Contagion_Is_A_Myth wrote:

2 hr ago

Hey Fran, you are almost certainly aware of this, so I'm mostly stating it for others.

One thing I like to point out to people is the parallel timing of the Starlink 5G satellite launches which began on Nov 11 2019 with 60 operational satellites and continued with (usually) 60 per month to this day, now in the thousands. Wikipedia has a list of the launches, see for yourself:


The global nature/movement of these satellites means that they have potential to impact people worldwide including in rural areas or towns/cities where 5G is not available. Also the fact that they are very low in the ionosphere means that they have potential to affect the natural ground-to-ionosphere resonant circuit that we are all part of. Moreso than any previously launched satellites.

I think most in the "no virus" movement are not aware of this "big coincidence" and some would find it intriguing.

This occurred after "The Invisible Rainbow" was published, so unfortunately even those who have read the book may miss the starlink connection. And now many other companies are getting into the LEO 5G game including amazon.

My personal take is that when new electrical phenomena such as this are introduced, it does indeed affect/sicken many in the population as we each must adjust/adapt to our new environment. So the illness is a type of metamorphosis. The weak/frail are unable to do so and die. The rest of us are able to carry on after the initial illness, but may experience further episodes as environment continues to change.

So let us posit for a moment that above hypothesis is correct and that high-ups in telecommunications industry are aware of it, that some people will be adversely affected by rollout. Further people have been yelling that 5G will cause harm/illness. So then rather than pretend there is no sickness, they team up with big pharma and pals to invent "covid" and go overboard with a "huge epidemic" that is hyped to be much much larger than the actual illness, so that the real cause is overlooked and forgotten about.

To my mind this is a plausible scenario and is just like swine-flu, aids, polio, etc. All of which were covering up industry caused pollution/toxaemia and passing it off as some kind of pathogenic "pandemic".

As someone in the no_virus camp and also keenly aware of "the body electric", radio wave sickness, etc, I think it is correct for "no virus" position to be that viruses do not exist, first and foremost, and (optionally) that emf/5g is one of various possible hypothesis for what *some* people experienced in 2020/21. It is fine/great for others such as yourself, A Firstenberg, etc to push forward the 5G explanation. I think the two positions are totally compatible, but not necessarily joined at the hip.

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More coincidences.... the Diamond Princess (cruise ship) underwent a massive upgrade in 2019 including internet-at-sea capability via LEO and MEO satellites using millimetre waves (5G). Presumably it is then distributed around the ship by ordinary wifi. That's a lot of microwaves rattling around a giant metal container (a cruise ship). Diamond Cruises put out some promotional videos explaining this new technology. Dana Ashlie joined the dots and put together a couple of videos about it at the start of 2020 (which got censored enough to give the theory credibility).

Anyway, the ship was quarantined at the start of 2020 with reports of many passengers falling sick. If I remember, other ships (possibly a sister ship?) were also quarantined but the passengers were taken off to a hotel and they faired much better than those kept on board the ship.

I don't know to what extent the reports were exaggerated to cause alarm. But assuming people really were getting sick, it makes sense that they were being fried by microwaves.

There's an unrelated video floating around of hundreds of dead birds on the deck of a cruise ship which would also suggest microwaves from communications and radar are getting a bit silly now.

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On the cruise ships... there were far more ships affected but unreported:


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And they are talking about 6G ...maybe this summer?

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You sound like me now - much to the chagrin of my husband. I believe that 5G deployment and whatever they are spraying in our environment are making a huge impact (negative of course) on the population and even the wildlife. Bees, etc for insects, fish (have noticed that I am not catching as many), birds - then there are the windmill farms being put into the Gulf Gulf soon and on other coasts now seeming to affect dolphins and whales. Will these evil people just let everything go to c-rap and not worry at all?

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You might like to show you husband this paper from Diana Kordas. She's done some interviews as well. A very keen eyed observer and 'stater of the obvious'.


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That paper is a punch in the head.... but is it landing on the right people?

I have written a separate article featuring Diana Kordas. Thanks a lot for the alert.


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It is a punch. What do we do about it? That's the crux of it all, right?

I just turned off the wifi because my dog was acting funny...i have been watching about 5 hrs of television in the evenings and we have a smart t.v. She was whining. Turned off...quit whining. Sigh.

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Thank you

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"these evil people" don't know that they are evil and THAT is the root of their error.

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You are right... they actually believe that they are the ones doing the right thing for humanity. I'll amend it to say that they are totally warped and narcissistic. I think that works, don't you? Okay, okay... then the evil moves in to stay. Just sayin' :)

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They swallowed Malthus wholesale but did not take account of considerable progress in housing, agriculture and the development of the Fusion Torch, which is capable of reducing any matter to its constituent parts and collecting them for recycling. This means that the contents of landfills can be excavated and reused, that whole deserts can be mined for their sands and endless quantities of minerals extracted, that the seawater itself can provide enough nutriment to feed a universe of life.

I wrote about it in my recent book FREE to read on Substack via this link:

HOW HARD CAN IT BE? https://francesleader.substack.com/p/how-hard-can-it-be-b74

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You are brilliant Frances. Thank you for all that you do. Brave and brilliant. Thanks for waking up more sheep. We need more like you in this mad world. Will the tides turn on these monsters? I ask myself this daily, and what the hell can I do besides share information?

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My generation should know but most of them are gone or going.... is it paranoid to think that the evil fat controllers are deliberately torturing and murdering my generation right now with their poison injections?

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Not to be forgotten, Ann Devlin made the same correlations back in 2020 and I mirrored her article, with permission, here:


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Here is a recording of Ann speaking at a protest in Manchester during Dec 2020:


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Thank you Frances for Ann's article. Sadly many people have been so enchanted and perhaps hypnotized by their wifi devices that they will not give them up or even consider the health risks.

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I turned off the wifi on my router and hard lined into it with an ethernet cable. Don't want that wifi a few feet from me 24 hours a day. And i'm a few hundred feet from the nearest hot wifi routers also.

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I too turned off wifi on my router. I use a land-line ethernet cable. I live in an apartment building, many neighbors use wifi. So I presume it surrounds me. I bought a new washing machine that came with an "app" for remote access, I turned that off. The cell phone I had was 3G, which AT&T no longer supports; they sent me a newer model which is still in the box.

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We have all refused to use 5G phones at our home. Since my ears are ringing non-stop lately, I'm about to do away with lots of wifi. in our household., although it has not been a problem until this past year - I'm really thinking 5G or satellites, or something! Very aggravating! I now understand "The Kingsmen" movie.

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They kicked me off 3G too. Sent me a phone I won't use.

I got a degoogled phone from a guy named Rob Braxman. He is easy to find on the net if you are interested.

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If 5G is so safe why does OFCOM throw a hissy fit whenever anyone dares to even hint of helath issues with it?


Here is (hopefully) a link to part of the broadcast which caused the problems but the OFCOM decisions contain transcripts.


There are quite a few OFCOM posts about the Loveworld broadcast in fact:






Here is a link to the Canadian document referenced in the broadcast and which at the time every fact-checker said was fake:


If it is a fake it’s a good bit of prophetic fiction isn’t it?

OFCOM don’t like their broadcasters as they question the coronavirus narrative and 5G - strange how in the UK OFCOM come down hard on anyone or any channel that questions anything about 5G.

Ask Eamonn Holmes and his employers what happened when he stated he did not believe 5G was as safe as claimed. Or David Icke.

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thank you for the links, I will enjoy later while I am knitting...

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/EyYjC4SCEUqj/ this one I also found very intersting

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Please remind me where the transcriptions are posted. I failed to save the URL. The sound on my laptop no longer works.

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Does anybody know the dates of these interviews? Maybe that might give insights to if and when the transcripts might be available? I would love to get the transcripts.

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I guess they will appear on Reiner Fuellmich's website BUT the last time I tried to find it - it was 404 and unavailable!

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I transcribed the first part of the Barry Trower directly myself. Is this what you are referring to? I haven't transcribed the second part.

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saw that interview as well! Barrie Trower is so amazing!! For many years he has been trying to teach & warn people of electro frequency dangers. Glad to see Reiner interviewing such an amazing man. Thanks for posting the video!! people need to heed these warnings of harm to all living things!

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Awesome. I have seen him before and he knows his stuff. Looking forward to watching this.

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Fuellmich is the one who exposed the VW scam and almost took them down.

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Thank you. This has been cross posted to Solution Seeking Subscribers with the following text:


Near the start of the first of two videos in this article, Reiner Fuellmich says: "... Probably the most important session that the international crimes investigative committee has ever done.".

It adds to this Solution Seeking post: EMF Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars (5G+, Cell Phones, WIFI, Bluetooth, Etc.) – Facts, Solutions, and Ongoing Discussion


The two videos give important information about how our enemy is harming humanity and all life on the planet with its microwave weapons. Please do what is required to protect your loved ones and yourself.


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Yep thats how I found this was from your cross post. Thanks for letting us know. Looking forward to watching this. Barry does good work.

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You're welcome.

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Thank you for crossz-posting and mentioning my work in comments on your post.

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You're welcome. And thanks for sharing this valuable information. I hope that the transcripts and transcripts discussed in the first video become available soon. Thanks again.

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Given that Fuellmich is the one who almost took VW down with one of their scams a while back, this says something

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He was a pioneer one, revealing these dangers ,I have the greatest respect for him

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The two videos are a long listen. I hope at least some solution seekers will take the time to watch these videos and comment. To me, these are Trower's best and Fuellmich's best. For me, they contain some new and potentially valuable viewpoints for solution seeking. Trower is taking off the gloves and revealing more than ever before. I find it curious that Fuellmich says, a few times, that almost all courts world wide are rigged by the enemy, and you have to be very lucky to get a fair result from the legal system, but apparently they were discussing legal actions throughout. I am quite skeptical of some of this. But I can't really put my finger on that skepticism so far. Remember the enemy's proven ability to anticipate the need for reactions and then set up decoys and controlled opposition to divert attention. I try to look at all these things through the lens of: "what can be learned from this to change the tide and result in our total victory in this war for humanity and the planet?". Are there things in these two very long videos that give that kind of information, or is it just more false hope, information for those who only want to gather information and not do much about it, and/or fear porn?

I consider it a moral imperative to fight our enemy and to consider all possible options. Failure to win this war is not an option. I WILL win or die trying. Alone if required.

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Half the battle is identifying the enemy and I am concerned that most people do not have a clue who the enemy really is....

I have written at length about them. They are known by a huge variety of names:

The European Aristocracy (followers of Aristotle), the Black Nobility of Venice, the Khazarians, the religious leaders, the corporate CEOs, the Banksters, the Olympians, the Committee of 300, the Illuminati, the Templars, the Club of Rome etc., and all of them could be collectively described as THE PREDATORS.


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I prefer to let the enemy identify itself. And it has done exactly that. As discussed here. The enemy loves to complicate things and seed discussions about what it is. Occam's Razor is a nice concept. Define something as effectively, simply, and unambiguously as possible. I do agree with what you have written, but that is too complex for me, I seek something simpler. I would be interested in what you think of defining the enemy like attempted here? https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/the-class-war-waged-by-the-1-silent

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Great. I love it. It invites many debates. For now, I will focus on the following. It discusses WHAT needs to be done to WHO. Almost all solutions have a who, what, when, where, why, and, often most challenging and importantly, HOW. HOW to accomplish this jailing, or other ways to stop our enemy's ability to harm humanity and the planet?

Here are two attempts at HOW... One is my best guess (with a Plan B), the other is an invitation for others to share their idea[s]. Yes, ideas, not idea. My hope was that some would share several possible answers to HOW. I discovered in my simulation career that it is usually best to have several ideas, several models, several plans. Consider the full ranges of possibilities and solutions. Life is rarely so easy that there is only one viable and best possible solution? By discussing the different options, we learn, adapt, and improve? I could have easily filled in 10 or more different descriptions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. But I do not like any of my ideas so far, so that is why I am seeking help from other diverse and equal partners. My intuition is screaming to me that there is a better idea out there waiting to be discovered if we can work together and consider all options with open minds and without ego. I like the idea of sharing more than one solution, that way ego might not feel the need to defend either one of them but, rather, understand and consider all ideas objectively.



This will not be easy, even if we seek to use Occam's razor.

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Interesting. Substack will not allow me to edit my comment. Actually, upon reflection, my best guess is in the second link above, not the first. I am not a writer.. After we solve this, my hope is that somebody like you, a great writer, can present it to the world. Please consider concentrating on the second link above. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/an-open-invitation-for-readers-to And please consider writing one or more answers to the challenge, feeling free to redefine any part of your story about HOW. Maybe you solve HOW now and we can create the world all life on this planet deserves? Or maybe it comes to you later, perhaps some kind of conduit with a greater consciousness, seeded in discussions with others, meditation, in a dream, in a creative visualization, etc. I would love to see any story from you about the HOW discussed here, or, if you prefer, your own complete re invention of HOW. Thanks for reading this.

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I was blown away by this interview- EMF is a long game of protecting human genes. I hope there are a few pure blooded males and females hiding out somewhere in inner earth. 😃

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I saw a very funny bumper sticker which I shared as a meme. It was a pure blooded guy offering his services - for a very high price! Cracked me up!

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Grat comments here. Giggling. Thanks.

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I have already been asked about this for some time probably not a good idea. I dont need drama hahahaha

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I know which one you're talking about. Too funny, but hey, he's right!

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Sep 28, 2023
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Yes but I still have not been able to verify his claimed career or whether we women at Greenham Common were ever irradiated.

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