This Off-Guardian article points out that due to Brexit we Brits have been missing out on the unenviable business opportunities in insect farming.
I know, you are so keen to eat insects, aren’t you? 🤣😂
They say “Apparently, one effect of Brexit is that the UK no longer belonged to the European Union’s “novel foods” programme, which approved many varieties of insects for human consumption.
Because of this the farming and selling of insects as food has been essentially banned in the UK for years.
The BBC had a report about this a few days ago, bemoaning the impact on the UK’s edible insect industry, and headlined:
Has Brexit squashed our edible insect industry?
The blurb goes on to repeat the all-too-familiar pro-bug eating propaganda, and suggests there could a “revival”:
Bugs – the superfood that doesn’t cost the earth. They’re higher in protein than meat and release far lower CO2 emissions than livestock farming. So experts tell us that, if we want to save the planet, we should eat more insects. However, selling insects as food in the UK was essentially banned following Brexit, leaving the insect industry in limbo. But could there now be a revival?
The “revival” has been in the works for at least a few weeks. Last month the UK government launched a “consultation” on the legal status of edible insects, according to the Food Standard’s Agency website:
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has set out plans to allow edible insects to remain on the market while they go through the Novel Foods authorisation process to assess their safety.
This means you can now legally farm and sell edible insects in the UK, despite there being no formal legal approval or even an “assessment of their safety”.
Lots of fun and games in the latest UK Column News. Try the 33 minute mark with Moonbat Monbiot declaring that agriculture is the most destructive human activity on the planet. Listen to the interviewer unable to suppress her mirth. “Eating meat and milk and eggs is an indulgence we can’t afford!” says Earnest George.
I admit that if I want a really good belly laugh I find out what George Moonbat is up to.
So …. what is really going on and who is really behind this?
The UKC presenters ask a similar question earlier when we hear this exchange:
-“What that subscriber is pointing out is the lack of trust that results in a government when the government is clearly following an agenda which is not the agenda of either the voters or the parliament or anything that’s visible but it’s something that is hidden, something that’s concealed, it’s something where he is speculating that Fauci gave him instructions but the key point is that it’s very clear that somebody is giving him instructions and we don’t know who and it’s certainly not someone we can vote out of office or hold to account.”
-“Again it’s not the White House. It’s something else in the US in this case which tells the White House and allied governments and occupied governments like Germany what to do.”
Did anyone notice Moonbot staring with wide open eyes? The guy has been terrorised and so thoroughly brainwashed that I think he is now somewhat psychotic.
9 Aug 2022: Bugs are a vector for sickness and disease
You know those edible insects you keep hearing you’re gonna be eating soon?
Well turns out, according to an extremely rigorous study, a whole host of parasites were found in the “livestock” of 81% of insect farms. Furthermore, in 30 to 35% of the farms studied, those parasites were pathogenic to animals and/or humans.
So the bugs are not just disgusting as an idea, they’re literally a vector for sickness and disease. This research paper is absolutely jaw dropping. It’s also packed with stomach turning detail. I recommend reading it well outside the parameters of any meal; and keep a bucket close by for safe measure.