
Max Igan has a few words for the stupid people....


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“The Olympians are weakening the moral fibre of the nations and demoralising workers in the labour classes by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralised and discouraged workers have resorted to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land being encouraged by means of what they think is grass roots music and illegal drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and destroying the family unit. In this regard the Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as “The Aquarian Conspiracy.”

The idea is to keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then “managing” such crises. This will confuse and demoralise the population to the extent where, faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)." ~ from my recent novel, https://francesleader.substack.com/p/how-hard-can-it-be (Chapter 6 - The Olympians)

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks Frances. Good listening!

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Frances, thanks for posting. Here's a rough summary of the video.

Reiner Fuellmich interviewing retired British military scientist, Barrie Trower. After his military service as a Royal Navy diver bomb-disposal expert, he was part of military intelligence. He trained at the Royal Naval microwave warfare establishment. He has studied advanced mathematics and has a PhD from Exeter on the effects of microwaves on the brain, which was shredded and he was banned from campus and his PhD revoked. He was told these were government secrets.

He goes on a bit and waffles about how he has the documents of this and that and takes a while to get to the point, but he said back in the 1940s and ‘50s they had the millimeter wave technology to alter people’s behavior. It’s possible to stop an Olympic athlete in mid-stride. There were reports of soldiers murdering and beating their wives. Their only link was that they were exposed to millimeter radiation. You can use focused EMF radiation to make someone kill, even if they had no history or inclination of it.

Reiner interjected that this could be the cause behind the mass shootings by teenagers in the US that only began in the 1990s. Also, all these kids had some tie, some family connection with the military. My note: and the five black policemen who beat to a pulp and murdered another black man, Tyre Nichols. That could well be focused microwave radiation.

Trower also said it was used to give cancer to the women that protested on Greenham Common. And used against Catholics in Northern Ireland, who had a huge increase in cancer.

One of the frequencies used for wifi is known to cause sexual aggression. Microwave technology is essentially a weapon.

For a child using a cellphone for 2 minutes, the brain will be entrained for 2hrs afterwards, meaning the brain will begin to synchronize at the frequencies of the cellphone. In military applications this can easily last 6 weeks. This is the cause of jet fighter plane crashes logged as ‘pilot error’. The cockpit is like being inside a cellphone.

Human female mitochondria has been destroyed. Within 3 successive female generations, only 1 in 8 babies will be born healthy or even alive. 7 out of 8 will have genetics defects or be stillborn. Essentially, 2 billion women will be killed.

When in military intelligence, he was told to look out for spies and traitors within MI5, MI6, the police and his own office. One night when he was cycling home, his spine was broken by a car in a hit and run. People rushed to the scene to give names and addresses as witnesses. When it came to court, they were all fictitious. He spent 6 years learning to walk again.

He was also told to be on the lookout for homosexuals. If you were, it meant you were eligible for blackmail. The minimum sentence back then was 18 years in prison in solitary confinement in a segregation unit. Not just homosexuals but pedophiles, child killers and informants. This was for their own protection. If they were in general prison, they would have been killed within an hour.

He found 16 active top government officials capable of being blackmailed.

He’s the only person he’s aware of (along with his colleague Gerry Flynn) who has first-hand experience and knowledge in military clandestine operations and millimeter wave technology.

JFK gave a talk at a university saying he was going to expose [the deep state cabal]. Ten days later, he was assassinated and all his papers dissapeared.

To be continued.

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Holy sh*t! Barrie Trower...no wonder killing elderly was 'job one' in the scamdemic! Too many of these still around. Absolutely amazing . Taking out the female of the species, eh? Can you imagine THAT f*cked up world?

Anyone remember the 1969 cult classic 'Zardoz'?

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Thank you for sharing, Frances. I'm half way through the first video. Most interesting discussion I have seen ! So grateful to people like yourself for finding information that I would most likely miss. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the first video and the Barrie Trower video.

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I'll check them out. I do have a friend - triple vaxxed, who I believe is losing it. Her personality has changed, she's loud, she doesn't listen, is highly self-involved and mercurial, all of which are new behaviors. Doesn't remember a lot of our conversations. Very worrying.

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Love Barry Trower. He backs up everything he says with scientific evidence, and you can tell his heart is in what he does.

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