Oh, rooooofrooor rooof! You know, ROOFING is mai bidness! ha harf! I have a meme that says that, with a dog wearing a flannel shirt and a hard hat-- a ROOFER.
I crack myself up, and all the other dogs, too.
This is one of my fave posts, for OBvious reasons! Thanks, Fran! Woof!
I was gonna suggest you put your life story in writing but I see you've already done it! Fab! What are the chances of it making its way to being a book? 😊
My style of writing includes links to relevant music, political events, articles and images. This form of atmosphere building does not convey to paper very well so I prefer to keep it in this online format. It is also completely free of charge, and that appeals to me immensely. I don't need to earn a living at my age. I am comfortably retired on a good pension.
I didn't mean to make money. I do like to read a proper book rather than sit with this bloody thing in my hand. I get why you are keeping it in the format it's in & shall be making a start on it soon 🙏
Wow! That's quite a story! What an interesting character in Billy. I love that your cats name was Beefie. Haha. And what a sweet puppy/doggo friend and a beautiful mamma dog :) I love how nonjudgmental you were about Billy and his "antics"...
I wasn't always so non-judgemental about Billy! It is easy now that I don't have to live anywhere near him!! The guy was an absolute menace and totally untrustworthy but he had this ability to always make people laugh which saved him from getting beaten to a pulp, I am sure!
That ability to slip in and out of a house unseen would have creeped me out! I had a neighbor once that asked me a few things about stuff that happened in my house that I thought he would have never been able to hear at all (me singing) . I guess the bathroom window was open and he stopped on the street in front of my house, but after that I always wanted to check for extra lights or cameras....or devices, always looking harder at my smoke detectors and my ceiling vents. Haha.. Talk about paranoid. He just heard me singing. Haha. Imagine if he could just slip into my house, how paranoid would I be THEN!? VERY.
Oh, our Billy would totally LOVE that! Remember that I probably only know the barest minimum of his trickery! His exploits were usually kept very secret! 😉
That was such an enjoyable read! From quite early on I was hoping it was going to be the dog in the photo because I'd immediately connected with that moment. I was kept in a little bit of suspense and couldn't just assume it would be because, from the story, I couldn't tease out any connection with the name Rasta. So, in fact, it was perfectly poised for me until the reveal. 😊😊
That was rather a good performance of Free Bird, though of course it's not the band you went to see. That's all post the airplane crash that would happen a little over a year after this performance at Knebworth and which would kill Ronnie van Zant and Steve and Cassie Gaines. Around this time - I was in my first term of 'A' levels when they died, Free Bird was my favourite song by a country mile. I don't think even Clapton had anything to compete with it and I had gone out to buy their new album - with all the flames, which were later taken off - on the day it was released! You are SO lucky to have seen them! I never did, though I think I was asked if I wanted to come to a Rolling Stones concert which I had declined, not knowing that Skynyrd were the opening act/backing band - which may have been this one.
Sorry not to have been around or to have replied to you. I was kind of hoping that that live album would come to me and that maybe I'd hear from you after you'd watched another of those films. (I am SO sorry that you had to pay £2.50 and go through such a palaver to get them. 😘 ) I've actually had a fairly low period - from about the time your hair was going frizzy - but am now in the middle of a properly productive and inspired one. This is something of a relief as I was beginning to get worried they may not be coming round any more. Phew!
I was at Knebworth in 1976 with our local Hells Angels! It was incredibly hot that year, we were all wilting! Lynyard Skynard were astounding, building the atmosphere to a crescendo with consummate ease. More here >> https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/knebworth-1976-a-marathon-affair/
I had to get my friend to cover my beach job, selling ice cream that weekend and she made a small fortune because it was August Bank Holiday - but I would not miss Knebworth for anything! No regrets, except we can never do it again.... which is a total bummer, huh?
Do not hang yourself over the postage costs, Christian! It was worth it to see the film that you had been teasing me with for ages.... Eva was enchanting and I will watch it again (if only to brush up on my Italian!! 💚💙💜)
I have been extremely busy lately and still have the memory stick stuck in the side of my laptop to remind me to watch the other films at some point... time seems to run away from me since I got this narcolepsy business going on.
It is really annoying because I get no warning whatsoever. All I know is that I am waking up after having dozed off in an instant, often with my fingers still poised over the keyboard or clutching the mouse! Sometimes I am unconscious for hours! Other times it is only minutes and then it happens repeatedly every ten minutes for hours and hours! It is the weirdest thing ever!
We are trying everything, like having a window open (it might be oxygen deprivation?) or maybe it is early signs of diabetes? But one thing we are sure of - it doesn't happen if I wear my EMF protection hoodie, so it must be connected to the new 5G tower in our village. But why is it mainly at the weekends? Could it be because all my neighbours are at home and using their smart phones?
Sorting this out is going to be hard.... that is a fact.
The Medusa Hair syndrome has been outrageous since we had a rash of CMEs - I have had to devise devious ways to keep it under control. I have a special rubber based hair brush which is supposed to combat static. It is useless against this extreme experience!
I am pretty convinced that we will continue to have these strange effects now that we are in the Grand Solar Minimum and I expect them to get much worse, so take advantage of the productive and inspired phases when you get them. Write.... publish.... write some more!
You are a natural story teller, Christian! Let the horse out of the stable and ride it! OK?
My theory: The Bad Guys are realizing that the SHIT is gonna hit the fan SOON, and they're just trying to really mess with us while they can. I have some weird shit going on, too.
Lucky thing, again! Did the Stones headline that concert? If they did, you never hear about them and it's only Skynyrd that gets mentioned.
It's tragic that we can't do it again. I still listen to their live album, One More from the Road, to this day - and not infrequently, either. I even bought the 25th Anniversary edition, even though I've still got it on record. I loved 1976, and especially that Summer. I bought my first turntable with money earned from picking flowers (a back-breaking job, even for a 14 year-old) and the first three records I bought, in Woolworth's in Ross-on-Wye, were, I'm pretty sure, The Year of the Cat, Hotel California and One More from the Road. I can check because I Letrasetted letters on them and those should be A, B and C. 😊. I think I've had my money's worth, with the least listened to being Hotel California! I still listen to The Eagles, but mainly their first album (The Eagles), their Greatest Hits ('70s edition) and Hell Freezes Over, which is superb. Making it to Knebworth would have added to the specialness. I wonder which girl I was in love with that year?
Re. EMF effects. I can't remember what prompted me to think this, but some series of little events made me think that, of course, they have planned out when and what effects they want to induce; and this exists separately from the political needs of the moment, though I have a feeling that comes into it as well. I think the main one they are aiming at is the "I can't be arsed" feeling, so there aren't too many visible pushbacks to their agenda of insane and deliberately destructive policies. I think they must have let up on the cardiac issues, as that wasn't playing out too well on the football pitches and athletic fields. How much of that is the vaccines and how much is 5G, I don't know, but they still will want the vaccines to carry some blame as it's one of the decoys. But definitely fatigue and indolence are high up their list and that may be showing up in you as narcolepsy.
While on the topic of your health, one thing I wondered about was your drinking distilled water. As I'm sure you know, it's supposed to leach minerals and, I think, vitamins from the body. I wondered if maybe buying a couple of weeks supply of Volvic, and only Volvic, might do you good. Fortunately it's one of the cheaper mineral waters and it is alone in having this fantastic quality of flushing out Aluminium. I did read a scientific paper on it where they tested at least a dozen brands of water and it was miles out in the lead - really out on its own. IIRC, it was because of its high natural silicon content so there's probably the same kind of process going on as happens in filter beds. And the endorsements of it at the time included several examples of people's Alzheimer's being improved and even reversed. That took about 6 months to achieve but I was thinking that maybe just a few weeks might be all that's needed to find out if there is something important being leached from you by the distilled water. I haven't bought it for a while but you can probably still get it for about 65p a bottle and somewhere like Costco, if you have one, might do it a fair bit cheaper if you buy it by the case.
Incidentally I like the idea of your hoodie and was wondering what was in it? I've actually been looking at EMF shielding quite recently - though for screening electronics rather than people's heads - and copper does a fantastic job. What is interesting about it is that it both reflects waves and absorbs them. Only silver is a better conductor (yes, even gold is quite a bit behind) so it really will kill things off locally. Iron and low carbon steel are the other things traditionally used for screening out certainly magnetic fields, but it doesn't do quite so well on electric fields and its problem - apart from weight - is that the currents induced then re-radiate their own magnetic fields, so you're somewhat chasing your tail and it's really only good for low frequencies (I think, but I'm not an expert on this). Aluminium is the next port of call and has the advantage of lightness while also being a pretty good conductor. I know that there's some things using carbon though I haven't looked into it in depth as the early impressions I got from my reading was that it did perform in some way and might be useful in some applications, it wasn't up there with the metals - though no doubt someone will ascribe yet another magical property to graphene at some point.
I'd like to try this but I don't like hoodies in general and the woolly hat look does not look good on me, at all! People don't recognise me and I think it makes me look like a criminal. 😂😂 Maybe if Ermenegildo Zegna or Louis Feraud designed one I might reconsider. (Expensive taste, you see. 😂) I might have some of these materials here in the not too distant future - I have carbon fibre already - but I don't know what to put them into. Any ideas?
But I do like the idea of it being very They Live! . I have that on video, too! I don't know if you can get copper pan scrubbers these days but that would certainly do the trick and would be a good place to start if they are sending out the signal. Boy, what would I give to be able to see who the baddies are! I actually pray to be given one of those superpowers that people get after coming back from an NDE where they can just stand next to someone and get a download of their entire life history and general demeanour. One of the people I watch on YouTube got this when she came back, but she actually asked for it to go away because it could be too disturbing, which it did.
On the subject of films, I've been reluctant to suggest which film to watch next, being desperately worried about making things worse, but since you mentioned "enchanting" then Stardust has to be the one. It's a tale, and it's done very deftly. One of my happiest memories is how much my son - who would have been about 9 at the time appreciated it as we got up to leave the cinema. I just knew he had got it completely, had been swept up by it and had loved every minute. The others are not without their charms - and I really do love both The Adjustment Bureau and The 13th Floor - but in this department, it's Stardust. 😘
Yes, the Stones were the headline act but Lynyard Skynard blew them off the stage! It was really noticeable that the Stones did not have the oomph of LS and their sound was weak. We were unimpressed.
My hoodie is a double layered job. The outer layer is soft cotton, great quality and the inner layer is fine silver thread with elastene. https://emf-protection.co.uk/
I have never worn a hoodie in my life before, the style is not really our generation, is it? However it is a great comfort to me and I have even slept in it with the hood up once to get some peace from the EMFs. I did feel much more lively the next day.
I make my own distilled water then add some Himalayan Salt to replenish essential minerals and bicarbonate of soda to alkalise. I take a calcium and magnesium supplement to prevent osteoporosis and cramps.
I will watch Stardust next.... when I get a chance. I should be able to do it tomorrow because I don't have anything else planned.
I will order some Volvic to see what happens.... xx
My Australian friend and I are planning to go on a canal boat holiday next summer when she comes over. Maybe we will pick the Norfolk Broads? I dunno yet. I have to get myself a bit fitter first and she has to get over here before another stupid lockdown happens! If we do come to Norfolk, I will certainly let you know.
Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful memories. What a life you’ve had! I get the lesson of unconditional love and I used to dole it out to anyone willing to be friends with me. Unfortunately as most of us experienced, it was unrequited. But the universal mind actually had all that unrequitedness returned to me in the form of my wife, now married 35 years. This thing called friendship is a extremely rare especially given all the brainwashing that’s happened over the past 4 years. At least we have places like Substack where we can connect-if not in person-we can connect here with our thoughts, ideas and mutual support. Best to you, VP
What a lovely, brilliant story, Frances. It made my heart sing (of course, I'm madly in love with animals!).
I'm wondering if I was tuned in to the energy of your words... About an hour before I read your post I was meditating and saw a female lion and heard the words, "Lion of Judah." Hmmmm...
They never are! This is our new, revealed world, showing itself to those people who somehow popped out of the insanity currently bringing down at least the Western world. And, of course, they're all asking you to wake up some more. Unless they were generated by Google listening in and then bombarding you with ads, that is - which obviously isn't the case here.
Life! what a wonderful story. It is all so wild and astounding as I imagine others reading them, but yet my own life has several thick chapters chock full of similar strange odd and at times profoundly magical wondrous doings and goings from that same bygone realm that is nearly impossible for a younger person to believe or imagine ever existed. You do a great job of anchoring your tales (no pun intended:) to your heart in sharing all - it's very beautiful service to all the characters in your pageant of this realm.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.
—The Emerald Tablet, circa 3000 BC.
To: The Word Herder and Frances Leader, I forgot what I posted.
Please tell me what I posted. Short term memory? I don’t remember…
Good Night...
Oh, rooooofrooor rooof! You know, ROOFING is mai bidness! ha harf! I have a meme that says that, with a dog wearing a flannel shirt and a hard hat-- a ROOFER.
I crack myself up, and all the other dogs, too.
This is one of my fave posts, for OBvious reasons! Thanks, Fran! Woof!
Bloody loved that! Thank you.
I was gonna suggest you put your life story in writing but I see you've already done it! Fab! What are the chances of it making its way to being a book? 😊
My style of writing includes links to relevant music, political events, articles and images. This form of atmosphere building does not convey to paper very well so I prefer to keep it in this online format. It is also completely free of charge, and that appeals to me immensely. I don't need to earn a living at my age. I am comfortably retired on a good pension.
Ooh ooh! ..... A film about your life! That would be fab.
Who would play you? 🤔
It would require several actresses to cover all 72 years!! Somehow I doubt if make-up artists could manage to pull that off! 😂
I have one for ya. Ok if I email it to you?
I didn't mean to make money. I do like to read a proper book rather than sit with this bloody thing in my hand. I get why you are keeping it in the format it's in & shall be making a start on it soon 🙏
I agree that those smart phones are awful. I use a hard-wired laptop on a desk. Poor thing is getting knackered already and it is my fourth!
Hooray for books! ^_^
But I can NEVER be against whatever Frances wants to do. Go, Franita, Go!
Would look forward to it Frances, know what it's like with all the aches and pains. Lets hope that she can make it.
Wow! That's quite a story! What an interesting character in Billy. I love that your cats name was Beefie. Haha. And what a sweet puppy/doggo friend and a beautiful mamma dog :) I love how nonjudgmental you were about Billy and his "antics"...
I wasn't always so non-judgemental about Billy! It is easy now that I don't have to live anywhere near him!! The guy was an absolute menace and totally untrustworthy but he had this ability to always make people laugh which saved him from getting beaten to a pulp, I am sure!
That ability to slip in and out of a house unseen would have creeped me out! I had a neighbor once that asked me a few things about stuff that happened in my house that I thought he would have never been able to hear at all (me singing) . I guess the bathroom window was open and he stopped on the street in front of my house, but after that I always wanted to check for extra lights or cameras....or devices, always looking harder at my smoke detectors and my ceiling vents. Haha.. Talk about paranoid. He just heard me singing. Haha. Imagine if he could just slip into my house, how paranoid would I be THEN!? VERY.
www.DrJudyWood.com- The Truth of 9/11. Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).
This is what murdered people & destroyed Lahaina, Maui. www.standtogetherhawaii.com(Rumble.com).
Yeah, I knew that, too, but-- why are you posting that HERE? Just wondering.
memory loss, I guess..
I wondered about that too... but let it slide by me in the fog....
For a second I fot dat said "in the frog."
memory loss, I guess..
I learned about Dr. Judy Wood a couple of years ago... Confirmed what I suspected, which is that yep, an inside job...
"Dustification." Okay, I validate that. But... Larry! Get your own page and put it there, pal. ;) Dis post is about DOGS. Woof!
Howl! Yap! Pant....
Enjoying your other articles also regard your life, EMR, health, politics. Hope you continue to have more and more readers!
We are soul sisters. You more public than I, and that’s what makes you special.
Enjoyed your wonderful story. Thank you.
I am very glad you liked it enough to subscribe! Very kind of you, thanks! xx
Fantastic! Anyone who's loved a dog can relate to this. They should make a movie about Billy.
Oh, our Billy would totally LOVE that! Remember that I probably only know the barest minimum of his trickery! His exploits were usually kept very secret! 😉
I'm seeing James Cagney in my mind's eye.
That was such an enjoyable read! From quite early on I was hoping it was going to be the dog in the photo because I'd immediately connected with that moment. I was kept in a little bit of suspense and couldn't just assume it would be because, from the story, I couldn't tease out any connection with the name Rasta. So, in fact, it was perfectly poised for me until the reveal. 😊😊
That was rather a good performance of Free Bird, though of course it's not the band you went to see. That's all post the airplane crash that would happen a little over a year after this performance at Knebworth and which would kill Ronnie van Zant and Steve and Cassie Gaines. Around this time - I was in my first term of 'A' levels when they died, Free Bird was my favourite song by a country mile. I don't think even Clapton had anything to compete with it and I had gone out to buy their new album - with all the flames, which were later taken off - on the day it was released! You are SO lucky to have seen them! I never did, though I think I was asked if I wanted to come to a Rolling Stones concert which I had declined, not knowing that Skynyrd were the opening act/backing band - which may have been this one.
Sorry not to have been around or to have replied to you. I was kind of hoping that that live album would come to me and that maybe I'd hear from you after you'd watched another of those films. (I am SO sorry that you had to pay £2.50 and go through such a palaver to get them. 😘 ) I've actually had a fairly low period - from about the time your hair was going frizzy - but am now in the middle of a properly productive and inspired one. This is something of a relief as I was beginning to get worried they may not be coming round any more. Phew!
Will catch up with you later. xx
I was at Knebworth in 1976 with our local Hells Angels! It was incredibly hot that year, we were all wilting! Lynyard Skynard were astounding, building the atmosphere to a crescendo with consummate ease. More here >> https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/knebworth-1976-a-marathon-affair/
I had to get my friend to cover my beach job, selling ice cream that weekend and she made a small fortune because it was August Bank Holiday - but I would not miss Knebworth for anything! No regrets, except we can never do it again.... which is a total bummer, huh?
Do not hang yourself over the postage costs, Christian! It was worth it to see the film that you had been teasing me with for ages.... Eva was enchanting and I will watch it again (if only to brush up on my Italian!! 💚💙💜)
I have been extremely busy lately and still have the memory stick stuck in the side of my laptop to remind me to watch the other films at some point... time seems to run away from me since I got this narcolepsy business going on.
It is really annoying because I get no warning whatsoever. All I know is that I am waking up after having dozed off in an instant, often with my fingers still poised over the keyboard or clutching the mouse! Sometimes I am unconscious for hours! Other times it is only minutes and then it happens repeatedly every ten minutes for hours and hours! It is the weirdest thing ever!
We are trying everything, like having a window open (it might be oxygen deprivation?) or maybe it is early signs of diabetes? But one thing we are sure of - it doesn't happen if I wear my EMF protection hoodie, so it must be connected to the new 5G tower in our village. But why is it mainly at the weekends? Could it be because all my neighbours are at home and using their smart phones?
Sorting this out is going to be hard.... that is a fact.
The Medusa Hair syndrome has been outrageous since we had a rash of CMEs - I have had to devise devious ways to keep it under control. I have a special rubber based hair brush which is supposed to combat static. It is useless against this extreme experience!
I am pretty convinced that we will continue to have these strange effects now that we are in the Grand Solar Minimum and I expect them to get much worse, so take advantage of the productive and inspired phases when you get them. Write.... publish.... write some more!
You are a natural story teller, Christian! Let the horse out of the stable and ride it! OK?
My theory: The Bad Guys are realizing that the SHIT is gonna hit the fan SOON, and they're just trying to really mess with us while they can. I have some weird shit going on, too.
Lucky thing, again! Did the Stones headline that concert? If they did, you never hear about them and it's only Skynyrd that gets mentioned.
It's tragic that we can't do it again. I still listen to their live album, One More from the Road, to this day - and not infrequently, either. I even bought the 25th Anniversary edition, even though I've still got it on record. I loved 1976, and especially that Summer. I bought my first turntable with money earned from picking flowers (a back-breaking job, even for a 14 year-old) and the first three records I bought, in Woolworth's in Ross-on-Wye, were, I'm pretty sure, The Year of the Cat, Hotel California and One More from the Road. I can check because I Letrasetted letters on them and those should be A, B and C. 😊. I think I've had my money's worth, with the least listened to being Hotel California! I still listen to The Eagles, but mainly their first album (The Eagles), their Greatest Hits ('70s edition) and Hell Freezes Over, which is superb. Making it to Knebworth would have added to the specialness. I wonder which girl I was in love with that year?
Re. EMF effects. I can't remember what prompted me to think this, but some series of little events made me think that, of course, they have planned out when and what effects they want to induce; and this exists separately from the political needs of the moment, though I have a feeling that comes into it as well. I think the main one they are aiming at is the "I can't be arsed" feeling, so there aren't too many visible pushbacks to their agenda of insane and deliberately destructive policies. I think they must have let up on the cardiac issues, as that wasn't playing out too well on the football pitches and athletic fields. How much of that is the vaccines and how much is 5G, I don't know, but they still will want the vaccines to carry some blame as it's one of the decoys. But definitely fatigue and indolence are high up their list and that may be showing up in you as narcolepsy.
While on the topic of your health, one thing I wondered about was your drinking distilled water. As I'm sure you know, it's supposed to leach minerals and, I think, vitamins from the body. I wondered if maybe buying a couple of weeks supply of Volvic, and only Volvic, might do you good. Fortunately it's one of the cheaper mineral waters and it is alone in having this fantastic quality of flushing out Aluminium. I did read a scientific paper on it where they tested at least a dozen brands of water and it was miles out in the lead - really out on its own. IIRC, it was because of its high natural silicon content so there's probably the same kind of process going on as happens in filter beds. And the endorsements of it at the time included several examples of people's Alzheimer's being improved and even reversed. That took about 6 months to achieve but I was thinking that maybe just a few weeks might be all that's needed to find out if there is something important being leached from you by the distilled water. I haven't bought it for a while but you can probably still get it for about 65p a bottle and somewhere like Costco, if you have one, might do it a fair bit cheaper if you buy it by the case.
Incidentally I like the idea of your hoodie and was wondering what was in it? I've actually been looking at EMF shielding quite recently - though for screening electronics rather than people's heads - and copper does a fantastic job. What is interesting about it is that it both reflects waves and absorbs them. Only silver is a better conductor (yes, even gold is quite a bit behind) so it really will kill things off locally. Iron and low carbon steel are the other things traditionally used for screening out certainly magnetic fields, but it doesn't do quite so well on electric fields and its problem - apart from weight - is that the currents induced then re-radiate their own magnetic fields, so you're somewhat chasing your tail and it's really only good for low frequencies (I think, but I'm not an expert on this). Aluminium is the next port of call and has the advantage of lightness while also being a pretty good conductor. I know that there's some things using carbon though I haven't looked into it in depth as the early impressions I got from my reading was that it did perform in some way and might be useful in some applications, it wasn't up there with the metals - though no doubt someone will ascribe yet another magical property to graphene at some point.
I'd like to try this but I don't like hoodies in general and the woolly hat look does not look good on me, at all! People don't recognise me and I think it makes me look like a criminal. 😂😂 Maybe if Ermenegildo Zegna or Louis Feraud designed one I might reconsider. (Expensive taste, you see. 😂) I might have some of these materials here in the not too distant future - I have carbon fibre already - but I don't know what to put them into. Any ideas?
But I do like the idea of it being very They Live! . I have that on video, too! I don't know if you can get copper pan scrubbers these days but that would certainly do the trick and would be a good place to start if they are sending out the signal. Boy, what would I give to be able to see who the baddies are! I actually pray to be given one of those superpowers that people get after coming back from an NDE where they can just stand next to someone and get a download of their entire life history and general demeanour. One of the people I watch on YouTube got this when she came back, but she actually asked for it to go away because it could be too disturbing, which it did.
On the subject of films, I've been reluctant to suggest which film to watch next, being desperately worried about making things worse, but since you mentioned "enchanting" then Stardust has to be the one. It's a tale, and it's done very deftly. One of my happiest memories is how much my son - who would have been about 9 at the time appreciated it as we got up to leave the cinema. I just knew he had got it completely, had been swept up by it and had loved every minute. The others are not without their charms - and I really do love both The Adjustment Bureau and The 13th Floor - but in this department, it's Stardust. 😘
Yes, the Stones were the headline act but Lynyard Skynard blew them off the stage! It was really noticeable that the Stones did not have the oomph of LS and their sound was weak. We were unimpressed.
My hoodie is a double layered job. The outer layer is soft cotton, great quality and the inner layer is fine silver thread with elastene. https://emf-protection.co.uk/
I have never worn a hoodie in my life before, the style is not really our generation, is it? However it is a great comfort to me and I have even slept in it with the hood up once to get some peace from the EMFs. I did feel much more lively the next day.
I make my own distilled water then add some Himalayan Salt to replenish essential minerals and bicarbonate of soda to alkalise. I take a calcium and magnesium supplement to prevent osteoporosis and cramps.
I will watch Stardust next.... when I get a chance. I should be able to do it tomorrow because I don't have anything else planned.
I will order some Volvic to see what happens.... xx
I think this makes an excellent postscript to our Skynyrd conversation. I think she's nailed it. And got the spirit of it too. 😂😂
I'm now going to go out for a walk and get some fresh air. 2am. That's normal. LOL.
Loved it Frances not only mans best friend, looks like its woman's best friend to. Here is a tune for Matty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYwDUonrGFQ
If ever your Norfolk way, you are quite welcome to pop in for a cuppa and if your really lucky, a bit of cake to go with it.
My Australian friend and I are planning to go on a canal boat holiday next summer when she comes over. Maybe we will pick the Norfolk Broads? I dunno yet. I have to get myself a bit fitter first and she has to get over here before another stupid lockdown happens! If we do come to Norfolk, I will certainly let you know.
Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful memories. What a life you’ve had! I get the lesson of unconditional love and I used to dole it out to anyone willing to be friends with me. Unfortunately as most of us experienced, it was unrequited. But the universal mind actually had all that unrequitedness returned to me in the form of my wife, now married 35 years. This thing called friendship is a extremely rare especially given all the brainwashing that’s happened over the past 4 years. At least we have places like Substack where we can connect-if not in person-we can connect here with our thoughts, ideas and mutual support. Best to you, VP
What a lovely, brilliant story, Frances. It made my heart sing (of course, I'm madly in love with animals!).
I'm wondering if I was tuned in to the energy of your words... About an hour before I read your post I was meditating and saw a female lion and heard the words, "Lion of Judah." Hmmmm...
Wow. That is quite a spooky coincidence, Sheila!
Isn't it though? Maybe it's not a coincidence. :)
They never are! This is our new, revealed world, showing itself to those people who somehow popped out of the insanity currently bringing down at least the Western world. And, of course, they're all asking you to wake up some more. Unless they were generated by Google listening in and then bombarding you with ads, that is - which obviously isn't the case here.
Life! what a wonderful story. It is all so wild and astounding as I imagine others reading them, but yet my own life has several thick chapters chock full of similar strange odd and at times profoundly magical wondrous doings and goings from that same bygone realm that is nearly impossible for a younger person to believe or imagine ever existed. You do a great job of anchoring your tales (no pun intended:) to your heart in sharing all - it's very beautiful service to all the characters in your pageant of this realm.
Thank you very much for the appreciation! xx
Frances, I LOVE this piece. Might I re-publish it with links to your SS? It's so brilliantly written. You're a wonderful writer and story teller.
That would be wonderful, Celia! Thanks very much for the suggestion! xx
I just read your piece on Celia's Substack.
Beatifully written!
You can see my original comment on Celia's S/S.