S'funny that they love to challenge authority but avoid a challenge from within the grass roots, don't you think?
Image: Yeah, that is me. Scary British grannie activist with 55 years of experience challenging authority, so listen up boys!
UPDATE 29th April 2022
Fed up of waiting for either Dr Malone or Steve Kirsch to either acknowledge or respond to my challenge of 18th April 2022, despite providing them both with a link to the post several times, I have now commented upon Steve Kirsch’s epic questionnaire post which you can find here.
I wrote, as follows:
”The authorities and leaders you are challenging are HAPPY that you are misleading the public into binary thinking. They always have a narrative and a counter narrative, neither of which is accurate.
Let me assure you, Steve, this is not an either/or issue.
Having come into the discussion only post-vaccination, you are limiting your challenge to the efficacy (or lack thereof) of the vaccines. You also make the glaring mistake of taking a blinkered, USA only, viewpoint. I should not have to remind you that Covid19 is a global matter but sadly, it does seem that you need reminding.
I have challenged you and Dr Malone to re-examine the entire Covid19 pandemic by forgetting the whole "virus" excuse and looking for alternative root causes. I have provided you with all my best research (dating back to January 2020). I have supported my theory with a huge amount of proof, scientific papers and links to articles. I have commented on your Substack repeatedly.
Now I am determined that you will see my challenge and respond.
Check out the challenge here (put your cheque book away, Steve. I am not in this for money or paid subscribers). I am in this fight for THE TRUTH and if you are genuine, you will give me a hearing.”
I won’t hold my breath. The 5G does that for me.
UPDATE 30th April 2022
Ooh look at this! I got a reply:
I think we now have “evidence” and “dozens of experts” among ourselves who can see precisely what Steve Kirsch is all about.
Today Steve Smersh has produced another lengthy Substack post:
He asks if he has missed anything!
When I composed my response to that question I discovered that I have been banned from commenting for 100 years!!! (I did giggle!)
Here is my comment:
“Yes! You missed mentioning that you will only tolerate a limited narrative yourself.
You also failed to mention that, when challenged, you refused to examine the reams of evidence provided in the challenge and preferred to insult the challenger with bitchcraft taken straight from the Trolls Handbook.
You neglect to mention the part you play in protecting Silicon Valley which is guilty of covering up the horrors of electro-magnetic radiation. You prefer to label this assertion as "ridiculous".
You are being exposed as a controlled opposition operative by your OWN behaviour.”
Good on you! There is something about both of them that make my skin crawl - I think they have their place in waking people up, but now that they have so many people “on our side” why aren’t they uncovering money. Steve’s constant posts about paying people for a debate (or whatever else) just seem so slimebally to me.
I also won’t be holding my breath for a response, but I hope you get one either way!
YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS. They know you know, and that's why they don't respond. My BS Detector went off immediately with Dr. Malone (I was attacked on FB for even questioning him, because "he's on the Truthers' side!!!!!!!" and hysteria does nothing for convincing me of anything, thanks), and it went off again after I read three or four of Steve's posts... Here's a damn millionaire, TECH guy, asking for a $5 fee to read his BS. When I asked him to explain why he continued to refer to the Jab as a "vaccine," he never did answer. Seems that IS his answer, silence. No...
And then there's Naomi Wolf, the big deal "feminist" truther, who had no problem throwing her sisters under the bus when she very indignantly called out the men who quietly emailed her telling her they liked that she spoke out, but they were afraid to lose their jobs... by calling these cowardly men "pussies." Nice work, Naomi. She not only slapped ALL women, but also attempted to shame these men into outing themselves... hmmmm. AND she deleted my comment. HA.
So... YES, I think you're SPOT ON. I sincerely doubt either of these Agents of the Regime will agree to debate you (they'd be fools to do that, really!) and it's just more grist for the Globalist Psy-Op going on. As J.R. said, YOU ROCK. These false Good Guys do not. They're fetid in their falseness. Fie.