Nov 11, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

How Dr. Hew Len healed a ward of mentally ill criminals with Ho'oponopono

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

my friend suggests adding ... "{ what can i do to make things better" to the existing 4 ie im sorry plse forgive me , i love you , thank you

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Oct 8, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Frances, what do you make of Anal Swab's regalia.

In the Max Igan video we see Anal Swab being dressed by his servant.

For a secret cabal he shows it off a lot.

High priest maybe.

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Klaus Schwab was being 'dressed' by professors at the Kaunas University in Lithuania in preparation for his Honorary Doctorate. The outfit is customary there. KS has been similarly awarded degrees at numerous universities in the world. He is often shown wearing these honorary robes but this is misinterpreted to suggest that he is mystical in his choice of clothes. Nothing so grand is happening. https://en.ktu.edu/people/klaus-schwab/

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks for the answer Frances.

Lithuania, huh.

Here's someone from Kaunas University in similar garb, with headwear.


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deletedDec 5, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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Nope! lol - see my comment to Cairn.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Kind of on the same wavelength as Groucho Marx ( the Amerikan comedian) who once said. 'who would want to belong in a club that has me as a member?'

He might actually have said 'I don't want to be in a club who would have me as a member' but you get my point! LOL 😂

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https://youtu.be/-eJbxI-jZbA I will leave this here.

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Perfect! 💜

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A sane person in an insane world will appear insane. ( Kurt Wangermutt )

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

i feel like that most days

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Frances, when I was a deputy sheriff here in the USA, as deputies we would periodically get assigned to different units in the jail. I worked with MANY absolutely insane, literally, crazy (and dangerous) people. Not for one day, but perhaps a month or more. It’s EMOTIONALLY draining, is one observation I can make. Excuse my language, but it’s a shit show...sometimes literally. What I will say, is that there are people that are clean, seem well meaning, and from all OUTER appearances seem normal. They are most likely sociopaths. And that’s what the World and good, honest, caring people are dealing with NOW!

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You are made of tougher stuff than me, Renee! I could not have done your job. I think the point I was trying to make is that we should not be confused by the mentally deranged. We shouldn't even try to influence them. I see a lot of comments from people who are baffled at the thinking behind totalitarianism. They can't understand why, in the face of overwhelming evidence of harm, the totalitarians still batter on with their agenda. I am saying that we shouldn't waste our energy on them - there is no reaching them because, mentally they are beyond repair.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Hear, hear! We shouldn't waste our energy on them? The problem is that they are energy parasites. It isn't blood that vampires consume. It's our energy. We need to shun the vampires socially and professionally to deprive them of the opportunity to feed; and we should refuse to live in fear, hate and the other low-vibration states they try so hard to engender and which make it easier for them to access their food/our energy.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I look forward to the point in time when our two totally different frequencies will separate completely and we can move forward without them...

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

We can move forward without the NOW. I do everyday.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

well, yes - we can individually. I was thinking more on a societal level.

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That is the rub...the social level...or global populous.

They (read globalist and their radial activist arms, will never allow it.

What many of us (live and let live types) don't get, is that is not who they are.

It will never be enough for them...you must be destroyed or brought to heel...but you cannot be allowed to escape their edicts and control.

The model is always the same.

They incrementally demand your fealty to their ideology.

First you have to acknowledge it, then allow it, then accept it, then support it.

It is never enough for you to say, "I may not agree with you, but I respect your right to be, say, do XYZ...you go you're way and I will go mine"

They will pursue you, until you are made to agree with and support their cause or you must be broken and crushed.

For them, there is no letting the enemy walk away.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Very well put. The current exemplar in the cultural sphere are the Trans activists who perpetually attack us, women in particular, to buttress an agenda of taking children away from their families. At a wider level this is the exact strategy of the Hitler Youth a few decades ago.

See Michael Haneke's film The White Ribbon for how the seeds were sown.

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The capture of children is one of the root tenants of the agenda "long game". It always has been, as you pointed out.

They are such easy targets and as Tirion rightly points out below...we (society) have consented over the decades.

We have ceded parental sovereignty, to the state and their groomers/molesters.

Take a look at Eliza Mondegreen's Stack "Gender:Hacked". She is doing some good work and peeling back the onion on this topic.

Here is her latest.


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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I found Eliza Mondegreen at https://elizamondegreen.substack.com/?utm_medium=web&utm_medium=reader2 thank you

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Link fails.... can you edit it?

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

They don't get to allow or disallow anything. Instead, it is us who consent. Whether from ignorance or deception, it does not matter. We consent. That has to stop. They are in fact very afraid of us, which is one of the reasons control is so important to them.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I absolutely agree and thank you for that reminder, for us all.

Everything we are seeing, we have allowed or agreed to, whether it was apathy, fear, indifference or negligence...over the last 100+ years.

Americans (painting with a broad brush here) on the whole, trusted the state school system and the teachers unions, to benevolently "teach" their kids for 8+ hours a day. It was easier for them to "assume" things were still like the wholesome one room schoolhouse, with the teacher who was prim, proper and posses high morals. They were too busy working or living life, to see if that model was still valid...never wondering if it might have slowly changed, for the worse.

We are now paying for those decades long cessions.

Quite honestly, I don't think they are fearful of us. They may have been in the beginning (10 to 15 years ago), but no longer.

I say that because ALL of their most radical agendas, are done in the open. In decades past, if you were a politician, psychologist or school counselor/administrator and advocated for treating pedophiles as people "who just think of things differently", you would be run out of town, fired or investigated. Today, there is no pause, because they know they have allies in positioned/seats of power and influence (national governments, judiciaries and law enforcement).

You may disagree with that take...which is fine.

What we do agree about is, WE have the ability to resist and take action.

Like the analogy of the mine field map, we have to understand that there will be consequences, for moving in the direction of clear ground...even with a map, you have a good chance of stepping on one. There will be a price to pay.

You have to understand your adversary, their commitment (hint they are ALL in) and what you are willing to sacrifice in your resistance and effort to get to clear ground.

An example:

During the jab mandates, U.S. Gov contractors were told their employees must take the jab, or that company would lose it's government contract. I work for one of the larger ones and we were told they were mandatory. There was a carve out for religious exemptions, which many of us applied for.

In the months that followed, waiting for an answer, I was going over my exit plan. I fully expected to be fired and made an example of, along with my fellow resisting co-workers. I knew what I was willing to forfeit, to maintain my religious and moral principles. I wouldn't ALLOW them to dictate those for me.

To your point - the rumor was that the company received over 8K exemption requests, from workers. We all said NO.

Had there not been a federal court ruling, halting the regimes actions, the company would be faced with losing 8K workers during a down turn, in the U.S. Market and economy. To my knowledge no one was denied and all kept their jobs. I fully expect the mandates to return and the pressure to be applied again...and I will again say "No".

We have to understand two things.

1) the resolve of our adversary. They are evil on many levels and as we all know, evil never stops. It attacks and if it wins it moves to the next target. If it loses, then it retreats, regroups, strengthens and then re-attacks.

We have to understand that this global agenda, is imbedded in virtually every government of the world, in one way or anther.

We have to wake to the reality, that we no longer sit on the high ground in this fight, but are now on the slope. Accepting this, allows us to adjust tactics and re-focus our resolve, based on the reality at hand. You don't win a war, re-fighting battles that happened yesterday or a year ago.

2) We have to determine, what we individually are prepared to sacrifice. It may be a job, friends, family, social media, comfort, convenience or entertainment. As we have seen, you can lose your liberty and freedom (Jan 6th political prisoners in jail, with no Constitutionally guaranteed due process) and you can lose your life.

You have to know where your line in the sand is and then prepare to defend it...financially, practically (plans for life if you lose your job), morally (what will you stand and speak out against) and spiritually.

My caution...figure those two things out quickly. Things are happening in hours, not days or week, in todays world. They are always pushing forward. We are playing catch up. Stay vigilant and active.

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Thank you - I agree 100%. There are worse things than death.

With regard to them being afraid of us, I should have said, "those of us who are awake." I doubt they are much afraid of those still under the spell of the entrainment and all the rest of it, which is why it is important that we keep waking people up until we reach critical mass.

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I can only speak for post-Covid governmental behaviour in the UK.

In answer to your two points:

1) The determination of the totalitarian dictators has gone very quiet recently.... so I am guessing that they are in the regrouping and strengthening phase. They are relying on Ukrainian warmongering to provide the fear porn they love to inflict upon their citizens.

We do not have vaccine mandates and our National Health Service offered vaccines to all sick people + the over 65s first. I had one invitation by phone from my doctor's surgery which I politely refused. I have not been bothered by them since. Cool beans!

2) I am in receipt of a normal national pension plus disablement benefits which provide very adequately for my needs. I noticed virtually no change to my life during lockdowns, I had been housebound for a couple of years before that anyway. However, due to my research and opinions, in December of 2020 I was suddenly thrown off all social media platforms. This temporarily isolated me from all my family and friends!

I realised very quickly that by refusing the vaccines and speaking out against the NWO, my income could be suspended or my bank account frozen. My housing could be threatened and my health seriously compromised. The only contingency plan I could make was to stock up with essentials, take my savings out of the bank and invest them in gold + silver. Otherwise my support would fall on my adult son. He works from our home and so that is not such a big deal either.

If I were younger I would have returned to living in a truck on the road with dogs and cats for company! Out of touch with the madness and communing with nature, working as and when I could in true Romany fashion.... in a traditional Vardo wagon with a good strong horse if necessary!

I was always happiest living that way! 😏

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I don't have any experience of psychosis or mental institutions. However, my intuition tells me that who we are dealing with are not oblivious of the harm they are doing. I believe the harm they are doing comes not from a place of psychosis but from a place of deliberate, calculated, cold, dark evil. It's coming from a different culture, probably a different species, and probably orchestrated from a different dimension. Call me crazy, but that's my assessment and it's why I think we are fighting a war, a war that is primarily spiritual.

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I've found my niche , you can call me crazy too! Respect & X 2 All

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

That's my sense too. It seem to me that the creatures presented to us, the Schwabs and Gates etc., are hollow shells that have been taken over by alien hosts. I don't think we are dealing with human evil only. There is no gain for a human in this total destruction of life on planet earth. Only a type of being or consciousness that needs a lower , lifeless frequency to exist in, benefits from this mass extinction that is happening on all levels . Poisoned air, water, earth, ether (EMFs) eventually leading to the death of all life forms.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Although of course the mainstream rejects and ridicules the idea, there are some mental health professionals, like Jerry Marzinsky, who are convinced of the role of what Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg described as evil spirits, parasitic entities from other dimensions in, for example, schizophrenia:



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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I certainly agree with that. There are various levels, or kinds of "entities", from emotional complexes with an intelligence/will to live of their own, to attachments, to parasites, evil spirits and walk ins (which can happen when a person is ill/weak and is not in control of their body/vessel anymore, inviting either a lost soul - like in hospitals where they tend to hang around, not knowing where to go - or a being from another dimension that needs a human body for its purposes.

Some of these attachments can jump ship, go from one person to the other. This tends to happen in certain healing sessions where the negative entity goes from the client to the healer who then has to get rid of it herself (which can be unpleasant and at times long and painful - it once took me six weeks of continuous headaches and various healing modalities to achieve this). In "miasm release sessions" we would often have two therapists for one client; one working with the client, the other removing the entity from the therapist after she released it from the client...

When heavy trauma is experienced of inflicted, like in trauma based mind-control, I sense that the soul may want to escape from the body, or can even be "harvested" by other entities, allowing another or other entities to step in.

It's a complex topic, and my explanation is not exhaustive. But the way psychology looks at mental health issues - calling them chemical imbalances in the brain without ever proving so - is certainly both reductionistic and incorrect.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Author

I can't get into that idea. Lots of people talk about it; loads of religions believe in such entities but I can't do it. I suspect electro-magnetic radiation is driving many people completely crazy and has done since the discovery of radar and electricity for homes.

Also on the other hand, I have actually seen, and benefitted from, ghostly activities which I cannot explain with physical reality.

Like, for example, the time when I was being strangled by a raging drunkard, at the top of a flight of stairs. He suddenly was 'thrown' up and off me, hurtling without touching the steps all the way to the bottom, where he lay in a crumpled heap as I ran over him to escape.

Another time I was on the Hill of Uisneach in central Ireland. I arrived at the Ail na Míreann ("stone of the divisions") and was greeted by the voices of a huge multitude of dogs, yapping, yowling and barking excitedly. I could not see where the sound was coming from and yet, from that point on the hill the whole land is visible. The din persisted for many minutes and eventually I greeted them back with enthusiasm "Hello! Nice to meet you!" and there was silence.... abruptly. Later, I went looking for a rescue centre or boarding kennels in the valley below. There was none. It was all just farmland and I did not hear the cacophony of dogs again. Uisneach is special to the Druids and Celts. It is considered the most spiritual place in Ireland.


I have no rational explanation for these experiences and very many more so maybe, there really are disembodied spiritual beings, both good and bad, around us all the time. I just know that they have helped me a thousand times and I have always felt very safe because of their presence, even in the toughest of situations.

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Thinking again about that horrific strangling incident, maybe your maharajah also has a super-hero costume?!

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Author

Oh, I never thought of that! lol - I have had a lifetime of these incredible miracles.... so many that I am guilty of taking them for granted. It never dawned on me that they could all be just one entity keeping a watchful eye. I always had the feeling that there were many and included ancestors and animal friends I have had. They don't exactly leave a calling card so identities are a bit elusive!

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks for sharing, Frances. You've had some interesting experiences. I wouldn't say I "believe" in them. I'm aware of them. I believe they explain much.

Perhaps it's irrelevant/unconnected, but there was an explosion in asylum building/provision during Victorian times, when spiritualism became popular and before our lives were electrified.

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Yeah but electro-magnetic radiation is also cosmic. So it is possible that waves of this radiation bathe the solar system and some people have no defence against them. I am listening to this https://youtu.be/DtKuQpJg0kc atm.... with Jerry Marzinsky - it certainly is fascinating!

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Great insights and explanations in the video.

I've been trying to get people to understand that their social structure (on a national level) but also the larger global social webbing, has changed and isn't returning.

Americans, don't like hearing, that they have lost their country...in truth they have been losing it, in decade chunks, for the past 100+ years. (setting aside the King John-Pope Innocence elephant, in the room for a moment).

This is true for everyone globally.

The reason this reality is hard to swallow, is it's been a slow, quiet theft, during that time.

What we are experiencing now (in the last 3 to 5 years) is akin to walking in on the burglars, nicking everything in your house. The difference is, they are the politicians, police, doctors, educators, bankers, magistrates, friends and in some cases family members.

After 9/11 the term "new normal" started making the rounds...the same happened after covid.

That phrase did two things...

1) it explained away the orchestrated chaos people were saddled with...like saying rising prices, energy and food shortages, will be the new normal...due to Putin's war....they don't say the quiet part....."that we orchestrated". They are saying we just have to get used to it.

2) It primes the masses, to mentally shift from concern, anger, fear and resistance...to acclimation, acceptance and adjustment...after all things will be NORMAL...just in a new way. "Normal" represents safety, stability, known quantities and calm....the status quo...and humans, on the whole, crave that, in times like these.

I agree with you Frances, I do not see a time or circumstances, where I would have anything in common or agreement...with these people, who have chosen this mental virus.

The one thing that I will say this whole scamdemic did for me, personally, was show me the types of people that I am surrounded by.

In many cases, it was shocking to see those I held in high esteem and respect, kneel and join the army of shock troops for the regime.

Kind of like getting a map of a mine field you have been strolling in for years, thinking it was just a lush, green field.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Your observations are top drawer imho.

Your second point dovetails nicely with the old theory Orden ab chao- Order from chaos where the masses accept any type of system, even if it actually harms them, for the appearance of calm, order.

I believe we are almost at the threshold - but fear that first, blood must be shed.

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" akin to walking in on the burglars, nicking everything in your house" - great analogy that! xx

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

EXCELLENT COMMENTARY! Many of us are on the same page you speak of. I knew approximately a decade ago, if not more, that America and the World were changing (I haven’t owned a television for nearly 20 years). You could say it is a certain “vibration” I felt. And, after the last three years or so, that “vibration” is visibly manifesting before my eyes. Sometimes words cannot convey my feelings, most likely innate feelings. Things that should be felt if we are AWAKE. I stay CLOSE to God my Father and nature. Thank you for your honest words, and God’s Loving Blessings to you.

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Thanks Renee!

I agree, it is palpable.

There also is no shortage of tangible and visual evidence, to show us just how far down, our societies have slid.

I keep getting interpretive flashes of Sodom and Gomora, running through my mind.

We've had plenty of individual occurrences, throughout history, but this is the first truly, simultaneous global fall.

It will get much worse, before it gets better. Strap in, know who your true and like minded friends are and then prepare and pray.

May God keep and hold you, through this time.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you precious human being in Jesus Christ. May God and His angels guide you and your loved ones toward all Goodness! Amen

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I’m afraid you’re right!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Frances Leader


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