Very grateful. x Love the live Led Zep video. I just bought the remaining Led Zep albums on CD, last week, to complete my selection. They are my favourite band, and I have been cycling them since they arrived. Thank you, for you, too. Sending love and good wishes. x x x

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That concert was the highlight of my life! It was such an epic journey to get there safely, to stay together in the massive crowd and to find our friends who had travelled independently. Unbelievably, with the help of a homemade flag we gathered in the centre of the crowd and endured a blistering long day of music and unrelenting sunshine.

In the dark, after Led Zeppelin had rocked our socks off, we staggered back to our removals van and I slept underneath it because the smell of drunk friends was horrendous inside! (I don't drink alcohol!)

In the morning we discovered that we had a flat tyre and I ran over to an AA mechanic who was working on another vehicle in the massive field car park. I persuaded him to help us change the tyre and get us on the road again.

When I got home my 7 year old son was not speaking to me because I had been unable to take him with me. I gave him a Led Zeppelin t-shirt that I had bought for him but he never actually forgave me! Still hasn't, and he is 52 now! 😉

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Frances Leader

It sounds like you had an awesome time! In 1979 I was a snotty nosed 14 year old! 😆 I grew up listening to Led Zeppelin and I always wanted to see them live! They are fantastic musicians and I never get tired of listening to them!

I read your substack that you posted about a couple of months ago about this concert experience! It sounded like me and the things I did back in my younger days! I always loved to party!😁

Congratulations on your success here on substack! I've been on here for about a year now and I really like it! I haven't run into any censorship! Substack is all I do! I deleted my Instagram account, I'm not on Twatter, I still have a fascistbook account but haven't been on it for about 2 years now! I need to delete that too! They all censor too much, harvest people's data and spy on people's internet activity!

Your stuff on the black Nobility is fantastic! There's nothing Nobile about these "creatures" they're nothing but parasites! I'm really grateful to be able to find this highly censored information here on substack!👍 My motto nowadays is "I follow and pay attention to people who have been banned, shadowbanned, censored, deplatformed and canceled and had their voices silenced, because these canceled people have something to say that the overlord parasites don't want us to know and learn about!"

The information that "They" don't want us to learn is getting out and getting exposed! They are getting exposed! I'm like you, I hope that substack doesn't change!🙂

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What a fabulous story! I understand your son's stance. I don't forgive you for not taking me, either, and I'm 59! (Hahaha!) Frances, have you met this women in the digital space yet? I think you might like her and get a lot out of her work. I know I do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2wReAJXa_8

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I was born in Pisces, so the spiritual life is central to my thinking! Many thanks for the link. I didn’t know we are expecting an eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, nor did I know that the impact from eclipse is so profound.

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I'm really glad you are finding it helpful... had a feeling it would be. I am finding her readings so insightful and beneficial. x x x

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Well done Frances - it's amazing that you've posted a 1,000 times.

That's a prodigious amount of work. I am in awe of you.

Regarding those Black Nobility - we need an encyclopedia to track them all, to name them, shame them, and defame them. www.blacknobility.org ?????

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That has already been created and it is an amazing piece of work which gets deleted and re-uploaded repeatedly. For the time being, you can see it here:


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Wow - that's a great resource. Thanks. Not surprising it keeps disappearing.

I was thinking about the challenge of funding people that are involved in fighting back against Evil. When you look at what the cabal does they use the most profitable business model in history - Profit From Harms - and they monopolize it. If there is anyone that cuts into their profits, e.g. rival drug trafficking, they eliminate them with the 'Law.' It makes it challenging to find righteous ways to fund the fight back.

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Sep 15Liked by Frances Leader

congrats Frances! thanks for posting this link, indeed quite a work of networks and knowledge. untill it disappeared I used to read Return of Zeus' site. another source is Sem Brouthes' The Venetian Black Nobility (2004?) - https://sembrouthes.wordpress.com/the-venetian-black-nobility-a-history/

and the mirrored Marco Felucci video (2017) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDBCkj_HxAU

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Blacknobility or globalist, or banksters are just many names to Talmudic satanic geouze.

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My next door neighbor is a black nobility? He contribute money to support transsexuals and importing illegals. He also own porn hubs? He funded the Bolsheviks who murdered 60 million Christians...

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Those are heavy claims. Who is your next door neighbour?

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Congratulations Frances. You can definitely be described as indefatigable. I don't know if I've ever known you stop from the first moment I came across you, and that's got to be significantly more than a dozen years ago. OOxx

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Sep 16Liked by Frances Leader



So glad I found you here on SS. ^_^

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And I am always glad that I found youoooooo! xx

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Sep 16Liked by Frances Leader

Troooo luv! ^_^

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Sep 16Liked by Frances Leader

Congratulations on your first thousand posts. Here's to the next thousand

Thanks for all you do, Frances

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A Reign of 1000 years - ooh the quite bit came out LOUD 🤣 ( SORRY ) my dark twisted humour came across as a ( DIS ) Never in a million years Fran 💓

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Sep 16Liked by Frances Leader

Cheers! (nonetheless)

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Sep 16Liked by Frances Leader


Congrats on 1k!

I have always had issues with "social' media' and when I was a candidate for city council in '19, I found out how it can be used against an individual. As a result, I quit all social media. Following a few friends' encouragement, I started a Substack, recently.

I was never a hippie, but I've always marched to a different drummer. It can be challenging being an intuitive perceiving personality in a world of sensory perceiving personalities!

Following an epiphany in 2009, I began searching for realities that are rarely, if ever, shared with the masses. After posting a brief note of frustration on a website down under, surprisingly, I received a response from a gal who had been born in Britain, grew up in Canada, and was living in Arizona at the time. Following a flurry of email exchanges, she arranged for me to post columns on Canada Free Press (CFP).

I enjoyed my opportunity to post on the site, but some of my posts reveal how uninformed I was. Once I went through the truth stargate, I needed to change my perspective ever more, which conflicted with how some people see the world. I cherish the friendships I made and continue to have with people in Canada and the U. S. as a result of my postings on CFP.

At the suggestion of a friend, I start each day with an upbeat, musical, or informative email to my email list ..., before sharing a dose of reality, which can be distressing. Once one sees reality for what it is, he/she can't unsee it!

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congratulations Frances. It's good to feel some traction after being flattened.

May all substackers find such open appreciation awaiting them.

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Sep 16Liked by Frances Leader

Congrats on #1000!!

Thanks for all you do, always! 💖

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Sep 15Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you Frances. Lots and lots of very good work; including the autobiographical (some of my favorite).

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Sep 15Liked by Frances Leader

I'll never forget those days on Twitter😁Especially towards the end when it was a Tsunami of trolls...water off a duck's back2 U Frances. I thought I was losing my mind a few times though lol🦆😆

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Sep 15Liked by Frances Leader

Led Zepplin, 2,3, and 4 filled my formative years (never got to see them live though) - you lucky thing you). But me and my best friend saw Deep Purple, Johnny Winter, and Jethro Tull at the Albert Hall (separately 😅), in the late 70s for 7s/6p in 'the Gods', where we danced our socks off!! Plus I saw Spirit at the Hammersmith Odeon!!!

I never thought I would be introduced to you, Frances, all these years later. Your impact far outweighs that of all these bands put together. You make my heart burst with your crystalline soul.


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7 shillings and sixpence? What a bargain! 🤣😂

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YES. Fantastic. Congratulation. What else to say? That you send me to some unecpeted journey, where I find so many interesting people and so many great articles. Jeanne was my No1 caretaker and leader through the Substack, but I thing she she won't mind if I write that now she and you are my No1 together. Little joke. Thank you very much Frances. Really I am. God bless your beautiful soul.

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A lot of my inspiration for research comes from my regular commenters! They trigger me with titbits of information, links and ideas every day. I cannot claim that I dream up new rabbit holes to explore all by myself. We are a community, here on Substack, and we are mostly aiming to learn more truth.... even if it means we have to get down and dirty from time to time! xx

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I send you Like, because nothing happend when I hit the button. Congratulations again, really excellent work, Frances. Bye

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What a ride! Congrats on all your accomplishments! ... & Many more!

Rock on!

💗 (❁´◡`❁)

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Sep 15Liked by Frances Leader

Frances I feel truly blessed to have found you and your exquisite writings. You have broadened my mind scape and refreshed my thoughts with deepened topics that inspire me.

I wish you comfort and love from my heart to yours. Hugs 🤗

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Thanks a lot, Mark! xx

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