Is everyone here in the world of reality, witnessing the insane amount of chemical trails now being unleashed day-in-day-out? It's truly shocking. I've been taking photo's of the lunatic pilots flying the planes pouring out whatever chemicals they're dumping into the atmosphere; it's shocking. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. ALL of the lunatics behind this psychopathic lunacy should be rounded up and eliminated immediately to protect the lives of billions of innocent people and their children. I have ZERO TLOERANCE for these lunatics. And yet, millions of oblivious zombies are waving their god-damn flags for the 'royal jubilee'. The Royal Family are so obviously part of the conspiracy and know EXACTLY what is really going on; they are responsible for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and should receive the death penalty if you ask. Maybe if they'd done a thorough job in 1945 we'd not be having to endure this insanity now. The incompetence and collusion of Govt's worldwide is truly shocking.

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May 19, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

If you are interested: 18 May 2022 UK Column News @ 61 minutes (1:01) Debi Evans, health reporter/advocate goes into some most probably unpublisized details re: WHO meeting 22 May ‘22:


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I say let the fucking hell-beings go back to hell. But is hell a place, or a state of mind/spirit? If the latter, then let's ship 'em off somewhere they can't get out of.

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022Author

According to Tibetan Buddhists the hell-beings are spirits who are obsessed with materialism. Wherever we find them gathered in significant numbers, that is hell. Therefore, Davos, Hollywood and all corporate HQs qualify. Some central banks and the IMF are strong contenders too, I reckon. Oh, and insurance companies. Possibly up-market designer shops too. Some Tibetan Buddhists would go a lot further and suggest that all western countries are hell. I think that there is a some merit in that assessment!

It might be hard to find somewhere big enough to accommodate them all..... Guantanamo is deffo too small. Australia isn't taking convicts any more, which is a pity.

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I feel like I'm in hell... Another hearing tomorrow morning. That will almost certainly be dismissed, too. Then I just have have, as far as I know, one more disemboweling attempt, and I have to figure out how to resist not evil, but work around it... with no money. Easy peasy.

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May 15, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Considering that Rockefeller gave them their prime real estate, and how diplomats behave and tie up what used to be a vital city, there’s nothing that can be seen as a useful bi-product of the UN.

Gaddafi’s speech, longer than Obama’s maybe? Castro? Khrushchev’s shoe banging? There have been some highlights, but overall? Useless bloviating. UN “peace keepers”? Notorious rapists, murderers, traffickers.

Back when 9/11 was still believed, I sometimes wondered why they could not have picked that gleaming glass building. What a wasted golden opportunity, thought naïve me.

Remember when the kids brought home little UNICEF bags from school to go out with on Halloween? Trick or Treat.

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Maybe the fact that the 'terrorists' did not choose to do the UN building suggests who the real perps were funded by.... not to put too much of a conspiracy theory on it.

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May 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

99.999% agree. (Judy Wood simply puts forth evidence in an unflappable manner, which is why I go down the “free energy” holes.)

There was no financial incentive to the UN, no Patriot Act waiting, ready to go, no bioterror ready to go, no lost billions in Pentagon budget which happened to be hit by a stunt jet which left no debris. Damn.

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

God gives us our human rights, the UN is just a corrupt, evil middle-man... lets cut the fat.

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