I rarely hear speakers who tick all the boxes and join all the dots.
This podcast is like a race around every loose end that flaps about in your mind and ties them all together in a cohesive web, revealing who pulls the puppet strings and, most importantly, why they get pulled.
Give this guy your fullest attention. Ignore his habit of saying, “guess what” every five minutes. Listen intensely - it will be worth your time and trouble.
After you have heard him, let’s discuss his revelations in comments.
See you there!
were there signals coming from people or not? I have seen it? I have also know they have added security measures so you have to tap 7 times to get the unregistered BTLTE devices on your phone and blue tooth Scanner the most popular app is nonfunctional with the new update. Im pretty certain they could turn it off it they wanted to? im thinking it wasn't just SV40 they probably did multiple things to cause plausible deniability. With double-blind testing.
^^^Many definite gaps in my knowledge