Your comments speak my language; and no, I didn't watch that crap. Nature-bound humanity is overstepping limits again; we do this a lot and always fall flat on our asses. This time it's really hurting. Keeping one's sense of humour is getting harder by the day, but we gotta keep trying ...

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How many globalists does it take to change a lightbulb? None. The slaves will do it.

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Your meme is perfect. I mirror your thoughts in this post, big time. I find myself under attack, in a different way than you have recently described a similar, physical attack from 5G. Interesting how humans seem to drift or jump boldly into various groups and cliques and categories and armies and ... Today I am trying to balance on the head of a pin, on one toe, as my life is being shredded before my eyes, and I am attempting to remain centered. Will it ever end? Yes, it will. Is it connected to the greater attack, on the Earth, on the Feminine, on Nature? I can't explain how, exactly, but it feels like that is the case. I have no sense of inevitability, I have no sense of certitude, and I have no sense of justice as a clear outcome, I only have a lingering feeling that there is Love waiting for me to remember it and trust it. It is my only solace; I feel like a leaf in the wind: I know from whence I came, and to where I will end up. The in-between is unknown.

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I just came off the phone to my closest friend and she is feeling like a leaf on the wind too. We are all being buffeted by gusts which threaten to destabilise us. Maybe life has always been this way? Maybe we just didn't notice it before? Maybe age makes us feel more vulnerable?

Mind you, I never felt so attacked as I do now. The recent 2 years have driven home to me how insane authorities can get when they assume they are working 'for the greater good'. Forcing us to accept their mandates and madness as the 'new normal' - whatever that is....

I am becoming more reclusive by the day. I am practically a hermit and so is my friend.

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Believe me, if I "owned" the cottage I'm living in now (way behind on rent, because getting a job without the jab or the mask is not coming easily), I would be the most amazingly reclusive hermit ever! (But I still want a doggie.)

Except that I'm still hanging in here, trying, trying, trying, so that I can see to my parents, with all the trials and tribulations we've been through, my mother and I, I cannot just leave her and my dad to "fate." I still love her, and Dad. I have a hard time with the idea of leaving them to strangers or... Am I too caught up in this? Should I let it go? It feels like abandonment, that idea. But I could be wrong.

I ask for the Best Outcome, and if it seems I need to leave, I will... I'm trying to remain on the Sacred Ground and pull up that energy through my feet and into my soul... It's certainly exercise... And it feels crazier and crazier as I go along...

It's almost as if these are the SAME PEOPLE involved in all of our lives, and I think, in a sense, they ARE.

Tell your friend I said Hi. ;) Love to you both! xo xo

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May 6, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Maybe 10 years ago, I bought an 8” potted azalea to give to the mother of two offspring, for Mother’s Day. It was in full bloom. A week later I was going to chuck it, but happened to notice this awkward square in the brick retaining wall, too small for the riding mower. Grabbing a hand shovel, I told the plant “Ok, now look; this is on you _ no special treatment _ you’ve got sun and air and rain and earth.”

Every year it’s in full bloom on the second Sunday in May. So too is a sprout which was stuck in a bonsai container two years ago. I must admit I do fuss with it a bit, as it’s on the deck coffee table, where I often sit in the sun and drink my second cup.

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"Then I am grounded, knowing my true humble place and contributing as best I can to this wondrous miracle that we call life."

Thank you Frances.

Your words resonate with me.

I think for me just now, I am simply focused on just being.

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absolutely love your daisy meme! ...pay no attention to the egotistical nincompoops... you make me laugh & think... you are a beautiful humanitarian!

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May 6, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I also stumbled across these nut jobs a while back... guardians of the (galaxies) 😂 like we don't have enough real shit to deal with?

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deletedMay 6, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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A bit more? As if we need to know any more about the poisons that the mad scientists are inflicting on the ignorant!

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deletedMay 6, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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Great video! Cheered me up no end! xx

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