I like Whitney Webb.
She is tenacious and thorough in her research. Here she digs into the World Economic Forum and covers the most important facts in 30 minutes.
The video blurb is:
“The World Economic Forum (WEF) plays a significant role in guiding international developments in the interests of the business community. They invite the most powerful people in the world to an annual conference in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss their dreams of the future. These are dreams where the powerful stay powerful, and the underclasses continue to toil and suffer.
Even when they invite a dissenting voice such as climate activist Greta Thunberg, or historian Rutger Bregman, their criticisms are heavily publicized without changing the core of WEF's mission — to solidify corporate control over the governments' of the world. Investigative journalist Whitney Webb joins MintPress for this special report explaining the internal workings and goals of the shady corporatist WEF institution.”
Further info can be found here.
I've been following Whitney for a while. She's an example of a bona fide investigative reporter. Then there's George Webb (no relation as far as I know) another sleuth with some deep dive allies in the military. Otherwise, as far as intel analysts goes (military experience is critical, IMO) Jeff Prather is essential for weekly updates. Meantime, a few of us continue to play dot-connector. Thanks for the report! I love to see Whitney getting recognition for her diligence.