers gathering in a communal setting to sell their goods directly to local people is a direct challenge to the status quo, corporate food system.

As a regenerative farmer who has been doing this for several decades, I can attest to it effectiveness.

Unlike money spent in a corporate grocery store, which will be sent off to some distant corporate office never to be seen in the local economy again, money spent at a local farmers market will stay in the local economy, possibly to be recycled back into your pocket again. All local participants benefit, especailly the farmers. Distant corporations lose.

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We just have to make sure they don't illegalize that. For food safety reasons, seed to fork surveillance. They have started the process already, I saw a video where C Austin Fitts was talking about it I believe

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This is where (in the States) people really need to pay attention to who their local legislators are and are allowed to be. The true power and protection, is at the state level, not the federal. Good governors, who understand the powers conferred by the constitution, will be our best protection.

While they will not be able to shield from CBDC, they will be able to protect the like of Farmers markets and local businesses, through legislation.

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https://youtu.be/HlnJyaMGrHA A stop falling for this horse shit B stop falling for Religion. There is religion or how to get to heaven through your bank account and there is faith in the Father how to get to heaven through actions and deeds ( Faith without Actions is DEATH )

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If we are going to supplant the pyramidal structure which controls, manipulates and harvests us, then that change must come from the bottom of the pyramid, from individuals and local communities. It is delusional to imagine that God, Q-Anon or anyone else is going to do it for us. We have to do it ourselves.

Catherine Austin Fitts of The Solari Report is an advocate of local action. Some of her ideas are:

Here is an inital list for local communities. Am ccing Debbie Landers who is an awesome pastor of a church in Hohenwald (and head of the home schooling organization TANF and a sponsor of the Financial Permacultuture conference and the founder of a local restaurant and community market among many other accomplishments) who is leading a community prayer effort of lots of churches in the area.







Crash courses in encryption and code systems at local schools and tech centers

Replace all corporate contracts with local efforts by small business where feasible – organize and train if necessary

Replace all large banks with local banks where possible

Switch school and other institutional purchases to local farmers where possible





Amid regular rationing of food in Britain, the United States Department of Agriculture encouraged the planting of victory gardens during the course of World War II. Around one third of the vegetables produced by the United States came from victory gardens.[12] It was emphasized to American home front urbanites and suburbanites that the produce from their gardens would help to lower the price of vegetables needed by the US War Department to feed the troops, thus saving money that could be spent elsewhere on the military: “Our food is fighting,” one US poster read.[13] By May 1943, there were 18 million victory gardens in the United States – 12 million in cities and 6 million on farms.[14]



Organic farming



Cancel fluoride – big savings

Test for what else needs to be done




Massive education in local cost effective natural health alternatives to help build immune system strength and detox

Debrief local nurse practitioners and alternative health practitioners about what would be investment of time and resources


Local weekly documentaries and movie showings combined with pot luck dinners and discussion of what does this mean to us? Do a survey discussion on who and what most contributes to a rising or falling Popsicle Index

Throw way TVs and leave smart phones in car.


Get Local Sheriff to local pot luck dinner above and talk about steps to support the Sheriff and police teams raising the Popsicle Index

Smaller group discuss how to deal with covert operations and fed jurisdiction issues

Smaller group address how to protect people from control file blackmail and create priva

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

CAF supports globalwalkout.com

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