Sep 6, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Yes, I hear what you're saying Frances. Just because billions believe lies, and not matter how deluded those believers are in their acceptance of lies as their truth, in actual reality, there is no truth in the lies they have chosen to believe. The concerning fact is; believing the lies of the psych-ops has major detrimental consequences for ALL of us now and the future generations. And of course, that is exactly the plan of the psycho's driving all the BS that is causing all the mayhem; exactly what they want. The actual truth is Frances; there is a MAJOR unconscious sorcery at work that is being used as a hypnosis; and the root that drives BILLIONS to believe the 'black magic' is FEAR. And when we trace ALL forms of fear we arrive at the ultimate form of fear; THE FEAR OF DEATH. Of course, in reality, there is no 'death'; it is simply a letting go of the material world we've come to experience; a release of reflective light and the return to our original state of eternal, immortal, divine consciousness existing outside the limitations of 'time, space and form'. Once you have fully self realised this, then the fear of death is gone for ever and no black magic can drive your choice+behaviour; we are free. If BILLIONS realised this simple truth, all the insanity would end today. If the prophecy is true that we are on the verge of this mass awakening, then the world we are collectively creating will be utterly transformed. For like you say; belief is everything.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

The published scientific literature on the harmful biological+environmental effects of EMF+wireless have been known at least since the 1970's. Despite Govt+technocrats+industry's vicious attempts to supress+stop the truth from being publically known, the research has continued and been published in endless books available for anyone to buy and read. So, all the wireless+mobile phone zombies now prevalent everywhere, who have also been gullible enough to believe the pathological lies of a 'covid pandemic' and accept toxic jabs they never really needed, have but only themselves to blame if you ask me. So, there is no need to apologies for the information presented here from the outset. Given that we know medically that the MRNA jabs cause lesions in the brain, and that mobile phones rapidly heat the brain to alarming levels within minutes, is it any wonder that the world has descended into utter insanity? Maybe if people turned their god-damn mobile phones off, and better still, threw the fuckin' things away, people's brain could start to function clearly again and then, millions of people would not be so easily hood-winked into jabbing themselves with the most toxic brew ever offered on mass to the population. The effects of which, are now so obvious. I have not had (and will not have) a single jab and still have my sanity. People I know who were once intelligent and clever, who have been jabbed twice, have turned into confused, delusional, poor decision making, degenerates already. Of course, they cannot see what has happened to them and argue the toss in complete denial, and deny all available evidence to the contrary of what is actually, a pseudo-pandemic. And this even includes published Govt data now showing the jabbed are developing AIDS. The insanity of EMF, wireless and 'vaccines'+MRNA jabs is transparent right in-front of our very eyes in our degenerating societies if people are willing to wake-up, stop collaborating with complete lunacy and say no. Is convenience really worth it? What about the future of our children? Do we want the next generation to be complete wireless zombies and slaves to technocrats? Apparently, a majority say 'yes'. But then most of them have a mobile on 24/7 and have been MRNA jabbed now; I rest my case!

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Wonderful rant, NC! I am right alongside you xx

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

It's not about 'ranting' Frances; it's simple truth apparent all around us right now. What is frustrating, is that even a child could see the truth of what the likes of you, I and many others freely share. And yet, BILLIONS of adults collaborate with the destruction of our world and children's future in the most selfish and denial laden manner through what is now clearly, a serious addiction to mobile+wireless devices. It is said: 'the more deranged a society becomes the further from the truth it will gravitate; in doing so, the seeds of its own destruction are laid'. And this is what we are witnessing with rapid effect. I hope I'm shown to be wrong about this. Keep up your good work and many divine blessings.

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Belief is everything. If they believe lies, then those lies have become the truth for them. This psy-ops is very hard to break through.

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Thank you! Very disturbing material presented here.

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In the first video she doesn't say if she was using wifi or not. That could be a large part of the emf problem. Running a hard wire wifi connection to the computer and turning off the computer wifi will eliminate this source. Th rest is just emf's coming from the electronic components. Laptops use much less juice than table tops so they produce a lower electrical emf.

The gal in the second video is sharp as a tack. I used that video in one of my graphine oxide posts about a year ago.

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But did you read the first link? That is very recent and most disturbing. The videos are just supporting evidence that I added. The real meat and potatoes are in the article!

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